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SW:TOR's very own great depression?


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Hey forums, I can't have been the only one to notice the recent shift in the economy. Heck, everything on the gtn is really cheap right now. I just bought armor i never thought I'd be able to afford today. However, nothing is selling for me. The only money i have was made selling on the gtn, and hot items like cartel packs and isotope 5 aren't selling even when priced below the lowest prices. Now, it could just be me, but after reading some other threads I doubt it. it seems that strongholds have caused such a massive credit sink that everyone wants to sell what they have, no matter how cheap, but no one is buying.


What are you guy's thoughts?

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aug kits 10k down my server, might augs down to 40-50 from 70+


unhappy days


my thoughts? Why the heck would people buy them decorations for such ridiculous prices! 2 million for a jukebox? 10 million for a statue of the emperor from the cartel pack even though you can loot identical (but then it costs 1 million on gtn) i nthe flashpoint? Jaysus... how about practical things like aug kits? :/


no choice but to try and predict and hoard on nice items from current packs to sell later :[

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Okay, real simple and real short, the only thing that's happening is that the market has shifted from being a seller's market to a buyer's market.


In short, there's more suppliers than buyers. There are more people wanting to make money than there are people who are wanting to spend money.


That's it. That's all. It's not a 'crash.' It's not a 'depression.' This is not a real-life economy. This is, at best, a simplistic barter system only made even more simplistic because there's no such thing as 'debt' in this system and all the aspects associated therein.


But, back on point. No, nothing terrible is happening. The only thing that's happening is that more people are trying to sell stuff than there are people buying stuff.


Incidentally, it's a great day for me. I've only spent about 8mil of my stockpiled credits and I have my choice of the best items on the GTN right now, while most others are selling everything they own, it seems.

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It is a really great time to be buying stuff, especially a lot of the items from the new pack. I had no plans -- no plans, I tell you! -- to buy that new Orobird or the Mira set reskin, yet there they were in my mailbox, with me about 430K poorer. Cheap goodies abound!


The housing stuff, on the other hand, is pretty pricey. I was a bit worried that the decor from the packs would be mostly junk (like the GSF stuff from Starfighter packs), but nope. The rare stuff is fetching millions, and the rest isn't exactly cheap either. Maybe everyone is just too distracted by their new houses and giant potted plants and gree disco balls to pay attention to the banthas and skimpy armor? :p

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It is a really great time to be buying stuff, especially a lot of the items from the new pack. I had no plans -- no plans, I tell you! -- to buy that new Orobird or the Mira set reskin, yet there they were in my mailbox, with me about 430K poorer. Cheap goodies abound!


The housing stuff, on the other hand, is pretty pricey. I was a bit worried that the decor from the packs would be mostly junk (like the GSF stuff from Starfighter packs), but nope. The rare stuff is fetching millions, and the rest isn't exactly cheap either. Maybe everyone is just too distracted by their new houses and giant potted plants and gree disco balls to pay attention to the banthas and skimpy armor? :p


Well, people have had that stuff for months now. A chance to make a place of their own, though, that's new. And who doesn't want their own jukebox?


Best 2mil credits I 'ever' spent. I only wish it would loop until I turned it off. And had the ability to choose songs. Still, it's awesome.

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It is a really great time to be buying stuff, especially a lot of the items from the new pack. I had no plans -- no plans, I tell you! -- to buy that new Orobird or the Mira set reskin, yet there they were in my mailbox, with me about 430K poorer. Cheap goodies abound!


The housing stuff, on the other hand, is pretty pricey. I was a bit worried that the decor from the packs would be mostly junk (like the GSF stuff from Starfighter packs), but nope. The rare stuff is fetching millions, and the rest isn't exactly cheap either. Maybe everyone is just too distracted by their new houses and giant potted plants and gree disco balls to pay attention to the banthas and skimpy armor? :p


Yup. Houses are everything right now. Ever since GSH was announced, people started boarding up the credits. I've been buying CM gear on the cheap en masse for a couple months now. Give it a bit of time, the craze will slow and the selling items from before will still sell. Maybe not as well, though because they will have to share the seller's market with the decor items.


New things, OP, are always going to be insanely expensive at first and will dominate the market for a while. Then when everyone has crafted and been selling them for too long and in too large of numbers, those prices will drop. People will go back to buying armors and stuff again if you're willing to wait. And as they do, decor prices will drop.

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Isotope-5 is at a all time low, around 60k. That one was kind of depressing. Make basic comms less worthwhile.


On the plus side though, i sold some fabricator's mark 1 for 30k a piece and thats a great turnover for how little it cost to get the materials.

Edited by Nickious
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Far be it for me to commit the crafting sin of revealing secrets, but OP as another poster said in the other thread "adapt or die (or rather go broke)" when it comes to selling on the GTN. Just because "old" things that were selling well before 2.9 aren't now doesn't mean that there is no money to be made, it just means you have to make it different ways. While Infernixx's statement about the market may be somewhat true on the overall market it is not correct for everything. Put another way, while the post 2.9 market may appear to have temporarily collapsed for some (many) things, it is absolutely booming for others. There are people who got richest during the recession (not saying we are in one in this game atm.) To give you an example, I have made more credits over the past 3 days than I have in sporadically playing this game over the past 2 years. I'm talking well into 8 figures of pure profit in a couple days time.. and I'm far from alone. Think about what changes were made and why they had the effect they did. Based on that come up with a new strategy and profit. The same can be done in any major change in crafting that comes to this game (although not all are equal).
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Far be it for me to commit the crafting sin of revealing secrets, but OP as another poster said in the other thread "adapt or die (or rather go broke)" when it comes to selling on the GTN. Just because "old" things that were selling well before 2.9 aren't now doesn't mean that there is no money to be made, it just means you have to make it different ways. While Infernixx's statement about the market may be somewhat true on the overall market it is not correct for everything. Put another way, while the post 2.9 market may appear to have temporarily collapsed for some (many) things, it is absolutely booming for others. There are people who got richest during the recession (not saying we are in one in this game atm.) To give you an example, I have made more credits over the past 3 days than I have in sporadically playing this game over the past 2 years. I'm talking well into 8 figures of pure profit in a couple days time.. and I'm far from alone. Think about what changes were made and why they had the effect they did. Based on that come up with a new strategy and profit. The same can be done in any major change in crafting that comes to this game (although not all are equal).


This. I've been making money hand over fist, and I'm not really even all that savvy at making money! Granted I've been spending even more...:D

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Umm, yeah, sure... it's "impossible" to sell stuff now...


Oh and incidentally, I just made 9 million credits over the last 2 days.

But I'm sure that's just a fluke and not at all on account of me adapting to the market. :rolleyes:


There's a whole new game in town kids... And people are much more interested in that stuff than the old stuff they used to buy.

So, theyre not buying the same old stuff they used to which is driving the sellers into a desperate pricewar since they have 0 patience and doesn't understand why it's not business as usual.

That's why the prices are so god-awful low on some items.


As for the cartel market stuff being sold, it seems a ton more people bought the hypercrates.

If that is because of their new low price (Keep that up BW! I like it!) or because they all thought they'd make money by using the cartel packs (wrongly, I might add. Unopened ones are selling for their normal price) I don't know, but there are a ton more of the new items than there usually is, which is driving down the prices (since, again, everyone wants to sell now, now, now, and thus undercutting eachother like morons)

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This. I've been making money hand over fist, and I'm not really even all that savvy at making money! Granted I've been spending even more...:D


As long as your having fun more power to you. I made quite a bit also. Universal Prefab Mk-3 FTW. I really enjoyed using Legacy Storage. It just makes crafting so much easier. Have fun.

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Due to the new stuff, the demand has shifted. Therefore the price for certain things has decreased while the price for other things has increased. If one were smart, they could figure out where the demand has increased and make a killing.


The demand has shifted to items related to Housing and Guild ships. I have been playing since launch and by nature I am a pack rat. I have 20 alts on the server I play on and have cargo bays full of mats for crafting. Some of the mats that were previously useless are now used to craft items for housing etc. The prefab kits, war items for conquest, and the materials used to craft them are in demand right now. I made well over 10 mil in the last week by selling excess mats, prefabs, etc related to housing and conquest. With the credits I have made and ones I had saved up I can now afford to by my very own guild capital ship, not that I want one, but I could.

Edited by Baldak
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The demand has shifted to items related to Housing and Guild ships. I have been playing since launch and by nature I am a pack rat. I have 20 alts on the server I play on and have cargo bays full of mats for crafting. Some of the mats that were previously useless are now used to craft items for housing etc. The prefab kits, war items for conquest, and the materials used to craft them are in demand right now. I made well over 10 mil in the last week by selling excess mats, prefabs, etc related to housing and conquest. With the credits I have made and ones I had saved up I can now afford to by my very own guild capital ship, not that I want one, but I could.


Yup, did the same. All those level 7 mats that were useless months ago can get someone rich if they have hoarding issues like myself.

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Silly people. Right now people are more iterested in the sale at Ikea then the sale at Tommy Hilfiger. When people get bored with Ikeas sale, business at Tommy Hilfiger will pick back up.


Right now all these threads do is make memes pop into my head... I see the "Y U no" guy standing in front of people buying furniture yelling "Y U no buy my armors and weapons!"

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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