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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Some valid points have been made in this thread.


50 cents a day, server down for a few hours, you deserve a free month?


And pretty sure your trash guys don't come and pick up your trash on holidays.


My doctor has a 3 week waiting list.


WHY WON'T THEY TELL US WHATS GOING ON!? (They don't know =p)


:) Sorry you can't ERP with the guys pretending to be 15 year old girls for a while. I'll send you nudes don't worry.

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OH because it's just 50 cents who cares right? Oh gee I am a billionaire, you just lost your house..what's that 300k? Psh pocket change, I make that in a day...what's your argument. Money is money, and it will always have value. So why are you saying that it's worthless. Just because they can get away with taking our time away without compensating, we should what? Sit down and shut up because everything else in life does it to you to? I am not trying to make a big deal about it, it's just common courtesy that a company does compensate. I don't like wasting money, 50 cents for 50 dollars.


Read ToS and apologize for being stupid in public

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Some good compensation choices;

1 free Treek companion.

1 free Cartel Hypercrate.

1 free Stronghold unlock.

I hope...

Wouldn't say no to a nude holostatue of Satele Shan for the stronghold either.

Edited by SeaCay
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As per the EULUA you accept when you install/update/play the game:


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.



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4th time in 2 weeks you guys have taken the bastion down, becuse the harbinger went down. WTH? is going on over there seriously, I like many others pay to play and buy cartel coins as well, with as much money as ypur making I would think you should be able to keep a few servers up. If you cant maybe you need new IT guys, or perhaps if all of us went FTP for a few months you might learn your lesson. I doubt it though. Seriously this is pathetic.
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I get complaining that the server is experiencing problems. But complaining that the devs took down servers that were already not working properly in order to fix them is, frankly, silly.


Right? Last night it was dumping 90 people every 10minutes... They would be here complaining that the devs didnt shut it down to fix it. :rolleyes:

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4th time in 2 weeks you guys have taken the bastion down, becuse the harbinger went down.


Correlation does not imply causation. I doubt they are taking down bastion because harbinger is down. More likely there is a common problem affecting both?


I know, that's crazy talk...

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as per the eulua you accept when you install/update/play the game:


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside ea’s control, ea and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the software, the game and any updates, upgrades or expansions software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. ea and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. Ea also does not guarantee that the version of the game covered by this agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.

+100 <3 <3 <3

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As per the EULUA you accept when you install/update/play the game:


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.


Ya... this likely isn't due to a legal restriction or a circumstance that is out of their control. It's probably due to a data or software issue they introduced with Strongholds. In that case, ya, they're liable.

Edited by Cekis
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You really think even 5% do?


Possibly even the people posting the quotes didn't even read it until just now in order to post it here XD. However, what is usually in a Eula or TOS is pretty obvious. Corporations pretty much always say "We are not liable for anything exept what the Law says we are liable for, and even then, we have really good lawyers."

Edited by Zyrious
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I agree that you should not pay for something that you do not receive the agreed upon service for, but you are exaggerating you comparisons. A reasonable person WOULD understand that maybe the driver on your route was new this week, and they accidentally missed your house 1 week out of the 52 that year, or that new program you downloaded caused an issue turning on your computer THIS time, or a doctor got overbooked and had to reschedule your appointment. The point is, I would not pay for these services or products in your example if they NEVER worked, but that is not the case here. MY best estimate puts SWTOR being down about 5 potentially available hours this week, which is approximately 3% of the total week, which equates to the trash people missing 1-2 pickups a year. Expecting perfection from every person you encounter either directly or indirectly in your life is only going to leave you disappointed and bitter.


Sir if a doctor missed 3% of your cancer you would feel differently.

However you are correct this is an exaggeration.


That being said, I believe that this has happened enough over a long enough period of time that it is worth cancelling my subscription, and i would recommend others do the same in protest until the people in charge of the servers chose to make a long term commitment to the customers and not their wallets.

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Possibly even the people posting the quotes didn't even read it until just now in order to post it here XD. However, what is usually in a Eula or TOS is pretty obvious. Corporations pretty much always say "We are not liable for anything exept what the Law says we are liable for, and even then, we have really good lawyers."



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If you go to Disneyland and you pay to get in and a ride is broken, do you get your money back? No

Never anywhere when you signed up did it say will be up 100% of the time or money back...


Stop complaining go do something with you day, and come back later to play. It will be fixed soon enough.

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possibly even the people posting the quotes didn't even read it until just now in order to post it here xd. However, what is usually in a eula or tos is pretty obvious. Corporations pretty much always say "we are not liable for anything exept what the law says we are liable for, and even then, we have really good lawyers."


lol <3

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I just want to say I know first hand how complicated this kind of stuff can be. I appreciate what you guys do don't pay any mind to these 2nd grade heathens that don't understand that this kind of work is delicate and takes time. For we could be fixing this issue our selves and not have a premium option to enjoy such a great game.
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