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Scammed on the GTN


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You're right, this isn't court... but all things that happen are subject to the courts. Many people feel that online actions are outside of "real life" and that they can "do whatever they want".


So, basically, what you're saying is that because (for example) I killed your character in PVP you can sue me for emotional distress and that is somehow reasonable because "I can't do whatever I want".


Would you be kind enough to let me know how many years in jail I'll get for killing 500 non-droid enemies on Dromund Kaas?

It's practically genocide!


The reason this won't go to court of course is that the OP wasn't harmed enough to justify taking legal action. But they do have the right to do so if they wish.


The dollar amount involved isn't worth even considering it of course, 2m credits is worth about $16, give or take...


This is lunch money we're talking about after all...


The reason this won't go to court is that the OP wasn't harmed AT ALL.

No one robbed him of his money. No one attacked him physically or emotionally. No one stole his personal information.

The OP made a bad decision which resulted in him losing a few credits. CREDITS not dollars.

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Were you deceived into thinking that 430k was 43k? Was the intention of the seller to deceive you into thinking 430k was 43k? If the answer to either of these is no then it was not a scam. (...)


And this is where your argument falls apart. Always.


There is no Intention. Only the Listing.

But you would already know my answer if you knew the definition of a scam, were actually following along with the discussion you're responding to, and/or were being honest with your posting.


Your answer only shows that you have no idea what constitutes a scam.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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So he's trying to scam you with his post?


Is he trying to take my money or possessions with his post?


That's actually accurate. If you can't prove the intent to murder you can't be tried for it. The best they can get you for is manslaughter. Throw in some mental illness and reasonable doubt and you'll be walking out free and clear. I think you are starting to understand how it works ;)


So how then does one prove intent if the person doesn't admit to it? Just because he stabbed him thirty times in the back doesn't mean he meant to do it. That's just an assumption.

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And this is where your argument falls apart. Always.


There is no Intention. Only the Listing.



Your answer only shows that you have no idea what constitutes a scam.


Intention is pretty much up to the judge to determine.


Regulations attach liability to specific parties in various scenarios, and from there the judge decides whether or not anything untowards happened.



Say accounting fraud. CEO and CFO have been liable for that since SOX was passed. Strictly speaking, it doesn't matter if they actually were involved in the fraud, they'd still go to jail for it.


However, the judges pretty much determine(and evidence is sometimes presented, sometimes not) whether or not they believed the CEOs or CFO was involved in making these decisions. They don't just cart them off to prison.

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That's actually accurate. If you can't prove the intent to murder you can't be tried for it. The best they can get you for is manslaughter. Throw in some mental illness and reasonable doubt and you'll be walking out free and clear. I think you are starting to understand how it works ;)


Ahh, that isn't how it works... the prosecutor doesn't have to PROVE anything...


If they can't show beyond a reasonable doubt that you intended to do it AT TRIAL, then you can't (shouldn't) be CONVICTED for it... you for SURE can be TRIED for it... (those are all key words there)


The prosecutor doesn't require that much evidence to file charges and send it to a grand jury, it is amazingly easy to do.


They don't have to provide that you intended to do it, they only have to show beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of 12 people that you intended to do it.


If there are no other reasonable explications, then the default of "yea, you intended to do it", usually stands. Which is why thanks to DNA evidence we are letting many people out of prison for crimes they didn't actually commit, because they didn't have another reasonable defense and the prosecutor won at trial.

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And this is where your argument falls apart. Always.


There is no Intention. Only the Listing.


The listing listed itself I guess. Sentient items in an MMO trying to sell themselves.


Your answer only shows that you have no idea what constitutes a scam.


Hahahahahahahahahahhaahahah *pause*

hahahahahahahahahahaah *breath breath*

hahahahahahahahahahah *wipes tears away*


Ok, you were saying?

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The listing listed itself I guess. Sentient items in an MMO trying to sell themselves.


You are correct. The listing is indeed NOT sentient. :cool:


The same information that was there upon the time the OP decided to make his purchase was still accurate around the time he received the goods via-mail that were there listed.


Thus, no scam. OP got what he payed for... Seller cannot be held accountable for the fact the OP misread, especially when absolutely NOTHING(!) links the two and the seller never tried to mislead or persuade the OP to buy anything.


The latter did so out of his own volition.


Hahahahahahahahahahhaahahah *pause*

hahahahahahahahahahaah *breath breath*

hahahahahahahahahahah *wipes tears away*


Ok, you were saying?


That you know not what a scam is.


^ This is an honest post!!! :D


Surely better than insulting others throughout the thread, one might gather.

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You are correct. The listing is indeed NOT sentient. :cool:


The same information that was there upon the time the OP decided to make his purchase was still accurate around the time he received the goods via-mail that were there listed.


Thus, no scam. OP got what he payed for... Seller cannot be held accountable for the fact the OP misread, especially when absolutely NOTHING(!) links the two and the seller never tried to mislead or persuade the OP to buy anything.


The latter did so out of his own volition.




That you know not what a scam is.



Please, don't stop posting. Your ignorance is extremely amusing.

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Surely better than insulting others throughout the thread, one might gather.


You know, I probably have come across as harsh sometimes...


It really isn't the intent...


It is just annoying when you know for a fact something is the way you say it is and others disagree for... some reason...


I know that I'm right, just as much as I know the sky is blue (most of the time). I also know that you are mistaken in your facts, but you aren't going to take my word for it clearly.


And I guess that is ok. :)

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Unfortunately this happened to me as well [lost 2 mil to someone] and as far as I know there's no way to 'fix' it as it was human error. I remember being really upset too :(


Happened to me too and approximately the same amount. If your crafting and staring at those progress bar for so long the whole day, then just want to buy a few mats just to continue on, your eyes can play tricks on you. I'm a bit upset as well, and because of this, I cannot unlock my stronghold balcony. And with a busy weekend and school starting next week, I won't have time to do dailies and such.


All those people who say its the OPs fault and so on, well, people make mistakes, quite honest ones often times due to no fault of its own. It can easily happen to you, but at least I know that those LTI ships I pledged at Star Citizen will be totally worth it because you can't prevent honest mistakes from happening, especially when your tired.

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I have inspected a couple of characters doing that and it pretty much confirmed that they are operated by gold sellers. Below level 10, no gear, not even green story drops, virtually no achievements, just leaving the starter planet and credits. Subscribed accounts, but with only one character, used for that one purpose only.


Not sure if these are the same accounts as used by gold sellers to hold and trade credits or separate dedicated accounts. Have seen one meet up with a player, focusing one another, in what may have been a trade, but nothing definitive.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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OK. so I got part of the way through the thread and skipped ahead. I figure after 60 something pages, we surely have to have some sort of decision by now.


Is visually disguising a price for the express purpose of taking advantage of gamers who stay up a little later than they should a d*ck move or not?

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OK. so I got part of the way through the thread and skipped ahead. I figure after 60 something pages, we surely have to have some sort of decision by now.


Is visually disguising a price for the express purpose of taking advantage of gamers who stay up a little later than they should a d*ck move or not?


Yes, if nothing else, it is scummy...

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OK. so I got part of the way through the thread and skipped ahead. I figure after 60 something pages, we surely have to have some sort of decision by now.


Is visually disguising a price for the express purpose of taking advantage of gamers who stay up a little later than they should a d*ck move or not?


You have to love how this thread has consistently ignored the fact that the unit price only shows decimal places in TWO digits when it shows them. It NEVER shows decimals to three places, yet people are looking at large numbers and dividing by a thousand because they assume that there must be a ton of numbers being shown with three decimal places.


With that said, I think the bottom line in all this for me is that I just can't understand how this can possibly be a mistake that can ever be made often enough or by enough people for anybody to intentionally put things up depending on these idiots coming by to pour money on them... but it is odd that such entries (single unit or stack of 5, many different sales like that from same user) do exist in the first place when it would make more sense (relatively speaking, if someone was merely throwing something up at an unreasonable price to use the GTN as "storage") for the seller to throw one stack up.


It's weird that such sales go up on the GTN at all. It's just even weirder to think that anybody would actually think of that as a viable tactic that could actually deceive anybody in any way.


I just find it incredibly hard to believe that anybody would ever EXPECT something to sell at such ridiculous prices. It's absolutely absurd. And if they are doing that, it's insane that anybody has actually fallen for it regardless of how drunk or tired or stoned or whatever else they might have been at the time.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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You have to love how this thread has consistently ignored the fact that the unit price only shows decimal places in TWO digits when it shows them. It NEVER shows decimals to three places, yet people are looking at large numbers and dividing by a thousand because they assume that there must be a ton of numbers being shown with three decimal places.


You must not have made it very far, it's been discussed to death.


With that said, I think the bottom line in all this for me is that I just can't understand how this can possibly be a mistake that can ever be made often enough or by enough people for anybody to intentionally put things up depending on these idiots coming by to pour money on them... but it is odd that such entries (single unit or stack of 5, many different sales like that from same user) do exist in the first place when it would make more sense (relatively speaking, if someone was merely throwing something up at an unreasonable price to use the GTN as "storage") for the seller to throw one stack up.


It's weird that such sales go up on the GTN at all. It's just even weirder to think that anybody would actually think of that as a viable tactic that could actually deceive anybody in any way.


I just find it incredibly hard to believe that anybody would ever EXPECT something to sell at such ridiculous prices. It's absolutely absurd. And if they are doing that, it's insane that anybody has actually fallen for it regardless of how drunk or tired or stoned or whatever else they might have been at the time.


I think you give the user base more credit than it deserves.

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