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Player strongholds? Hahahahahah


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Nope. When u cant scale and place items whereever u want, when u cant change textures on walls, cant change windows, doors. when item list is soooo small it will newer be like that. All houses gonna look same.


And while houses are not interactive who cares? What is the reason to visit other houses? Nothing to do there.


Hmm, that's funny.

I went to one of the other Nar Shaddaa houses yesterday and it looked totally different from mine on the inside.

Sure, the walls had the same colour and the rooms were the same shape, but he had made his house look completely different from mine anyway.

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but IRL when you buy a home you don't just get 2 or 3 rooms you can live in with 6 more rooms that are locked and will stay locked until you pay a million or more to unlock them. IRL when you buy a home you get the entire home not just .25 of the home.


also IRL you can put what ever you want where ever you want.


i stayed subbed just for this update and kinda wish i hadn't. its kinda sad because it could have been great but they had to be greedy and they had to put huge limits on what we can do. B^(


Of course not. In real life you buy a house with all the rooms unlocked.

For the full price of that house.

Which is alot if you want 4 bedrooms, 1 huge garage, 2 gigantic halls, 1 gigantic entrance with parking, an enormous balcony that could fit an entire cavalry regiment and one frikkin large space ship landing pad.

But in real life, you have to buy it all or not buy it at all.

And if there are only 4 apartments available in the entire galaxy, that would suck.


Luckily, we can buy them piecemeal in the game so we don't have to spend millions upon millions of credits immediately.


Also, in real life, I doubt you put the chairs on the walls or park your car in the ceiling.


And if you seriously think they put "limitations" because they are greedy, then you are delusional.

First of all, they have nothing to gain economically by limiting where you can place things since you can't pay to remove that limit.

Secondly, you can unlock the entire house for credits, so how is that greedy?


Say they skipped the unlock system and only sold the houses with all the rooms unlocked.

That would only mean the houses would be even more expensive.

What would that change?

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I actually like that they added housing to the game. I'm having fun with it. Could it be better? Of course. After seeing housing done in SWG, I know it can be better. But at least it is here and it is a start. I'm usually a person who does criticize EAWare on most things, but this is something that I feel they are moving in the right direction.


Yes. I believe it could have been done better, like most things in this game. But it is here and does have room for improvement. And I feel that over time it will improve. My only real gripe with housing is that the companions turn into holograms when you switch characters.

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Player strongholds?


[insert extended video of Joker laughing here]


Talk about a killing joke...you're gonna charge us hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of credits to unlock housing and then continue to nickel and dime us on furniture?


[insert extended video of Joker laughing here]


And you are going to nickel and dime us with your two cent crying and whining?

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Hmm, that's funny.

I went to one of the other Nar Shaddaa houses yesterday and it looked totally different from mine on the inside.

Sure, the walls had the same colour and the rooms were the same shape, but he had made his house look completely different from mine anyway.

Imagine how different it could be if you could place items everywhere, scale and rotate them, if lights would actually be lights and add here some interactive\animated things. And if u say its too complex for programmers to create this just look here:


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Imagine how different it could be if you could place items everywhere, scale and rotate them, if lights would actually be lights and add here some interactive\animated things. And if u say its too complex for programmers to create this just look here:



Then go play the game that offers all of that. I'm assuming that game doesn't offer enough if you are here complaining about things that have been known for a long long time. This is how housing is, from my experience the majority are enjoying it. Just like everything you can't please everyone but luckily there are plenty of options to choose from.

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I'm actually really enjoying strongholds.


That said, there's a few things I would like to see tweaked a little bit.


I would like to be able to teleport to it from anywhere. Maybe on a cd, i guess. Heck you could even add it as a legacy unlock.


I would like to be able to place my own hooks, or have more options on what can be placed on certain hooks.


I noticed that most furniture doesn't seem to have a hit box, or doesn't have clipping which is a little weird when you discover you can run right through it.


Limiting how many NPC's and pets you can include is silly, although i'm willing to give benefit of the doubt and assume this was done for some sort of technical reason?

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I would like to be able to teleport to it from anywhere. Maybe on a cd, i guess. Heck you could even add it as a legacy unlock.
I confess that all of the times I traveled to and from my Strongholds (literally getting my virtual houses in order ... on three servers), I always traveled to and from either Fleet or my Starship. But I was under the impression that the Travel button in the Stronghold menu was supposed to work anywhere. I take it from your comment that such is not the case. It's not a debilitating oversight for me, as I've reduced my Fleet Pass cooldown to 0. So I can always travel to Fleet without a CD ... and I guess from Fleet to the House. What I'd be lacking is the Return feature I was expecting to get that would return me to whatever planet I was on. I'll have to test this later when I get home.
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You guys who don't like the housing don't actually 'have' to use them you know. Or you could you know, go to another game who is offering its players bunkers and calling that player housing :) I like my 'free' home, and where is the need to have it fully decorated in one day? I play another game with player housing, those are bought with real money though, and there are still limitations as to where you can put your furniture and pictures, that game has had player housing for 5 years and they haven't adjusted anything, and here is a shocker, players still continue to buy the houses as they release them, I just bought the last one for 25$. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
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I took a tour of one of the maxed out strongholds, and it was hilarious. A roomful of chairs, another room full of legacy storage, another room of mailboxes, etc. so yes, player strongholds, hahahah.


Then you need to come to mine because it is artfully decorated. If you're on Ebon Hawk, send me a whisper for an invite.

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Meh. It's EA. I didn't expect much so I wasn't let down. Other than legacy storage I'm not seeing the value add of strongholds.


Meh, it's just another complainer. We don't expect much from your kind. You don't bring much value to the stronghold discussion.

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you are right, but i still found it funny. is it possible to have someone else decorate your stronghold? i am thinking there would be a market for those with decorating skills....


There is - unfortunately, they need... I think a bronze key, or something? I know silvers let you decorate and invite / kick people from the house, but I think bronzes are purely decorating.


I plan on having something of a "scheme" to my Nar Shadda one. Unfortunately, the NPC limit has clipped that idea, but I've modified it and I'll make it work through two separate strongholds - one for Republic, and one for Imperials. Have to save up the scratch for the Tatt homestead, but I don't have much stock in ym Imp guys yet.


I plan on having rooms with all the companions set up in a fairly neat V-style formation, headed by my favorite companion for each class, and with the Nar Shadda one, having a grouping of chairs in the middle for "meetings of import."

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Nope. When u cant scale and place items whereever u want, when u cant change textures on walls, cant change windows, doors. when item list is soooo small it will newer be like that. All houses gonna look same.


And while houses are not interactive who cares? What is the reason to visit other houses? Nothing to do there.


actually I have been traveling to public strongholds and have seen a huge variance between people with decorating skills and those without. I have seen some amazingly well-decorated strongholds.

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You guys who don't like the housing don't actually 'have' to use them you know. Or you could you know, go to another game who is offering its players bunkers and calling that player housing :) I like my 'free' home, and where is the need to have it fully decorated in one day? I play another game with player housing, those are bought with real money though, and there are still limitations as to where you can put your furniture and pictures, that game has had player housing for 5 years and they haven't adjusted anything, and here is a shocker, players still continue to buy the houses as they release them, I just bought the last one for 25$. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


what about those of us that wanted housing really bad and was hinging on quitting depending on how it all turned out?? its just another nail in the coffin. ill just be one more sub that you all will lose and im sure you don't give a darn. SOE didn't give a crap either when their subs started to quit too, one day you may be running around for hours on fleet before you finally see another player B^(



One can be disappointed by a feature and still enjoy the game folks.


not when that one disappointing feature is what was going to keep you playing said game. i was looking forward to hosing in game to keep me around longer because i was getting bored. now, im not sure i want to stay.

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Of course not. In real life you buy a house with all the rooms unlocked.

For the full price of that house.

Which is alot if you want 4 bedrooms, 1 huge garage, 2 gigantic halls, 1 gigantic entrance with parking, an enormous balcony that could fit an entire cavalry regiment and one frikkin large space ship landing pad.

But in real life, you have to buy it all or not buy it at all.

And if there are only 4 apartments available in the entire galaxy, that would suck.


Luckily, we can buy them piecemeal in the game so we don't have to spend millions upon millions of credits immediately.


Also, in real life, I doubt you put the chairs on the walls or park your car in the ceiling.


And if you seriously think they put "limitations" because they are greedy, then you are delusional.

First of all, they have nothing to gain economically by limiting where you can place things since you can't pay to remove that limit.

Secondly, you can unlock the entire house for credits, so how is that greedy?


Say they skipped the unlock system and only sold the houses with all the rooms unlocked.

That would only mean the houses would be even more expensive.

What would that change?


you should really learn to read before you try and troll B^P


i didn't say they were greedy because they are limiting i said they were greedy AND limiting



and why make the houses more expensive if you sold them completely unlocked?? instead just unlock all the rooms and keep the prices the way they are.


also in real life... for around 3 to 4 million bucks i had better have a big *** house with a freakin landing pad, bowling ally and a movie theater!!!! but i would also expect to be able to lie down on my bead and if i have my friends over i would want them to actually be there and not just crappy holograms. i would also expect to be able to put a couch in the middle of the room if i want. i would also expect to be able to set out my Mando armor for everyone to see.

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what about those of us that wanted housing really bad and was hinging on quitting depending on how it all turned out?? its just another nail in the coffin. ill just be one more sub that you all will lose and im sure you don't give a darn. SOE didn't give a crap either when their subs started to quit too, one day you may be running around for hours on fleet before you finally see another player B^(





not when that one disappointing feature is what was going to keep you playing said game. i was looking forward to hosing in game to keep me around longer because i was getting bored. now, im not sure i want to stay.


So for a couple of month now housing has been well documented. Now you claim you don't like it? Exactly what information was given the last two month that all of a sudden you are surprised by?

Well hope your stronghold door doesn't hit you in the ***** on the way out...

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I took a tour of one of the maxed out strongholds, and it was hilarious. A roomful of chairs, another room full of legacy storage, another room of mailboxes, etc. so yes, player strongholds, hahahah.


THat's being done for a quick conquest bonus and can be replaced by better stuff a leisure.


I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that most of the complainers have neither tried strongholds or the conquest system. This is fine. More victory for me, lol.

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Meh, it's just another complainer. We don't expect much from your kind. You don't bring much value to the stronghold discussion.


Wow, dude, all you do is complain about complainers. If you're happy with system shut you god damn *********** mouth. We don't care if you like it, we're talking mostly about why we don't like it and ************ at us ain't gonna make any of like it better. So take your over inflated holier-than-thou ego and shove it your I-don't-give-a-**** ***.

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Imagine how different it could be if you could place items everywhere, scale and rotate them, if lights would actually be lights and add here some interactive\animated things. And if u say its too complex for programmers to create this just look here:



Don't have to imagine.

I played SWG and most of the houses there looked like an utter mess.

People were trying to be creative but mostly it ended up looking bad to say the least.

The only houses that actually looked good were usually the ones that actually decorated them as if they were going to live there and not as an impromptu art project.

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Don't have to imagine.

I played SWG and most of the houses there looked like an utter mess.

People were trying to be creative but mostly it ended up looking bad to say the least.

The only houses that actually looked good were usually the ones that actually decorated them as if they were going to live there and not as an impromptu art project.


I was there too and amen to that!

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