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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Even if they reimbursed you for something they don't have to as clearly stated in the TOS, you'd still be unhappy. It's never good enough and you always want more. Stop for a minute and think about all that goes on for a tech maintaining this game, and then apologize for your unnecessary complaining about them FIXING the problem. No infrastructure is ever perfect and runs forever without a glitch. NEVERMIND the endless weeks of exploiting the NIM glitch on nefra you gladly took advantage of when you were clearly not supposed to, there's plenty of in game things you do that more than make up for this small window we're without the game. please be more appreciative of what you have. thanks. and BIOWARE.......Good work. Keep it up.



He makes perfect sense.

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Okay seriously kids, calm down.


I'd like to address the argument that the servers should be getting better, and not worse, and shouldn't have problems like this anymore. Do you recall a few months ago when hackers messed up all the EA servers? I'm guessing after that, they changed some things in their servers for better security or something. And now, because of that, they're having some issues (which tends to happen when you add or change things) because something in the server is new and they're still trying to work it out.


And about the people asking for compensation. Stop being so greedy. You just want to give them an excuse to give you free cartel coins or something like that. Who knows, maybe they will give us some cartel coins or something. But if not, fixing the servers is enough for me. I just want to go back to enjoying the game.


Then why is it consistently Harbinger that has problems?

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Hey folks,


We will be taking The Harbinger, Begeren Colony and The Bastion offline while we look into the ongoing connectivity issues.


I don't currently have an ETA for them being back online, but will update this thread as I get more information.






So why isn't the menu directing us to the server log in screen if we have multiple legacies? I sat for like ten minutes thinking it was going to just take me to the server selection screen and it just did nothing. I don't mind that you guys are fixing something because that's a good thing, but I would still like to play, even if it is on the legacy I'm not currently running.

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Guild Flagships turned out to be too powerful and caused a rip in virtual space-time, sucking entire swaths of the database into an information singularity and force-choking the servers. So, expect GSF to be nerfed in the next emergency patch. They will probably disable the hyperdrives, so that it takes days to go from one planet to another unless you bang on the drive console a lot.


What happened to them? They went Plaid.... just had ta say it.:rak_03:

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People replying are being absolutely ridiculous and I can think of a million reasons why, but I'll just state the obvious few.

1) They already stated they aren't sure what the problem is.

2) If you were logged in and got booted off it's because others were experiencing issues. Don't be selfish.

3) It's offline so they can fix it!

4) The most obvious: They are doing this without schedule BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG!

All of you complaining? You don't deserve to play. Paying? Stop paying, because you're making the rest of us who are understanding and LIKE the game look bad.

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Okay seriously kids, calm down.


I'd like to address the argument that the servers should be getting better, and not worse, and shouldn't have problems like this anymore. Do you recall a few months ago when hackers messed up all the EA servers? I'm guessing after that, they changed some things in their servers for better security or something. And now, because of that, they're having some issues (which tends to happen when you add or change things) because something in the server is new and they're still trying to work it out.


And about the people asking for compensation. Stop being so greedy. You just want to give them an excuse to give you free cartel coins or something like that. Who knows, maybe they will give us some cartel coins or something. But if not, fixing the servers is enough for me. I just want to go back to enjoying the game.


Indeed good sir, but I don't ask for "compensation, I just want to move my 5 accounts off Harbinger and go to a less populated server since I REFUSE to "START OVER" elsewhere..

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Hey folks,


We are bringing Begeren Colony back up shortly. The Bastion was never affected, and will remain up. Unfortunately, The Harbinger will be staying offline while we investigate the issues. I will continue to update this thread as I learn more.


Thank you for your patience!




Thank you for the information :)

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People replying are being absolutely ridiculous and I can think of a million reasons why, but I'll just state the obvious few.

1) They already stated they aren't sure what the problem is.

2) If you were logged in and got booted off it's because others were experiencing issues. Don't be selfish.

3) It's offline so they can fix it!

4) The most obvious: They are doing this without schedule BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG!

All of you complaining? You don't deserve to play. Paying? Stop paying, because you're making the rest of us who are understanding and LIKE the game look bad.



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yes, the servers have gone down many times since the game's release. As it does on every single other mmo out there. What is different about this one compared to the others? Nothing. It just so happens that you are playing on this one. Ride it out, put on your panties, and try not to act like you are the soul reason this game is running.


i am the reason the game is running!!!!!

I pay for it and so do you!!!!!

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