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Flagships: An Enormous Waste


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To all who this may concern at EA/Bioware : We the players of the game are constantly purchasing your expansions which are to my knowledge to make our gaming experience more enjoyable. With that in mind you should know that you cannot expect people to enjoy an expansion when you have 1) Added an option to the game for guilds to have a flagship and conquer planets without taking into consideration that 50 million credits is an OUTRAGEOUS amount of coin for a guild to afford (coupling that with the fact that most guilds have an alternate on their opposite faction i.e. Imperial guild usually form a Republic counterpart) 2) You add this expansion with the hope that people utilize these ships to explore the content 3) You also have deprived yourselves of an opportunity to make more money on your creations by excluding an option for a guild to buy a flagship with cartel coins instead of only credits 4) While you have provided players to enjoy an option to purchase their housing with cartel coins you still deprive their guilds from buying a headquarters and/or a flagship unless they pay credits. Now once you understand these points you may want to think about choosing to add more purchase options to flagships and guild headquarters such as a cartel coins option because it will accomplish 2 things 1) People will be able to buy flagships without credits and less people will resort to paying foreign credit farmers to make enough credits for their purchases 2) YOU Will make FAR MORE Money for your business.
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Be glad you can't afford one.


My guild scraped up the money to purchase one, but now it's clear that actually unlocking rooms for it (especially those requiring Engineering Frameworks) will be virtually impossible, given that even moderately sized guilds that are heavily active cannot reliably place on the planetary leaderboards.

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Be glad you can't afford one.


My guild scraped up the money to purchase one, but now it's clear that actually unlocking rooms for it (especially those requiring Engineering Frameworks) will be virtually impossible, given that even moderately sized guilds that are heavily active cannot reliably place on the planetary leaderboards.


You didn't do research beforehand to determine this? And I have seen plenty of smaller guild compete and place top ten and even win.


OP the price is fine and plenty of people are enjoying it. Hence all of the guilds filling up leaderboards. Sorry you don't like it, don't participate then.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Be glad you can't afford one.


My guild scraped up the money to purchase one, but now it's clear that actually unlocking rooms for it (especially those requiring Engineering Frameworks) will be virtually impossible, given that even moderately sized guilds that are heavily active cannot reliably place on the planetary leaderboards.


While guild top 10 rewards are the most lucrative (and simplest) way to upgrade your ship, just trying to farm commanders in groups of 12 is another way to go about it.


If you're able to kill 4 commanders (and not get a purple framework to drop) you basically have enough encryptions (although they may be different components) to buy a framework.


If you think placing in the top 10 is not your guild's strength, having people set up alts near commander spawn locations and just checking in on them every so often is an alternative strategy that can be useful, but is certainly more long term than top-10 rewards.

Edited by JMagee
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While guild top 10 rewards are the most lucrative (and simplest) way to upgrade your ship, just trying to farm commanders in groups of 12 is another way to go about it.


If you're able to kill 4 commanders (and not get a purple framework to drop) you basically have enough encryptions (although they may be different components) to buy a framework.


If you think placing in the top 10 is not your guild's strength, having people set up alts near commander spawn locations and just checking in on them every so often is an alternative strategy that can be useful, but is certainly more long term than top-10 rewards.


Indeed. We were able to grab 180 encryptions and 5 frameworks within the first three days of launch by having set timers for commanders and farming them.

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I didn't expect to see 10th thread about the "outrageous" price of flagships. Especially three weeks after its release. Clearly I was wrong.


It's outrageous that you are willing to pay about 40 000 CC rather than earn it with your guildmates. Money isn't an answer to everything.

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If you're able to kill 4 commanders (and not get a purple framework to drop) you basically have enough encryptions (although they may be different components) to buy a framework.


Sorry to be offtopic, but my guild doesn't have a ship and is saving to get one, so I don't yet know much about them.


What commanders are these?

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Sorry to be offtopic, but my guild doesn't have a ship and is saving to get one, so I don't yet know much about them.


What commanders are these?


So, in order to upgrade your ship, you need to Purple items called X Frameworks (where X=Engineering/Command/Logistical). Different upgrades require different frameworks. And it requires anywhere between 2-6 purple materials (and a bunch more money).


You can also exchange 50 blue X Encryptions for a single X Framework at a vendor on the fleet.


If you look at opposite faction bases on non origin and homeworld planets, places you'd be attacked by turrets/patrolling NPCs and become auto-flagged for PvP, there is now a Champion mob that spawns. Basically he is the Commander of the opposite faction base. If you put together an Ops group to kill this Champion, he will drop a blue Encryption for members of the group (up to 12) and has a chance to drop a purple Framework.


There are both named Commanders and generic Commanders that spawn, and they have a shield on them that counts down. While the shield is up, you are unable to attack the Commander. One of the perks of conquest is if you control a planet, you can use an orbital bombardment that knocks the shield off, so you don't have to wait for the timer to reach zero.


Hope this helps.

Edited by JMagee
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Be glad you can't afford one.


My guild scraped up the money to purchase one, but now it's clear that actually unlocking rooms for it (especially those requiring Engineering Frameworks) will be virtually impossible, given that even moderately sized guilds that are heavily active cannot reliably place on the planetary leaderboards.


Not true. My guild has only about 32 reliable players competing in Conquests and we've got 2 ships (1 Imp, 1 Pub) and 112 Encryptions. We've also placed top 4 every week so far.

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Not true. My guild has only about 32 reliable players competing in Conquests and we've got 2 ships (1 Imp, 1 Pub) and 112 Encryptions. We've also placed top 4 every week so far.


Out of curiosity, what planet are you invading right now and what is your score?


The Ebon Hawk is a much more populous server than Jung Ma, I believe.

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I think our flagship is getting along very good, we have a policy that all decorations that drops in guildgroups go first to the flagship (either donated or unlocked by a player, either way it ends up on the flagship).


I am happy with it

Edited by Icestar
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Out of curiosity, what planet are you invading right now and what is your score?


The Ebon Hawk is a much more populous server than Jung Ma, I believe.

The more popular servers definitely have higher competition to get on the leaderboards.


Here are the lowest scores that made it to the top 10 last week:


The Trade Emporium


Harbinger - 3,168,996

Red Eclipse - 3,057,482

Jedi Covenant - 2,704,514

Ebon Hawk - 2,517,281

ToFN - 1,878,936

Shadowlands - 1,683,553

T3 M4 - 1,629,420

Bastion - 1,337,774

Vanjervalis Chain - 1,330,521

MotF - 1,316,296

Progenitor - 1,214,086

Darth Nihilus - 872,800

Begeren Colony - 749,486

POT5 - 731,149

Battle Meditation - 629,928

Jar'kai Sword - 554,237

Jung Ma - 324,734


The top 4 servers required a considerable investment (2.5 million+) just to place at all.


But note that was on a 3-planet conquest. The previous week (a 5-planet conquest) told a different story:


The Clash in Hyperspace


Shadowlands - 1,556,935

Jedi Covenant - 1,360,815

Red Eclipse - 1,339,135

Harbinger - 954,725

T3 M4 - 945,265

POT5 - 932,825

ToFN - 753,640

Ebon Hawk - 621,080

Progenitor - 591,390

Bastion - 412,445

MotF - 401,475

Begeren Colony - 381,530

Battle Meditation - 274,435

Jung Ma - 239,990

Jar'kai Sword - 232,410

Darth Nihilus - 210,305

Vanjervalis Chain - 158,595


The top 3 servers required only 1.3 million+ to place. And remember that the first half of that week had the "infinitely repeating storymode flashpoint" points (which has since been removed).


Fewer than half of all available conquests are 3-planet weeks, so a small-to-medium sized guild will still be able to compete for 10th place or better as long as they're willing to put in the effort.

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I think not being able to buy a guild Flagship with Cartel Coins, i.e. real world cash, is a good idea. Players buying personal Strongholds with Cartel Coins own that Stronghold for as long as they have their account. Guild Flagships belong to the current GM. Guild management can change. Sometimes real world events prevent a GM from logging into the game for 30 days. Should that happen, the person who purchased the Flagship could still be paying off their credit card bill for the Cartel Coins while another person controls the Flagship. Not a good thing. There's no way to differentiate Cartel Coins granted for having a sub, security key, or friend referrals from those bought from the SWTOR store.


Figure out how much each guild member can regularly contribute to the guild bank. Determine how long it will take to achieve the goal of getting a Flagship. Mark the date on a calendar. Then, work towards achieving the goal.

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To all who this may concern at EA/Bioware : We the players of the game are constantly purchasing your expansions which are to my knowledge to make our gaming experience more enjoyable. With that in mind you should know that you cannot expect people to enjoy an expansion when you have 1) Added an option to the game for guilds to have a flagship and conquer planets without taking into consideration that 50 million credits is an OUTRAGEOUS amount of coin for a guild to afford (coupling that with the fact that most guilds have an alternate on their opposite faction i.e. Imperial guild usually form a Republic counterpart) 2) You add this expansion with the hope that people utilize these ships to explore the content 3) You also have deprived yourselves of an opportunity to make more money on your creations by excluding an option for a guild to buy a flagship with cartel coins instead of only credits 4) While you have provided players to enjoy an option to purchase their housing with cartel coins you still deprive their guilds from buying a headquarters and/or a flagship unless they pay credits. Now once you understand these points you may want to think about choosing to add more purchase options to flagships and guild headquarters such as a cartel coins option because it will accomplish 2 things 1) People will be able to buy flagships without credits and less people will resort to paying foreign credit farmers to make enough credits for their purchases 2) YOU Will make FAR MORE Money for your business.


firstly, this is not a expansion, secondly u didnt pay for it.


guild im in is a small-medium size, for day it came out we planned and organised ourselfs in advance to ensure we had 50million credits plus alot towards room unlocks. we place in top 10 all time, we kill commanders regular for frame works, we have crafters doing that route. we work as a guild and have had zero problems getting what we need. we not won a planet YET but we happy we in top 10 week in week out.


I am so shocked to see you wud rather pay 40k coins than work as a guild and achieve ya target like most others.


really gripes on me when i keep seeing this small guilds cant compete blah blah, we average 8-10 online most evenings and we kicking ***, so stop whining, stop blaming others and for god sake try working as a guild to get your "guild" flagship.


So sick of these "i want easy option" people.

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I see both sides of the coin here. 50 million is not too much for any size guild. I am close to enough to buy the guild ship single handed, I just don't trust people in the game enough to share one. So the next step if I keep playing is to put all my toons into 1 man guilds and decide which ship to get.

That said, I'll place nowhere on the board. So probably wont even try. It seems very elitist to me, designed specifically for the play all day, mega guilds. A small guild has to have all members active all day to be in with a chance and that is just not fair.

Its not the end of the world for me, there are many other things to do in the game. I'm sure BW will understand how wrong it is when lack of participation forces a change.

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That said, I'll place nowhere on the board. So probably wont even try. It seems very elitist to me, designed specifically for the play all day, mega guilds. A small guild has to have all members active all day to be in with a chance and that is just not fair.

You're on Harbinger, right?


The lowest score to get on the leaderboard two weeks ago was 950k. That's only out of your reach if you're so self-defeating that you give up before the race has begun.

Edited by Khevar
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The lowest score to get on the leaderboard two weeks ago was 950k. That's only out of your reach if you're so self-defeating that you give up before the race has begun.


True. Some of our guild members have 110k and 192k already(I have measly 30k, but still), and the night is still young. You can place in top ten on any week with five or more zones being contested.


To get to the first place, you have to join a mega-guild, but that's how it is.

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I'm a big confused by the comments here. These leader boards are by server are they not? So why does my leader board show guilds from Bastion and 'Saul Karath' which I don't even see in the server list
These are servers that have been closed and merged with your current server. Guilds still show the name of the server they were originally created on (this was added so guilds with the same name on each server that was merged were able to keep their name with an @ <server name> suffix to differentiat them. Apparently that code is still used on the leaderboards. Personally, I wish we could shut the @ <serverName> off client side as it doesn't look too nice. Edited by Glzmo
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