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@ All the lvl 40+ Marauders


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I have one question for you guys: Is it worth it? I hear different opinions non-stop and never seem to find a definite answer. Is lvling a marauder fun/easy? Or is it difficult/tedious?


All in all, I have a juggernaut and I really want to make a marauder but idk if it's worth it to lvl another SW if the class is "broken" like lots of people state.

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Now I'm not lvl 40 but I wouldnt go so far as to state the class is broken as I'm leveling fine with it solo. I sometimes have issues with multiple mobs but if I use Vette properly I negate most of the issues.


I havent tried it PVP yet so I cant comment. I dont find heroics easy but that could also be due to the fact I havent invested any skill points yet and I'm lvl 24, just got choke and looking forward to trying it out.


Oh and one more thing, we dont seem to have much variaty with our armor and that is getting annoying.

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Now I'm not lvl 40 but I wouldnt go so far as to state the class is broken as I'm leveling fine with it solo. I sometimes have issues with multiple mobs but if I use Vette properly I negate most of the issues.


I havent tried it PVP yet so I cant comment. I dont find heroics easy but that could also be due to the fact I havent invested any skill points yet and I'm lvl 24, just got choke and looking forward to trying it out.


Oh and one more thing, we dont seem to have much variaty with our armor and that is getting annoying.



How can you possibly excuse yourself not investing any skill points at level 24? You're literally useless in any group.


You know you can re-spec at any time, right?

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The people who are complaining about marauders are either like level 13 or are mentally retarded. Marauder has been a blast for me. I leveled up Annihilation spec'd til about 40 or so and then switched to Rage. I've been using the healing companion (Malavai Quinn) and everything has pretty much been a joke. As long as you manage your defensive CD's and don't take on too much, it's a breeze. Don't listen to the naysayers on this forum, they'll just get you down before you even give the class a shot.
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I'm level 41 with my Marauder and I am enjoying it like hell tbh, I admit that I've had a diffucult time leveling it, sometimes I had to use a medpac on almost every pack of mobs or saberward and cloak of pain, It was most problematic at 28-35 for me then I respecced Annihalation and always used Quinn at my back and I'm having no problems in questing, I have solo'd all my quests except for heroic ones without a problem and I notice that I do a fair bit of damage in PvP, I can at least make healers or other ranged panic when I charge them, the only problem would be that I'd like a bit more survivability, but I can do fine right now.



It requires a bit of patience to become successful while playing a marauder and some skill and understanding of melee classes, if you've got that and like playing warrior classes then by all means, go ahead. Those who complain about the class are many people who are not used to playing warrior classes.

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I've played warrior classes in every MMO. I love the warrior type classes, but I know some mmo's they start out severely underpowered since they scale with gear so much. I was just wondering what the general consensus is because tbh I'm not liking Juggernaut too much, I love the SW storyline and I wanna use Jaesa but Juggernauts seem to be slower to lvl and if I get more than 2 strong mobs I have to pop cooldowns which seems stupid.. I see other classes clear 2+ strong mobs like its nothing :(
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Level 42. That said, only you can say if it's worth it or not. I will say this, I don't hold to the mantra of 'it gets better later'.


It was always 'better. From level 2 onward. ;)


So, if you don't like the class, I'm not sure you ever will, just because you get past 'level 40'.

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LvL 50 Marauder....I'd say no. I love the class...love dual sabers...love the dps...but survivability just isnt there.


Post 40 the only viable companion is Quinn...you get ate up trying to use anyone else unless their gear is EQUAL to or better than your own...and honestly...if Quinn's gear is equal to or better than your own he's still a better companion choice over the other 4.


It seems every other class can use whichever companion they like in solo PvE but not the case with us. Its not that its situational either....he's clearly the best choice regardless of situation.


Just my opinion of course based off what I've seen in all 3 specs but I beleive this to be a Marauder survivability issue. We just get hit too hard. I imagine you could get away with using Pierce or Broonmark if they have great gear but again...with great gear Quinn is still the best choice and I cant imagine why they wouldnt want you using Vette or Jeasa almost ever. Especially when Chapter 1 is pretty much revolves around Jeasa



**EDIT** I forgot to add the fact that Quinn is soo broken that even he becomes amazingly frustrating as well. The fact that he'll prioritize dpsing over healing you drives me insane. And yes I uncheck those skills on his toolbar...but i'm sure i'm not the only one having the issue where whenever he is stored (dialogue, death, dismissed, selling trash items, loading screens, when you're on a speeder...etc) that the toolbar resets and those abilities are active again when he is called.

Edited by Phalynn
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i hit 50 with my marauder yesterday.i love the class,its DPS playstyle,and its gonna be my main,but as phalyn said,till level 40 you lack on survivability,a bit,as you're still yet to get most your talents/cds that are useful yet short cd,i levleed since aldeeran with Jaessa,had trouble at few end bosses of a class quest,or a regular planet chain quest,which is at times i need to get quin out,but in general i love the playstyle of the class,and its one of those,easy to get into,like you'd know which skill matters,but hard to master,to know which prio,and how to use them,but i wont say its underpowered no
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The people who are complaining about marauders are either like level 13 or are mentally retarded. Marauder has been a blast for me. I leveled up Annihilation spec'd til about 40 or so and then switched to Rage. I've been using the healing companion (Malavai Quinn) and everything has pretty much been a joke. As long as you manage your defensive CD's and don't take on too much, it's a breeze. Don't listen to the naysayers on this forum, they'll just get you down before you even give the class a shot.



When I see posts like this I laugh. Why would you be so rude? What satisfaction do you get out of putting people down? Moreover, I just do not believe that you've found everything to be a 'joke' as marauder. While I wouldn't say the class is 'broken' there are some issues with lack of AoE and burst damage prior to mid-upper 30's.

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When I see posts like this I laugh. Why would you be so rude? What satisfaction do you get out of putting people down? Moreover, I just do not believe that you've found everything to be a 'joke' as marauder. While I wouldn't say the class is 'broken' there are some issues with lack of AoE and burst damage prior to mid-upper 30's.


Why am I rude? Because the people on this forum have no clue how to play this class. Instead of taking the time to learn how to play, they cry about how it's broken because they can't shoot lightning at people or pew pew behind cover with a sniper rifle. Lack of AoE and burst? Have you even tried a Rage spec? 3k smashes are amazing.

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Why am I rude? Because the people on this forum have no clue how to play this class. Instead of taking the time to learn how to play, they cry about how it's broken because they can't shoot lightning at people or pew pew behind cover with a sniper rifle. Lack of AoE and burst? Have you even tried a Rage spec? 3k smashes are amazing.


You're rude in your approach to dealing with people. This is usually due a lack of social skills, poor up-bringing, lack of self esteem, or all the above. There are much better and constructive ways to express and validate your opinion. Making blanket generalized statements that people are 'bad' or 'dumb' isn't one of them.


What you could have said, "In my experience playing this class this way, using these skills and abilities in this "type" of order will yield a results that should help improve your game and over all experience."


See how easy that is? It also makes you look like a nice person and a person to whom others can say, "Yeah, I thought this class had problems but after reading what <this guy> said I took his advice, man I am just loving it now."


So you choose to act and be what you like, that's on you, but I say again there's no reason to be rude to people here. This is a game and while MMO's may have been around for a decade now, there really are new or inexperienced players in this game.

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I just hit lvl 40 and I'm nowhere near being bored. I think mainly it's because I think dual wielding is freaking awesome and melee is pro. I also think it depends on your build. I did Carnage the first 25 or so levels and got bored of it real quick but when I switched to Rage I'm loving Marauder even more and I don't intend to respec any time soon. The DPS rocks too.


Another reason is who you play with. I do everything with my guild, questing, heroics, flashpoints, etc. We do them every day all day so it's just not me playing by myself.

Edited by BarcodeX
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I have one question for you guys: Is it worth it? I hear different opinions non-stop and never seem to find a definite answer. Is lvling a marauder fun/easy? Or is it difficult/tedious?


All in all, I have a juggernaut and I really want to make a marauder but idk if it's worth it to lvl another SW if the class is "broken" like lots of people state.


Level 43 marauder and my experiences. Do I like the marauder? I still like it and have all the way from the start. The story is great. I agree with others Quinn is your best friend for sure. I haven't had much trouble leveling, I have leveled as annihilation from the start.


At 40 I tried all 30 trees in pvp and dropped a tun of creds swapping. My least fav tree was carnage. Rage smashes were a lot of fun and with obliterate and force crush I'm sure with the right amount of support you could rack up huge numbers as other high levels are doing.


Rage is a high risk high reward sort of thing ... If you can get your combo prepped deep in the thick of it all ,.. Say at the door in voidstar and live to chain a few buffed smashes you'll throw up big numbers. The bigger the Zerg the bigger the number.


Annihilation is still my favorite spec even for pvp and I can do very well with it. There are matches where things just don't go well and you get cc'd at every turn and you get done going ... Damn this is **** lol but then again there are matches that you get done and wrecked face.


In unorganized pvp range have more time on target and less risk, so they will always be easier. Their range is their pocket healer much of the time. I have pvped a lot and you want to see a ranged get mad focus him for a couple matches in a row and watch them go from the top of the leaderboards to the middle of the pack.


We have a lot of survival tools on short cooldowns ... If you are not comfortable pressing a lot of hockey's it will probably be painful. If I press force camo by accident going for ravage which are key binded right beside each other .. More often then not in pvp that's a death when the cc fest comes which at any given moment is seconds from engaging.


Pve as annihilation I have never had a hard time with anything really. As you level and get more tools you get stronger and stronger. At level 40 plus you have so many cooldowns and berserk that you should be able to tackle anything especially with Quinn.


Be ready to use everything you got and you will be fine and at times a beast, the odd times you will feel weak ... But that's the exception not the norm.


That is my take.

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The people who are complaining about marauders are either like level 13 or are mentally retarded. Marauder has been a blast for me. I leveled up Annihilation spec'd til about 40 or so and then switched to Rage. I've been using the healing companion (Malavai Quinn) and everything has pretty much been a joke. As long as you manage your defensive CD's and don't take on too much, it's a breeze. Don't listen to the naysayers on this forum, they'll just get you down before you even give the class a shot.




I cant 't say I understand all the fuzz..

With quinn as my healer I soloed last part og chapter 1 as level 29, (against 32 elite) and can do most elites strong mobs i encounter on taris osv..


Its not without downtime tho, but what do you expect..They Are strong mobs for a reason

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You're rude in your approach to dealing with people. This is usually due a lack of social skills, poor up-bringing, lack of self esteem, or all the above. There are much better and constructive ways to express and validate your opinion. Making blanket generalized statements that people are 'bad' or 'dumb' isn't one of them.


What you could have said, "In my experience playing this class this way, using these skills and abilities in this "type" of order will yield a results that should help improve your game and over all experience."


See how easy that is? It also makes you look like a nice person and a person to whom others can say, "Yeah, I thought this class had problems but after reading what <this guy> said I took his advice, man I am just loving it now."


So you choose to act and be what you like, that's on you, but I say again there's no reason to be rude to people here. This is a game and while MMO's may have been around for a decade now, there really are new or inexperienced players in this game.


I could have said any number of things, but I chose to say what I did because guess what? I can.


I have no problems with new or inexperienced players. I don't mind explaining something to someone or helping them figure something out. It's the people who play for 2 hours and then come on here ranting in all caps about how the marauder is such a terrible class and that it needs to be buffed that yes, I'm going to be a complete dick to.


You sound like a halfway intelligent person. There's no need to try and coddle the people who won't change their opinion no matter what you tell them. Hopefully you can see that.

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I cant 't say I understand all the fuzz..

With quinn as my healer I soloed last part og chapter 1 as level 29, (against 32 elite) and can do most elites strong mobs i encounter on taris osv..


Its not without downtime tho, but what do you expect..They Are strong mobs for a reason


Valid point...but besides the main arguement still. What's the purpose in having 5 companions if broken Quinn is the only viable one?

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I have one question for you guys: Is it worth it? I hear different opinions non-stop and never seem to find a definite answer. Is lvling a marauder fun/easy? Or is it difficult/tedious?


All in all, I have a juggernaut and I really want to make a marauder but idk if it's worth it to lvl another SW if the class is "broken" like lots of people state.


I reached level 45 today.Completely through soloing quests,except some 4+ Hc and flashpoints. I have to tell you that i was able to solo every 2 or 2+ Hc at my level. I even soloed a hc 4 area quest on Hoth named "medical something". In wich the final stage was to kill an 60k elite boss.


I have to say that im having a lot of fun so far. Im carnage spec btw. I usually start my rotation with charge, battering assault, massacre, gore,ravage, force scream. Don't listen to people whining. Try the class for yourself and see if it suits your playstyle !

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As a marauder, you really have to burn down the mobs quickly, I've felt moderately squishy during my leveling (45 now). That being said, it's a good idea to use Savage Kick and Pommel Strike as much as possible. They're pretty much only useable for solo stuff anyway, and they deal a ******** of damage. Anybody who says marauder is underpowered just isn't utilizing all of it's abilities.


Quinn is probably the best companion to use in terms of less downtime, but from ~30 to ~42 I used Jaesa. I had to do pretty much a full heal after each fight, but I certainly didn't die. And I only switched from her because I found out she isn't romance-able for LS, so I'm switching back to Vette, not Quinn.


Although, for Elite fights, I generally swap out for Quinn, but I have killed some with a dps companion out.

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As a marauder, you really have to burn down the mobs quickly, I've felt moderately squishy during my leveling (45 now). That being said, it's a good idea to use Savage Kick and Pommel Strike as much as possible. They're pretty much only useable for solo stuff anyway, and they deal a ******** of damage. Anybody who says marauder is underpowered just isn't utilizing all of it's abilities.


Quinn is probably the best companion to use in terms of less downtime, but from ~30 to ~42 I used Jaesa. I had to do pretty much a full heal after each fight, but I certainly didn't die. And I only switched from her because I found out she isn't romance-able for LS, so I'm switching back to Vette, not Quinn.


Although, for Elite fights, I generally swap out for Quinn, but I have killed some with a dps companion out.


Light side marauder? /spit


Elites are easy to kill 1v1+Companion. It never matters which companion you have.


@OP - not an issue at all. Use CD's liberally...press buttons...????...profit.

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I have one question for you guys: Is it worth it? I hear different opinions non-stop and never seem to find a definite answer. Is lvling a marauder fun/easy? Or is it difficult/tedious?


All in all, I have a juggernaut and I really want to make a marauder but idk if it's worth it to lvl another SW if the class is "broken" like lots of people state.


yes its fun, yes its easy, yes its worth it, no its not broken

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