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Conquest Exploit Farming - Battle of Ilum (Is it an exploit? Or just boring farming?)


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Let's get specific on some of this.


There is ONE Ilum heroic pub side, One Ilum heroic imp side. You are assuming one PVP'er with a single level 55 and comparing to TWO separate toons. I can't earn 3000k (even if both imp and pub were on Ilum and have both for the same 35k personal goal. So, let's look at one toon, like you did.


Ilum Heroic: 1500



Your flashpoint and Balmorra heroic problem, imo, is the time you have assigned to them (plus I don't think I'm eligible as a 55 for 50 HM flashpoints, but I'm not positive on that point.)


So let's talk time:


Ilum imp side: 15 minutes (travel to Ilum, wait for the dang thing to spawn and not have anyone steal it from you, could be 10 minutes including travel time, could be more like 20 - so lets say 15)


Ilum Pub side: - I'm no slouch, but I'd be hard pressed to do this on my healer or tank in less than 20 to 30 minutes. On my dps, 15 minutes tops.


3 GF flashpoints - Hmmm, but getting a GF hardmode to pop? good luck if you play a dps class. And I could be wrong, we will assume I am, but I don't believe level 55's are allowed to queue for level 50 fp's - in that case, it is only 2 GF flashpoints.


Getting a GF hardmode FP to pop: on a dps toon, prob not gonna happen unless I have an uninterrupted 2 to 3 hours to play. Then if I get lucky and it pops, the time is anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour and 1/2 depending on the length of the FP, whether the tank knows what to do, how many wipes (if any). etc. I don't know how you assign a time to a HM fp. Pops are erratic, length is erratic and depends on many different things.


Tactical FP's - pops fairly regular and prob 20 mins to complete unless very unlucky.


50 HM's - not sure - because I thought I could not queue for these, but in GF these could take a VERY long time if someone is not space barring the lengthy conversations.


8 Balmora Heroics. Ugh. Personally I'd only do these if absolutely necessary. I suppose they are technicaly PVE - but it is beyond stupid to have them in here - they are designed for levels WAY below a 55 and are strewn all over the planet. Maybe by end of week if I did them every day and got to know quick travel routes I could do them in an hour and 1/2, but I don't think so.


So I get 11,500 points (assuming I'm eligible for lvl 50 GF flashpoints) and my time estimate is WAY different from yours 2 and 1/2 hours for 3 fps if I'm lucky. 2 hours for Balmora Heroics. 15 to 30 minutes for Ilum Heroic.


I'd say 11,500 points for 5 hours. And none of these would I voluntarily do if not for conquest rewards (I do fps, but never GF fps)


So PVPers - This is what I understand is the current conquest rewards and my time estimate: please feel free to correct me: 1000 per match completed on planet that gives bonus. A match is anywhere from 5 minutes in length to about 20 minutes in length. Say 10 minutes. Say it takes 10 minutes for a match to pop. So you can do say 3 of these an hour (a ridiculously LOW estimate according to what I hear)


3000 points an hour. Doing what you'd choose to do anyway. 4 hours and you are already ahead of the pvp'er -IF the pvp'er even gets a GF 55HM fp to pop.


I'm not trying to be argumentative here, just this is my experience in the game. I imagine host server makes a difference too.


I'd say you are mostly spot on.


The biggest take away is that outside of daily 55 HM / Tactical and the GF Ops, nothing people list as 'PVE' is what I would call end-game level 55 PVE content, yet all the PVP objectives are all end-game PVP content


All the other objectives like running lower level heroics are simply random objectives ANYONE can do - they are not specific to PVE vs PVP.


I certainly don't recall ever logging on a 55 character and heading off to Balmorra to run heroics tuned for 35 levels below my character.


Crafting is crafting - and anyone can do it - so anything tied to crafting is neither PVP nor PVE.


Oh and you can queue for the 50 HMs, which queues are all over the map, the content is trivial, and again seems silly to say it qualifies as a level 55 PVE activity.

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I also think you misunderstood something. I don't advocate nerfing the PVP rewards. I just think that Conquest is a PVP reward system. PVE'ers *could* probably find ways to spend all their game time doing Conquest only stuff and none of the stuff they like to get on the leader board, but wow.


IMO, Conquests is a way for Bioware to allow PvP'ers to do exactly what they like and nothing but exactly what they like, and get some extra rewards (ship expansions etc) for it.


It just sucks for PVE'ers - especially ones who spend 4 to 8 hours a week on progression NiM and HM.

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Ryenke, you do make good points. If you don't mind (since your post was long), I'm just going to extract a few pieces for comment.

There is ONE Ilum heroic pub side, One Ilum heroic imp side.

Totally my bad. I should have calculated one Ilum herioc.

And I could be wrong, we will assume I am, but I don't believe level 55's are allowed to queue for level 50 fp's - in that case, it is only 2 GF flashpoints.

You can queue for HM level 50 Flashpoints as a level 55. I did one last night for Conquest points.

3 GF flashpoints - Hmmm, but getting a GF hardmode to pop? good luck if you play a dps class.

For what it's worth, when I ran my "proof of concept" test last night, I ran Balmorra heroics while queued for level 55 HM and level 50 HM flashpoints. I got a pop on each on my dps toon, between 9pm and 10pm at night (server time).


One the one hand, this could be a fluke. On the other hand, it seems that more and more people are queuing for flashpoints for the rewards (both Conquest and decoration drops). So perhaps it's not a fluke.


But let's be realistic here. If you were in a guild that was trying to beat #1 on a leaderboard, you should be able to pull a flashpoint group together from the people online. If you cannot do that, in a PvE guild, then another guild running warzones is the least of your problems.

8 Balmora Heroics. Ugh. Personally I'd only do these if absolutely necessary.

I'm not going to remotely disagree with you here. It does seem like grinding to me.


But here's where I get confused. How was running the same flashpoints in a loop, infinitely repeatable NOT grinding? How was that better? This is the only thing that changed with the 2.9c patch. You cannot grind the same flashpoints over and over and over and over again.


Were people doing this because they liked it? Or because their competition was doing it and it was the only possible way to beat them? Why would anyone complain that "Oh noes, grinding is no longer as profitable!!!"

So PVPers - This is what I understand is the current conquest rewards and my time estimate: please feel free to correct me: 1000 per match completed on planet that gives bonus.

For what it's worth, any PvE guild that invaded Hoth this week is f***ed. There's no way they can compete with 1000 points per warzone unless they are a much larger guild, do PvP themselves, or have a ton of crafting mats leftover from last week.


I basically feel that Hoth is a PvP planet. Corellia is a GSF planet. Ilum is sort of half n half. You're going to win if you have a bigger guild. Playstyle isn't as important. Balmorra is a PvE planet. A smaller PvE guild can beat a larger PvP guild due to the way the bonuses are laid out.

Edited by Khevar
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Concurred. Make it where you aren't shooting yourself in the foot by offering to swap from a main to an alt to run TC for the first time in the week, and thereby rendering you incapable of gaining points on your MAIN toon because your guild needed a healer, not a tank/DPS. I have a ton of 55s so that I can be flexible on behalf of the guild--whatever they need, I can bring it. Now, I'm looking at having to cut back on my flexibility for the guild in order to try reaching conquest goals during certain weeks. Instead of "name a role and I'll bring it" I'm going to pretty much HAVE to say "this is the toon I need this conquest objective on, I'm either taking this one or nothing."

In contrast to your strategy of having one toon you "need this conquest objective on," I am grinding all 9 of my Imps for Conquest points, so the guild can haz 9 more encryptions. So you can just imagine what the Legacy-wide lockouts do to that. I'm essentially stuck with GF and Heroics, except that five of my toons can run one FP each.


I think they made the FP lockouts Legacy-wide because it was quick and easy for them to do, just flip a bit in the database for each objective, not because it was smart. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the decision was made by some ignorant crisis-mode mid-level mis-mananger who did not even realize that one-time-only meant one-time-only-per-Legacy, or who thinks "Legacy" is the only way he'll get his kids admitted to his alma mater. It is, IMHO, that stupid a decision.

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But here's where I get confused. How was running the same flashpoints in a loop, infinitely repeatable NOT grinding? How was this better? This is the only thing that changed with the 2.9c patch. You cannot grind the same flashpoints over and over and over and over again.


Were people doing this because they liked it? Or because their competition was doing it and it was the only possible way to beat them? Why would anyone complain that "Oh noes, grinding is no longer as profitable!!!"


Well, I can't disagree with you there! :)


But, for my Conquest personal goals: I want to be able to do the Ilum flashpoints on my imp toon AND on my pub toon in the same week. And I can't because the legacy lockout says once a week per legacy.


And, I might want to do the same flashpoint on Tuesday and Friday, for variety on the same toon.


Or, I might love the false emperor (I do) flashpoint, and want to take advantage of lots and lots of people running it to run it a several (not constant grind) times and make some conquest points, as I haven't run in in a year. It's a cool fp with fun fights, even when overgeared. And to make it more interesting, maybe I'd like to do it regular run Monday with 4 people, do it 2 people on Wednesday and try to solo the HM on Friday. And get my conquest points, because it's an objective this week.


I wish I could. That IS what I was doing.


But now, I'm going to be locked out of Conquest rewards (and I *really like those nodes rewards) except on one toon a week. It sucks.


Were people doing it as a grind fest - yes. Was I trying to do it in an enjoyable way and make conquest points, yes. Was there a middle ground between infinitely repeatable and once a week per legacy, I sure think so. Do I think Bioware knows this and did it intentionally? I'm beginning to believe the devs only want PVPers to benefit, yes.

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But, for my Conquest personal goals: I want to be able to do the Ilum flashpoints on my imp toon AND on my pub toon in the same week. And I can't because the legacy lockout says once a week per legacy.


And, I might want to do the same flashpoint on Tuesday and Friday, for variety on the same toon.


Or, I might love the false emperor (I do) flashpoint, and want to take advantage of lots and lots of people running it to run it a several (not constant grind) times and make some conquest points, as I haven't run in in a year.

Hey, I completely understand what you're saying on this.


FE is my favorite flashpoint for story, (LI for mechanics).


Personally, I'm not a fan of the "Legacy only" either. I'd rather that sort of stuff be "once per week per toon". If there were any concern about balancing, the points could be reduced.


Plus I'd like to see more things added. There are 4 world bosses on the planets being invaded this week. Those would be great to add to conquests. There are also named Champions on those planets in out of the way corners that could be killed for points.


I did notice that Tait's post mentioned that the tuning of conquests would be an ongoing activity. One can hope they will do more tweaks as time goes on.

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Just to be clear...because when clarified more comments make it gray again.....


Is the following correct:


You are not allowed more than one FP a day per legacy outside of groupfinder that you can collect conquest points on.


You are allowed, however, to run as many FPs outside of groupfinder as you wish. That has not changed. Only the fact that you can only collect the conquest reward for doing it once.

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The truth of the matter is conquest should have been pvp all along, not some point chasing grindfest. You'd copy paste illum and dump it on each planet 1-3 times and let people go at it. Number of zones up for grabs would mitigate faction imbalance and pvpers would have something to do in this game.


Now all it is is flavour of the week PVE activity repetition till you drop b4 the nerft ftw and even the PvE-ers hate it judging by how much QQ is going on. If you don't think the next event will be the same you're kidding yourself. Something will have the greatest point/minute return.

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The 35k probably included some of the legacy one-time weekly bonuses. Even with +100% stronghold bonuses, you aren't going to get that much in a single day with only the repeatable quests.


A Balmorra invasion with +100% stronghold bonus can get only get 29,000 points without doing the Operations quest (i.e. heroics + flashpoints)


Ilum is where I did it and I did start clean because people keep saying it was impossible to get 35k period doing PvE. This still left all the group finder and operations stuff available for another day plus 7200 per day repeatable:


Esseles- 2000

KDY- 2000

False Emperor- 3000

Battle of Ilum- 3000

Ilum Attacking the Empire- 3000

Esseles Bonus- 2000

False Emperor Bonus- 3000

Battle of Ilum- 3000

Black Hole Weekly- 1000

NPCs Balmorra- 1000

NPCs Ilum- 3000

Ilum Heroic- 1500

Balmorra Heroics (9)- 4500

Stronghold Bonus 24%- 4080




For Balmorra it could be: Leaving Group finder and operations available for later. 15,200 repeatable daily.

Esseles- 2000

KDY- 2000

False Emperor- 2000

Battle of Ilum- 2000

Ilum Attacking the Empire- 2000

Esseles Bonus- 2000

False Emperor Bonus- 2000

Battle of Ilum- 2000

Black Hole Weekly- 1000

NPCs Balmorra- 3000

NPCs Ilum- 1000

Ilum Heroic- 500

Balmorra Heroics (9)- 13500

Stronghold Bonus 24%- 4080



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Hey, I completely understand what you're saying on this.


FE is my favorite flashpoint for story, (LI for mechanics).


Personally, I'm not a fan of the "Legacy only" either. I'd rather that sort of stuff be "once per week per toon". If there were any concern about balancing, the points could be reduced.


Plus I'd like to see more things added. There are 4 world bosses on the planets being invaded this week. Those would be great to add to conquests. There are also named Champions on those planets in out of the way corners that could be killed for points.


I did notice that Tait's post mentioned that the tuning of conquests would be an ongoing activity. One can hope they will do more tweaks as time goes on.


I'd love more stuff, too. World bosses can be loads of fun, but I rarely do them. Incentives. Champion hunting sounds like more fun that random heroics.


But, the tenor of Tait's post took the wind out the my sails of hope (lol).


Devs say: The intention is to provide a set of high point value, non-repeatable Objectives that focus on some specific, thematic goals – such as completing certain Flashpoints – while giving highly-repeatable activities such as Warzones and Crafting a broader meaning in the war.


But the reality is the points an op gives is way out of line compared to the rewards the repeatable objectives give time wise (GSF, WZ or crafting). And the reality is the only thing the devs said they were definitely addressing was better points for PVP wins. The devs *may* adjust some of the one time objectives over time (coming soon tm, anyone?) Legacy lockouts? - not a word about them at all. That legacy lockouts issue shifted the balance that I already believed to favour pvp'ers to one of 'pve'ers shouldn't even bother.


If Bioware is committed to tweaking the system, legacy lockouts will be gone ASAP. But I'll bet you, Khevar, one million in game credits that 2015 will dawn with legacy lockouts in place, and not a whisper about changing it. If you are on my server, I will make good, if I lose the bet. And I'd be so happy to lose that bet and pay it off. I just don't believe I will. Because I'm beginning to believe the Conquest system was a push PvP and GSF on everyone campaign and that is the way the devs want it to be.

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Okay, so I guess you missed my math. Let's try again.


I'm going to completely exclude any one-time legacy once-per-week options. I'm ONLY going to include the once-per-day repeatables.


PvE points with Ilum invasion:

2 Ilum Heriocs x 500 x3 = 3,000 points per day

3 GF flashpoints x 1000 x2 = 6,000 points per day

8 Balmorra Heroics x 500 = 4,000 points per day


13,000 points per day in about 3 hours time on a single toon. Anyone that has more than one alt could make 26,000 points per day in 6 hours, or 39,000 points per day in 9 hours.


Still wrong. There is 1 Ilum Heroic per day per character, unless we can do cross-faction heroics. The Balmorra heroics are basically a wash with PVP (for those 4000 points) due to travel time across the planet but that doesn't count time spent going back and doing the bonus series to unlock some of them. And, again, WTH do Heroics on Balmorra have to do with conquering Ilum?


At the end of that 11,500 points (23 WZ matches, which, in theory, could be done in around 2 hours), they are left with . . . what? PVP? GSF? The way it was made sense. Do the FPs on the Planet you're trying to conquer. It was a great way to get people back into those specific ones. Forcing us into a random FP doesn't tie into the idea at all and this one per legacy stuff makes it very alt-unfriendly whether you want to admit it or not. I still don't have 30 hours a day on the days I can play to get them to their goals.


If they had to make the FP itself once per legacy due to a total lack of decent coding, fine, but make the bonus HM boss repeatable because it actually required you to kill things.

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Let's get specific on some of this.


There is ONE Ilum heroic pub side, One Ilum heroic imp side. You are assuming one PVP'er with a single level 55 and comparing to TWO separate toons. I can't earn 3000k (even if both imp and pub were on Ilum and have both for the same 35k personal goal. So, let's look at one toon, like you did.


Ilum Heroic: 1500



Your flashpoint and Balmorra heroic problem, imo, is the time you have assigned to them (plus I don't think I'm eligible as a 55 for 50 HM flashpoints, but I'm not positive on that point.)


So let's talk time:


Ilum imp side: 15 minutes (travel to Ilum, wait for the dang thing to spawn and not have anyone steal it from you, could be 10 minutes including travel time, could be more like 20 - so lets say 15)


Ilum Pub side: - I'm no slouch, but I'd be hard pressed to do this on my healer or tank in less than 20 to 30 minutes. On my dps, 15 minutes tops.


3 GF flashpoints - Hmmm, but getting a GF hardmode to pop? good luck if you play a dps class. And I could be wrong, we will assume I am, but I don't believe level 55's are allowed to queue for level 50 fp's - in that case, it is only 2 GF flashpoints.


Getting a GF hardmode FP to pop: on a dps toon, prob not gonna happen unless I have an uninterrupted 2 to 3 hours to play. Then if I get lucky and it pops, the time is anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour and 1/2 depending on the length of the FP, whether the tank knows what to do, how many wipes (if any). etc. I don't know how you assign a time to a HM fp. Pops are erratic, length is erratic and depends on many different things.


Tactical FP's - pops fairly regular and prob 20 mins to complete unless very unlucky.


50 HM's - not sure - because I thought I could not queue for these, but in GF these could take a VERY long time if someone is not space barring the lengthy conversations.


8 Balmora Heroics. Ugh. Personally I'd only do these if absolutely necessary. I suppose they are technicaly PVE - but it is beyond stupid to have them in here - they are designed for levels WAY below a 55 and are strewn all over the planet. Maybe by end of week if I did them every day and got to know quick travel routes I could do them in an hour and 1/2, but I don't think so.


So I get 11,500 points (assuming I'm eligible for lvl 50 GF flashpoints) and my time estimate is WAY different from yours 2 and 1/2 hours for 3 fps if I'm lucky. 2 hours for Balmora Heroics. 15 to 30 minutes for Ilum Heroic.


I'd say 11,500 points for 5 hours. And none of these would I voluntarily do if not for conquest rewards (I do fps, but never GF fps)


So PVPers - This is what I understand is the current conquest rewards and my time estimate: please feel free to correct me: 1000 per match completed on planet that gives bonus. A match is anywhere from 5 minutes in length to about 20 minutes in length. Say 10 minutes. Say it takes 10 minutes for a match to pop. So you can do say 3 of these an hour (a ridiculously LOW estimate according to what I hear)


3000 points an hour. Doing what you'd choose to do anyway. 4 hours and you are already ahead of the pvp'er -IF the pvp'er even gets a GF 55HM fp to pop.


I'm not trying to be argumentative here, just this is my experience in the game. I imagine host server makes a difference too.


Experiences differ greatly then. I run all the content in Obroan PvP gear too.


Ilum Heroic (Republic) takes no more than 3 minutes even with travel time (never done the Imperial one). Only have to kill 3 mobs.


You can 4 man premade group the HM FPs to cut your wait time. Clearing everything including bonus boss takes under 20 minutes (republic ones) each.


Group finder queues have been instant popping regardless of role this week (didn't even need this to get personal goal of 35k). Not finding much issue with that. Lower pop servers likely have a longer wait time.


There are 9 Balmorra heroics on Republic side. These take less than an hour to run. Even if you have to complete the bonus series to unlock them all that is only 6 quests and takes maybe 20 minutes.


Balmorra bonused conquest objectives can get you 35k in 3 hrs the first day and at least 14k repeatable each day thereafter. 70 warzones the first day and 28 the second day with tops 4 warzones an hour so looking at best possible 25 hrs of warzones for PvP versus 4 hours of PvE and you still have operations and group finder at a minimum to do.

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Ummm... You know you just contradicted yourself... Guilds that have run NIM and have all the best stuff are usually (and I say usually, as not all of them do) epeen flexors and are all about trying to prove how bad *** they are... What do you think running NIM and having the best gear in game is all about? Glorified farming at it's finest. Hey I'll admit I'd do it to if I was in a group that did it all the time...


You missed my point. The guy I was responded to said this even was more for large guilds and it smaller ones that had "high quality players" was sort of screwed by it since large guilds full of scrubs have the advantage. At the end of the day, I don't think those higher quality players really care too much since all this is is achievement farming for finished flashpoints, killing 250 mobs, and lame stuff like that. I don't think those guys care because they still get the good stuff 90% of those in the large guilds (quantity) will not get.

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I gained 35k conquest points today doing nothing except PvE and in under 3 hrs. It would take 70 warzones to do that and not in under 3 hrs unless exploiting.


PvE gets considerable points, decoration drops, and the ability to expand guild ships thru planetary commanders. PvP gets? Oh yeah repeatable warzones at the same rate as crafting which you don't have to be online for and don't have to depend on a number of other people.


The best way to help this issue is to separate the ranked and unranked for the repeatable making ranked based on daily and worth 2k for completing (limits win farming in ranked exploit). Unranked stays as is. The alternative is to significantly increase the points earned from warzones to put it on the same points vs time invested level as PvE.

what exactly did you do that rewards 12 per hour?

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Still wrong. There is 1 Ilum Heroic per day per character, unless we can do cross-faction heroics.

This is my bad. I should have only included one Ilum heroic.

And, again, WTH do Heroics on Balmorra have to do with conquering Ilum?

This I agree with. It's not particularly logical. It is, unfortunately, the way it is set up, however.

23 WZ matches, which, in theory, could be done in around 2 hours

5 minutes per warzone? 23 times in a row including downtime between matches? I'm sorry, but I just can't believe this.


(Unless you're talking about doing ranked win-trading deliberately. But that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.)


I think it would be more fair to say 3 hours to do 23 matches.


Which is why I figure that Ilum is more or less balanced between PvE and PvP. If you're really trying to compare apples to apples, you'd have to compare a PvPer that plays for 3-6 hours per day to a PvE'er that plays 3-6 hours per day.


PvE'ers that have that kind of time to play (with very few exceptions) are going to have more than one alt. Possibly more. Which means they could do this whole cycle again on an alt.

If they had to make the FP itself once per legacy due to a total lack of decent coding, fine, but make the bonus HM boss repeatable because it actually required you to kill things.

Personally, I would have figured that changing the special planetary conquest flashpoint objectives to once per week per toon would be a better approach than once per week per legacy.


But that's just me.

Edited by Khevar
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Experiences differ greatly then. I run all the content in Obroan PvP gear too.


Ilum Heroic (Republic) takes no more than 3 minutes even with travel time (never done the Imperial one). Only have to kill 3 mobs.


You can 4 man premade group the HM FPs to cut your wait time. Clearing everything including bonus boss takes under 20 minutes (republic ones) each.


Group finder queues have been instant popping regardless of role this week (didn't even need this to get personal goal of 35k). Not finding much issue with that. Lower pop servers likely have a longer wait time.


There are 9 Balmorra heroics on Republic side. These take less than an hour to run. Even if you have to complete the bonus series to unlock them all that is only 6 quests and takes maybe 20 minutes.


Balmorra bonused conquest objectives can get you 35k in 3 hrs the first day and at least 14k repeatable each day thereafter. 70 warzones the first day and 28 the second day with tops 4 warzones an hour so looking at best possible 25 hrs of warzones for PvP versus 4 hours of PvE and you still have operations and group finder at a minimum to do.


Guess I'm just a bad. Essless run, fastest time with 55 going through skipping everything I didn't accidentally agro: 16.5 minutes (and honestly usually only aggro'd maybe 2 unnecessary mobs). CZ fastest time I've ever accomplished daily run there 14 minutes. Usually it's 19 minutes on my dps. (Noticeably longer on my healer). I've never figured out how people get these speed times they sometimes post on the boards here - but I know *I* am not capable of them even on my dps toons. Forget me even getting close to those times on my healer or tank.

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A random idea occurred to me while looking over some of this thread. Someone point out if this approach would have any flaws...


What if they added to the conquest events some "hidden" dailies (similar to how the Rakghoul event has that hidden daily to spread the plague)? Running with the idea someone had of bringing the champion / named enemies on a planet into the conquest objectives, a hidden daily could be picked up automatically when you kill one. It lists the 6 or however many special enemies on the planet, has the one you just killed checked off, and has the objective of the mission being to kill 4 targets from that list. In the conquest objectives we would see a repeatable that says to complete that hidden daily.


Actually, couldn't that same approach apply for flashpoints as well? Create a hidden daily with a target list saying to kill every boss (including bonus boss) in a flashpoint. Create a repeatable conquest objective which calls for completion of that daily.


Is there any flaw in this that would prevent this approach from providing objectives that are repeatable once per day per character instead of having the current "solution" which makes things once per week per legacy?

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Guess I'm just a bad. Essless run, fastest time with 55 going through skipping everything I didn't accidentally agro: 16.5 minutes (and honestly usually only aggro'd maybe 2 unnecessary mobs). CZ fastest time I've ever accomplished daily run there 14 minutes. Usually it's 19 minutes on my dps. (Noticeably longer on my healer). I've never figured out how people get these speed times they sometimes post on the boards here - but I know *I* am not capable of them even on my dps toons. Forget me even getting close to those times on my healer or tank.


Not saying bad, just different experience. You can bike thru Esseles story mode. Only have to fight the LT, Ironfist and the Sith NPCs to progress the story assuming you spacebar thru cut scenes you can get it down to 10-11 minutes. Ilum heroic you can bike to the 3 points, smoke out the 2 strongs and 1 elite, kill them and turn in the quest. That's all you have to do.

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Not saying bad, just different experience. You can bike thru Esseles story mode. Only have to fight the LT, Ironfist and the Sith NPCs to progress the story assuming you spacebar thru cut scenes you can get it down to 10-11 minutes. Ilum heroic you can bike to the 3 points, smoke out the 2 strongs and 1 elite, kill them and turn in the quest. That's all you have to do.


I do both to grind light or dark points all the time. Got it down to a science at this point.

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