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Define "Casual"


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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.

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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.


That's not casual.




It is mostly my case but definitely not casual IMHO.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.


I'd go with what you said, but also with someone who does play a lot (we're talking "hardcore" numbers here - every night for at least 4 hours, with a lot of time spent on weekends or something) but uses a variety of characters. I fall into that grouping, and while I play a "hardcore" amount of time, I have one character at level cap, two more at 37, and everyone else falls into the 11-30 range.

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I think of myself as pretty casual. I play to have fun and am quite happy to play through flashpoints just once for the story. As such I've barely touched hard mode. By your standards I am not however, as I sink many many many hours into games. If I don't have school/work I can easily play a game for the entirety of a day.


In regards to MMORPGs however, it seems "casual player" seems to mean "someone who doesn't want to put in any effort". I'd call that lazy and spoiled personally.

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I consider this thread a silly, nonsensical thing, worthy of derision and scorn. But I'll play along anyway.


You cannot be more wrong. "Casual" has nothing to do with how much time a player spends in the game. It is defined by how that player chooses to spend that time. I play much more frequently and for much longer sessions than you posit, yet I know in my bones, I am a "Casual" player. I piddle. I craft. I spent two nights this week ... about six hours each night ... decorating imaginary houses. I run low level alts to around 20, then delete them and make more.


I don't run FPs or OPs. I've never seen anyplace with "Kuat" in its name. To be succinct, I spend less then 1% of 1% of my game time in any form of group activity. Most of my "group activity" in my years playing SWTOR has been running the Esseles and Black Talon FPs on alts who are destined to be deleted. I've run Athiss and Hammer maybe four or five teams each, and Mando twice. I always solo the Heroic-2s and usually skip the Heroic-4s.


I may play 5-6 nights each week, usually 4-6 hours each weeknight and 12+ hours every Saturday. But I know I'm a "Casual" player because of how I spend that time.

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For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend.

That's casual to you?! What is "hardcore" to you then? Geezus man...


"Casual" isn't solely defined by the length of time played, it has as much to do with the players attitude while they play.

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That's not casual.




It is mostly my case but definitely not casual IMHO.


So define casual for you. It's easy to throw out a "you're wrong" but if you aren't willing to back it up with what casual means to you then why are you even in the conversation?


As far as I'm concerned, it is casual. 15 or so hours a week in an MMO isn't really trying very hard for what an MMO is and represents.

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So define casual for you. It's easy to throw out a "you're wrong" but if you aren't willing to back it up with what casual means to you then why are you even in the conversation?


As far as I'm concerned, it is casual. 15 or so hours a week in an MMO isn't really trying very hard for what an MMO is and represents.


Again, someone who plays a game two to three hours a day(!), five days a week(!!!) being a "casual" just sounds... Inaccurate to say the least.


That's almost the equivalent to the part-time job I had back in college.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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To me a casual player is someone who takes the game at face value. They rely on others to lead groups in FPs and OPs and when they do not know the mechanics of a fight they will rely on the group leader to explain it to them, when they speak up about it at all. Casual players do not spend time researching the game online to look up BIS gear, rotations, or specs and instead rely on friends, guildies, and group leaders to advise them on these areas when they are even open to taking advice at all.


Hardcore players watch videos of raid bosses online, research the best performing specs for their class, show up ready to raid on raid nights and do not need much instruction from group leaders. They bring their own stims and medpacs and remember to use them.

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That's casual to you?! What is "hardcore" to you then? Geezus man...


"Casual" isn't solely defined by the length of time played, it has as much to do with the players attitude while they play.


I don't believe that. Hardcore is someone who is in game every day for 3-5 hours, double that on weekends (as far as I'm concerned).


The reason why I don't feel attitude is part of the definition of casual is that then you get the blurred line between casual and lazy. Lazy players who don't want to work for anything will being to use being a casual player as an excuse.


Casual and Hardcore are at their basest solely defined by the amount of effort they put into a game...not what their attitude is.

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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.


There are more hardcore player that play less than that. A casual player isn't measured in time player but the attitude they have towards a game. Casual player don't care about being prefect in the game. Best gear, spec or rotation. They don't care that they don't have guild flagship day one full unlocked. They play to have fun. They might no do each comm cap, not because limit play time because they were doing some else that interest them.

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Again, someone who plays a game two to three hours a day(!), five days a week(!!!) being a "casual" just sounds... Inaccurate to say the least.


That's almost the equivalent to the part-time job I had back in college.


I work a minimum of 40 hours a week, but more often than not it ends up being 60-70. I can easily find 2 hours a day to game since it is my primary form of entertainment. On my days off, I'll spend 5 or 6 hours as long as all of my responsibilities are taken care of.


The whole reason for this post was to find out what casual means to various people. Obviously it means something different to everyone...


Which means that this game can not and should not be designed around said definition.

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I don't believe that. Hardcore is someone who is in game every day for 3-5 hours, double that on weekends (as far as I'm concerned).


The reason why I don't feel attitude is part of the definition of casual is that then you get the blurred line between casual and lazy. Lazy players who don't want to work for anything will being to use being a casual player as an excuse.


Casual and Hardcore are at their basest solely defined by the amount of effort they put into a game...not what their attitude is.


There you are wrong. There are hardcore raiders that log less than 6 hours a week. The log on do what is need and log out.

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Again, someone who plays a game two to three hours a day(!), five days a week(!!!) being a "casual" just sounds... Inaccurate to say the least.


That's almost the equivalent to the part-time job I had back in college.


Still haven't said what you consider casual.

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Casual and Hardcore are at their basest solely defined by the amount of effort they put into a game...not what their attitude is.
And time spent playing has nothing to do with the effort that player commits to the game. I spend a ton of time in game; I expend very little effort. I don't consider myself "lazy" ... I just stick to the activities that appeal to me. That means a lot of crafting and solo PvE. I take a very CASUAL attitude towards the game.


And for the record, I've never asked to be given anything in this game. I don't care if PvPers get special ruby slippers and sleds named Rosebud. If I wanted such swag, I'd PvP. Same with Guild Ships. 50 million credits was fine with me. I'll never own the cool armor we get for even Basic Comms, since I never earn any. I don't expect BW to sell me cheap knock-off versions in the CM so I can get the same look. It's the same with everything else. If I want it bad enough, I earn it.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I don't believe that. Hardcore is someone who is in game every day for 3-5 hours, double that on weekends (as far as I'm concerned).


The reason why I don't feel attitude is part of the definition of casual is that then you get the blurred line between casual and lazy. Lazy players who don't want to work for anything will being to use being a casual player as an excuse.


Casual and Hardcore are at their basest solely defined by the amount of effort they put into a game...not what their attitude is.

That's "addicted", not "hardcore".


You say effort, I say attitude, they mean the same thing. Just because I don't care about BiS isn't because I'm lazy, it's because it's a video game and I really don't give a ****...I play to have fun ("I" in that example is not representative of "me").

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Casual is as casual does.


In other words it's what we, the casuals, do in game not so much how long we spend doing it. We want to run an OP? We'll go do that. We want to spend time crafting we'll do that. We want to level a new character? We'll do that. It's not time spent doing it, but simply doing it on our time.

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Someone who plays day in, day-out, one hour or one hour and a half for example, certainly NOT someone who plays the equivalent to a part-time job. :rolleyes:


So my 6 hour to 15 hour per week example compared to your 7 hour to 10.5 hour per week example is so very different?


If you are using casual to define what a person does when they play then you are saying that casual = lazy and I don't see that.


Casual players log in for lower amounts of time. They may accomplish a lot or a little depending on their personality and goals, but they have a lower amount of available time than what I consider the Hardcore crowd who spend as much time in game as I do working.


What's odd is what some people are calling casual and hardcore I call lazy and dedicated.


But equating an MMO to a part time job isn't too far off the mark in either of our examples.

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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.

is how i would describe casual.

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Too many people are using the term Casual Player to try to justify why the game needs to be <insert belief here>.


Define what casual means to you.


For me, a casual player plays 2-3 hours a day, 3-5 days a week. Occasionally they may play for more than that on a weekend. What they do with their play time isn't the issue, only the amount of time they have to do it in.


I am casual and you described me.

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So my 6 hour to 15 hour per week example compared to your 7 hour to 10.5 hour per week example is so very different?


I believe you got the math wrong.


But equating an MMO to a part time job isn't too far off the mark in either of our examples.


You provided the metrics. I pointed out what was obvious truth be told, not much else. :o

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