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conquest 35 000 target to high for casual players


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70 War Supplies will get you 35k. Taking the lowest level Armored Vehicles as an example, you need 16 Phobium, Bronzium and Chanlon for each.


Thats 1120 of each material for 70 Armored Vehicles.


Jump up to the second tier that takes Neutronium Diatium and Bondite and you drop to 840 of each.


Top Tier is Electrum Mythra and Durasteel, 560 each.


Doing just crafting is contraindicated unless you are sitting on mountains of mats or have massive amounts of credits in which to buy mats. Because of this I have seen mats prices steadily climbing upward. Durasteel has jumped from just above the vendor price per unit to 500 per unit on Shadowlands.


But there are other things to do as well, a whole list of them and if you do a little of each you are golden.


I don't often agree with THC, but 35k is an easy target to reach.


I want to second what he mentioned about crafting your way there, but with a few additions (hopefully these aspects stay the same every week and don't change):


1. You can sell these items when you're done crafting them. I'd suggest holding onto one of each type you can make (they all give the same 500 points), and make a single invasion force with items from your alts / bought off the GTN for the bonus. Sell that then, too. On my server, these items were going for anywhere from 15k (low end) to 25k, and... I think like 80k for the Invasion Force when you're done building that.


2. Do Warzones, GSF matches, and heroics while you wait / craft. Each warzone and GSF match was worth 500 points, win or lose. If you don't want to flag for PvP on a PvE server, which I think Warzones do, then just do GSF matches as that won't flag you for PvP afterwards. And some matches, you will lose if you're queuing solo. Doesn't matter - a win's a win. Also, pick up the daily / weekly for these - if the challenges don't change in that regard, you got points for completing the weekly, too (plus more requisition which means a better ship overall.)


3. If time is a concern for the crafting aspect, try setting up a remote desktop viewer and log in while you're out and about / away from your computer to queue up some crafts / missions for materials. Downtime doesn't have to mean absolutely nothing gets done.

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The 35K goal isn't too high for a casual player to hit on in one character in a week, assuming they play a couple of hours several days a week, though to do so may require them doing things they normally wouldn't (grinding old heroics) - which given the rewards are meh - would be dumb.


Hitting 35K through crafting requires spending a lot of credits (even running missions) or burning through piles of previously accumulated mats, and unless you are using the finished items, is beyond stupid as the mats are worth more than the finished goods and the reward for conquest itself is a joke for the effort spent.


That said, I don't see why the personal goal can't carry over from week to week letting players cap their characters at their own pace. Assuming points accrue to guild conquest when they are earned, doing so wouldn't affect guild conquest.


My personal opinion is the whole conquest system is dumb, and nothing more than a slight of hand by Bioware hoping players will repeat mindless boring tasks over and over for silly things like titles and forget all about the lack of fresh playable content.


You do realize that most MMOs are just a gigantic cluster &*#$% of repetition and that you haven't discovered or revealed anything people didn't already know.


You are doing it without even realizing it, and then complaining about it. At least conquest gives people a little friendly competition in game.


That said, I agree. The personal goal should carry over. At least don't punish people who missed the mark.

Edited by Arkerus
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Ok, the 35k is NOT too hard for one character to get in a week.


Considering I did it in about 5 hours of play time yesterday and a few minutes throughout the week queuing up crafting on my main toon, I'd say it's pretty easy.


If you are casual as was defined by a number of people who claimed to be casual you don't really care if you reach the target anyway since, ya know, you're casual and just want to "do your own thing".


Ultimately, you have to decide if you want to make the effort to reach the 35k personal goal. The goal is easily reached by anyone putting in even the most base effort of learning how it works.

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If you are casual as was defined by a number of people who claimed to be casual you don't really care if you reach the target anyway since, ya know, you're casual and just want to "do your own thing".

I am casual and I don't care if I reach 35k conquest points. And I probably will never do so.


"Nuff said!

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I accumulated 420K points this week, over 9 toons, including 89K on one toon, all on my own (no one fed me mats, in fact, I fed mats to my wife so she could get 2 more toons to 35K).


Not sure how much time I spent doing it, but doesn't it seem likely that anyone who wants to can spend 1/12th that amount of time and resources to get one toon to 35K?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Casuals are the bread and butter of the gaming industry. They are the ones that will spend money hand over fist on a game. Get used to the fact jack that casuals are and will be the future of the industry in the 21st Century for a long time to come.


Not the casual that claims he only plays 2 hours per week. Such player is very unlikely to spend any money on the game.

Getting 35k points IS easy, especially when you have a level 55. Like someone said, doing Alderaan heroics for about 45 minutes nets you 3.5k per day, participating in WZ gives point, doing GF flashpoints gives points, GSF gives points, killing mobs on planets gives points.

The only thing that does not give points is class missions and explorations, which is understandable, because the conquest system is more of a late game content (not fully endgame, but late game), and they are aimed at people who PLAY the game, not people who log in once per week for few hours.

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I am casual and I don't care if I reach 35k conquest points. And I probably will never do so.


"Nuff said!


I'm a casual and I'm eating pizza. Carry on.


Oh, and had I tried I probably would have had 35k, I just got distracted by shiny.

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Not the casual that claims he only plays 2 hours per week. Such player is very unlikely to spend any money on the game.

Getting 35k points IS easy, especially when you have a level 55. Like someone said, doing Alderaan heroics for about 45 minutes nets you 3.5k per day, participating in WZ gives point, doing GF flashpoints gives points, GSF gives points, killing mobs on planets gives points.

The only thing that does not give points is class missions and explorations, which is understandable, because the conquest system is more of a late game content (not fully endgame, but late game), and they are aimed at people who PLAY the game, not people who log in once per week for few hours.


i never claimed i only played 2 hours a week i play about 15 hours a week, the problem is class quest and planet quest dont give conquest point and 80% of the time i play that, another problem it is char bound and not legacy wide so bioware is forcing me to play with one char if i want to hit the target.

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i never claimed i only played 2 hours a week i play about 15 hours a week, the problem is class quest and planet quest dont give conquest point and 80% of the time i play that, another problem it is char bound and not legacy wide so bioware is forcing me to play with one char if i want to hit the target.


Or you could look at it the other way around. You are choosing to play on one character if you want to hit the target. Or you can do what you always did in the game and suffer zero harm.


How horrifying to have yet more choices in how we can choose to enjoy the game... :rolleyes:

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i never claimed i only played 2 hours a week i play about 15 hours a week, the problem is class quest and planet quest dont give conquest point and 80% of the time i play that, another problem it is char bound and not legacy wide so bioware is forcing me to play with one char if i want to hit the target.


Yes, well then, the conquest system was probably not meant for you, just like HM/NiM Operations and RWZ are probably not meant for you. Planet and class stories are great thing, but the goals for conquests have to be repeatable (because conquests event are going to be repeated), so adding class and planet stories to it would not really work.


And IF the goal was legacy wide, it would need some major increase in the target number and in rewards, because it would otherwise be laughable.

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And IF the goal was legacy wide, it would need some major increase in the target number and in rewards, because it would otherwise be laughable.

Why would that make it laughable? I can only play on one character at a time anyway, so what does it matter if I play 15 hours on a single character or three hours each on five?


As for the rewards, they are already laughable compared to the effort and should be boosted.

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I fell just 2k short of getting the reward, but I'm not complaining.


I helped contribute to the guild (we came in 5th overall) and I know the content is not aimed at me.


I have a full time job and work shifts so can't play everyday but it's still fun to contribute to the bigger effort in some way for the time I do get to log in.

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It's not for casual players.

Why is it every time they try to add something to keep players busy who play all day everyday, casuals complain about not being able to do it? Every item that costs a lot of credits, casuals want it cheaper. :rolleyes:




Oh by the way, you can craft your way to 35k. My guildie reached the cap the 1st day from crafting.


I am a fairly casual player play 1-2 hours a day( unless I am burnt put but don't play more than 4) and the 35k can be gotten in like 6 hours maybe less.

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im at 94k as of now, played roughly 2 hours per day during weekdays and spent 5 hours on saturday. about 50% of those points were from crafting stuff while i was out doing something else. i think i played 5 pvp matches, did 1 OP boss for the reward and just dailies really.


had i played for 3-4 hours that entire week, i wouldnt have gotten to 35k. double that, you shouldnt have a problem if you're aiming for it.

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Nope. Legacy-wide one-time.


Does it apply to all characters on your legacy equally, or just the one who was being used when you got it? I noticed it tracked the kills last night when I switched guys, was just curious if it meant less Esseles / Black Talon grinding later on.

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Does it apply to all characters on your legacy equally, or just the one who was being used when you got it? I noticed it tracked the kills last night when I switched guys, was just curious if it meant less Esseles / Black Talon grinding later on.


points only apply to the character you got completion on. even if some of those kills were made on other characters.

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I spent just over 3 hrs last night doing FP's and a few other things. I am already over 15000 score.


If a few hours out of your week is too much then you shouldn't be doing conquest. Casual means exactly that. CASUAL. So, unless you are willing to put in the time and effort you won't be getting certain things, as it should be.

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points only apply to the character you got completion on. even if some of those kills were made on other characters.


That sucks. Oh well - guess it's only.... what, another run of Esseles / Black Talon or something? I think I can survive.

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I logged in 4 characters. On each of them, I set 4 companions to crafting 5 war supplies each. It took about 15 minutes.


When they're done with that, because I have a 75% stronghold conquest bonus, each will have 17,500 conquest points. Halfway there, exactly.


So in 15 minutes of complete non-effort, I got halfway there on 4 characters.


Now I could choose to go run them through Black Hole or some instances (my guild is invading Corellia this time around) if I wanted to actually play the game. But if I want to be truly "casual" - not play the game at all - I can launch the exact same crafts and in a total of 30 minutes of not really trying, I can have 4 characters achieve the conquest target.


Oh... and during an invasion in which there's a crafting bonus, that's it. 15 minutes = 4 characters at 35k.


How is that not casual?


Oh, materials?


I can also launch the same characters on materials gathering missions which cost very, very little in terms of both credits and time to replenish the materials they'll use to make those war supplies. You don't have to use Grade 6-9 materials to craft any war supplies. You can use Grade 1-3 instead. Missions are fast and cheap.


Very casual-friendly, unless of course casual means not logging in at all. But do we really want the game to be a welfare-state?

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Very casual-friendly, unless of course casual means not logging in at all. But do we really want the game to be a welfare-state?


You're right, you can get there quickly with crafting providing all the planets are in alignment.


You make a lot of assumptions to get 35k conquest in 15 minutes. You seem like a smart person so I don't have to list them. But you're right, it is possible...for a small percentage of the population.

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You're right, you can get there quickly with crafting providing all the planets are in alignment.


You make a lot of assumptions to get 35k conquest in 15 minutes. You seem like a smart person so I don't have to list them. But you're right, it is possible...for a small percentage of the population.


Assumptions I'm making: 4 characters, each with 4 companions each with 150 in one manufactiring skill + materials on hand.


Only have 2 characters set up with crafting skills? It's still 15 minutes, you just have to do it twice as often on them, which is twice or four times depending on whether or not your guild ship is loaded to a conquest that gives crafting bonuses.


Planets don't have to be aligned. Players just have to do a very little bit of research (to understand how to craft and what materials are needed) and then execute. Again, doing less than that and it becomes click a button, get the reward, and why bother with that? I want to have to think and do more than the mouse figuring out that pushing the lever drops a food pellet.

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