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Anyone else notice some HUGE Sin dmg totals lately? I've noticed that Sins are putting up bigger numbers than Sorcs or Mercs in WZs quite often, anyone know the hot build? Is is a Madness build, a hybrid?


Some of the Sin dmg totals lately have been pretty crazy.

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Anyone else notice some HUGE Sin dmg totals lately? I've noticed that Sins are putting up bigger numbers than Sorcs or Mercs in WZs quite often, anyone know the hot build? Is is a Madness build, a hybrid?


Some of the Sin dmg totals lately have been pretty crazy.


I put up 698k last night in a 30-54 WZ on my madness sin.











Got beat by a gunslinger by almost 100k.

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Isn't Madness pretty squishy? Didn't think a dot spec Sin build could do so well in PvP lol.


DoT specs generally put up high numbers. But yes madness sin is now viable. Madness sorc is still better though since they don't have to be up close to use their highest damaging moves.

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Madness sins are very squishy indeed, you tend to either run when focused, or have somewhat of a kiting mentality when fighting, or both. Most high damaging sins are rolling a full madness spec, although I have seen a few roll a hybrid allowing them to get DF/FiB Edited by Acreneau
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DoT specs generally put up high numbers. But yes madness sin is now viable. Madness sorc is still better though since they don't have to be up close to use their highest damaging moves.


Lol, I have been playing a sage/sorc since launch, I put up huge numbers on my sage/sorc, I easily outpace both on my shadow/sin and have much more burst and better DCDs.

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Anyone else notice some HUGE Sin dmg totals lately? I've noticed that Sins are putting up bigger numbers than Sorcs or Mercs in WZs quite often, anyone know the hot build? Is is a Madness build, a hybrid?


Some of the Sin dmg totals lately have been pretty crazy.


Playing a Sin or Shadow is much harder than a Sorc/sage... You need to have your timing right to hit those high numbers because all it takes is the person you are targeting to step back/turn or run and you can miss your biggest hits... You're probably coming up against the better players who have the coordination to do this... Lagging also makes playing any melee spec harder than ranged... But a good player will anticipate this too

I use Infiltration build and average 400k to 800k per match, depending on what WZ it is and wether I am trying to ninja cap or guard... My biggest hits are over 10k Crit ... This will also depend on your stats... My main DPS is 1933, accuracy is 99%, Crit is 20.8%, surge is 74%, alacrity is 0...

I know some people use a slightly different optimisation, but I find I can Crit high enough and fast enough to take down most people with a stealth rotation of stun hit hit stun Crit hit hit.. If my hits average 8k plus, only someone with higher than 33k require a bit more work to kill (that's assuming they have full health at the start)

A Shadow or Sin are just as squishy as a Sage/Sorc if you don't know how to save your cool down abilities and med packs... But I find this class 3rd in survivability after my Guardian/jugg tank or my healers... And I have multiple of every class

Because of the complexity and higher skill lvl required to play this class, I don't think it unreasonable that they can hit hard, otherwise most people wouldn't play them... I am usually the only Shadow in each match... Occasionally there might be 2... And if lucky 3... The most I have ever seen is 4 and that was only once... While I see 3-5 Sorcs/sages per match consistently







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I wish some of the people I've had to pug with would realize that balance/madness shadows/sins arent just node guards, which apparently is a label all shadow/sin specs still have. I've taken a lot of crap for zerging and not node guarding, despite outdps'ing the rest on my team by a big margin and actually killing healers. Edited by MidichIorian
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Madness sin is squishy and yes, it takes a lot of damage, but there are a LOT of ways to mitigate it if you are good. You have stealth, combat stealth, shroud, self-heals on crit and death field (you can dot/death field everyone quickly to up your healing in a pinch), force speed, pushback, slow (the previous two things will let you 1v1 pretty much any melee class and win fights starting with less health), 4 second hard stun (doesn't seem like much but guardian and marauder dont have it...so it is good), whirlwind for 1v2ing, a whopping 30 percent damage reduction while hard-CC'd, 30 percent damage reduction after mass taunt (yes you have to learn to mass taunt to master this class...sorry to people who don't use it), low cooldown interrupt for messing up rotations and activated heals, and of course, the advanced move that 99 percent of nubs don't know how to use, phase walk. Oh and Overcharge Saber :)


They also parse higher than Madness sorcs.


SO ultimately...Sin takes a lot of skill...because if you don't know how to use ALL the defensive stuff above, as well as the basic stuff like LoSing, kiting melee, and not jumping into 8 people at once before DoTing several of them first for self-heals, then you will suck hard period.


A melee class MUST know how to defend itself in any situation. A melee class must also know how to position itself properly against ranged so that it is not affected too much by their knockbacks. It is much harder than playing a ranged class where you just trololol all day and LoS and kite everyone to death.You are probably better off playing a Sorc if you're not quick enough to handle an Assassin. But if you've got the skill, Assassin rewards you tremendously, and that's why you now see Sins rocking WZs and sometimes doing even better than the Sorcs who never put in the effort because Sorc is just plain Easy-mode.


But...keep in mind, Assassin is not the hardest class in the game right now. That title would go to Marauder for sure.

Edited by FinalArbiter
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You know you do something right as a shadow balance spec player when you got double the damage / kills than the second guy in your team :D. Pulled a voidstar the other day I had 1.2 million damage (new balance spec player here) and the second had 600k trolololololFIB :D.
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I wish some of the people I've had to pug with would realize that balance/madness shadows/sins arent just node guards, which apparently a label all shadow/sin specs still have. I've taken a lot of crap for zerging and not node guarding, despite outdps'ing the rest on my team by a big margin and actually killing healers.


Whats a node guard? Oh, you mean that thing I cap and then leave? We're supposed to guard that!? :confused:

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You know you do something right as a shadow balance spec player when you got double the damage / kills than the second guy in your team :D. Pulled a voidstar the other day I had 1.2 million damage (new balance spec player here) and the second had 600k trolololololFIB :D.


I can get 1 mil plus on madness sorceror easy in voidstar.

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I honestly think Madness Sins are in a pretty good spot right now for pvp. The only thing that I would like to see changed is that when you sap / whirlwind someone, they need to be restored to full hp. I freaking HAAAAATE losing a 1v1 to a sin on another class because they were able to sap me and heal to full, while I stay at low hp.


That goes for all classes that have a long pvp CC ability.


I've played Madness Sin, all mara / jugg specs, and and madness sorc extensively in pvp. What I have found is that while Madness Sin has the POTENTIAL for high dps, the sorc gets away with doing more dps more often because as a ranged, they aren't cced and stunned as much. Although, warriors do loooove to tunnel my sorc, and as long as it's just one, I just dot, kite, and laugh as they die.


You almost have to play madness sin like a madness sorc that is melee range, because they are quite squishy. If you get focused by ANYONE you need to get the hell out of there. If left alone, and assuming it's a prolonged battle, yes, madness Sin can out dps a madness sorc. In reality? Probably not going ot happen.

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really sin does not have a bad spec now, even tank spec has its uses which i play. you get decent protection, taunts, slows stuns, and are one of best at guarding nodes, usally have plenty of time for help to come with tank sin spec. the spec thats been easymode since day one is decption...has every tool to be good in pvp. and the babies are crying already due to nerf, anyone tell me when last time decption sin got a nerf? i mean one sin easily takes 60 percent health on opener, 2 , with couple lucky crits can kill you in 3 seconds... the spec needs nerf, honestly...
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and ya there are tons of sins shadows now. but nothing compared to vengence jugs. its by far the most tierd beat to death class in game , and bad players act like gods when they honestly suck. real nice knowing if you press one button you have basicly insta heal. every 2 minutes. so tierd of these bad jugs. you can easily spot bad jug when you kill him once, then he actully beats you after popping there godmode def cd, and is at 5 percent health, so you just killed him twice basicly....if anything needs nerf, its that garbage freebie extra life making bads viable in wz, and every wz having 3 to 4 jugs...
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I honestly think Madness Sins are in a pretty good spot right now for pvp. The only thing that I would like to see changed is that when you sap / whirlwind someone, they need to be restored to full hp. I freaking HAAAAATE losing a 1v1 to a sin on another class because they were able to sap me and heal to full, while I stay at low hp.


That goes for all classes that have a long pvp CC ability.


I've played Madness Sin, all mara / jugg specs, and and madness sorc extensively in pvp. What I have found is that while Madness Sin has the POTENTIAL for high dps, the sorc gets away with doing more dps more often because as a ranged, they aren't cced and stunned as much. Although, warriors do loooove to tunnel my sorc, and as long as it's just one, I just dot, kite, and laugh as they die.


You almost have to play madness sin like a madness sorc that is melee range, because they are quite squishy. If you get focused by ANYONE you need to get the hell out of there. If left alone, and assuming it's a prolonged battle, yes, madness Sin can out dps a madness sorc. In reality? Probably not going ot happen.


That's just *********** silly. You don't balance abilities around 1v1...

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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and ya there are tons of sins shadows now. but nothing compared to vengence jugs. its by far the most tierd beat to death class in game , and bad players act like gods when they honestly suck. real nice knowing if you press one button you have basicly insta heal. every 2 minutes. so tierd of these bad jugs. you can easily spot bad jug when you kill him once, then he actully beats you after popping there godmode def cd, and is at 5 percent health, so you just killed him twice basicly....if anything needs nerf, its that garbage freebie extra life making bads viable in wz, and every wz having 3 to 4 jugs...


The h2f button has 2 m cooldown. I specifically hunt Jugss/Guards with my sin.

Wait until they pop ED. Whirlwind or Cloak and wait or heal. Another point is the immunity to stuns after jumping. Go away and stun after 4 s.

Madness and hybrid tank have more chances than Deception which needs Deflection cd.

Another failed buff from BW but there are workarounds when there are not 3-4 in a wz.

Edited by Aetideus
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great pionts, ill try that more often, as im still newb on sin tank, i h onestly think sin tank needs the damage buff tho. not deception. its named deception for reason, the opening hits. not sustianed dps. almost like combat atm. but sin tank needs bit more dps, i find that i get decent protection as sin, and i actully use there taunts alot. the utility also on shadow tank is amazing, they do so much that does not get noticed...
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