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CZerka Hardmode Corporate Labs

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I've been trying to do the hard mode group finder flashpoints, and the one that I consistently have trouble with is the HM Czerka Labs. I'm a Mercenary Healer with 162 gear all around with 3 pieces of 180 gear that is 156 augmented (earpiece, and both implants). I have about 32k hp and am a decent healer. I've been apart of numerous 8 and 16 man FPs with this guy (and my 156-162 operative).


The first boss fight with the spider droid always seem to wipe the majority of the pugs groups I'm in. I assume that I must be doing something wrong as the problem is following me in these groups (although I guess I don't have evidence that it works fine without me).


Basically what I need to do is keep everyone healed, and run out of the water when I am grappled (and use the 30% speed increase, can't remember the skill name [turns your leg orange]).


In this last flashpoint, it seemed like the tank and myself were taking a super huge amount of dmg and after the 2nd wipe, the tank asked "Ok, what's wrong here?" I then said that I and he were going from full to 1/4 health in like 10 secs after the adds come out. I don't think the DPS were killing the adds fast enough. Then everyone drops the group.


So what is the correct advice here? I want to be able to heal well and get through this FP. I don't remember this one being this hard 6 months ago.

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In my experience, the main problems that cause people to wipe on that fight are:


1) People not getting out of the electrified water fast enough

2) Adds killing the healer because the DPS/tank didn't get agro and kill them fast enough.


As a healer, you need to make sure you are keeping everyone near topped off without overheating. Use your Kolto Shields on everyone, and use your AoE heal (Kolto Bomb) whenever your teammates are stacked together after running out of the water. Everyone should be running to the same side out of the water, that way they can stay within range of your healing. I'd also recommend using your agro dump in the first few global cooldowns after the adds spawn. That will give you a little more breathing room to heal yourself and the people killing the adds.

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Seems this fight can be troublesome for a lot of groups. If people are not doing their job well it gets hard. Your job as healer has been covered pretty well above- stay out of water, keep everyone topped up. Know when in the fight the most healing is needed- I'd say when the adds come out every other phase, and if someone gets pulled into the water.


DPS *must* be adequately geared and do more than basic attacks; I've seen the droid enrage plenty of times because of bad DPS players. It also puts stress on the healer when the fight goes on for ages and it's a struggle, plus, the DPS need to take care of the adds.


Tank should help pick the adds up if they can, and boss should always be on them.


If everyone does their job well, it makes it a lot easier.

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1. Everybody (tank included) needs to get on the adds IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY SPAWN. They are also suscpetible to stuns that work on standards, because they are standards. This includes things like project/shock, grenade for the light gunner classes, mortar/missile for the heavy gunners, etc. If your tank is a guard/juggernaut, saber reflect owns for those adds.


2. Do not waste your abilities (mainly escape abilities. Speed boosts, teleports, leaps, anything you have) to jump out when the water is not electrified. This is a waste. Save it for when the water is electrified. Water that is not electrified does not matter.


3. Everybody (tank included) needs to GET ON THE ADDS IMMEDIATELY.


4. Ranged healers, if there's no immediate healing need, feel free to toss out above mentioned abilities from a range (grenade, shock/project, missile etc) for that extra damage and stun time.


5. Everybody needs to GET ON ADDS IMMEDIATELY!



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Use the terrain for your advantage to Lose the sight with adds if possible or draw them closer by hugging the wall, hide some where so they potentially group up for Mortar Voley/DFA

Threat reduceer might help,

Don't be afraid to use the Energy shield and Kolto Overload

Just generally buy some time till tank and dps will be aware of the problem

When healing don't over heal.. waste of Resources.... 80% HP is the right time to Heal with Medical Probes and Scans, you always have hammer shoot to push the health back from 90% up

Edited by Nebdar
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I'm Cook'E'Eater on Ebon Hawk. I'm in a guild, but it always seems hard to get anyone in there to do stuff together, despite there being 7-10 people on just about everytime I log in. To be fair, I'm always joining pug OPS groups when I see them forming on fleet and have been doing pretty well with them. I guess since the sample size is so small in a HM FP, it forces everyone to pull their weight.


I just assumed that it was me, but I've been doing everything that was said above except using the orange legs at the wrong time. I don't know when the boss is going to try to pull me in, though. I'm usually using the legs to get out of the water once it is electrified since I'm not focused on the boss so I can't see the capacitor charge.


I make sure all the shields are up and i'm at 30 charges of CSC before the fight, and I'm decent at heat management until the first set of adds. Then I and the tank are taking so much damage that I quickly overheat. I usually have to use the insta-heal and no heat cost ability right away. Good call about the stuns, though. I don't think I was using them to stun the adds targeting me.

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Regarding Hydraulic Override. Every time he puts his shield up and the water becomes electrified, he will then try and harpoon someone inside. There is no reason, as a healer, you should be in the water when it initially becomes electrified, so once you see the shield come up, and the cast finish, pop HO then, and you should be safe from the pull in.


Another problem I've run into a lot with the adds is that people still aren't aware that they are "fixed". For a long time the adds would not attack you when they spawned, they just stood there, until you engaged them. So, you could literally ignore the adds the entire fight. This sort of learned behavior is terrible now that the adds work again. If half the group thinks ignoring them is still the way to go, then it's not going to go well, because they do hit surprisingly hard, especially if you have a couple on you.


It wouldn't hurt to make sure the other people in the group know that the adds are working. I've had people rage on me because I attacked the adds, since they've been fixed, simply because they thought they were still broken.

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I had trouble also the first couple times I did this but now I luv this FP and this particular boss fight. what everyone has said is basically correct, if all 4 people know what to do it's not that bad. if you're a healer stay out of water completely, the groups I've been in have done this with success--- the tank needs to stay on the boss and keep his attention the entire time, the 2 dps need to STUN and kill the adds IMMEDIATELY, 1 dps kills the adds on the left, 1 dps kills the adds on the right. the healer stays back and heals his/her butt off, focusing on the tank.
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I've been trying to do the hard mode group finder flashpoints, and the one that I consistently have trouble with is the HM Czerka Labs. I'm a Mercenary Healer with 162 gear all around with 3 pieces of 180 gear that is 156 augmented (earpiece, and both implants). I have about 32k hp and am a decent healer. I've been apart of numerous 8 and 16 man FPs with this guy (and my 156-162 operative).


The first boss fight with the spider droid always seem to wipe the majority of the pugs groups I'm in. I assume that I must be doing something wrong as the problem is following me in these groups (although I guess I don't have evidence that it works fine without me).


Basically what I need to do is keep everyone healed, and run out of the water when I am grappled (and use the 30% speed increase, can't remember the skill name [turns your leg orange]).


In this last flashpoint, it seemed like the tank and myself were taking a super huge amount of dmg and after the 2nd wipe, the tank asked "Ok, what's wrong here?" I then said that I and he were going from full to 1/4 health in like 10 secs after the adds come out. I don't think the DPS were killing the adds fast enough. Then everyone drops the group.


So what is the correct advice here? I want to be able to heal well and get through this FP. I don't remember this one being this hard 6 months ago.


The first boss for a healer is just staying out of the water and healing up stupid, DPS have to take out adds as soon as they spawn while the tank holds the boss... pretty simple.


The next boss the adds don't do too much damage but your group should be AoE'ing them so you don't get swamped, you should be helping with AoE also despite being the healer. One thing as a healer you do have to watch though is the rocket/red circle phase, you have limited time to move out of them and if you don't it's usually a one shot for poorly geared people. This is where I see most healers/casters fail because they tend to stand about casting long heals like they got all the time in the world and they've only got something like a second to move their butts out of the circle.

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Biggest issue with that boss is the adds. No one ever wants to kill them because they don't attack unless you get close to them or attack them first (all except the big one), so it is possible to defeat the boss without aggroing any of the adds. In a real game however, many times someone accidentally aggroes them and then gets bombarded by (not 1 but) 6 adds at once which is enough to bring a dps/healer down to less than 30% after 2 GCDs.


If you get a team that refuses to kill the adds try fighting on the right side of the boss (not in front of the door). There is a little more breathing room there so it will be harder to aggro the adds.

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Biggest issue with that boss is the adds. No one ever wants to kill them because they don't attack unless you get close to them or attack them first (all except the big one), so it is possible to defeat the boss without aggroing any of the adds. In a real game however, many times someone accidentally aggroes them and then gets bombarded by (not 1 but) 6 adds at once which is enough to bring a dps/healer down to less than 30% after 2 GCDs.


If you get a team that refuses to kill the adds try fighting on the right side of the boss (not in front of the door). There is a little more breathing room there so it will be harder to aggro the adds.


This was fixed a few updates ago. The adds now aggro immediately and need to be killed asap.


This has led to an entertaining increase in pugs hitting the enrage on this boss, because they don't have enough dps to handle the adds and the boss in time.

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Thanks guys for the info! I've put it to good use in the HM FPs I've done in the past week or so. I now always make sure that the DPS is aware to take down the adds and I usually jump to help kill them no matter the role I am in. Although in Melee Tank I just toss a saber throw. It is interesting that the guy a couple posts above is also still in the camp of "don't touch them and they won't attack". You would think there would be a flash on the screen at the beginning of the boss that says "bug fixed, gotta kill the adds". But, I guess that's the responsibility of a good team leader!
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Thanks guys for the info! I've put it to good use in the HM FPs I've done in the past week or so. I now always make sure that the DPS is aware to take down the adds and I usually jump to help kill them no matter the role I am in. Although in Melee Tank I just toss a saber throw. It is interesting that the guy a couple posts above is also still in the camp of "don't touch them and they won't attack". You would think there would be a flash on the screen at the beginning of the boss that says "bug fixed, gotta kill the adds". But, I guess that's the responsibility of a good team leader!


PUGs are such a crap shoot with the Droid in Labs and Desert Wraid in Meltdown


Mechanics and team work are required for these two fights


As for the dont touch them and they will not attack, thats hog wash on SM or HM, they will and do


As a healer and a range DPS (I run 3 hms and 5 tacticals every day ) the 3 biggest issues I see in the fight you speak of are


1) Not leaving electric water in HM (and even sometimes SM depending on gear)

2) DPS not grabbing adds when they spawn

3) Gunslingers and Snipers setting up outside your (healer) range. Lost count how many times I've seen a slinger or sniper die because they set up on opposite end from the rest of group.


Seriously, WT* is up with ranged DPS (slingers and snipers specifically) setting up so far away from group (and NEVER near a healing terminal in SM). We get it, your DPS, now learn to be a team player and hit a @#%!%! healing terminal occasionally (in SM) to help the group out when needed. Stop causing so many problems and be a team player already.


Your gear is fine

Long as you yourself is using hold the line/hydraulic override to get out of the water

the healing part is pretty easy.

AOE heals around you (if needed for range DPS beside you).

Single target heals (and aoe if you dont need) for tank controlling boss agro

Rest is up to your DPSers (adds and damage to droid) and tank (controlling the agro and some reduced damage) to control.


With all that, only issue you might run into occasionally in PUGs is DPSers simply not doing enough damage fast enough. If that happens, remember its more then likely their gear or their rotations and both can be taught in minimal time, if they willing to listen that is.


Well that and those idiots that buy accounts and enter HMs not knowing anything about their class. Actually had to leave a HM last week. 55 commando in full 180 gear only knew how to hammer shot and heal himself and didnt understand ANY of his other attacks or abilities (also claimed to have never done ANY Flashpoints before at any time leveling....wouldnt admit to buying account). Those types you should just put on ignore as they will probably never learn anyways.

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You guys are huge bytches, all this content is soloable. Stop complaining.


no it isnt. stop trolling. it isnt funny.


Back on topic.


If Bioware hadnt made those stupid droids have an infinite aggro range in one of the patches then the droid fight would be perfectly fine and dandy in HM, when they changed that, in a GUILD RUN, it took 10 tries before we downed the damn boss, and everyone was in a mix of 162, 168 and 180, So, we were overqualified for HM 55 FP's

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no it isnt. stop trolling. it isnt funny.


Back on topic.


If Bioware hadnt made those stupid droids have an infinite aggro range in one of the patches then the droid fight would be perfectly fine and dandy in HM, when they changed that, in a GUILD RUN, it took 10 tries before we downed the damn boss, and everyone was in a mix of 162, 168 and 180, So, we were overqualified for HM 55 FP's

In that gear it definitely is a skill problem. The droids are working as intended now and dealing with them is not difficult, especially since they always spawn at the same time. Be prepared, be swift, stay alive.

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no it isnt. stop trolling. it isnt funny.


Back on topic.


If Bioware hadnt made those stupid droids have an infinite aggro range in one of the patches then the droid fight would be perfectly fine and dandy in HM, when they changed that, in a GUILD RUN, it took 10 tries before we downed the damn boss, and everyone was in a mix of 162, 168 and 180, So, we were overqualified for HM 55 FP's


Than it's L2P issue not game issue. It's still very easy even in a PUG. They die VERY fast if attacked when they spawn.

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no it isnt. stop trolling. it isnt funny.


Back on topic.


If Bioware hadnt made those stupid droids have an infinite aggro range in one of the patches then the droid fight would be perfectly fine and dandy in HM, when they changed that, in a GUILD RUN, it took 10 tries before we downed the damn boss, and everyone was in a mix of 162, 168 and 180, So, we were overqualified for HM 55 FP's


99'99% of failures in any fp is l2p issues


If the droid hits enrage you dont have 1 bad deeps, you've 2 bad deeps.

If everything in the room goes for the healer all the time y've bad tank and bad deeps.

If people dies and healer is the last one alive y've - probably - a bad healer.


End of story


With that gear, dont take it bad but as people said before L2P.

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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