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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...


Join an active guild. Join a guild that has the guild ship. Join a guild that PvPs, but also PvEs...because PvE needs to be mixed in with PvP imo...there's simply not enough PvP action in this game, largely due to the engine (as you pointed out).


You need to mix it up or you won't be happy OP.

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wow, you spent 150.00 on nothing then. sadly. and since when has one new op every 2 years been good pve? it gets boring after 3 weeks...sorry. flashpionts? dont make me laugh.


Sorry unlike you, most of us can afford to waste money on things we enjoy.

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Biower Pls.




But seriously, this entire thread reeks of "I want this game to change itself for me and not provide content for anyone else."


There are millions of people playing this game. You are one of them. Even if you gathered everyone you knew who agreed with you, you would still be a small fraction of the total player base. If you have concerns about the state of pvp, there are ways to express them without writing an abrasive and incendiary hate note.


This is a massive multiplayer game, and Bioware has to satisfy the hunger of a million chirping chicks. It stands to reason that some updates will have content you have no interest in. I, personally, couldn't care less about player housing, but I'm not going to complain about "wasting time and resources" because I know many, many people have been asking for this since launch and its their turn to get what they want.


If you want them to change, add, or modify things related to pvp, form a coherent and respectful post listing your grievances and suggestions. Otherwise, you'll just be ignored as an entitled whiner.

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"Millions" huh?


what does it matter, game is dead!!!


Logged in over the weekend during prime time and fleet was a ghost town...on Harbinger none the less.


Market has crashed people offloading their stuff for cheap before they leave.


School is starting, need more glue from this horse /sarcasm


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what does it matter, game is dead!!!


Logged in over the weekend during prime time and fleet was a ghost town...on Harbinger none the less.


Market has crashed people offloading their stuff for cheap before they leave.


School is starting, need more glue from this horse /sarcasm

Of course it is...this game has been dead since it released, it just doesn't know it yet...it's like the undead MMO, but not in some lame World War Z type of way, more like The Walking Dead kind...which is actually an amazing show...so...um...:confused:

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what does it matter, game is dead!!!


Logged in over the weekend during prime time and fleet was a ghost town...on Harbinger none the less.


Market has crashed people offloading their stuff for cheap before they leave.


School is starting, need more glue from this horse /sarcasm


Ummm...why would they "unload" their items on the GTN if they are all quitting? If you're selling on the GTN, you're doing so to earn credits. You earn credits because you want something in the game because you want to play the game.


I've stopped playing several MMOs over the years, never once have I thought "You know what, I hate this game and don't want to play anymore. Better prepare not to play anymore by clearing out the ol' inventory and making some money."


EDIT: Just saw the spolier, consider me trolled. :p

Edited by Eldrenath
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Ummm...why would they "unload" their items on the GTN if they are all quitting? If you're selling on the GTN, you're doing so to earn credits. You earn credits because you want something in the game because you want to play the game.


I've stopped playing several MMOs over the years, never once have I thought "You know what, I hate this game and don't want to play anymore. Better prepare not to play anymore by clearing out the ol' inventory and making some money."


psst...he wasn't being serious.

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what does it matter, game is dead!!!


Logged in over the weekend during prime time and fleet was a ghost town...on Harbinger none the less.


Market has crashed people offloading their stuff for cheap before they leave.


School is starting, need more glue from this horse /sarcasm


Hmm fewer people on the fleet? How could that be must mean the game is dying right? Or could it be...get ready for this people have more stuff to do besides hangout on the fleet waiting for ops? You don't say? What type of things?

Well glad you asked...instead on hanging out on the fleet player can now...


Decorate their stronghold

Visit friends strongholds

Hangout on guild ships

Run old FP for decorations and conquest points

Run the reg 55hm fp

Run old ops for decorations

Run daily ops

Run pvp for decorations

Do conquest stuff.


Player are now doing all of this while they craft, that's right crafting is back for everyone not just end game crafters. Wait there is more...all of this is being done so the haters can claim the game is dead because the fleet has a fewer players...

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Hmm fewer people on the fleet? How could that be must mean the game is dying right? Or could it be...get ready for this people have more stuff to do besides hangout on the fleet waiting for ops? You don't say? What type of things?

Well glad you asked...instead on hanging out on the fleet player can now...


Decorate their stronghold

Visit friends strongholds

Hangout on guild ships

Run old FP for decorations and conquest points

Run the reg 55hm fp

Run old ops for decorations

Run daily ops

Run pvp for decorations

Do conquest stuff.


Player are now doing all of this while they craft, that's right crafting is back for everyone not just end game crafters. Wait there is more...all of this is being done so the haters can claim the game is dead because the fleet has a fewer players...

Hook, line and sinker!!!


DOH, you're getting more to bite than a Copperfield post!!!

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<--Has only logged in 3 times this month....I've been playing (gasp) OTHER GAMES! :eek: I'll probably only be logging on twice a month or so for the next several months. coughcoughDragonageinuisitioncoughcough :D OP you can do it to! Get you a pacifier, suck it up, and Go play another game geared towards PvP.


Ohh and even tho I'm not gonna be playing much, I'm still gonna pay for my sub every month.(seriously)


Ya know....since the game is dying... (sarcasm alert) :D

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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...


The thing about some posters on the forums is... you can tell who's making stuff up.


First, you have the people who say they can't do X because they're adults and have responsibilities and stuff... whereas real adults understand how to schedule and prioritize and still achieve X, or at least won't complain when the trade-off decisions they make produce predictable results.


Then you have this guy who suggests he knows how to last a week on a job, but writes more poorly than my autistic nephew.


Hmm fewer people on the fleet? How could that be must mean the game is dying right? Or could it be...get ready for this people have more stuff to do besides hangout on the fleet waiting for ops? You don't say? What type of things? ...


This post is right on. Now that I have my stronghold, I have no reason for any of my characters to be on Fleet any longer than it takes to acquire and turn in quests and train new crafting skills. Eventually I'll look into whether or not I can find a way to do those things from my stronghold, too. I bet I can do at least some of them...

Edited by DarthTHC
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Hook, line and sinker!!!


DOH, you're getting more to bite than a Copperfield post!!!


Guess you didn't pick up on my sarcastic tone towards his post did you. Yep looks like I caught myself a famous Tux might have to frame this one...

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I don't PvP at all. I didn't really want housing at all. For my personal tastes and preferences, it was something I thought was something of a waste. I decided that it was a good idea because there clearly were (and are) a lot of players in the game that wanted housing. Just because I personally don't really want a particular type of content doesn't mean it has no value. For example, I've never done a single warzone despite having played SWTOR since launch, and never participate in any form of open world PvP whatsoever. When events have certain portions that take place in "forced" PvP areas I don't do that part of the event. Does that mean that adding new PvP content is a waste? That no one likes it?


And you know what, the housing system did introduce SO much more than just housing. My guild had a great time in the first week of guild conquests and it fostered a real sense of community. So overall, I ended up loving this new content, even though I was in no way looking forward to it.

First, Eldernath, consider this due notice that you shall be hearing from my lawyers for so blatantly saying exactly what I intended to say. The fact that you said it first and (probably) better than I would have, only exacerbates your precarious legal position. Since this your first offense for preempting what I would have said, I'll let you off with a warning ... this time. :mad:


There are several activities in SWTOR in which I choose not to participate. PvP is chief among them. But I recognize that other players enjoy those activities and I do not begrudge BW for serving elements of its player base beyond just me. If all that mattered was my personal opinion and preferred style of play, the game would be called "SW-THOR" and not "SWTOR."


Just saying.

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Nope, just your usual combative attitude.


Oh come on little buddy just cause I caught you doesn't mean you need to get all combative. I have let you be not my problem you "think" you can pick and choose who is and who isn't being sarcastic on a forum. Sorry you picked wrong...

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Oh come on little buddy just cause I caught you doesn't mean you need to get all combative. I have let you be not my problem you "think" you can pick and choose who is and who isn't being sarcastic on a forum. Sorry you picked wrong...

You have no right to call me names. The rest of your post I don't understand.

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Ok, this clearly isn't the game for you, OP. So move along. Nothing to see here. If you see nothing of worth in the game, then playing it is an exercise in masochism. And since most of the rest of us think it's pretty great--not perfect, but great--there's really nothing to talk about. Go play a game that's at least in the ballpark at meeting your specific needs.
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You have no right to call me names. The rest of your post I don't understand.


Well let me clarify it for you...I replied to a sarcastic post with my own sarcastic post. I did not reply to you. You then went ahead and made some ignorant comment about hook like and sinker because you missed my sarcasm, so I said I'm sorry you misses it. I know you are all famous and cool on here but just because you can't comprehend one sarcastic post from another doesn't give you the right to get all combative.

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I'm the first to cleverly complain but I'm incredibly impressed with how they were able to reuse the level up worlds in such a way we have to realize the scale and scope of the project. It always amazes me how vast planets like Alderran are and I applaud the devs for giving us a reason to go back there.


As a player since game launch the most fun I have had in this game occurred last Saturday when our faction fought the other faction on Tatooine in a massive PVP battle royal. Survival required knowing tactices in both PVP and PVE in a massive field warfare of 50-80 people (yes lower your gfx setting for this one).

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