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LOL, Conquest PvE rewards just got decimated


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If your guild is so full that you barely have room for alts, how is it that you're having troubles with conquests?


I don't. I didn't use any exploits to get my points and I have no trouble reaching 35,000.



Though that begs the question why apparently every PvEr is suddenly me (and thus "doesn't matter either way) and deserves to have their stuff gutted just so one (ONE) exploit got fixed.


Frankly I'm not looking forward to a week where I'm PvPing not out of choice, but necessity because every other option I've done the "new improved Weekly" for already. Essentially giving me no choice but to do something else, instead of me choosing to do that something else to start with.




I don't remember all Ranked PvP rewards being revoked because some people fixed queues.

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Though that begs the question why apparently every PvEr is suddenly me (and thus "doesn't matter either way) and deserves to have their stuff gutted just so one (ONE) exploit got fixed.


I am so glad that someone gets this. The thing that upsets me more than anything is people saying "I am fine with it so everybody else has to be fine with it too". I have lots of alts and I tend to get 8-15K on about 5 or 6 characters it seems. So because I choose to switch between alts a lot this reward system doesn't do anything for me even though I got more than 35k altogether, there is no reward for me.


Frankly I'm not looking forward to a week where I'm PvPing not out of choice, but necessity because every other option I've done the "new improved Weekly" for already. Essentially giving me no choice but to do something else, instead of me choosing to do that something else to start with.


And this is the core of the problem. BW are herding sheep. They push everybody in the same direction with the proverbial carrot in front. The advantage of this is that for a certain group of people this means lots of activity in the flavour of the week hubs as directed by the activities that support the planets. I suppose I never was much of a sheep and I do wonder how many players will still be trying to do conquest as a guild in a few weeks as it is since it will only be useful if you can consistently play in the top 10s.


So all in all, I do see the counter in my personal conquest but for me it doesn't work. It's a shame in that sense that I know some of my guildies want to do this so I would want to support them (I don't really care for it myself you see), but I have no real interest in reaching that 35k at the expense of doing things that I enjoy doing. If my alting playstyle is not rewarded, so be it....and even though I also don't see myself as the template for mankind, I do wonder how many people will in the end actively still participate in this conquest stuff and if BW actually will achieve maximum results with this sytem. I say maximum because you can't please everybody but you would think they want content to appeal to as many players as possible.


So I just wonder if it does or will.

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Is it per character or legacy-wide?


If the latter, may as well declare victory for the GSF and PVP people immediately.


irrelevant. people who also want to do personal conquests can basically throw that idea out the window if they dont want to pvp & gsf :mad:


As always BW tries to shove pvp down people's throats. i hope it backfires and the pve guilds just decide this meaningless grind is not worth it and just boycott the whole thing

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The thing that upsets me more than anything is people saying "I am fine with it so everybody else has to be fine with it too". I have lots of alts and I tend to get 8-15K on about 5 or 6 characters it seems. So because I choose to switch between alts a lot this reward system doesn't do anything for me even though I got more than 35k altogether, there is no reward for me.

Would you mind saying what exactly you want changed?


This thread is specifically about the fact that flashpoint are no longer infinitely repeatable for Conquest rewards. It sounds as though you have a different problem you're trying to solve.

Edited by Khevar
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Though that begs the question why apparently every PvEr is suddenly me

Because your argument against alt switching was about YOU.


You disagreed with the solution of "switch to an alt to keep making points that day" because YOU couldn't do it.

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Lol, people are actually angry about this?


I'm so sorry you can't grind a level 10 FP over and over and over again to gain a significant advantage over most others.


I was getting pretty annoyed over several guilds on my server who were obviously grinding BT over and over nonstop every day, and being so far ahead of everyone else that it was pointless to try and compete with them.


If you're upset that you MAY have to do some PVP, then this content is not for you.

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I think the real upset is less over semantics and more over the fact that Bioware clearly didn't vet this system nearly as well as they could have or, indeed, should have.


They failed to predict obvious avenues of exploitation. They failed to predict obvious terms of imbalances.


Coming into this pre-release, were I in their shoes, my chiefest concern would have been 'How will players break this?'. Because ANYTHING INVITING COMPETETITION will invite brutal extremities of advantage-seeking.


But, no. This feels more like the testing phase and they're only just now really even trying to perhaps maybe, on some level, even identify obvious exploits and imbalances.


My personal conclusion is that its pretty much dead to me. Even if it were in better developmental shape, its still clearly and obviously a system intended for those that have a lot of time to dedicate to utilizing it competitively.


I got about 15 hours in the typical week to play these games. I'm not going to spend them farming bear asses to craft derpnuggets so I can get some points for junk I'll never care about and that offers me no benefit I crave in the first place.


I already own my own capital ship. I don't need to unlock it all immediately - cripes, then I'd still be stuck figuring out how to decorate all of it. What will I -do- with my capital ship?


I'll sit on it like a boss and not care what anyone thinks. Its a nice novelty. A fun RP perk, for sure.


Conquest? Nope. Power to those that are enjoying being its beta testers though.

Edited by Uruare
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I am so glad that someone gets this. The thing that upsets me more than anything is people saying "I am fine with it so everybody else has to be fine with it too". I have lots of alts and I tend to get 8-15K on about 5 or 6 characters it seems. So because I choose to switch between alts a lot this reward system doesn't do anything for me even though I got more than 35k altogether, there is no reward for me.




And this is the core of the problem. BW are herding sheep. They push everybody in the same direction with the proverbial carrot in front. The advantage of this is that for a certain group of people this means lots of activity in the flavour of the week hubs as directed by the activities that support the planets. I suppose I never was much of a sheep and I do wonder how many players will still be trying to do conquest as a guild in a few weeks as it is since it will only be useful if you can consistently play in the top 10s.


So all in all, I do see the counter in my personal conquest but for me it doesn't work. It's a shame in that sense that I know some of my guildies want to do this so I would want to support them (I don't really care for it myself you see), but I have no real interest in reaching that 35k at the expense of doing things that I enjoy doing. If my alting playstyle is not rewarded, so be it....and even though I also don't see myself as the template for mankind, I do wonder how many people will in the end actively still participate in this conquest stuff and if BW actually will achieve maximum results with this sytem. I say maximum because you can't please everybody but you would think they want content to appeal to as many players as possible.


So I just wonder if it does or will.


This week I have run 9 alts. Doing nothing but the Balmorra Heroics and a few flashpoints every day on different toons I will have all 9 alts above the 35k mark. I have other alts, most of which are opposite faction, which won't hit the 35k mark simply because I don't have the time.


I can run a toon thru the Heroics I do in about 40 minutes unless that one drop decides not to show itself easily. In two days I can get two or three toons to 35k, especially when running the FP's with guildies.


Sunday nights are PvP night, where our Imp and Pub guilds queue up at the same time and fight each other for bragging rights. Since those toons are built for PvP only, they won't see 35k. It would take a few hours a night for 3-5 days to get a toon to 35k thru PvP alone.


Just from the Balmorra Heroics and my Stronghold Bonus I get over 14k Conquest in about 40 minutes. So if you are getting only 8 to 15k on only 5-6 characters the problem isn't the system...it's you.

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This week I have run 9 alts. Doing nothing but the Balmorra Heroics and a few flashpoints every day on different toons I will have all 9 alts above the 35k mark. I have other alts, most of which are opposite faction, which won't hit the 35k mark simply because I don't have the time.


I can run a toon thru the Heroics I do in about 40 minutes unless that one drop decides not to show itself easily. In two days I can get two or three toons to 35k, especially when running the FP's with guildies.


Sunday nights are PvP night, where our Imp and Pub guilds queue up at the same time and fight each other for bragging rights. Since those toons are built for PvP only, they won't see 35k. It would take a few hours a night for 3-5 days to get a toon to 35k thru PvP alone.


Just from the Balmorra Heroics and my Stronghold Bonus I get over 14k Conquest in about 40 minutes. So if you are getting only 8 to 15k on only 5-6 characters the problem isn't the system...it's you.


people that have jobs and cant spend 6 hours a day just farming low level heroics wont be doing that. of course, that is the demographic that tends to have money to spend on games like this. if bioware wants to market a game to teenagers and the unemployed, thats their choice..but it probably isnt good for the long run. although i do ask..whats the difference in me farming my lvl 55 through esseles and me running the same character through lvl 15-20 heroics? one is a nono and the other is intended?

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whats the difference in me farming my lvl 55 through esseles and me running the same character through lvl 15-20 heroics? one is a nono and the other is intended?

The difference is "once per day" and "infinitely repeatable"


If you could run heroics over and over and over on the same day it would be just as bad.

Edited by Khevar
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Because you know, changing characters is such a horrible terrible thing.


Actually, it is terrible, since the main point of being in the Top 10 as a guild is the Encryptions you get for each toon (not account, not Legacy) that makes the 35K target. Getting 2 or 3 or 10 toons to 17.5K each gives you zero Encryptions. This is why the Legacy lockouts are such an annoyance to alt-a-holics.

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Actually, it is terrible, since the main point of being in the Top 10 as a guild is the Encryptions you get for each toon (not account, not Legacy) that makes the 35K target. Getting 2 or 3 or 10 toons to 17.5K each gives you zero Encryptions. This is why the Legacy lockouts are such an annoyance to alt-a-holics.


1) getting 35k is as easy as crap using the PvE missions

2) getting 35k takes far longer doing PvP unless you are invading hoth.

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Lol, people are actually angry about this?


I'm so sorry you can't grind a level 10 FP over and over and over again to gain a significant advantage over most others.


I was getting pretty annoyed over several guilds on my server who were obviously grinding BT over and over nonstop every day, and being so far ahead of everyone else that it was pointless to try and compete with them.


If you're upset that you MAY have to do some PVP, then this content is not for you.


Er, "a significant advantage?". Have you even TRIED doing the lvl 10 FP? About 20 minutes of mashing spacebar for 1000 points, how criminal! I could spend the same amount of time afk or crashing into asteroids in GSF, TWICE.


Just because the combat is easy doesn't make it wrong. There's no difference to running a FP over and over and running PvP/GSF except they didn't count of people finding a way to exploit grouping mechanics to skip up to bonus boss then invite 3 people in for 3x extra Conquest Points. Those big numbers only come from the HM 50 versions, by the way, and people doing it legitly couldn't speedrun that kind of stuff. The sheer amount of conversations present prevents that in itself.



1) getting 35k is as easy as crap using the PvE missions

2) getting 35k takes far longer doing PvP unless you are invading hoth.


Then if you're not doing Conquests for you guild and are just doing it for your own 35k reward score, why do you even care? You can do whatever the F you want and you'll hit 35k as long as you don't twiddle your thumbs.



You're not going to get in the 10 top by PvE Dailes though. Not a chance. You'll get big numbers, sure, but there'll be another guild invading the same planet that will ALSO get those big numbers and then once they hit the PvE cap they'll go PvP grind as well and no number one spot for you.


Top 10 = who grinds the most. Grinding the most in PvE is now impossible as you are daily limited, PvP is not.




This week I have run 9 alts. Doing nothing but the Balmorra Heroics and a few flashpoints every day on different toons I will have all 9 alts above the 35k mark. I have other alts, most of which are opposite faction, which won't hit the 35k mark simply because I don't have the time.


I can run a toon thru the Heroics I do in about 40 minutes unless that one drop decides not to show itself easily. In two days I can get two or three toons to 35k, especially when running the FP's with guildies.


Sunday nights are PvP night, where our Imp and Pub guilds queue up at the same time and fight each other for bragging rights. Since those toons are built for PvP only, they won't see 35k. It would take a few hours a night for 3-5 days to get a toon to 35k thru PvP alone.


Just from the Balmorra Heroics and my Stronghold Bonus I get over 14k Conquest in about 40 minutes. So if you are getting only 8 to 15k on only 5-6 characters the problem isn't the system...it's you.


Congrats if you have 9 55 alts you can speedrun Heroics with and can get your 35k on each easy peesy.



How many of those Conquest points went to your guild? You know, guild conquests?


Because unless your guild is comprised of you and your 9 alts then you're just farming rewards, will never hit top 10 anyway (if you have a guild ship for invasion bonus at all) and Guild Conquests isn't aimed at you either way. But good for you if you can take advantage.


35k x 9 is 315 000 points total. That usually ends up being what a guild surpasses in the first few days of a new Conquest. So I mean good for you, but Heroic grinding gives chump change in the long run compared to other stuff. And I'd go out on a limb and say most people don't have that many geared 55 alts, especially not all in the same guild...

Edited by Transairion
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have u seen the rewards from this? they are all so ugly.... The only reason i learn them is the prestige...other than that I will never use them



why they added so ugly deco's in the rewards. Give us paintings for the houses, rugs...nice things.

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1) getting 35k is as easy as crap using the PvE missions

2) getting 35k takes far longer doing PvP unless you are invading hoth.


Getting 35K for PvPers is achieved by doing what they do all the time, PvP


Getting 35K for PvEers must include doing content at less than level cap as there is no other way to get that much.


as for easy, depends what you can get groups for and if you can log on every single day, the PvE one is highly dependant on getting on every single day to do the heroics and daily missions.


To my knowledge not a single one of the PvP objectives in this particular conquest at least are daily reliant ?




Now I suck at PvP, and am not massive fan in any game but I tried it out last night.


In one evening in my usual game time I managed 23 PvP matches of various types, thats 6500 just for playing them plus I happened to of course do the GSF weekly for another thousand.


and of course you not only get 500 for a GSF but a further thousand for every 10 wins too.

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have u seen the rewards from this? they are all so ugly.... The only reason i learn them is the prestige...other than that I will never use them



why they added so ugly deco's in the rewards. Give us paintings for the houses, rugs...nice things.


you don't actualy get them for looks though. they are crafting nodes for you house.

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people that have jobs and cant spend 6 hours a day just farming low level heroics wont be doing that. of course, that is the demographic that tends to have money to spend on games like this. if bioware wants to market a game to teenagers and the unemployed, thats their choice..but it probably isnt good for the long run. although i do ask..whats the difference in me farming my lvl 55 through esseles and me running the same character through lvl 15-20 heroics? one is a nono and the other is intended?


Guess what? I work 60 to 70 hours a week and still have time to spend 40 minutes running heroics on one toon easily, two if I'm lucky. So you can check your attitude as it won't work with me.


In 3 hours a day you can get 9 or more toons to 35k in 6 days.


You can still do one HM55, one HM50 and one Tac FP every day for credit in addition to the daily Heroics that take 40 min.


The no no was the simple fact that people were cheating the system to wrack up huge amounts of points, that is the difference. Running the daily heroics on Balmorra and then doing your daily FP's is putting forth the honest effort you seem not to want to do while standing around with your guildies while a stealther runs to the end of Esselles before you join his group is exploiting.


The point is (and it's a big point) is that the system as it is right now is completely reasonable. You can easily...very, very easily...get a toon to 35k every week. With some foresight and a little effort you can get multiple toons to 35k every week.


What you can't do is grind out points through an exploit to put your guild on the top of the leaderboard. The fact that Conquest is supposed to be a guild event and not personal means you and I can't use alts in order to get to the top of the leaderboard. 10 players with 10 toons each will not have an advantage over 10 players with 1 toon each when it comes to the leaderboard.


That is the one big thing people fail to see. This isn't a "personal alt" event...it is for guilds and only guilds with active members working together are going to make the leaderboard under the current system. That is why so many things are legacy based, why others are repeatable but only once a day...because it is a GUILD event.

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and of course you not only get 500 for a GSF but a further thousand for every 10 wins too.


Don't forget the 50 medal goal as well. 1000 more points for that. Depends how competent you are at GSF, but 50 medals is reasonably doable in 5 matches, and that goal is repeatable, meaning your quest to 10 wins should yield another couple thousand points from the medal objective too.


Obviously, the total will be dependent on the quality of your teams and the opposition; might take you 10 or 30 games to reach 10 wins, which can vastly impact your total number of medals.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Congrats if you have 9 55 alts you can speedrun Heroics with and can get your 35k on each easy peesy.



How many of those Conquest points went to your guild? You know, guild conquests?


Because unless your guild is comprised of you and your 9 alts then you're just farming rewards, will never hit top 10 anyway (if you have a guild ship for invasion bonus at all) and Guild Conquests isn't aimed at you either way. But good for you if you can take advantage.


35k x 9 is 315 000 points total. That usually ends up being what a guild surpasses in the first few days of a new Conquest. So I mean good for you, but Heroic grinding gives chump change in the long run compared to other stuff. And I'd go out on a limb and say most people don't have that many geared 55 alts, especially not all in the same guild...


All of them, since everything I do goes to the guild total regardless of what my personal total is. I don't run multiple FPs in a day unless they give guild points. I wait til the next day to do it. I only need one day of daily FPs and two days of Balmorra Heroics to reach 35k.


And since we are a large guild on both factions, both Guilds placed Top 10 last week and will do so again this week because we also do what is intended...i.e. stuff as a guild that earns us points.


My points don't exist in a vacuum, they are added to everyone else in our medium-large guild and we didn't even have to exploit to make top ten on either side. Considering that the top guild is just over 6 million with 19 hours left, 300k is 5% of that meaning only 19 other guild members would have to accomplish the same amount through Heroics and a few FP's.


So, you know, your argument fails. Try again.

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