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Social Gear Only Light Armor *** !


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Just because something comes from a Social vendor doesn't mean that it's for a "social" occasion. This armor just happens to be a reward for being social.


A lot of the social gear, and I'm getting the feeling that most of you don't realize this, is actual armor. It's not all dresses and bikinis (love the social III armor, and I'd but it right now if it were for a medium wearer). Social vendor armor often really looks awesome, is of custom quality, and of course utilizes the mod system. It's not just elegant wear on Coruscant.


The mod system is amazing in this game and it's a shame that only light armor wearers benefit from this system when it comes to the social vendors. It doesn't matter if you think getting custom pieces from a social vendor makes the gear only social or not, the simple fact is that a certain type of class is benefiting from the vendor while medium and heavy wearers are not.


Honestly, if you're going to act like someone's genuine complaint is ridiculous at least do them the courtesy of knowing what they're talking about. Also, try to look at the issue objectively instead of providing non-constructive comments that are purely bias.


Long story short: My social is pretty high and I want to be rewarded for it. Right now, there's nothing really for me since I'm a smuggler. Just because this armor comes from a Social vendor doesn't mean it's not for battle. After all, I do battle in order to get my social level up!

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As others have said, it's social gear meant to be worn for looks.


Yes, a light armor wearer can use this for combat if they mod it up.


Who cares? By mid 20's if you do anything right, all your gear with be orange moddable already anyway with any class. Armor has more or less no value in this game. It's all about the mods if you go the orange gear route.


Hi! I see you couldn't be bothered to read through the thread before posting. You might want to fix that.


As others have mentioned, and corrected numerous similar people in topics like this one, and others, social armor is not for non combat. In fact, the game itself has a loading screen that says that leveling up your social armor will get you access to better gear.


Currently, this is true for Consulars and Inquisitors. In beta, it was also true for every other class, as they had class unique social armors at the end-game of the social point grind, and every armor tier was represented. For some reason after a rollback/patch/whatever, they all disappeared, and haven't been fixed yet.


Furthermore, Stephen Reid, a major developer for the game, confirmed that they're aware that this is an issue. Unfortunately, they're apparently putting scaling all social armor up so everyone can use it on the back-burner right now, going off of his post.


The post in question inferred that you'd eventually even be able to tank with social armor as a heavy armor tank. So I hope that dispels the belief that it's non-combat armor for you.



On top of all of that, some armor is currently light, but shouldn't be. Imperial Trooper armor, for instance, is not at all light armor to look at. It's medium armor, or heavy armor, as evidenced by the class it fits (Agent.).

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Doesn't modded gear have the same armor value regardless of the type?


No, each type of armour (light, medium, heavy) has it's own base values that are different from each other. The mods that are inserted increase the base values. If all the armours had no base value and was determined by , say the player class/subclass, then it wouldn't be an issue and everyone could wear ANY armour, but that is not the case.

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No, each type of armour (light, medium, heavy) has it's own base values that are different from each other. The mods that are inserted increase the base values. If all the armours had no base value and was determined by , say the player class/subclass, then it wouldn't be an issue and everyone could wear ANY armour, but that is not the case.


Of course not, that would make sense.

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So ....


Some of the social gear looks amazing but, the major problem with it is that they seem to be all light armor value. Granted that is great for those who were light armor but, for most of the other classes that dont its really becomes useless especially for Tanks who were Heavy Armor for example BH.


Really need to have the Armor Scale to medium & heavy.


The only classes that can benifit from this is a Jedi Counclier or Sith Inquister




Bioware need to take a good look at this



Why would someone be social in a full suit of armor? I mean, really?

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I've seen a consular running around in the dancers outfit in PvP, she's pretty freaking effective, and probably a bit distracting to the opposing team as well.


May have been me; I've got a Kinetic Shadow I keep up to date with epic mods my main crafts. Why? Because it amuses me for the moment and breaks up the monotony of yet another robe or dress wearing Forcer.


I'm having a blast and so are my groups, and I'll stay in this gear until I get bored of upgrading it or I find something that really looks awesome.


Until then, Tarro Blood gets at least one up and coming Shadow Tank dressed like a street walker.


Because I can, because I stay up to level with mods, and because the sight of a half naked toon pissing off bosses, holding aggro, or coming at you in a WZ just makes me amused to no end.

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I agree with the notion of remove the armor value from social or simply put in Med/Heavy social gear.


The fact Light armor wearing toons get 2000 credits for a full set of gear that can last them from lv 1-50 really isn't fair.


A simple solution is remove the MOD slots from the social gear (put social gear as its own armor type like "YELLOW" ) or create multiple versions of the armor.


I believe in Beta they had Light/Med/Heavy and it suddenly vanished, as mentioned earlier on this thread. Also there is no Social I male gear for Republic (and likewise no FEMALE gear for imperials). If anything it could just be that Social gear is completely bugged out at the moment.


It also would be nice if LIGHT / DARK rank had better rewards. One piece of Customizable gear at lv 27 isnt' exactly enticing to get to rank V (especially when the gear is rank II or III ). If anything why are just the boots customizable? Make the gloves also!

Edited by ChaosKnightV
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In this person's opinion, their best bet would be to just simply add a line of code to all Social gear that makes it's armor class go to whatever the highest armor proficiency is of the person equipping it. That allows everyone to use it that wants to, without having to sacrifice armor to do so.


To those who seem to be so opposed to this, why? You play your game your way, and let others play the game the way that they want to. The social gear looks awesome in most cases, and it seems a bit unfair, and even highly illogical in some cases, to limit it to only Light armor. The Empire side CE only Social armor, is heavy Imperial Trooper armor, yet it's Light armor?


As stated earlier, there used to be different armor classes for Social gear in beta, but it's just gone now. Can we please get some sort of a Dev response on why, or if they are considering changing up the system to something that allows equality for all?

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In this person's opinion, their best bet would be to just simply add a line of code to all Social gear that makes it's armor class go to whatever the highest armor proficiency is of the person equipping it. That allows everyone to use it that wants to, without having to sacrifice armor to do so.


Personally, I'd go the other way with it and make social armor truly social. Remove the mod slots, make it all light, and boom, it's fair for everyone. Useless outside social situations, of course, but fair.

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Personally, I'd go the other way with it and make social armor truly social. Remove the mod slots, make it all light, and boom, it's fair for everyone. Useless outside social situations, of course, but fair.


Yep. This is what they need to do.


What's driving this entire conversation is medium/heavy armor users wanting a set of modifiable armor for about 300 credits per character sheet armor slot. That's not the purpose of social armor. Social armor needs to have its mod slots removed.

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Personally, I'd go the other way with it and make social armor truly social. Remove the mod slots, make it all light, and boom, it's fair for everyone. Useless outside social situations, of course, but fair.


Except being social isn't just standing around in the middle of the fleet chatting, it's actually going out there and doing content with people.


It's called social gear because you earn it with social points. They're called social points because you get them by being social, which in BioWare's mind is doing quests, operations, warzones etc with people.


Claiming that they shouldn't have stats or come in medium and heavy versions because it's social gear is stupid. Social in an mmo is doing content, which requires gear. If all you wanted to do was chat with people then go to a chat room or forum.

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What's driving this entire conversation is medium/heavy armor users wanting a set of modifiable armor for about 300 credits per character sheet armor slot.


Claiming that that is the entire point of the conversation is just silly. Most Social armor looks awesome. Much better than whatever is currently available to you at that level. And it's moddable. The price, for me and I imagine for most people, isn't in the consideration. We just would like to be able to equip it and not be punished for being something other than a Sith Inquisitor or Jedi Consular.

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Yep. This is what they need to do.


What's driving this entire conversation is medium/heavy armor users wanting a set of modifiable armor for about 300 credits per character sheet armor slot. That's not the purpose of social armor. Social armor needs to have its mod slots removed.


I am sorry but this post and most if not all other posts against this idea are based on conjecture and opinions. YOU believe that social armor is not to be used for combat. WE believe it can be used for whatever we want. If I want to go into pvp dressed as a tusken raider why is that any business of yours? I don't understand the elitist attitude that because you think the social armor should be used one way that we all have to conform to it.


I currently wear modded lower level gear because I don't enjoy looking like every other bounty hunter and I personally don't think the armor looks as good as some of the earlier stuff we got. There are some awesome social armors, like the tusken raider and imperial trooper, that I would wear right now if I could. But unless I want to REROOOOOLL that isn't going to happen because I don't spend my time in-game sitting around the cantina chatting with sith.


In all honestly the facts are these. Heavy and Medium social gear was in the game in beta. It was removed for unknown reasons we will never learn. It is a bad strategy to remove items that help one class if you don't remove them for all classes. It is also bad to punish a paying customer for choosing to be one thing instead of another. This is Bioware not Bank of America. We shouldn't be punished for playing our way.


Basically you are looking at the best solution for all players and saying "nope let's making it complicated." It is just silly.

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That being said, it's social gear and I think they want social gear to be wearable by anyone so they made it an armor type that everyone can equip.. cuz I would be sad if they made a set that looked cool but I couldn't wear it on my consular because it's medium or heavy.

So, make identical-looking sets of medium and heavy armor. It's not like the vendors will fall under the weight of their inventory if their lists get a little longer.

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TBH the better solution to this is make social gear social. So ATM you have Light, Med, Heavy armor types. Make Social armor as "Social" armor type, so even with armoring mods they are way lower than even Light armor.


The trouble with such things is as others have said that there are alot of social sets (i think its 12-15) and as they class as light armor the consulars and inquisitors are using them as either cheep armor sets to buy and throw mods in or getting that piece that they havnt yet been able to get like a helm in most cases, or just because they like the look of it and prefer it to the normal armors they get.

If you look at the light armor (as in the real stuff) most of it at least resembles armor in some form or another, or atleast would offer mild protections. In the case of all except maybe the Hoth set, Taris set and i think maybe 1-2 others they dont look anything like armor. But at least in the case of the Taris and Hoth ones they could pass for being Med or even Heavy armors by the look of them. Thinks like the Republic and Imperial officer outfits from the CE / VIP vendor (cant remember which) is what the imperial agent should really be and is commanly seen running about in at least in the movies and games.


Some of this of course becomes redundant once you are into the hardmodes or ops anyway as likely chance if your gunna replace it all with set gear what makes everyone look the same unless you are lucky enough to get enough epic lv X armoring mods of equal value to the gear you are turning down because you dont like the way it looks.


On another sidenote i dont know how a headband can class as heavy or medium armor for jedi knight guardians and sentinals.

Edited by demonssword
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love my sand people outfit. lv 40 atm with my sin. I am finding it harder to justify it however, since I'm starting to get rather nice orange quest rewards. Taking the mods out and putting them in my outfit works but is becoming expensive since to pull those mods it's getting upwards of 2-3k a mod. Not sure if I'm going to keep it till 50 or not, since it's just easier to take the quest rewards than to hassle with the mods.


I agree there should be "social" gear for all armor types, and not just light.

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i Agree i would love to have my republic armor as a med without the armor hit, i can out stat other stuff but the armor difference helps in PVE, i don't know about pvp as i dont tend to do it that often. and amen on the freaking hair bands to add insult to injury my jedi is a chrome dome so he doesn't even have hair he needs to keep out of this eyes lol.
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