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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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Holy.. How did my thread that was five pages at midnight, my time grow so many pages twelve hours later? This they merge my thread with the others?


Either way, BW has posted a response, and now the topic can end since they Almighty BW has spoken.


Thank you, thank you.


And holy! They responded in my thread!

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Holy.. How did my thread that was five pages at midnight, my time grow so many pages twelve hours later? This they merge my thread with the others?


Either way, BW has posted a response, and now the topic can end since they Almighty BW has spoken.


Thank you, thank you.


And holy! They responded in my thread!


They actually responded in a different thread that was merged with this one.

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Holy.. How did my thread that was five pages at midnight, my time grow so many pages twelve hours later? This they merge my thread with the others?


Either way, BW has posted a response, and now the topic can end since they Almighty BW has spoken.


Thank you, thank you.


And holy! They responded in my thread!


Eric's response was originally its own thread. They later merged all related threads into this one, including Eric's.

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Now that I think of, it really was fitting to merge everything into my archival thread. I did try to keep the threads organized.


Thanks BW!


The forces of good prevails! Good job mods, and Lyraine :)


(There's a few suggestion threads they could've added though, it's all the same drivel there)

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Because we wouldn't be done with it. People who make these mistakes click on autopilot, there is no possible game change that would prevent people from doing that.


I disagree


It will help because how it works is that these sellers sell at a price that mimiks the lowest price and makes reading the market confusing specially when all the prices are similar


I hit everytime the up and down mark and its very confusing sometimes to realice which price is the highest and which is the lowest thats why people make mistakes and the whole purpose and intention of these sellers

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Because we wouldn't be done with it. People who make these mistakes click on autopilot, there is no possible game change that would prevent people from doing that.


Sure, but just like that was no reason to avoid adding price per item, like many argued, it is not a reason to avoid adding any of the other QoL suggestions presented.


Yes, obviously, the problem will still exist. It is not an excuse to ignore the fact that the GTN can be improved to be more convenient and intuitive.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Why don't they just make it whole numbers with no decimal and no comas and be done with it.


The decimals come from selling stacks.


Say I want to sell three red crystals, for a total of 100 credits (example, don't care actual price right now!), then per unit, my customer would be paying 33.33 credits per crystal. If I sold just two for 100 credits, I would be getting 50 credits per crystal.


I set total price (X) to sell a number of units (Y), so my per-unit cost is X/Y per unit. Some people price things (like materials) based on the going per-unit price, and then whip out the handy calculator to find out how much to charge for Y units.

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The decimals come from selling stacks.


Say I want to sell three red crystals, for a total of 100 credits (example, don't care actual price right now!), then per unit, my customer would be paying 33.33 credits per crystal. If I sold just two for 100 credits, I would be getting 50 credits per crystal.


I set total price (X) to sell a number of units (Y), so my per-unit cost is X/Y per unit. Some people price things (like materials) based on the going per-unit price, and then whip out the handy calculator to find out how much to charge for Y units.


That doesn't really explain why it can't be done, only why it's currently used. In your example they're actually paying 33.3 repeating, not 33.33, so it's already a rounded number. They could just round to 33 instead and it would have no real effect.

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Its so easy to avoid the high costing stuff anyway, as I always posted in the previous posts theres a "Credit Filter" that has been in game since Day 1.


You can't filter by unit price, and the setting doesn't save across sessions. And do you really think people who aren't paying close enough attention to not get caught by this are going to set that value every single time?

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That doesn't really explain why it can't be done, only why it's currently used. In your example they're actually paying 33.3 repeating, not 33.33, so it's already a rounded number. They could just round to 33 instead and it would have no real effect.


While I wouldn't mind seeing something done, rounding to a whole number isn't the answer. As something might go for 33.1 and somebody else selling it for 33.9. If the stacks are different sizes, it's not easy to eyeball which is the better bargain. Sure you can pull out a calculator and figure it out. But why, when it's currently already in place with decimals so you don't have to?

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You can't filter by unit price, and the setting doesn't save across sessions. And do you really think people who aren't paying close enough attention to not get caught by this are going to set that value every single time?


If you got hit once, why not do it every time it resets everytime you log out or reset button, so why not take extra caution just incase. The point is not to filter the unit price, cause even if they had the unit price of 750k per unit in a stack of 2-5 it will block out anything above 300k or whatever # you filter it with.


IE: Filter 300k Max = (Everything under 300k and under shows, excluding anything above 301k so all the high unit prices get cancelled out and vanished)

Edited by Theeko
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While I wouldn't mind seeing something done, rounding to a whole number isn't the answer. As something might go for 33.1 and somebody else selling it for 33.9. If the stacks are different sizes, it's not easy to eyeball which is the better bargain. Sure you can pull out a calculator and figure it out. But why, when it's currently already in place with decimals so you don't have to?


What if someone is selling something for 33.339 and someone else is selling it for 33.331, how do you tell which is the better deal? The answer is: you don't, because it's not a material difference. You are talking about the difference of 8/10ths of a credit.

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Fair enough. But I am not defensive...i am dismissive.


Dismissive of all opinions that revolve around "buyers must be protected" or "buyers are looking to be protected". Both are equally inane.

This entire thread exists because buyers are looking to be protected. Both of these opinions are the subject of this entire thread. You pretty much just said "I'm dismissive of everyone who stays on topic in this thread." We're discussing the topic of the thread, a topic you don't even believe in. If you have nothing constructive to say, get out. Edited by idnewton
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Hey folks,


There has been a lot of chatter this weekend in General Discussion around how players are posting on the GTN, specifically around use of decimals/commas, and whether we feel it is an exploit or not. For starters, we definitely don't want to see any players scammed out of their hard earned credits and we will work to stop those situations wherever possible. Unfortunately, this is not one of those scenarios.


What someone is doing in this scenario is posting something at a higher value than the market would typically have that item listed for. For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for.


When purchasing items on the GTN, aside from the initial sorting and purchase we also have a secondary window pop-up as confirmation of sale. If you feel you are at risk of buying something off of the GTN at an intended value, take your time! Make sure to read over exactly what they are selling it for and then double check that number when you receive the pop-up. Also, we highly recommend using the sorting functions for both total and unit prices to make sure you are paying what you want.


With that in mind, I am going to pass these issues back to the dev team and see if there is anything we can work towards in the future for the GTN to help alleviate these issues. Thanks everyone!




You took your time explaining things which should have been obvious for a person with least bit of common sense. it is great that now we finally have an official response, i hope idiots who plague this game would now go away and go play some other games.

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Yup! The UI I have no control over - it is what it is. Sloppy playing and not paying attention to the target is totally on the player. Also...a mistake that flags me for PvP doesn't end up costing me millions of credits...just a few minutes.


In other words "It's OK when I do something crappy to someone, but its not OK when it happens to me." Typical self interested hypocrite.


Player attacks Auto-targeting other players is a UI element we have no control over. Sloppy buying and not paying attention to world standardized numbers that we learned how to read in the third grade is totally on the player.

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If you have nothing constructive to say, get out.


I would probably argue my posts have been a tad bit more constructive than some others.


Again, this is a good candidate for someone taking their own advice.


This thread is the merged thread, hence why it has the title it has. Not sure why you would be "disgusted" by that.


Or perhaps you jumped to conclusions......

Edited by LordArtemis
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In other words "It's OK when I do something crappy to someone, but its not OK when it happens to me." Typical self interested hypocrite.


Player attacks Auto-targeting other players is a UI element we have no control over. Sloppy buying and not paying attention to world standardized numbers that we learned how to read in the third grade is totally on the player.


Is this sarcasm?


Geographically the comma is more common, the decimal could only be considered to be more common due to the high population of India and China.


Additionally, there's more formats utilized for situations in which transactions below a single cent becomes relevant.

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