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*Problem* Grade 6 Underworld....


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agree the mocking is bad but on flip side the OP could have, you know, asked on fleet or even (god forbid) ran a few abundant missions to test it out when he noticed grade 6 NEVER offered bountiful or rich missions.


To often today in society we allow people to be lazy and careless and think they should be rewarded for this.


Hes not the first person to ask about this.

I know I myself have answered this question no less then ten times over the years on fleet


Didn't need to go straight to ticket and bug report

Could have just asked any crafter really.


Sorry both sides (the OP and the flamers) at fault here


Oddly enough I did ask in fleet, I also goggled it and check Dulfy as well as Tor head.


But where else should one go to create debate on a topic the perhaps could be / should be changed. Is that not forums are for? Talking about this in fleet would not get a possible Dev response or perhaps just simply remind the Devs of a oversight. Not my fault some people fear change.

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I am a computer programmer and I can tell you there is no such thing as a small change in a program as large and complex as SWTOR.

Agreed. I have coded, and I have designed microprocessors. There are no small changes in complex systems.


And the trump card: BioWare has more important things to do with their resources than change this.

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What is ridiculous is lack of ability to effectively leverage the gray matter between one's ears, lack of capacity to digest new information and modify behavior based upon it, and to hold steadfastly to the notion that something that is not impactful in any meaningful way should be changed.


Arrogance is its own form of ridiculous.

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Oddly enough I did ask in fleet, I also goggled it and check Dulfy as well as Tor head.


But where else should one go to create debate on a topic the perhaps could be / should be changed. Is that not forums are for? Talking about this in fleet would not get a possible Dev response or perhaps just simply remind the Devs of a oversight. Not my fault some people fear change.


In response to the bold and underlined portion of the quote...


The first few people in this thread tried that, and you basically dismissed everything they had to say and stated you would rather wait for a dev to respond in a way that pretty much made everyone think you were someone special who deserves face time with Eric Musco rather than listen to anything the unwashed masses have to say on the topic.

Edited by Orizuru
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Agreed. I have coded, and I have designed microprocessors. There are no small changes in complex systems.


And the trump card: BioWare has more important things to do with their resources than change this.


So glad you have been deemed the one to assign EAware's time on what they should spend there resources on.

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In response to the bold and underlined portion of the quote...


The first few people in this thread tried that, and you basically dismissed everything they had to say and stated you would rather wait for a dev to respond in a way that pretty much made everyone think you were someone special who deserves face time with Eric Musco rather than listen to anything the unwashed masses have to say on the topic.


I am sorry you read something into that what was not there. But to be clear, When some states something for fact that doesn't quite seem correct. You do not ask for proof?


If so, I have this wonderful bridge in Brooklyn that I have for sale.:p

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I am sorry you read something into that what was not there. But to be clear, When some states something for fact that doesn't quite seem correct. You do not ask for proof?


If so, I have this wonderful bridge in Brooklyn that I have for sale.:p


There is a difference between asking for proof and acting like an ***. The way you did it pretty much just dismissed several experienced veterans players in a way that was insulting them for taking the time to try and answer your question.


You could have replied in any number of different ways that would have been at least slightly appreciative of their responses, but instead you chose to make them feel like their answers were unacceptable and uninformed.


Good luck keeping the thread on topic dude. It seems to me you'd rather argue with everyone who was trying to help you rather than discuss the topic at hand.

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There is a difference between asking for proof and acting like an ***. The way you did it pretty much just dismissed several experienced veterans players in a way that was insulting them for taking the time to try and answer your question.


You could have replied in any number of different ways that would have been at least slightly appreciative of their responses, but instead you chose to make them feel like their answers were unacceptable and uninformed.


Good luck keeping the thread on topic dude. It seems to me you'd rather argue with everyone who was trying to help you rather than discuss the topic at hand.


Well considering I have been here since early release, wouldn't I be a Exp vet? But once again. It seems you are reading what you want in to my response's then for what they were. So, perhaps the issue is within you and not what has been written.

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Well considering I have been here since early release, wouldn't I be a Exp vet? But once again. It seems you are reading what you want in to my response's then for what they were. So, perhaps the issue is within you and not what has been written.


If you've been playing since early release as you claim, why is this a surprise now? It's been like this since launch.


I'm still not sure what you expect to be changed or why? You don't like the word abundant instead of rich?

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Well considering I have been here since early release, wouldn't I be a Exp vet? But once again. It seems you are reading what you want in to my response's then for what they were. So, perhaps the issue is within you and not what has been written.


your user ID/member ID says otherwise...

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your user ID/member ID says otherwise...


Um, 15 Dec 2011 Didn't say beta....Early access. Didn't sign up for the forums to quite a bit after. Forum Id only preset when I signed up for the forums.....Not when I started to play. Forums don't equal game.

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your user ID/member ID says otherwise...

More to the point, his unrelenting need to complain NOW about something that has been in place since at least patch 1.4 says otherwise. And he's already admitted that he wants this so he can make more profit off gathering mats.


He keeps asking for a statement from BioWare that this is WAI. Well, it has been this way a long time, and it is not listed as an open bug anywhere. The assumption any reasonable person would make is that a long-standing property of the game that is well-known, non-harmful, was brought to BW's attention several times int he past, and has not been changed in two years is indeed working as the developers intended. There is no evidence to the contrary here, so the OP is being unreasonable.


Next I expect the OP will start complaining that the Vanguard gap-closing leap animation is a a bug because it is not as cool as the Powertech jump, and demand proof that it is working as intended. That's just ridiculous.


Bioware should not waste time responding to people who, like the OP, make unreasonable assumptions that something that has been in the game a long time is a bug, without providing any evidence of harm or dysfunction.

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More to the point, his unrelenting need to complain NOW about something that has been in place since at least patch 1.4 says otherwise. And he's already admitted that he wants this so he can make more profit off gathering mats.


He keeps asking for a statement from BioWare that this is WAI. Well, it has been this way a long time, and it is not listed as an open bug anywhere. The assumption any reasonable person would make is that a long-standing property of the game that is well-known, non-harmful, was brought to BW's attention several times int he past, and has not been changed in two years is indeed working as the developers intended. There is no evidence to the contrary here, so the OP is being unreasonable.


Next I expect the OP will start complaining that the Vanguard gap-closing leap animation is a a bug because it is not as cool as the Powertech jump, and demand proof that it is working as intended. That's just ridiculous.


Bioware should not waste time responding to people who, like the OP, make unreasonable assumptions that something that has been in the game a long time is a bug, without providing any evidence of harm or dysfunction.


Well, I guess at least you have moved on from the greed shtick. An yes I guess it is un-reasonable in your opinion that with a new system in place that some of the older ones be updated. Can you state any harm that might be brought about by them changing/fixing this?

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Well, I guess at least you have moved on from the greed shtick. An yes I guess it is un-reasonable in your opinion that with a new system in place that some of the older ones be updated. Can you state any harm that might be brought about by them changing/fixing this?


Can you state any reasonable need for this update/fix beyond stroking your own ego?

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Well, I guess at least you have moved on from the greed shtick. An yes I guess it is un-reasonable in your opinion that with a new system in place that some of the older ones be updated. Can you state any harm that might be brought about by them changing/fixing this?

Point by point: You implicitly admitted to the greed. You still have no clue about commercial software development. And given your track record, why would I waste time trying to convince you of anything you did not already believe?

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Dear OP,


Grade 6 missions are currently working as intended as others suggested.

Grade 6 use to be the top tier crew missions and were limited resources for economical reasons that WERE important before game update 2.0. The only "problem" I can see is that with strongholds there are reasons to have grade 6 stuff again and higher yields would help speed it up, like with grade 3, 4, and 5 as it pertains to prefabs and such.


You should know that the crew skills and crafting has always been a struggle for bioware since beta. (Remember slicing in beta?? Lol).


The update and change to crew skills happened in 2.0 which is notated in the patch notes under crew skills and states that only crew missions above 400 will work as follows: moderate and abundant will not drop purple mats on crits, bountiful and rich will. Wealthy yields remain unchanged. All previous crew skills are unchanged.


No, I will not link you the patch notes as you can easily find them with my above instructions, and due to the way you have treated others that tried to help, it doesn't merit my time and effort.


The first few pages of this thread you propose this as a problem or bug and it isn't but later gear your argument to "well I'm asking them to add them as it can't hurt."

The problem is your luck with RNG which bountiful and rich grade 6 will not solve. I personally have had fantastic luck with UT specifically, but as a crafty vet to this game utilize slicing to make the credit cost a wash and get missions that Guarentee purple drops.


As for them adding missions to grade 6 as a QOL, I personally could care less if they did or didn't but see no viable reason why you shouldn't suggest that in the suggestion box.


This topic was also discussed in "cantina" tours around late 2012 to 2013(these dates are a guess off of memory) which are not posted here for you to find. Best bet would to find fan sites that may have archived it from their participation in those events but considering that information is so dated compared to the current product we have in our hands it wouldn't surprise me if it's gone. This was during the time that Darth Hater was THE fan site for TOR and dulfy was finally getting a lot of traction in the community with her EC and TFB guides.


I wish you the best of luck your mission to get a dev response.

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Point by point: You implicitly admitted to the greed. You still have no clue about commercial software development. And given your track record, why would I waste time trying to convince you of anything you did not already believe?


Only one who made any statement of greed is yourself, projecting much? You waste your time posting in a thread on and issue you had deeded didn't need changing.

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Dear OP,



People use to think the world was flat and that the moon was made of green cheese. Luckily for us someone questioned those statements and brought about change. The old Devs who decided that the crew skill mission should work that way, also stated that there would never be housing in SWTOR and low behold.

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People use to think the world was flat and that the moon was made of green cheese. Luckily for us someone questioned those statements and brought about change. The old Devs who decided that the crew skill mission should work that way, also stated that there would never be housing in SWTOR and low behold.


There you go being dismissive again and in this case you are wrong about swtor.

Go back on the dev tracker to 2012 and you will see that housing, along with guild ships, were placed on the "wall of crazy" and we were informed at that time that it wasn't on the current road map for that time. It was placed on the road map after ROTHC behind the super secret space project that was later titles Galactic Star fighter.


Edit: you should also know that the dev team avoids the word "never." The phrases they like to use are "It isn't something being worked on" or "it isn't something in the current roadmap" or "soon TM"

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There you go being dismissive again and in this case you are wrong about swtor.

Go back on the dev tracker to 2012 and you will see that housing, along with guild ships, were placed on the "wall of crazy" and we were informed at that time that it wasn't on the current road map for that time. It was placed on the road map after ROTHC behind the super secret space project that was later titles Galactic Star fighter.


Edit: you should also know that the dev team avoids the word "never." The phrases they like to use are "It isn't something being worked on" or "it isn't something in the current roadmap" or "soon TM"


Dismissive? Being told not to ask for something isn't in the least bit being dismissive?


Planetary commendations were at one point bound to specific planets, low and behold that was changed too.


Don't fear change.

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People use to think the world was flat and that the moon was made of green cheese. Luckily for us someone questioned those statements and brought about change. The old Devs who decided that the crew skill mission should work that way, also stated that there would never be housing in SWTOR and low behold.


Are you really trying to compare yourself and your crusade to change the label on crew skill missions to those who discovered that the world is round?

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Dismissive? Being told not to ask for something isn't in the least bit being dismissive?


Planetary commendations were at one point bound to specific planets, low and behold that was changed too.


Don't fear change.


I didn't dismiss you in either of my posts. Your treatment of me and false information you provided me is a clear example of why you are being dismissed by others. You can't seem to admit you are wrong or were wrong to effectively move your point forward to "Ok, it isn't a bug or problem in the game, so what if bioware added the missions in? Wouldn't it be a nice QOL change to get these mats as fast as the other grades?"


Work on those communication skills, it will help you prevent situations where you feel defensive because ever since your bubble burst that it isn't a bug or error, you been nothing but dismissive and defensive, back peddling to not be "wrong" rather then progressing your point into a suggestion that I personally won't argue as I already stated.

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I didn't dismiss you in either of my posts. Your treatment of me and false information you provided me is a clear example of why you are being dismissed by others. You can't seem to admit you are wrong or were wrong to effectively move your point forward to "Ok, it isn't a bug or problem in the game, so what if bioware added the missions in? Wouldn't it be a nice QOL change to get these mats as fast as the other grades?"


Work on those communication skills, it will help you prevent situations where you feel defensive because ever since your bubble burst that it isn't a bug or error, you been nothing but dismissive and defensive, back peddling to not be "wrong" rather then progressing your point into a suggestion that I personally won't argue as I already stated.


I suggest go back and see where I had acquiescence that is was not a bug, and choose to moved the conversation forward. I would also suggest that you read some of the post where yes, people quite specifically said it wasn't going to happen and just stop. So if you took my saying what was said as personal that is on you, and perhaps I am not the one feeling defensive...in the slightest.



Don't fear change

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Are you really trying to compare yourself and your crusade to change the label on crew skill missions to those who discovered that the world is round?


When there are those whom suggest that since this is the way it has always been and should not be changed,

sure why not.

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