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Your Pick Next Planet for Housing?


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a secret volcanic base on belsavis, right in the center of a volcano like the separatist stronghold on ord mantell. i want to see the sky above me from the hole in the volcano as smoke and ashes rush out of it. the base is illuminated by the glowing hot lava. the rooms of the stronghold are built into the sidewalls of the volcano, while a huge metal platform is built over the magma floor of the volcano that is used as the central "outdoor" plaza. Edited by CyberneticDucks
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I'd like the Eternity Vault, plus that absolutely wonderful Primeval Zoo but I guess that would be asking too much.


I'd love one on Voss but since Bioware apparently loves the species and the planet, I believe I won't have to wait long. Hopefully.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Now that they've added Manaan, I'm 100% in favor of a Manaan stronghold. Maybe the Selkath want to strengthen their diplomatic position by allowing prominent members of both factions to buy real estate on the planet, or something like that. Have the house half above the surface, with patios looking out over the water, and the other half below the surface, with windows showing ambient marine life--you know, sea weed, firaxan sharks...


Previously I was hoping for Alderaan, with its picturesque snow-capped mountains, and its utter destruction still a few thousand years away. Makeb would be gorgeous, too, if it weren't for the fact that the planet, while saved from crumbling completely, is leaking toxic gases into the atmosphere. Oh well. Manaan it is!

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Manaan would be my #1 pick for sure!


I'd also love the look of a stronghold on Belsavis, Makeb, or a certain coming-soon tropical beach type locale, but it seems like the most beautiful planets are also very troubled ones. :p

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We need 1 stronghold for each type of weather and locations.


Hot , sunny weather , desert -> Tatooine

Medium weather , city life -> Coruscant

Rainy -> Dromund Kaas

Night life -> Nar Shaddaa

Cold/snowy -> Hoth

Water -> Manaan

Cliff, mountains -> Alderaan

Forest -> Kashyyyk

Beach -> Ord Mantell / Hutta (or maybe a new planet with beautiful beaches, palms and sun - something like the Unknown World of KOTOR http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/352/d/2/kotor___arrival_on_unknown_world_by_cryobash-d4jfouc.jpg)


and maybe in space :rolleyes: with a nice GSF kind of view through the window. Deserted asteroid space base.


Edited by iankalo
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