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KDY Medpack! Yay!


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It's blind hate indeed.


Loooool. Hate is an awfully strong word, I suppose forums leave something to be said for tone and inflection.


As far as (4) DPS going into KDY it's definitely not a for-sure that they're going to wipe. Typically if I'm pulling agro, I'll threat drop when I get low on HP. I skulk for a second, then continue burning. You can also kite while maintaining agro until it switches, in which case the DPS can use the same tactics. These are techniques learned out of necessity, if one player goes down...so be it. If all the players are wiping where an identical party isn't, should the entire game-mechanic be altered to suit, or should time be spent looking into your arsenal to see how you personally came make it happen?

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Typically if I'm pulling agro, I'll threat drop when I get low on HP.


Doesn't work always. Especially when you have "But I am ranged!" Vanguards/Powertechs in group who do only little dps. Only way to make sure you don't regain aggro is removing yourself from threat table = stealth.

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Doesn't work always. Especially when you have "But I am ranged!" Vanguards/Powertechs in group who do only little dps. Only way to make sure you don't regain aggro is removing yourself from threat table = stealth.


I have my Vanguard set up as a tank (and am fully prepared to accept death in a KDY with no healer) in which case I can pull agro from a DPS who's about to die (ideally I would still be at full HP).


As for the stealth thing, I know the Sentinel threat drop sends you into stealth. Haven't played a Mara. If you have four snipers they'd best anticipate the threat and start running like a chicken sans head when they dip below 50% while the others hopefully up their damage output.

Edited by Kremsau
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I have my Vanguard set up as a tank (and am fully prepared to accept death in a KDY with no healer) in which case I can pull agro from a DPS who's about to die (ideally I would still be at full HP).


As for the stealth thing, I know the Sentinel threat drop sends you into stealth. Haven't played a Mara.


It's the same for Marauders.


They're 100% identical, except for animations, name of abilities and skill trees. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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As for the stealth thing, I know the Sentinel threat drop sends you into stealth. Haven't played a Mara.


It's still 50% drop only. I've been killed by STO few times just after using Force Camo because I tried to buy some time to get to kolto station but it didn't work.

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I've done KDY with every imaginable group combination (except 4 healers) and it's never been a problem


I've had group members push enemies down in the prison area and aggroing the entire room. Still not a problem.


And I've been doing this in leveling characters so not very well geared (sometimes even ungeared basically).

Still never been a problem.


The ONLY time there's been a problem is when people don't know the boss mechanics and won't read when you tell them how to fight the boss.

But that won't be saved by medpacks.

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I've done KDY with every imaginable group combination (except 4 healers) and it's never been a problem


I've had group members push enemies down in the prison area and aggroing the entire room. Still not a problem.


And I've been doing this in leveling characters so not very well geared (sometimes even ungeared basically).

Still never been a problem.


The ONLY time there's been a problem is when people don't know the boss mechanics and won't read when you tell them how to fight the boss.

But that won't be saved by medpacks.


That's good about guild runs and doing it at max level.

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That's good about guild runs and doing it at max level.


You have a problem with reading things.


I've done KDY with every imaginable group combination (except 4 healers) and it's never been a problem


I've had group members push enemies down in the prison area and aggroing the entire room. Still not a problem.


And I've been doing this in leveling characters so not very well geared (sometimes even ungeared basically).

Still never been a problem.


The ONLY time there's been a problem is when people don't know the boss mechanics and won't read when you tell them how to fight the boss.

But that won't be saved by medpacks.

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sigh. I guess none of you ever been in a group with highest level dps being in mid 20ties and no healers at all.


its ok if some of you are ok with dying. and some of us? would rather not. its kinda the POINT of medpacks. in other words? DON"T USE THEM IF YOU ARE SO DAMN LEET

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How about those champions before the boss?


- Group of two dps and two ranged-only "dps" Vanguards/Powertechs @ 15+ m

- No heals

- No level 51 medpacks


Can you do it in 15-54 version?


That dual wielder champion is pain in the... in that situation


No idea how can someone play "ranged" Vanguard, when half of your abilities need you in short range...

But all the fights are (usually easily) doable, if you use interrupts (if you got them) and/or use your defensive cooldowns. So basically if you team is not team of morons (which is entirely possible, given the fact they try to play Vanguard as ranged class) every fight in KDY is cakewalk...

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sigh. I guess none of you ever been in a group with highest level dps being in mid 20ties and no healers at all.


its ok if some of you are ok with dying. and some of us? would rather not. its kinda the POINT of medpacks. in other words? DON"T USE THEM IF YOU ARE SO DAMN LEET


I have... and I still never wiped...

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Granted it's been a while since I did KDY as a lowbie, but I think this is still a good thing. Why? Because my dps guardian and my gunslinger inevitably end up in groups with no healer or a healer who wants to just dps "to make it go faster" and I tend to pull aggro the vast majority of the time and thus lose health. I know, use those med boxes, right? Maybe I end up in the HM KDY, but the only med boxes I see are on the end boss. And it's a little hard to rest and recover when some dumb **** force leaps to the next spawn while the group is almost dead "because it's just a tactical." So yeah, I like the thought of there being a medpac that recovers more than a tiny portion of my health. Edited by Macarrin
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Like I said before, the ONLY time I've ever wiped is when nobody but me knew the boss mechanics AND they wouldn't listen to my instructions (or couldn't sometimes I've ended up in groups with people who don't understand english).



And those are the only times that I, as a non-maxed out character with non-maxed gear, has ever wiped with a PUBBIE group.


I've never played KDY at max level and I've never played it with my guild.

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Its nice to have an additional oh **** button when you come to notice the 2 assassins in your group do nothing but spam force lightning and the mercs rotation consists of sticky grenade aa aa aa aa.


I have leveled 2 characters primarily with KDY and deaths happen maybe once in 12 runs. With med pacs i doubt they will happen at all.


I have only full wiped once and it was because i was playing a mando healer (lvl 21) and we got the droid boss.


lets just say adds and giant red lasers meant nothing to my teammates so i respec'd dps and tanked whilst killing all the suppression droids.

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sigh. I guess none of you ever been in a group with highest level dps being in mid 20ties and no healers at all.


I have few times but that was just after KDY was added to game. Time when people wanted to learn boss mechanics and everyone knew how to play their class even at very low levels. I'm even talking about 15-20, not 20-30. Most fun experiences I've ever had in KDY.


No idea how can someone play "ranged" Vanguard, when half of your abilities need you in short range...


Hammer Shot & Explosive Round spam

+ occasional Mortar Volley

Edited by Halinalle
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KDY was the only place in the game where, unless you were 51+,standards medpacks were a no-go, being absolutely worthless because of bolster. Except in KDY, you could effectively use medpakcs anywhere, during a class quest, a heroic, a side quest, killing an elite, a trash pack, whatever.

Now KDY is the same as any other place/instance of the game in this regard. Oh, the Horror!

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