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Espionage points


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With GSH now out and kicking I've been thinking about how to make it more diverse and enjoyable. The following is just a rough idea without many details worked out. First a description of my idea, followed by some questions that I anticipate will be asked. Finally I will include possible rewards for this new system.



Players will have a new ability/skill (under general skills) called sabotage. With this skill you can enter any public strong hold (or anyone that you have a key to) and try to sabotage decorations. With each successful sabotage you will earn more sabotage and reputation points. The more sabotage points you have, the bigger decorations you can attempt to sabotage. Each decoration will have a set amount of sabotage points needed to be sabotaged. Basic decorations on small hooks require no sabotage points to sabotage.


You will start with zero points and will only be able to attempt sabotages of items set on small hooks. Gain more sabotage points to be able to attempt sabotaging decorations on larger hooks. Fail any sabotage attempt and lose the sabotage points that are required for that specific decoration.


To defend against sabotages you can use your prestige points to lock down your decorations. This would ensure any attempts at sabotage will fail. The saboteur will not know that the item is locked down until after the failed attempt. You could also keep your strong hold private and not let anyone in. People with keys to your strong hold can sabotage it, so be wary of who you hand out your keys to. Successful defense of sabotage attempts will earn you prestige and reputation points.


Q & A:

What are espionage points? --- Espionage points are points gained from sabotaging other players strong holds.

What do you mean by sabotaging other players strong holds? --- A player would have the ability to "sabotage" another players decorations.

What do you mean by "sabotage?" --- When you sabotage another players decorations, you are basically trying to unset them. You are not destroying them, merely making the hook the item was on revert to an empty state.

What if I don't want anyone to sabotage my strong hold? Simple keep it private and use keys to allow people in. Keep in mind that people with keys can still sabotage your strong hold if they want.

What if I want to keep my sh open to the public and I don't want anyone to sabotage my decorations? --- You can use your prestige points to lock your decorations so they can't be sabotaged.

What do I get if I successfully defend an attempted sabotage? --- You will gain prestige points equal to the amount of points needed to sabotage the decoration, along with some reputation points.



Besides bragging rights and more sabotage points, I was thinking that we could have achievements and titles to go along. One line for saboteurs and one for defense of saboteurs. Perhaps even a new reputation line complete with vendor that sells items to boost your sabotage/prestige points, decoration lock downs, and special decorations.

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will your sabatoge change how my house looks? because if its yes than forsee a huge amount turning private so people dont have to deal with ******s trashing there house



What do you mean by "sabotage?" --- When you sabotage another players decorations, you are basically trying to unset them. You are not destroying them, merely making the hook the item was on revert to an empty state.


So yea you're changing how their SH looks. All they have to do is log in and place the decorations again. Yes making your SH private is one way to prevent sabotage, I did list other ways to help mitigate it.

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What do you mean by "sabotage?" --- When you sabotage another players decorations, you are basically trying to unset them. You are not destroying them, merely making the hook the item was on revert to an empty state.


So yea you're changing how their SH looks. All they have to do is log in and place the decorations again. Yes making your SH private is one way to prevent sabotage, I did list other ways to help mitigate it.


Not a chance.


I've spent alot of time getting my Stonghold how I like it and I like to show it to other people.

I don't want someone coming into my place and messing it all around.

I'd definatly set to private.

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What do you mean by "sabotage?" --- When you sabotage another players decorations, you are basically trying to unset them. You are not destroying them, merely making the hook the item was on revert to an empty state.


So yea you're changing how their SH looks. All they have to do is log in and place the decorations again. Yes making your SH private is one way to prevent sabotage, I did list other ways to help mitigate it.


Not a chance.


I've spent alot of time getting my Stonghold how I like it and I like to show it to other people.

I don't want someone coming into my place and messing it all around.

I'd definatly set to private.

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Maybe if instead of changing how it looks to others, sabotage will only affect how it looks to the saboteur. Then the SH owner could get a "you've been attacked!" message, but it doesn't require a reset of how the SH looks, but loses prestige or whatever points to be regained by sabotaging elsewhere, or putting other things down.
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  • 2 months later...
Maybe if instead of changing how it looks to others, sabotage will only affect how it looks to the saboteur. Then the SH owner could get a "you've been attacked!" message, but it doesn't require a reset of how the SH looks, but loses prestige or whatever points to be regained by sabotaging elsewhere, or putting other things down.


Yea I've been thinking about that and the more I mull it over the more I agree with it. So if the decorations didn't actually go away would more people be interested?

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Damn I had thought this idea would've gotten a little more action :o I've talked to a couple of people on Jedi Covenant and they seemed pretty excited about it, but I see they haven't come by to discuss it.


If this game wasn't stacked to the rafters with immature, stupid, loud little punks, then this idea could gain traction, and be handled in a fun, mature way.


Pre-F2P, I might --might-- have had hopes of this community rising to such a standard, one that can realistically "police itself," but I know better now.

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Hard pass. I like how my DK home looks, and I keep it publicly listed so others can come look at it if they please. I don't want anyone mucking it up.


If this was implemented, it would have to be on an "opt in" basis. Everyone is by default opted out, until they decide to opt in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hard pass. I like how my DK home looks, and I keep it publicly listed so others can come look at it if they please. I don't want anyone mucking it up.


If this was implemented, it would have to be on an "opt in" basis. Everyone is by default opted out, until they decide to opt in.


Well in theory, the devs could code it so nothing is actually unset so you wouldn't have to replace any decos that were sabotaged. Would be cool if it was a toggle :D

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You'd definitely want it to be done in a way that's only a visual prank like the Joker example instead of actually removing items, and you'd definitely want there to be a quick and easy "fix it" button so the owner can clean up without needing to re-set all of the affected items.


However, another thing that would need to happen before the idea can have any chance of working out well for both sides of that gameplay mechanic is that they'd need to establish different rules for what prestige is / how prestige is calculated. (Which is a valid suggestion on its own anyway.)


Currently, prestige is merely 100 points for each unique decoration unlocked + 2 points for each additional copy of a decoration unlocked. For the prestige rating on a stronghold that value is multiplied by the completion percentage (and also by 2, for subscribers). There is nothing in there that would make your choices for items placed in the stronghold relevant to your rating. One hundred hooks filled with basic chairs are worth just as much as one hundred hooks filled with emperor statues or one hundred hooks filled with one hundred different items. There is also nothing in how prestige is currently calculated that would allow for that "defense" mechanic where extra prestige is earned when a saboteur's attempt to change an item fails.


(Any numbers I throw out in the rest of this will be just to demonstrate a point rather than trying to suggest that those specifically should be the rates.)


Making a new calculation for prestige can be an entirely separate topic because people will argue about the specifics, but my thought would be to have everything assigned a rating for quality+rarity+size (for example, something like a basic chair might be a 1 while something like a Krayt Dragon Skeleton might be a 10) and to have modifiers associated with hook size (small = 10, medium narrow = 20, medium = 30, large = carpet = ceiling = 40, centerpiece = 50, ship = 60) so that there can be a prestige rating that reflects the type of item and where it was placed (the basic chair from earlier in a small hook might be worth 10 prestige while the skeleton in a centerpiece hook might be worth 500 prestige). Side Note: The subscriber / non-subscriber point disparity could be built into the hook multipliers instead of being applied blindly to the stronghold as a whole. (for non-subscribers: small = 5, medium narrow = 10, medium = 15, large = carpet = ceiling = 20, centerpiece = 25, ship = 30)


But if they had a value system like that established, I would suggest that the new formula's values assign the default value of the item for your prestige rating, a successfully sabotaged item has an additional multiplier making it worth 90% of its default value, and a successfully defended item has an additional multiplier making it worth 110% of its default value.


I would suggest a cleaning droid that could be placed which could be used to remove all sabotage attempts within the entire stronghold. This would cost no credits, but all items would be set back to their default value. This means that bonuses from successful defense disappear too. You'd have to re-set the devalued items manually if you want to avoid this. (Actually, instead of taking items out to place them again, maybe they should just add a button when the item is selected in edit mode that lets you cleanse the item.)


For the idea of the protection gameplay mechanic for the stronghold's owner... Protection "costs" would obviously depend on the quality of the item and/or the size of the hook. Maybe something in a small hook requires a commitment of 150 prestige to lock down while something in a centerpiece hook requires a commitment of 750 prestige to lock down. (Numbers picked high to ensure that there can never be 100% lock down.)


As for the espionage points... I'm picturing them as being like a new type of commendation. Is that what you were going for? Anyway, then these would be currency to use on a new vendor to acquire a "thief" gear set and some spy gadget themed decorations.


And to acquire them in the first place... I could see the espionage tokens and reputation being awarded through some sort of hidden daily kind of like the one for infecting people during the Rakghoul event.


Another idea to expand on the concept a bit: I'd almost consider making a pseudo-event out of it. (Trick or Treat! Although there's probably no good way to tie that into the lore and we've already got Rakghoul as a fitting event to sometimes coincide with Halloween anyway.) Make the pranking sprees a seasonal thing instead of a permanent new feature of the game. (It would need a variety of missions to pick up instead of just the one hidden daily I suggested though.)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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