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Is hacking currently a major problem in PVP?


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Well you can get to upset at people thinking it is hacking when they see people doing things that they don't understand how is possible.


I play a bit of pvp, not that into it, but almost every day I do, I see teams where it seems that everyone is moving at bionic speed and can not be slowed down. I also see a lot of whiggly movement where not only does it seem like people are not moving in a strait line but that I am only seeing every 3 or 4 frames of their movements, where even other players on their teams right next to them look fine, so I can blame my computers performance or overall frame rate.


And I ask, how are they all moving so fast with out being able to be slowed? Why do those two particular players move the way they do absent of everyone else on the screen? And I get no answers. I mean if I can pop 3 freezing forces on a players moving at warp and he doesn't slow down what should I thnk is happening?


When you see what looks like most of their team moving fast like that, especially on classes that don't have a speed boost, then it is probably Mara Predation which increases your whole teams speed if they are in range... If a Mara picks the utility for it, predation then has a 30sec cool down.... Add 2 or more maras to the mix and the whole team can pretty much speed around all match

As for not being able to stop them or slow them down, well that depends completely on the class etc... It they are using an ability or a chosen utility that negates freezing force, then it will have no effect...

When you see people wiggle or run on the spot and then do a small teleport... 95% of the time it is lag and not just on your end... If someone is lagging on their end it may look like this to you...

The telltale signs that points out that they are cheating using a lag switch is if your whole team sees... They teleport in bigger hops... It happens only when they are doing something like capping, uncapping, carrying the ball or you're about to kill them... Even then, these are only indications and not proof... You need to have a tonne of experience and be able to spot the difference before accusing someone of this... If they are good at it, then it will look like natural lag and practically be undetectable... If they can't do it right, then it stands out like dogs bollocks... Plus at the moment 50% of people look like they are lag switching because of the 95% packet loss occurring at some of the routers... You're probably seeing a heap of people doing the "running man" and then doing a little teleport. This is mainly happening at respawn points or when they jump off something...

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When you see what looks like most of their team moving fast like that, especially on classes that don't have a speed boost, then it is probably Mara Predation which increases your whole teams speed if they are in range... If a Mara picks the utility for it, predation then has a 30sec cool down.... Add 2 or more maras to the mix and the whole team can pretty much speed around all match

As for not being able to stop them or slow them down, well that depends completely on the class etc... It they are using an ability or a chosen utility that negates freezing force, then it will have no effect...

When you see people wiggle or run on the spot and then do a small teleport... 95% of the time it is lag and not just on your end... If someone is lagging on their end it may look like this to you...

The telltale signs that points out that they are cheating using a lag switch is if your whole team sees... They teleport in bigger hops... It happens only when they are doing something like capping, uncapping, carrying the ball or you're about to kill them... Even then, these are only indications and not proof... You need to have a tonne of experience and be able to spot the difference before accusing someone of this... If they are good at it, then it will look like natural lag and practically be undetectable... If they can't do it right, then it stands out like dogs bollocks... Plus at the moment 50% of people look like they are lag switching because of the 95% packet loss occurring at some of the routers... You're probably seeing a heap of people doing the "running man" and then doing a little teleport. This is mainly happening at respawn points or when they jump off something...


So I need to be experienced in cheating so I know how to identify it in others?


I have never accused anyone of cheating just questioned what I am seeing on my screen with out getting any real decent responses. But if another players lag issues can grant them an advantage in a pvp match then that players connection should require they be removed from the match if they are not meeting a general average latency with the other players. Preventing I would imagine both the problematic internet connections and the cheaters from taking advantage. But no matter if it is a cheater or a general bad connection I shouldn't have my experience tainted by seeing a bomb go up on a door at the exact same moment someone decloaks. Or not be able to target another player with LOS attacks because he is constantly hopping from front to back and side to side on me instead of having smooth trackable movement like everyone else in the zone.


I am not advocating banning accounts or anything unless a cheat is proven, I am saying create mechanics that prevent an undue advantage by way of being intentional or not. Removing exploits no matter the intention of the player.

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I remember in wow this 'pro' used to duel everyone and win. Was a dk. I dueled him once and man did he lag like none other. I think I got 3-4 hits off as I didn't even know where he was half the time. It was pretty infuriating.


I have yet to see that in swtor.


Not saying I haven't seen lag, trust me I have, but I haven't seen a single individual abusing it in the above described way.

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Not a "hack", that's a bug with the new Gree Regen item. I reported it the day after it was released as I saw a friend do it in an Op, and another player do it in a WZ. They know about it, just fail to fix it.


edit: Being "fixed" in 3.3.2...by "fixed", they're just removing your ability to use it in WZ's.


That bugs been around since 1.0. Or at least a variation of it. I dunno about this new gree item but on my sentinel if I died during force camo I'd be stuck invisible.



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So I need to be experienced in cheating so I know how to identify it in others?


I have never accused anyone of cheating just questioned what I am seeing on my screen with out getting any real decent responses. But if another players lag issues can grant them an advantage in a pvp match then that players connection should require they be removed from the match if they are not meeting a general average latency with the other players. Preventing I would imagine both the problematic internet connections and the cheaters from taking advantage. But no matter if it is a cheater or a general bad connection I shouldn't have my experience tainted by seeing a bomb go up on a door at the exact same moment someone decloaks. Or not be able to target another player with LOS attacks because he is constantly hopping from front to back and side to side on me instead of having smooth trackable movement like everyone else in the zone.


I am not advocating banning accounts or anything unless a cheat is proven, I am saying create mechanics that prevent an undue advantage by way of being intentional or not. Removing exploits no matter the intention of the player.


What I meant by experience is... Firstly know your class and the other classes to identify abilities vs cheats...

As far as lag goes... There is a huge range of latency than what you think... Some people play with 20ms, while others put up with 300ms... Obviously trying to marry these up will cause some weird looking stuff and the lower end latency guys will always have an advantage... This is where the experience side comes in... I don't mean someone who actually uses cheats, I mean someone who has logged 80 hours plus in the game and actually knows how lag switching is done. Knowing this and also having the experiences in game, can make it much easier to identify over normal latency... It is still hard to detect if done correctly... Those cheaters that are really good at it will be hard to detect... Those not as skilled at doing it are much easier to detect... I can always detect people starting to use or learning to lag switch, they really stand out... I actually think it's funny, most of them actually stop mid combat to try switching instead of doing it on the fly... I always target them first, they aren't good players, which is why they cheat... By targeting them first I am hoping to show them that lag switching will never help them...

It also helps if you do a network check using a trace route program to see if there are any issues from the server all the way to your connection... Currently there is huge packet loss happening (not lag as such, you won't see latency change)... Packet manipulation is how lag switching works... So actually having packet loss at routers connected to some of EAs routers will look like lag switching sometimes... Trying to identify this kind of cheating at the moment is near impossible... This is why people who think they see lag switching should investigate further... All of these things are learned from experience... So that is what I mean... You shouldn't call hax or cheating with out knowing what is actually happening...

Of course you don't want your experience tarnished by cheats... And why should you... I hate it as much as anyone here... With the current network/router issues you will see things like you describe... Bombs going off etc... I saw a pylon cap in Hypergates yesterday that didn't produce the cap light the guy look like he didn't come out of stealth... 1 sec after the cap the light showed up and he appeared... Under normal network/server conditions I would suspect lag switching... But I know 100% it wasn't because the person who did it was sitting next to me in the same room...

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I remember in wow this 'pro' used to duel everyone and win. Was a dk. I dueled him once and man did he lag like none other. I think I got 3-4 hits off as I didn't even know where he was half the time. It was pretty infuriating.


I have yet to see that in swtor.


Not saying I haven't seen lag, trust me I have, but I haven't seen a single individual abusing it in the above described way.


If this happened all the time with anyone fighting him, then I would be confident in saying he is lag switching... WOW actually has some of the biggest lag switching out there... Blizzard try's hard to combat it... About 10000000 times more than Bio do... So if WOW have issues stopping it... Bio have no hope... I'm not even sure they try or care

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Reading is hard. You can't adjust the client because sever holds all the cards, if you client has been modified, particularly when it comes to abilities, the server will realize that your client is different and reject whatever you are trying to do.


Seriously this isn't 1999, online games don't blindly trust the clients.


Another necro, sorry, but haven't attitudes changed since Jeez cancer started to hack and post how he is doing.


No longer do we see people denying it happens, no longer do we see hack deniers trolling people who bring up the topic, no longer do we see people asking for proof or it didn't happen.


I went right back and searched for hacking threads and posts since launch, a lot of the ones have been removed by Bio over the years. But if you read through them it is interesting how people used to get trolled by deniers to drop the subject. Which makes you wonder, "were the deniers just stupid" or "were they hackers trying to shut down the conversations".


I've notice lots of those people don't play anymore or if they do, they certainly don't post in hacking threads since Jeez started to troll in 2015

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