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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Look we pay for a service...and we should get that service, or be reimbursed.


Would you continue to pay for trash pickup if they didn't pick up your trash?

Would you pay for a lawn mowing service if they repeatedly didn't mow your lawn?

Would you pay for a computer that wouldn't turn on?

How about a doctor that wouldn't see you?



YOU are the consumer, and if YOU chose to pay for something that does not work, I suppose that is your right.

However I am not that stupid.


If you keep paying for something and you feel you aren't getting your money's worth, then you, as the consumer, should cancel your service.


Just sayin'

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The servers will be back up when they get fixed, deal with it. Go outside, get some fresh air, walk the dog, have some romantic time with that girlfriend/wife/husband you are neglecting because you're always playing this game.

Whining and ************ about the servers isnt going to make them come up any faster. :D


Would you like some cheese with your whine about whining?

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The servers will be back up when they get fixed, deal with it. Go outside, get some fresh air, walk the dog, have some romantic time with that girlfriend/wife/husband you are neglecting because you're always playing this game.

Whining and ************ about the servers isnt going to make them come up any faster. :D


Shhh.. we're all scared of the outside world

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Pist, sure I am, well annoyed. Do the math, you pay roughly 50 cents a day for this game, all the rest you paid the c store and you will have when the servers are up


Making wall of text posts proclaiming how justified you are in being annoyed at this is just making you and this tread, well ridiculous.


DEVS GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER, C'mon dudes and dudets, stop smoking your lunch and do the jobs your titles suggest you do. Thanks

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Read what I said, clearly now.




It is a collective of well over a million people, I am sure, who contribute to this game's success. YOU, are not, and never will be, the ONLY person who makes this game run. THAT is what I was saying.


The word you are looking for is sole, as in only reason. Soul means something else entirely, and is not interchangeable with sole.

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Look we pay for a service...and we should get that service, or be reimbursed.


Would you continue to pay for trash pickup if they didn't pick up your trash?

Would you pay for a lawn mowing service if they repeatedly didn't mow your lawn?

Would you pay for a computer that wouldn't turn on?

How about a doctor that wouldn't see you?



YOU are the consumer, and if YOU chose to pay for something that does not work, I suppose that is your right.

However I am not that stupid.


I agree that you should not pay for something that you do not receive the agreed upon service for, but you are exaggerating you comparisons. A reasonable person WOULD understand that maybe the driver on your route was new this week, and they accidentally missed your house 1 week out of the 52 that year, or that new program you downloaded caused an issue turning on your computer THIS time, or a doctor got overbooked and had to reschedule your appointment. The point is, I would not pay for these services or products in your example if they NEVER worked, but that is not the case here. MY best estimate puts SWTOR being down about 5 potentially available hours this week, which is approximately 3% of the total week, which equates to the trash people missing 1-2 pickups a year. Expecting perfection from every person you encounter either directly or indirectly in your life is only going to leave you disappointed and bitter.

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Pist, sure I am, well annoyed. Do the math, you pay roughly 50 cents a day for this game, all the rest you paid the c store and you will have when the servers are up


Making wall of text posts proclaiming how justified you are in being annoyed at this is just making you and this tread, well ridiculous.


DEVS GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER, C'mon dudes and dudets, stop smoking your lunch and do the jobs your titles suggest you do. Thanks


OH because it's just 50 cents who cares right? Oh gee I am a billionaire, you just lost your house..what's that 300k? Psh pocket change, I make that in a day...what's your argument. Money is money, and it will always have value. So why are you saying that it's worthless. Just because they can get away with taking our time away without compensating, we should what? Sit down and shut up because everything else in life does it to you to? I am not trying to make a big deal about it, it's just common courtesy that a company does compensate. I don't like wasting money, 50 cents for 50 dollars.

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Look we pay for a service...and we should get that service, or be reimbursed.


Would you continue to pay for trash pickup if they didn't pick up your trash?

Would you pay for a lawn mowing service if they repeatedly didn't mow your lawn?

Would you pay for a computer that wouldn't turn on?

How about a doctor that wouldn't see you?



YOU are the consumer, and if YOU chose to pay for something that does not work, I suppose that is your right.

However I am not that stupid.


Few problems there. Yes it is a service and yes we (well some of us) pay.




If the trash pickup is late you do not get a refund for time the job is done.

Same with mower. Do you stand outside and watch them work? They get there when they and get the job done.

If you computer is not working then get it fixed or replaced. Don't expect the box to get you money for being a paperweight.


etc etc


Here's the thing. Yes it is inconvenient (not happy with it myself) but it is getting fixed. Your argument seems to be based on the idea that you are the center of the universe and all things are being taken from you. Which is .. somewhere between silly and arrogant.


This has been pointed out before but if you pay $14.99 per/mth at 30 days, that is $2 a day. That $2 divided by 24 hours means the 3 hours lost has a spent value of $0.25. (and the EULA which you did agree to and didn't read says there is not guarantee anyway. ) Vent all you want if it makes you feel better but don't expect the world to bow to you and your petty demands.

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