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Playing characters that aren't your gender


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On the comment that you assume all players are male I kind of think we shouldn't do that. I figure the person that is playing their gender. Using the internet reason on this I think is strange. I may be trusting but I rather be wrong considering why would you assume everyone is a male when there are ladies playing the game as well..


Oh, I'm sorry if that came out wrong. No problem with immersion here. I'll happily call a player by their character name, for example. But I won't assume the flirtatious female (or dashing male) character having some banter with my character is any indication of what the player behing it would do or prefer for real. I'll just regard it as a fellow player having some fun, no matter what gender that person is in real life. I'm also old enough that I don't have to go around hitting on other players - either nice female toons or the real girls you can hear on voice when you do a guild run. They're just fellow players enjoying themself.


But in general (with WoW from vanilla and so on) I'll feel quite safe in assuming a female character in revealing clothing is a male gamer who just likes to look at it. Of the female gamers I know there's only one with exclusively female characters, and they're not dressed in chain mail bikinis.

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Well, i tend to roll female characters, when a friend asked me why i rolled female characters all i said was this 'if i was going to look as someone's butt for 50hrs+, its not gonna be a dudes' butt.' and he saw my point.


I do wish they would get the same gender romances done, but i am thinking they dumped the plan like they did the solo pve stories.

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I do wish they would get the same gender romances done, but i am thinking they dumped the plan like they did the solo pve stories.


They didn't really dump it, since they are doing it now with the new content.

But updating the old stuff and companions? I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.

Edited by Callaron
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I have a mix of male and female characters. All get created in the idea I had for that particular character at the moment. So that is what gets made.


I know my old WoW guild we had a few people that would only make female toons. Because they had better casting animations. I don't think that is really an issue in TOR. I would think the voice acting is a big one instead. Sometimes the female voice actors fit better with a certain class.

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I'm a female (married, a mother to a toddler, the whole nine yards so to speak) but I tend to roll male characters for several reasons:


I get "hit on" less on a male avatar, for starters. I also tend to like their models better, as most games make female characters look like super models that could barely lift a 5lb bag of flour, let alone a heavy sword or gun or what have you. And since I roleplay, there's less pressure with a male avatar to somehow act "sexy" or "cute" or whatever most RPers tend to assume a female character "should" be.

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I personally haven't encountered many problems doing this. Of course you might encounter the occasional troll, but who cares? I generally think most seasoned MMO players know enough to think of other players as just that; other players, and not a specific gender, unless shown otherwise.


And since I roleplay, there's less pressure with a male avatar to somehow act "sexy" or "cute" or whatever most RPers tend to assume a female character "should" be.


Wait what...? I'm a senior heavy roleplayer playing characters of both genders, and I've never encountered anyone telling me how I should rp based on my character's gender. I have on the other hands encountered hundreds of interesting characters of both gender, what made them interesting was their character and not their gender. If you truly experience this I'd encourage you to find new rp partners. You could for instance start looking on http://swtor-rp.com/

Edited by Inzuher
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But in general (with WoW from vanilla and so on) I'll feel quite safe in assuming a female character in revealing clothing is a male gamer who just likes to look at it. Of the female gamers I know there's only one with exclusively female characters, and they're not dressed in chain mail bikinis.



That might be true considering most of the ladies I know in my guild and we have more than 1 don't dress in those revealing outfits. Though honesty I am not sure the "men" who have ladies characters are actually men or teenage boys thinking that is what a lady likes to wear.


I know some ladies that may wear that but the ones I play with have this idea "why show everything they have" and leave nothing for the imagination and one of my best friends you couldn't get her to dress like that for any amount of credits.


I just think people shouldn't assume that all the ladies characters are males when it isn't true. Ladies play this game as well and yet you still hear Women don't play online games and this is wrong.

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I personally haven't encountered many problems doing this. Of course you might encounter the occasional troll, but who cares? I generally think most seasoned MMO players know enough to think of other players as just that; other players, and not a specific gender, unless shown otherwise.




Wait what...? I'm a senior heavy roleplayer playing characters of both genders, and I've never encountered anyone telling me how I should rp based on my character's gender. I have on the other hands encountered hundreds of interesting characters of both gender, what made them interesting was their character and not their gender. If you truly experience this I'd encourage you to find new rp partners. You could for instance start looking on http://swtor-rp.com/


Haven't yet experienced it in this game, but I have in many other settings. I have checked out swtor-rp.com but it seems largely "dead", unfortunately. Thanks for the link though.

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I play about 50/50...


And I do it because I view each character as the main protagonist in a movie.

And I like movies with strong female leads just as much as I like movies with a strong male lead.

As long as I have a cool idea of a lead character, I'll go with it, no matter if it's male or female.


As a sidenote, I've never ever been hit on in this game... even when playing female characters in revealing outfits.

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I run one of each advanced class and each gender, for a total of 16 characters, just to see what the stories and romances are like for everyone. I do NOT have a Sorceror or Sage right now for that reason: I'm still leveling an extra male Agent and Smuggler for the romance arcs. I'll probably make a Male Sorc and Sage once I move my Sniper and Gunslinger over to Pot5...still don't have any high-level characters over there yet.
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Have to say, it's funny **** when some dude hits on you just because you are playing a female toon. There are people out there that use mmorpgs as people would use a dating site;I **** you not.


Yep, and after leading them on for a bit, it's fun to see how fast they log off after I tell them i'm a 45 y.o. dood.:rak_03:

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But in general (with WoW from vanilla and so on) I'll feel quite safe in assuming a female character in revealing clothing is a male gamer who just likes to look at it. Of the female gamers I know there's only one with exclusively female characters, and they're not dressed in chain mail bikinis.


Don't be too sure about that :p One of my guild leaders dresses her toons in skanky clothes all the time and my Mother-in-Law gravitates towards nearly naked Amazons.

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I was wondering how many people do this? I'm thinking of making a Vaverone Zare/Darth Alluress lookalike (I'm a guy). The thought of having a whole set of characters all the same gender seems boring. But then people will mistakenly believe I'm a female when doing groups and warzones etc. Do lots of people play both genders?


Why would it be bad if people assume you're a lady?

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It's pretty common that people have characters of both genders. And in my experience it's also very uncommon that someone assumes the player is of the same gender as the character. If anything people assume the player is male until proven wrong.


Quoted for truth. It's always been this way during my time in game.

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Don't be too sure about that :p One of my guild leaders dresses her toons in skanky clothes all the time and my Mother-in-Law gravitates towards nearly naked Amazons.


Yes, I know a number of irl girls who dress their female toons in revealing outfits. I don't personally, although I had one of my male characters in bright pink underwear and covert armor.


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I usually play female characters whenever given the option. I think it's because female characters in fighting games and RPGs tend to have playstyles that suit me better (speed over strength, long range casters etc), or just nicer animations, or better voice acting, and it's become a tradition for me at this point. I do have 3 male characters to 5 female in SWTOR though.


On the comment that you assume all players are male I kind of think we shouldn't do that. I figure the person that is playing their gender. Using the internet reason on this I think is strange. I may be trusting but I rather be wrong considering why would you assume everyone is a male when there are ladies playing the game as well.


It is like you are saying ladies don't play games and to me that is very wrong. There shouldn't be a reason we assume everyone is a male unless you are trying to be something other than a friend and newsflash most women are not going to fall for your cheesy lines.


"Assume everyone is male" is not about thinking there are no females online. Obviously there are, and their presence in MMOs is increasing all the time. You have to be willfully blind to actually believe there are no women around these days.


The thing is, there's a lot of guys that suddenly turn into complete morons whenever they think there's a girl around. They start hitting on them, ask inane questions, make harassing comments, say something about kitchens and sandwiches... For others it's more benign, they start acting overly friendly, forgiving of mistakes and basically coddling them. Frankly it's just embarassing to be around it all and I'm not even the one on the recieving end.


"Assume everyone is male" is not to say everyone online IS male. They're obviouosly not. What it's saying is to TREAT everyone online as if they ARE male. In other words, it means "treat everyone the same." No harassment, no flirting, no preening, no walking on eggshells, no kid gloves. You get judged on your merit as a tank/healer/dps and nothing else matters.

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I don't even think about the meatbag controlling the toon. What they are in real life is irrelevant to me. All I know of this person is their toon so for me, they are that toon.


that being said, I'm a female and it's very rare for me to make a male toon. I've heard this said in a sexist way before but if I have to stare at a butt for hours of gaming, I'd rather it was a nice one.

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Because what if a guy hits on you? That's one reason I've heard from men who were afraid to play female characters and it always made me laugh.


Which really isn't that common in my experience. I've plenty of female characters and people rarely hit on any of them. The one exception would be my Blood Elf female paladin in WoW, who for some reason has collected some dedicated admirers. And those too have kept in on the roleplaying side instead of trying to "get to know" me. Ofc there's nothing wrong with admiring the heavily armored holy warrior that keeps you alive.


Not that I have any means of knowing who of those admirers is a man or woman IRL either. ;)

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Because what if a guy hits on you?


That's one reason I've heard from men who were afraid to play female characters and it always made me laugh.


Guess men will have to learn what it's like to say "No" fifteen times and have to ignore five people who're asking for *** pics.

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Because what if a guy hits on you?


That's one reason I've heard from men who were afraid to play female characters and it always made me laugh.


Thats half of the reason I rolled one female alt. To see if I could get hit on for the lols. None as of yet. Guess its because I didn't put on any skimpy trashy clothes.

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Thats half of the reason I rolled one female alt. To see if I could get hit on for the lols. None as of yet. Guess its because I didn't put on any skimpy trashy clothes.


Roll a female pub on Harbinger and hang around on Fleet. You're guaranteed to get at least one guy hitting on you repeatedly.

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