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Thunderdefender RIP.


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My condolences to the family and friends and players who knew this young woman.


That said... I think it was a very bad idea to put this in General Discussion, or the forums at all for that matter. Trolls will be trolls and people are cruel on the internet. In the future I would recommend a slightly less public form of communication. A guild website or even just an in-game Guild Message would have been significantly more appropriate.


At the end of the day, the bulk of the people that read and reply to this topic, don't know this person and likely don't care and many of them will not hesitate to reply in some manner that is lacking in tact and/or class. With that in mind, think of how the brother might feel if he were to come to this forum and read the comments.


You can't be serious.


You can't...


I just...


Come on.

Edited by Aziran
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My condolences to the family and friends and players who knew this young woman.


That said... I think it was a very bad idea to put this in General Discussion, or the forums at all for that matter. Trolls will be trolls and people are cruel on the internet. In the future I would recommend a slightly less public form of communication. A guild website or even just an in-game Guild Message would have been significantly more appropriate.


At the end of the day, the bulk of the people that read and reply to this topic, don't know this person and likely don't care and many of them will not hesitate to reply in some manner that is lacking in tact and/or class. With that in mind, think of how the brother might feel if he were to come to this forum and read the comments.


Hey dude, I have this really nice bridge I'd like to sell you /w me in game, its really cheap, you'd love it

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Goodnight, sweet prince....

Joe, will you write such poetic words for my forum obituary too?


Ooooh...and I want a special post by Pistols too, but he has to refer to me as "His Greatest Master" and have him sprinkle in something about enjoying being my Padawan.

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Joe, will you write such poetic words for my forum obituary too?


Ooooh...and I want a special post by Pistols too, but he has to refer to me as "His Greatest Master" and have him sprinkle in something about enjoying being my Padawan.


Sure, and I can photoshop a TUX tombstone in here... You fighting a school of sharks so you can check out with more panache than that Jenner guy, whatever you're looking for. :tran_grin:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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1.A 16 year old guild leader had the forethought to leave the a wish that his siblings run the guild


2. Some stranger, not a family member, or new guild leader, breaks the news on a online gaming forum, instead of keeping to folks that knew him


3. Very convenient that with all this death and good friends, no one knows real names


4. Every body has a jaded point of view on death, that's why you can find when folks die in the paper, public record


If a 16 year old, or a 90 year old died, you have my heart felt sympathy, unfortunately this is not the place, nor the way to morn them, and I just don't believe the way the story has unfolded. For those that wish to flame me for this post, I would never have put something like this up to begin with, you put it out there, its going to be looked at and opinions are going to be rendered, remember where you are, where you posted this.

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I was going along with the OP's story ... ya know, feeling all sad and stuff ... until he got to the part where the decedent's dying wish was for her brother (who has never played SWTOR) to take over her guild (of which, apparently, she was no longer a member). Was her last request so specific as to mandate the period of time during which her brother is stuck playing this game or running that guild? Even if every word is true, if I were her brother, I'd log in, explain to the guild what was happening, let them make me Guild Leader, screenshot the proof, and immediately transfer the Fez of Leadership to someone else and give away all her stuff to anyone on her Friend's List.


But this thread struck a chord for me. I'm no spring chicken ... I more closely resemble my forum avatar than I like to admit. And I recently amended my will to include a private letter to be delivered to my younger brother (he with the best computer skills in the family, yet does not play MMOs) asking him, upon my death, to cancel all my MMO and Forum accounts ... but not before posting my MMO obits where appropriate. "Appropriate" means guild and kinship sites and, yes, the public game forums. I pre-wrote the obit and include it with the letter to my brother.


I also ask him to log in, say goodbye to anyone who's online and on my Friends List, and give away all my stuff to my MMO friends. Then, remove all my guys from any guilds or kinships (some of the groups I'm in don't purge the roster and I'd hate to think that Thoronmir was out there "haunting" his old guild).


So, if you see an obit for old Thor posted here anytime in the next 20 years, it's probably legit. If you see someone claiming to be my brother asking you to let Thoronmir take over your guild, then my account's been hacked.



The part about leaving a letter for my brother with all my account info so he can purge my MMO footprint is actually 100% true.


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I was going along with the OP's story ... ya know, feeling all sad and stuff ... until he got to the part where the decedent's dying wish was for her brother (who has never played SWTOR) to take over her guild (of which, apparently, she was no longer a member). Was her last request so specific as to mandate the period of time during which her brother is stuck playing this game or running that guild? Even if every word is true, if I were her brother, I'd log in, explain to the guild what was happening, let them make me Guild Leader, screenshot the proof, and immediately transfer the Fez of Leadership to someone else and give away all her stuff to anyone on her Friend's List.


But this thread struck a chord for me. I'm no spring chicken ... I more closely resemble my forum avatar than I like to admit. And I recently amended my will to include a private letter to be delivered to my younger brother (he with the best computer skills in the family, yet does not play MMOs) asking him, upon my death, to cancel all my MMO and Forum accounts ... but not before posting my MMO obits where appropriate. "Appropriate" means guild and kinship sites and, yes, the public game forums. I pre-wrote the obit and include it with the letter to my brother.


I also ask him to log in, say goodbye to anyone who's online and on my Friends List, and give away all my stuff to my MMO friends. Then, remove all my guys from any guilds or kinships (some of the groups I'm in don't purge the roster and I'd hate to think that Thoronmir was out there "haunting" his old guild).


So, if you see an obit for old Thor posted here anytime in the next 20 years, it's probably legit. If you see someone claiming to be my brother asking you to let Thoronmir take over your guild, then my account's been hacked.



The part about leaving a letter for my brother with all my account info so he can purge my MMO footprint is actually 100% true.


And you just became the most awesome McAwesome of Amazing Awesomeness. Mind if when the time comes, I steal your idea? That sounds like a very simple, legit way to end your MMO footprint in the end.

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I was going along with the OP's story ... ya know, feeling all sad and stuff ... until he got to the part where the decedent's dying wish was for her brother (who has never played SWTOR) to take over her guild (of which, apparently, she was no longer a member). Was her last request so specific as to mandate the period of time during which her brother is stuck playing this game or running that guild? Even if every word is true, if I were her brother, I'd log in, explain to the guild what was happening, let them make me Guild Leader, screenshot the proof, and immediately transfer the Fez of Leadership to someone else and give away all her stuff to anyone on her Friend's List.


But this thread struck a chord for me. I'm no spring chicken ... I more closely resemble my forum avatar than I like to admit. And I recently amended my will to include a private letter to be delivered to my younger brother (he with the best computer skills in the family, yet does not play MMOs) asking him, upon my death, to cancel all my MMO and Forum accounts ... but not before posting my MMO obits where appropriate. "Appropriate" means guild and kinship sites and, yes, the public game forums. I pre-wrote the obit and include it with the letter to my brother.


I also ask him to log in, say goodbye to anyone who's online and on my Friends List, and give away all my stuff to my MMO friends. Then, remove all my guys from any guilds or kinships (some of the groups I'm in don't purge the roster and I'd hate to think that Thoronmir was out there "haunting" his old guild).


So, if you see an obit for old Thor posted here anytime in the next 20 years, it's probably legit. If you see someone claiming to be my brother asking you to let Thoronmir take over your guild, then my account's been hacked.


What sort of stuff are we talking here? If decent and valuable ... want to be friends and add me and where exactly do you live? :rak_09:

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Hidy hey all


I am the one poor unfortunate soul that was gracious enough to buy an artifact authorization for Thunderdefender. She gave me 350k straight away and promised a further 750k. As our guild leader at the time, (and which was the reason she gave to trust her). I had no reason not to trust her. However she shortly after left the guild and months later I am still cash down.


Then this happened in the lamest of attempts to worm her way back into the guild AND worse still to try to become leader again (No doubt to clean out the guild bank) but we all saw through it like Covert Armour and I called her out on the BS. She then once again left the guild. Go figure.


Since then I have seen Thunderdefender on the fleet and after attempting to whisper found, not really to my surprise, that I have been ignored.


So if you have the unfortunate experience of stumbling across Thunderdefender (Red Eclipse) DO NOT trust her in the slightest. I wouldn't even take her on an Operation Full Run as she'd probably leave after the weekly.



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Hidy hey all


I am the one poor unfortunate soul that was gracious enough to buy an artifact authorization for Thunderdefender. She gave me 350k straight away and promised a further 750k. As our guild leader at the time, (and which was the reason she gave to trust her). I had no reason not to trust her. However she shortly after left the guild and months later I am still cash down.


Then this happened in the lamest of attempts to worm her way back into the guild AND worse still to try to become leader again (No doubt to clean out the guild bank) but we all saw through it like Covert Armour and I called her out on the BS. She then once again left the guild. Go figure.


Since then I have seen Thunderdefender on the fleet and after attempting to whisper found, not really to my surprise, that I have been ignored.


So if you have the unfortunate experience of stumbling across Thunderdefender (Red Eclipse) DO NOT trust her in the slightest. I wouldn't even take her on an Operation Full Run as she'd probably leave after the weekly.



Back from the DEAD?! :eek: HALLELUIAH! IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!

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