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conquest 35 000 target to high for casual players


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35k is too high and for normal players


Not really. Assuming you can play for an hour a day, you can do the Heroic Missions on the contested worlds and get thousands of points in an hour. And you can do it every day since the missions reset every day.

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in an hour can gain most 2k


My guild is currently invading Alderaan. The heroics reward 1.5k points per heroic. It takes about 5-10 minutes to solo one of them, and there are 7 you can do per character per day as long as you've done the bonus series. 3 or 4 heroics if you haven't.

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quit whining!

its your choice to leave your RL for the gamelife

and its not a whine its a protest, a complain, we are adults, not kids


I remain unconvinced. Adults understand how to prioritize and schedule and plan in order to achieve their objectives. They don't complain when the trade-off decisions they make produce consequences they should have been able to predict.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Doing 1 round of Alderaan heroics (30 minutes solo) gets me over 13k points (with SH completion bonus). Maybe other planets might not have as many, but that's not even factoring in Tacticals, HMFPs, PvP, etc... if you can't get 35k in an entire week, you literally must not even play the game.

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in an hour can gain most 2k


You can easily solo all the Heroics on a lowbie world in an hour. I can get all 7 Alderaan Heroics done in an hour with efficient use of Quick Travel. That's 3.5k in an hour.


Now, combine that with the Random 55 HM, the Random Tactical, the Random 50 HM queues and that's 6500 points in a couple of hours.


People are giving up way too easily without considering how many things we do have Conquest points attached to them.

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I haven't really tried going specifically for conquest points really until last night or so - wanted to finish the Makeb weekly for credit reasons. Crafted a few things while working, and I'm around 10k, maybe 12k or so. Given that I plan on busting my butt this weekend to hit 35k, I'd say I have a good shot at it. The lower-level "craftable items" you can repeat seem fairly easy to do, and given all my comps on my main are maxed out affection-wise, that should cut their gathering times way down. Add in the fact that, should I choose to do so, I can just wander around low-level worlds and gather mats I need as opposed to the almost random luck of the Crewskill draw, that can speed things up if I approach it from just that aspect.


Throw in queuing for GSF matches and / or Warzones (not too big on those, personally) and I'd say I can move at a decent rate.

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It's definitely doable...but should you?


The devs built the conquest system in such a way to get people to participate in a variety of game events (pvp, gsf, WB, FP's, heorics, crafting...) that they may not have otherwise done. But the personal conquest reward isn't much incentive to do those things. At least not for the effort required.


Do I really want to spend 10+ hours of game time to cap my personal conquest only to receive a few harvestable nodes for my stronghold that go on a 4 hour cooldown after I harvest it once or twice? mmmm...not really. Or for a 25k credit certificate? lol :)


For that reason, I say either lower the cap, or, make the reward(s) more desirable.

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Yeah those filthy casuals ruin everything.


who said anything about casuals


I know plenty of casuals who don't want everything handed to them like you and yours


I was speaking about self entitled whiners who want everything handed to them on a silver platter with out effort

The newer generation of gamers


Apparently besides the need for them to stop being so damn afraid of even a minimal challenge they also need to work on reading comprehension


And yes, those demanding everything for free and challenge free ARE RUINING GAMING


Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution!

Pretty easy really

Earn what you get in game, stop demanding it all for free.

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It's definitely doable...but should you?


The devs built the conquest system in such a way to get people to participate in a variety of game events (pvp, gsf, WB, FP's, heorics, crafting...) that they may not have otherwise done. But the personal conquest reward isn't much incentive to do those things. At least not for the effort required.


Do I really want to spend 10+ hours of game time to cap my personal conquest only to receive a few harvestable nodes for my stronghold that go on a 4 hour cooldown after I harvest it once or twice? mmmm...not really. Or for a 25k credit certificate? lol :)


For that reason, I say either lower the cap, or, make the reward(s) more desirable.


I mostly want the nodes for my stronghold, that's all. I can throw those in a set spot in my house, then log my guys out there. Once every four hours, free gathering attempt at whatever I need for basic materials.


The other stuff..... I'm not worried. I'm not in a guild, so I have no stake in a planet. I just want a free source of metal, biochem stuff, crystals, and slicing boxes.

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Please make it a 3 tier system


12 500 small reward

25 000 medium reward

35 000 big reward


as it is now i will not try to get rewards because i don't hove the time to reach 35 000 .


The GSH and Conquest expansion is not about small guilds or casual players at all. Once you accept that, you can go back to happily playing the game.

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I mostly want the nodes for my stronghold, that's all. I can throw those in a set spot in my house, then log my guys out there. Once every four hours, free gathering attempt at whatever I need for basic materials.


The other stuff..... I'm not worried. I'm not in a guild, so I have no stake in a planet. I just want a free source of metal, biochem stuff, crystals, and slicing boxes.


Sure but with the cooldown, you are still better off just hitting the planet nodes. Just my opinion the credits are worth more than the crafting nodes and the credits isn't really worth the effort either.

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Sure but with the cooldown, you are still better off just hitting the planet nodes. Just my opinion the credits are worth more than the crafting nodes and the credits isn't really worth the effort either.


Why not get them? At least they do something as opposed to most of what is in the stronghold.

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Why not get them? At least they do something as opposed to most of what is in the stronghold.


Oh I'm not against getting them. The usefulness of them are extremely limited. I'm actually pretty disappointed with them to be honest. I wasn't expecting unlimited harvesting but 4 hours is pretty harsh in my opinion.

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The GSH and Conquest expansion is not about small guilds or casual players at all. Once you accept that, you can go back to happily playing the game.


Pretty much the reason why I haven't bothered with any of the conquest stuff. Strongholds are something I'll work on over time but the conquest stuff is something I'm out right ignoring. Any personal conquest points I've earned so far have been incidental.

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who said anything about casuals


I know plenty of casuals who don't want everything handed to them like you and yours


I was speaking about self entitled whiners who want everything handed to them on a silver platter with out effort

The newer generation of gamers


Apparently besides the need for them to stop being so damn afraid of even a minimal challenge they also need to work on reading comprehension


And yes, those demanding everything for free and challenge free ARE RUINING GAMING


Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution!

Pretty easy really

Earn what you get in game, stop demanding it all for free.


Assume much, my special snowflake? I said filthy casuals, which is a category distinct and separate from the usual casuals, most of whom are willing to pay for the stuff in a cash shop, which pretty much has kept the MMO industry afloat.


I got a whole bunch of new socks and litter pans that are just going to waste because of those filthy casuals that are taking away all the fun in gaming.

Edited by TravelersWay
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The GSH and Conquest expansion is not about small guilds or casual players at all. Once you accept that, you can go back to happily playing the game.


Completely wrong here. My guild is small but we are competing with 2 other guilds for 3rd place on Voss. We are holding our own and at most we have 20 ppl on at a time

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I was thinking that conquest would be a bit much for me, but reading this thread, I think I may pick a week sometime and give it a go once I get my strongholds done up. :) I really want those gathering nodes! I don't actually care how useful they are -- I just want more spiffy looking potted plants for my strongholds.
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