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Why does BW hate solo players that much?


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Seems like Bioware is going out of their way to drive out people who just like to solo pve.


If you are like me, hating GSF, PvP and group play in general, then you're pretty much done after finishing your story line and hitting the lvl cap. Strongholds looked to be something to fill the void, but again, the solo pve player is actively and deliberately limited in options to participate (point wise I mean)


This week's personal (yeah , right... personal, big joke that). conquest looked like I actually could make the required point total. Sadly the solo pve'er again gets chopped off at the feet.


What is personal in a conquest if most of the objectives require a group to do, apart from crafting and spending oodles of credits on getting the required mats? Bioware why do you dislike solo pve players so much?

Edited by LeJarC
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You know what no!


A new gamestyle designed for social guilds and your first reaction is to complain that it doesn't adhere to the solo player ?


But yes BW hates solo players, they deliberately went out of their way to make it a bad experience for you, because when they were a child they were bullied by a solo player.

Edited by znihilist
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Its a mmo, not a singleplayer game.


If you dont want to cooperate and play with others its obvious that your game will be limited.


that's just your standard, run of the mill brainless argument that no longer holds true... if that were true there wouldn't have been a solo story line to begin with.

Edited by LeJarC
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Conquest is for guilds in the first place, for people who bought the guild ship and want to be Galactic Conquerors. The only way it is tied to personal Strongholds is that you get box with crafting decorations as a reward for completing personal goal.


Apart from it Strongholds have little hindrance for solo players. Yes, some decorations come from group content only, but they are/soon will be sold on GTN.


Honestly, I'd love to have more solo content myself(really looking forward to that big update they promise at the end of the year), but this is MMO and solo players are always the last in line in MMOs.

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that's just your standard, run of the mill brainless argument that no longer holds true... if that were true there wouldn't have been a solo story line to begin with.



Imagine that!

They hate solo players so much, they gave them 8 extremely well-made solo stories to play through.

I mean what an insult to solo players...

Some would even call it... a slap in the face :rolleyes:

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I don't know if I agree with your assesment.


If you've finished the story line in a Single Player RPG, what else is there to do there?


In an MMO the idea is that you are in a game with many others. The fact that you choose not to do any of that is your choice. You could do a lot with crafting and dailies and gear up all your alts and companions and all that. Dailies enough to help with the creds needed.


In fact this game has 8 story lines so it does better for solo players than other MMOs.


I don't think BW hates solo players at all.

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If that were true there wouldn't have been a solo story line to begin with.


Perhaps you should read what people write more carefully, I wrote "limited" not "nonexistent".

Edited by Garatgh
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I don't know if I agree with your assesment.


If you've finished the story line in a Single Player RPG, what else is there to do there?


In an MMO the idea is that you are in a game with many others. The fact that you choose not to do any of that is your choice. You could do a lot with crafting and dailies and gear up all your alts and companions and all that. Dailies enough to help with the creds needed.


In fact this game has 8 story lines so it does better for solo players than other MMOs.


I don't think BW hates solo players at all.

My gripe is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).


Gathering credits and gearing up alts and running the other stories is not a problem, been doing that since day 1. But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target, as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that target. I know I can't at least... I simply do not have that much time and mats to reach it.


And yes, the rewards may not be all that, but for me it's not about that, I would have been happy already to just reach the target and only get the 25K voucher...

Edited by LeJarC
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Seems like Bioware is going out of their way to drive out people who just like to solo pve.


If you are like me, hating GSF, PvP and group play in general, then you're pretty much done after finishing your story line and hitting the lvl cap. Strongholds looked to be something to fill the void, but again, the solo pve player is actively and deliberately limited in options to participate (point wise I mean)


This week's personal (yeah , right... personal, big joke that). conquest looked like I actually could make the required point total. Sadly the solo pve'er again gets chopped off at the feet.


What is personal in a conquest if most of the objectives require a group to do, apart from crafting and spending oodles of credits on getting the required mats? Bioware why do you dislike solo pve players so much?


You can net a pretty good amount doing the low level heroics. Nine heroics on republic balmorra (not sure imp side) is 4500 a day if no planet bonus and a nice 13500 a day with a bonus. If you got a maxed strongholds its 9000 a day without bonus or 18000 a day with bonus

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My grip is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).


Gathering credits and gearing up alts and running the other stories is not a problem, been doing that since day 1. But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target, as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that.


I think the problem is with your expectation.


Personal conquest rewards are made to support the guilds so people are also personally motivated to participate in conquest which ultimately is group content. The fact that it says personal conquest as a label may have given you the impression that it's for solo players but it's not. It's for personal motivation to contribute to your guild by hanging a small carrot in front of you. It works that way because when you gain points for yourself you gain them for your guild at the same rate. That's the reason for personal conquest rewards, to reward the individual for participating in group content called conquest, not to reward solo players.


And look at the actual rewards. Why even care?

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I think the problem is with your expectation.


Personal conquest rewards are made to support the guilds so people are also personally motivated to participate in conquest which ultimately is group content. The fact that it says personal conquest as a label may have given you the impression that it's for solo players but it's not. It's for personal motivation to contribute to your guild by hanging a small carrot in front of you. It works that way because when you gain points for yourself you gain them for your guild at the same rate. That's the reason for personal conquest rewards, to reward the individual for participating in group content called conquest, not to reward solo players.


And look at the actual rewards. Why even care?

Crafters might like it. Mats, a few credits (sure its lame credits, but its for doing nothing), and some crafting decorations. Given, its not great, but I can see people wanting prestige, free credits, and crafting mats/decorations enjoying it.

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My grip is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).


Gathering credits and gearing up alts and running the other stories is not a problem, been doing that since day 1. But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target, as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that target. I know I can't at least... I simply do not have that much time and mats to reach it.


And yes, the rewards may not be all that, but for me it's not about that, I would have been happy already to just reach the target and only get the 25K voucher...


I have be able to complete the personal objectives without grouping, why can't you? Do the heroics each day. Solo the low level FP, gather and craft, murder NPCs on the target planets. And most importantly, DECORATE your strongholds first.


I get a 30% bonus from having one finished and others barely started. That means I only need 27k in objectives base to finish. The more you decorate, the more you can lower that number.


The only thing holding you back is you.

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Crafters might like it. Mats, a few credits (sure its lame credits, but its for doing nothing), and some crafting decorations. Given, its not great, but I can see people wanting prestige, free credits, and crafting mats/decorations enjoying it.

Like I said before, it's not the reward you get that interests me. Sure, the node decorations are a nice thing, but with the RNG gods not liking me, the chance that these will be something other than the low grade ones you see oodles of on GTN is small so am not putting too much hope on that. For me it is mostly about the satisfaction of having reached the target.

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Honestly, I'd love to have more solo content myself(really looking forward to that big update they promise at the end of the year), but in this MMO PVP players are always the last in line.


Fixed it for you. :p


I find that this game has a lot of solo content. There are 8 different stories to go thought. You can do dailies, PVP, make credits, play house, achievement farm all solo.

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My gripe is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).



It is not impossible. Every week there's something you can do as solo player to reach the goal. Solo heroics on low-lvl planets, for example, you do not need a group for them and they are repeatable every day upon reset. There are also one-time objectives, like killing 250 enemies on certain planet. There are always crafting objectives. This week you can also run Esseles/Black Talon on storymode as much as you want for points, so you can reach personal goal on this thing alone. Boring as hell? Sure. But not impossible.


And personal goal is for guilds mostly as well. It is made to prevent abusing the alts for rewards. This way alts get nothing unless you play them as well. I have 12 characters rep-side, for example, and if there was no personal goal to reach for receiving rewards I alone would get 12 encryptions for guild ship(and this is the main reward from conquests!). But with this system I got rewards only on alts I played enough to reach personal goal. So, you see, it was never meant for solo-players.


And I honestly do not understand why you would even want those rewards unless you are actively conquesting planets with guildies. There are faster and easier easier ways to earn 25k and crafting materials.

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Conquest is designed as a guild feature, and SWTOR had not enough of those. So, if one doesn't lke group content then you are clearly not the target audience for that aspect of the game, that doesn't impanct your Stronghold in any way, shape, or form; since you can simply buy the resource gathering decorations from other players simple by using the GTN. So, SWTOR is especially solo player friendly and it looked for a long time like BioWare is hating guilds.
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Crafters might like it. Mats, a few credits (sure its lame credits, but its for doing nothing), and some crafting decorations. Given, its not great, but I can see people wanting prestige, free credits, and crafting mats/decorations enjoying it.


Yeh but why would a solo player expect rewards for group content?

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Conquest is for guilds but I do agree that this game had and still has huge potential for players to progress either in an MMO or as a shared single player game (as I did with my first character). It is a shame that BW seems to be ignoring this and going "Do flashpoints! Do flashpoints or suffer!". They are limiting the potential by reducing the amount of soloable content dramatically.
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Like I said before, it's not the reward you get that interests me. Sure, the node decorations are a nice thing, but with the RNG gods not liking me, the chance that these will be something other than the low grade ones you see oodles of on GTN is small so am not putting too much hope on that. For me it is mostly about the satisfaction of having reached the target.


90% sure that the little boxes don't have the low rank stuff and you get that from the opening quest. But I'm not positive cause I just grab them for the prestige.

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Trying to remember exactly where is the place where you can go and purchase the top end mods for your equipment with cash, you know the good 180 stuff. Let's see you can buy that at... no wait, not there...

Maybe it was over in... no wait can't really get any of that there either...

Heck I guess the only place that you can actually pick that stuff up is with Ultimate commendations that YOU ONLY GET BY RUNNING LARGE SIZE GROUP OPS!


Yeah I guess most of you are right, Bio-ware doesn't want to punish solo or small group size prefered players...


Thatnks for using your witticism and sarcasm to correct all of us who didn't see the light before.

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Trying to remember exactly where is the place where you can go and purchase the top end mods for your equipment with cash, you know the good 180 stuff. Let's see you can buy that at... no wait, not there...

Maybe it was over in... no wait can't really get any of that there either...

Heck I guess the only place that you can actually pick that stuff up is with Ultimate commendations that YOU ONLY GET BY RUNNING LARGE SIZE GROUP OPS!


Yeah I guess most of you are right, Bio-ware doesn't want to punish solo or small group size prefered players...


Thatnks for using your witticism and sarcasm to correct all of us who didn't see the light before.


why should you get top-tier gear if you're not doing top-tier activities? that 180 gear is for raiders. if you're not raiding, not only should you not be able to get it, you really don't even need it.

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Trying to remember exactly where is the place where you can go and purchase the top end mods for your equipment with cash, you know the good 180 stuff. Let's see you can buy that at... no wait, not there...

Maybe it was over in... no wait can't really get any of that there either...

Heck I guess the only place that you can actually pick that stuff up is with Ultimate commendations that YOU ONLY GET BY RUNNING LARGE SIZE GROUP OPS!


Yeah I guess most of you are right, Bio-ware doesn't want to punish solo or small group size prefered players...


Thatnks for using your witticism and sarcasm to correct all of us who didn't see the light before.


Uhm it's called the GTM. And they sell stuff that is better than you can get off crappy ultimate comms.. Endurance heavy Enh.. lovely.. no Mainhand.. no relics.

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