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Player Character Names


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Names in this game should fit in the star wars theme, not a bunch of gibberish that you can read. The point is that there is a lot of players like ]credit farmers[/u] that make up a bunch of accounts and add gibberish names to these character and not one has a tangible name that you can read.


This go's for all players, like Kotor & kotor Sith lords you had a name generator that made random names for you or you could put in a name of your own design/thought of. typing in your own thought up name should end completely, there are to many players that take advantage of this and to many players make improper names in this game.


Name Generator should stay in place, and if you want to add a name of your own/special name it will get approved by customer service first before it is add to your character. this will cut down on gibberish names and improper names in the future of this game.


If the special request for a name dose not fit in the criteria of the game/name perimeters it will not be used.

Typing your own thought up name form now on should be approve by customer service, and the name random generator should be used for All player. Free to play and subscribers as well, players who are subscribers have the option to change or request a name that they thought up and it must be approved by Customer service. there will no exceptions to this rule.

Edited by JadenStar
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Pirates of the Caribbean Online had a name customizer. You picked a first name and two words to form your surname and ended up with a name like Johnny Sharkswimmer, or something. However, you can request a custom name, and it had to be approved before it could be publicly utilized. It didn't take very long for my character's custom names to be approved, so either they had an efficient team looking through pending names, or the game's population was pathetically low.


I don't want to see pre-approved names suddenly become the law of this game, but I think it would be nice if names could be reviewed some time after creation. This way, we don't have gibberish names, we don't have innuendo names, we don't have swear names (or names intentionally one letter off), and we don't have a million different variants of RÉvaŃs and Níhìlüs running around.

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I see your point, but not everyone playing has a name-ne for the Alt because for them the Alt is not a person. And some characters in-game have names that seem like random letters thrown together.


A few examples:







Who are you to say my Jedi Consular Nau'ur has a random set of letters anymore than Lyraine the Bounty Hunter?


And there are ways to pronounce words without vowles. What is a name in one language is not a name in another.


I totally understand your point of view, we have enough Obeewan and LuukeSkystroller and other names like that, but the staff has done what they can to protect the copyright names as best they can.

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Are the names made by credit sellers lame.. yes.


Are some players' names a bit silly if you ask me.. also yes.


But who made your me the king of Star wars names? Are you familiar with all the naming conventions of every planet in the Star Wars Universe? Are you familiar with the naming conventions in the languages of the world which often allow what you deem to be "improper" combinations of letters.


I find the great majority of players actually have names that fit quite well in the star wars universe. Don't let the minority bother you.

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So what, we should sit and wait for approval before being let into the game? Because I'm pretty sure the current database mechanics the game uses requires character creation to be finalized before we can play. And this approval process would neccessarily require them to hire GameMasters, because there's few (if any) of them currently on staff. Seeing as there's obviously not much of a GM budget as it is, it's hard to imagine EA would shell out just to have someone to babysit the naming system... Edited by Pscyon
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Names in this game should fit in the star wars theme, not a bunch of gibberish that you can read. The point is that there is a lot of players like ]credit farmers[/u] that make up a bunch of accounts and add gibberish names to these character and not one has a tangible name that you can read.


This go's for all players, like Kotor & kotor Sith lords you had a name generator that made random names for you or you could put in a name of your own design/thought of. typing in your own thought up name should end completely, there are to many players that take advantage of this and to many players make improper names in this game.


Name Generator should stay in place, and if you want to add a name of your own/special name it will get approved by customer service first before it is add to your character. this will cut down on gibberish names and improper names in the future of this game.


If the special request for a name dose not fit in the criteria of the game/name perimeters it will not be used.

Typing your own thought up name form now on should be approve by customer service, and the name random generator should be used for All player. Free to play and subscribers as well, players who are subscribers have the option to change or request a name that they thought up and it must be approved by Customer service. there will no exceptions to this rule.




turn off nameplates in options.


Your problem is solved.


No need to thank me.

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I agree that a name like.... say, "Idfjkgnnsrgtkjnhsg" shouldn't be kosher. That's not a "name," that's a random assortment of letters with no rhyme or reason to them. However, some names that actually attempt to be named should be allowed - at least on non-RP servers.


Someone wants to call themselves "Holy-hand'grenade?" Go for it. Want to be "Obi-wan'bologna?" Do it. "Lord-dark'killerscourgebad?" Why not - you're the one who has to live with it. Hell, I've got one or two "joke characters" like that - a Miralukan commando named Stephany-wonder (a parody of Stevie Wonder, who's a blind musician,) and a Juggernaut who was originally named Defenestrator (cool name) but had to change it in a server merge and thus because Egressor (which means "to quickly leave," which doesn't quite have the same impact as "throwing someone or something out of a window.")


Part of me wishes they could let you use a single space in your name, too, without having to use your Legacy name. After all, my characters Kreyne Heyroth and Lashida Bellens might just be allies, not actually related, but one of them can have a "normal name" and the other has to simply have a hyphen in there and have the thing be lower-case. Of course, that could lead to more issues if they allow too many spaces, or someone would try to make a name that was nothing but two letters with a single space or something.

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