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  1. I highly doubt much is done against cheaters. They were able to figure out who was using the rav exploit, but can't figure out a way to stop players from using cheat engine etc? If a cheater is only pissing off a few players I think they get a pass... But if they're cheating and getting massive amounts of credits or gear, then dev will step in and do something. They can figure out who used an exploit, but can't figure out a way of tracking a player taking damage, but not losing health - or doing an insane amount of damage that should be impossible for a player to do? Maybe I'm wrong and they do take action against players using cheat engine or other things like that. They never mention it though, so I think they don't give a ****.
  2. Well in the 2 years since the post was created notthing seems to have changed. I just had a jedi sage with really bad gear rip me apart with one attack in huttball - yeah I'm just a sorc healer, but I have great gear. There's no way he could have taken me down when I had full health with one attack. It's a terrible way to run a game that people pay to play (not all, but most). It's probably what's making other players cheat... They see cheaters running around doing what they want and decide to even things up and never stop once they've started and have no consequences. Maybe I missed some message from dev about what they're doing to cheaters or how they constantly work to prevent it, but I doubt they've said anything about it.
  3. Look at all the rejects going on about compensation, or just letting dev know that they pay to play!!! xD I pay to play too... I also pay for internet and a cellphone, but when they mess up, I don't crap myself and run to the forums of a company for a cry or threat fest. If it's my internet, cellphone or game company, I just need to wait. Carrying on like a child in the forums isn't going to fix anything. Just because you whiners or people making threats don't have any power in the real world, try to not act like a waste of space in the forums ^.^ sit down.
  4. I just reached 55 with maxed ranked wz comms and regular wz comms and wasn't able to get much for that. I go into warzones to do my dailies and see that everyone else is having the same problem. Out of maybe 15 warzones since getting to 55, I've won 4 and those were 4 on 4 matches. The unranked warzones are a mess and probably drive away a lot of players from pvp since they feel it'll take them forever to get their pvp gear. You have premade ops teams with full gear going in and just smashing the hell out of undergeared newer level 55 players over and over and over. So the undergeared losers get maybe 60 wz comms each loss which will take them a long time to have a chance at winning a single match! SOLUTION: Take away the useless stupid cap on ranked wz comms and regular wz comms because you're only harming pvp by driving players away!!! Just like you did when you nerfed marauders Rage skill tree and didn't give anything to compensate for an extreme attack drop!
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