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"Good" Accuracy


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To the vets out there, what do you consider a good accuracy on a match? I've read some of you say that accuracy is one of the true measures of someone's bonafides, and so I'm just wondering what kind of numbers you're thinking of when you say that.


Obviously, weapon choice (BLCs v RFLs v LLCs, etc) is a huge factor in the end %, as well as ship, but I was curious to hear what some of you thought. I'm most interested in Scouts, because that's what I love to fly, but am curious about all ship/weapon types.

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To the vets out there, what do you consider a good accuracy on a match? I've read some of you say that accuracy is one of the true measures of someone's bonafides, and so I'm just wondering what kind of numbers you're thinking of when you say that.


Obviously, weapon choice (BLCs v RFLs v LLCs, etc) is a huge factor in the end %, as well as ship, but I was curious to hear what some of you thought. I'm most interested in Scouts, because that's what I love to fly, but am curious about all ship/weapon types.


On my GS, between 60-80% is good depending on how many stupid evasion scouts are out there (seriously, I can't hit these guys WITH wingman sometimes for 7+ seconds, even when he's standing still and I'm not moving. This is infuriating). If the opposition is mostly bombers and strikes, that number can easily increase.


For scouts, I'd say ~45 is where I reside, and about the same for star guard using a mix of quads and heavies. I don't do bombers

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On my GS, between 60-80% is good depending on how many stupid evasion scouts are out there (seriously, I can't hit these guys WITH wingman sometimes for 7+ seconds, even when he's standing still and I'm not moving. This is infuriating). If the opposition is mostly bombers and strikes, that number can easily increase.


For scouts, I'd say ~45 is where I reside, and about the same for star guard using a mix of quads and heavies. I don't do bombers


Well, as a bomber sometimes you're forced to shoot out into the empty... air? I guess, or else the system might say that you're not contributing.

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40 on a LLC + pods

45 on a BLC + Cluster

55 with HLC

50-60 on a railgun


I think these are good numbers to consider your aim "good".


It is however interesting to me that I think 40 on Light Laser Cannon + rocket pods is way closer to Ace level in my opinion.

However 50-60 on a Railgun is almost dropping out of "good" aim to me.

I also think if you're hitting almost the same with Light Laser Cannon as Burst Laser Cannon there is something wrong there. Burst Laser Cannon + Cluster Missiles should have a much higher accuracy then Light Laser Cannon + Rocket Pods.


I think 55 for Heavy Laser Cannon is the perfect number though, unless you have Gunsheep/Jennipher's rediculous mine accuracy glitch. For some reason whenever a mine detonates for him, it counts as if its trying to hit the whole enemy team. So every mine explosion counts as 8 shots on his scoreboard, and for every player he doesn't hit with every mine it counts as a miss. We tested it one game he didn't fire a single shot and just mined the map. He had something like 600 misses and 3% accuracy.


I found an old screenshot of it the whatever is happening at work here.

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40 on a LLC + pods

45 on a BLC + Cluster

55 with HLC

50-60 on a railgun


This aligns pretty close with my "good" performances, if you swap out MLC's or Quads for LLC's.


Though I can still put out record MLC + Pod DPS even when I don't break 40% accuracy.


Yes, high accuracy is a decent measure of skill, but at the end of the day, damage wins battles, not accuracy. The only cost of missing a shot is lost weapon energy/ammo, or potentially warning an unaware enemy of your presence.


If you're already shooting at someone, and if weapon energy/ammo isn't a concern (which in most cases it isn't), then there's really no reason to not take a "risky" shot that is likely to miss but also might hit. The shot not taken never hits. The shot taken might.


I tend to shoot rather liberally with lasers, but more conservatively with rockets.

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40 on a LLC + pods

45 on a BLC + Cluster

55 with HLC

50-60 on a railgun


60+ for BLC/cluster. BLCs are a joke to hit with, and spamming clusters only increases your accuracy over say, HLC.

75+ for railgun. Any less is not even worth the glance. The question is what is "good" accuracy, not substandard or par for the course.


Other than those I think your numbers match my thoughts. Admittedly, I don't look at this other than to judge whether or not I was flying drunk or otherwise handicapped. Many times I think I'm having a bad game (as it pertains to accuracy) I still score above these values. It's an interesting statistic to keep an eye on, but I place a heavy focus on K/D. If you have 99% accuracy, kill 30 players but died 30 times are you really all that great? *shrugs*

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Thanks for the feedback.


I guess I've just been curious because I've been on an absolute tear with the T2 Scout with BLCs + Clusters lately. I think I might have leveled up, because a couple of months ago, it was rough for me to actually get much above 40-45% with my build, but here lately, the lowest I think I've seen is 58%, with the upper outlier being 75%, and the norm becoming 62-68%.


My accuracy numbers seem to be up across the board, even pushing 30-40% with RFLs on a largely stock Blackbolt (When I first started flying, my guildies used to make fun of my relative effectiveness despite rocking a 15-20% ACC with BLCs and Quads... I'll not disclose what my RFL/LLC accuracy was in those days...). It's to the point that I started asking some of the people I fly with if they've noticed their accuracy numbers going up since the last patch, or if BioW might have tinkered with the "hit" calc numbers recently, which was really the impetus of my asking here.


In judging the responses, you guys aren't noticing anything BioW has done, which leads me to believe that I'm just getting better now that I'm back to flying pretty much daily.


I found an old screenshot of it the whatever is happening at work here.

Interesting... I've never heard of this bug, but then, I try very hard to stay away from piloting bombers. I've seen some sickening numbers out of them, but I find them to be even more boring than a GS, which just really isn't my bag. I absolutely love the thrill of the hunt. To me, there's just nothing more satisfying than chasing someone down while being chased by multiple enemies, and bagging the kill before turning my sights on the would-be chasers.


Well, as a bomber sometimes you're forced to shoot out into the empty... air? I guess, or else the system might say that you're not contributing.

I wasn't aware that just shooting into empty air would reset that timer. Good to know.


NOTE - This was written I guess as Trinity was writing their response. I'm definitely not looking at it as the end all, be all statistic, I was just curious to see what some of your thoughts on the matter were.

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I think these are good numbers to consider your aim "good".


It is however interesting to me that I think 40 on Light Laser Cannon + rocket pods is way closer to Ace level in my opinion.

However 50-60 on a Railgun is almost dropping out of "good" aim to me.

I also think if you're hitting almost the same with Light Laser Cannon as Burst Laser Cannon there is something wrong there. Burst Laser Cannon + Cluster Missiles should have a much higher accuracy then Light Laser Cannon + Rocket Pods.


I didn't use BLC since I got good with LLC. So my numbers for BLC aren't up to date. Rail accuracy.. what can I say.. I miss very often (and tend to use my close range weaponry rather often)

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In judging the responses, you guys aren't noticing anything BioW has done, which leads me to believe that I'm just getting better now that I'm back to flying pretty much daily.

Practice makes perfect, and all that jazz. It's true, and kudos for the obvious skill improvement!


I'm definitely not looking at it as the end all, be all statistic, I was just curious to see what some of your thoughts on the matter were.


Yep - I was just throwing out some of my own thoughts. I think accuracy is still an important statistic (much more so than most of the garbage on the score screen) but there's other things to look at as well. My question wasn't directed at you, it was rhetorical. :p

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Yep - I was just throwing out some of my own thoughts. I think accuracy is still an important statistic (much more so than most of the garbage on the score screen) but there's other things to look at as well. My question wasn't directed at you, it was rhetorical. :p

NO! NOOOOO! Damage done! I hate you forever! :D


But to be serious, I didn't think it was directed at me, and I definitely didn't take offense. My note was actually more in agreement with your thoughts than anything else. :)

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This aligns pretty close with my "good" performances, if you swap out MLC's or Quads for LLC's.


Though I can still put out record MLC + Pod DPS even when I don't break 40% accuracy.


Yes, high accuracy is a decent measure of skill, but at the end of the day, damage wins battles, not accuracy. The only cost of missing a shot is lost weapon energy/ammo, or potentially warning an unaware enemy of your presence.


If you're already shooting at someone, and if weapon energy/ammo isn't a concern (which in most cases it isn't), then there's really no reason to not take a "risky" shot that is likely to miss but also might hit. The shot not taken never hits. The shot taken might.


I tend to shoot rather liberally with lasers, but more conservatively with rockets.



I'll second Nemarus' opinion. Depending on the situation I might be quite happy to take shots that only have a 10% chance of hitting and consider that more than adequately accurate. Usually when I'm shooting something that has shield piercing at an almost dead target, or perhaps a quick shot at a ship that I don't have targeted, or am boosting past on my way to the other side of the map.


If you're mostly taking good shots though, it's nice to be able to get between 40 and 60 percent on a scout, strike, or bomber.


Accuracy sort of divides into two parts in GSF;


Can you hit the target you want to hit when you want to hit it?

Are you converting weapons energy pool into damage efficiently enough to not constantly have to stop attacking because you ran out of energy?


If the answer to both of those questions is yes, your accuracy is good. If not, you should practice improving it.

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50-60 on a railgun


Agree with your other numbers, but not this. 50-60 on a railgun is downright terrible. If you're hitting 50% on a railgun for whatever reason, you should probably be flying something other than a GS.


75+ for railgun. Any less is not even worth the glance. The question is what is "good" accuracy, not substandard or par for the course.


Agree on this, anything less than 75% is not what I'd describe as "good". Personally I'm disappointed if I hit below 80%, but RNG is RNG, and sometimes it happens...I'll end up below 70% despite apparently lining up every shot perfectly. On the flip side, >90% isn't that unusual either. I've even had a couple of 100% accuracy matches, but those are few and far between, and usually extenuating circumstances are involved (i.e. joined a match already in progress, spent most of the match defending a sat and thus took an abnormally low amount of shots, etc.).

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Agree with your other numbers, but not this. 50-60 on a railgun is downright terrible. If you're hitting 50% on a railgun for whatever reason, you should probably be flying something other than a GS.


HEY!!! I'm no GS pilot. I'm a scout pilot. Used to LLC and HLC. Between if you have any tip to get me a better shot on my Sheeps.. feel free ;)

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To the vets out there, what do you consider a good accuracy on a match? I've read some of you say that accuracy is one of the true measures of someone's bonafides, and so I'm just wondering what kind of numbers you're thinking of when you say that.


Obviously, weapon choice (BLCs v RFLs v LLCs, etc) is a huge factor in the end %, as well as ship, but I was curious to hear what some of you thought. I'm most interested in Scouts, because that's what I love to fly, but am curious about all ship/weapon types.


On a GS you should be north of 70, and should try to hit 80. On a scout you should be north of 50.


IMO on a GS if you are far north of 80 then you probably aren't taking enough marginal shots.

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I don't know about the gunship talk of being north of 70%. I know that I take advantage of barrel roll and burst lasers often enough to recognize that there is rarely a match where I use a railgun exclusively. With that said though, here are some stats:


As an average I am likely between 65-70% in most matches where I use a gunship. (Rails + BLC)


My T2 scouts will often have a very similar accuracy stat per match, usually around 65%.


For laser cannons, rapid fire lasers, and light lasers, I tend to see my percentages around 45-50%.


With quad cannons, I'm usually around 50-55%, with heavy lasers around 65-75% (though I'm usually using a bomber and thus not firing a lot).


While these are averages and ranges, there are statistical outliers where I have far exceeded these numbers, but by contrast I haven't had a match with less than 40% accuracy regardless of the weapon since I got over the learning curve at launch. To that end, I would think that if a pilot is 40% and above, that they're doing well enough with only exception to BLC and railgun load outs. I would seek something higher with those.

Edited by RatPoison
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I don't know about the gunship talk of being north of 70%. I know that I take advantage of barrel roll and burst lasers often enough to recognize that there is rarely a match where I use a railgun exclusively. With that said though, here are some stats:


As an average I am likely between 65-70% in most matches where I use a gunship. (Rails + BLC)


I rarely go below 70, and if I do it's usually because I've had a very bad match.

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Interestingly, I rarely have a great accuracy. On my gunship I often have something good, but that's mostly because I'm very accurate and practiced with it, AND there's no way to just blind fire a railgun. Even then I will take shots that have a really low chance of hitting sometimes (enemy gray at 15,000m, whether that is a hit or not depends on their ACTUAL, not rounded, location).



On anything else, the only thing I am concerned about is my mana pool and the element of surprise. If I think I have enough yellow to go, or the enemy knows I'm there, off we go to the left click races. Much more importantly, I will take shots to try to scare enemies into different trajectories (this can absolutely work), because they don't automatically know whether I'm homed in on them and every quad will hit, or whether I'm at 15 degrees and buying lottery tickets.



So while I don't have the accuracy of a noob, I'm nowhere close to players of similar skill normally. Accuracy is just never on my list of things to care about at all.



The flip side of this is, the game will sometimes credit you for hits that don't even look real. This isn't about the reticule being LOS while the ship isn't (and vice versa), but rather about releasing versus a target that had just barreled away and the server shrugs and is like "close enough, I guess you crit him for 2400". This doesn't happen much- most of the times a bad shot is that, and you know it when you release- but even at a low rate of occurrence I want to friggin fish for it.





Still, accuracy is a decent number to look at. It's probably one of the few that is well correlated, though not absolutely, to player skill.

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Interestingly, I rarely have a great accuracy.




Still, accuracy is a decent number to look at. It's probably one of the few that is well correlated, though not absolutely, to player skill.


Actually past a certain base level of skill it shouldn't be strongly correlated and accuracy should tend to "cap out" at a certain amount. This is because an optimizing player will take more and more marginal shots until the cost of a marginal shot is equal to the expected return. Thus we see that the best predictor of accuracy with a given weapon is neither its base accuracy stat, nor its tracking penalty, but rather the cost of a missed shot. With railguns that cost is extreme - weapon energy is a reasonably strong constraint, and 2.7s of charging is a huge investment.


Similarly we should expect to see high accuracy with quads 'n pods because of the energy/ammo constraints. We should see moderate to high accuracy with BLC because of the energy cost and the low ROF. We should see low accuracy with LLC and RFL, moderate with HLC, low with ion, etc.


With missiles we may see lower accuracy because they still do a sort of damage on a miss - force the enemy to use an engine maneuver.

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I rarely go below 70, and if I do it's usually because I've had a very bad match.


Fair enough... It's likely just a difference in play style.


I wouldn't disagree that 70% is a good average to maintain with a gunship, but I don't think that is an average many people do maintain, myself included... though it's peaked my curiosity enough that I'm going to look at my stats when I log on this evening.


I think I'm fairly deadly in a gunship, and often find that I've no issue in often doubling and sometimes tripling the total damage/dps of the next highest player on the board (especially) in a gunship. As such I don't think that having an accuracy of <70% is the mark for what is good, I think it's the mark for what is either just awesome accuracy or perhaps conservative gameplay. I would be more inclined to opine that if a player is pulling 60-65% accuracy on average in a gunship, that they've achieved a "good" accuracy. There is room to improve on the stat, but obviously objectives, kills vs damage, etc must be weighed against the pursuit of a higher accuracy.


I've no issue in admitting that occasionally I'll have a match with a gunship where my accuracy dips below even 60%. I think I had a match last night in a lop-sided TDM, the score ended something in the neighborhood of 30-45ish (my loss). I pulled in 18 kills with something like 2 deaths in a T1 gunship with around 90k total damage with only an accuracy of around 56%. I was disheartened by the accuracy stat, but I spent a lot of time getting chased, relying on my burst cannons, and stopping to take quick pot shots at other ships when evading pursuers allowed me to line up a shot on a distant ship.


I guess my point is that there are scenarios that can change the range of expectations for a pilots performance and in an attempt to be accurate and honest about what a "good" number is for a particular stat, we must consider how often we fly a load out, our play style, and what stats we had when we were most effective.


That's just my thoughts, but I'm definitely curious and will be checking out my stats on my toons that GSF.

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Numbers. End-of-match rankings.


I don't put much stock into these things, particularly in domination matches.


At the end of the match, you know whether you did well or not. Besides, more important than comparing yourself to other pilots is whether or not you and your team--and the opposing team--had fun.

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