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Here is a way BW can stop people complaining about premades


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Allow to just plug a mic in and talk in a group. Now I'm no computer nerd so I don't see why mmos don't do this (like Xbox you can just plug in and talk) why do we need to go to a 3rd party to speak on a mic anyway?


Because they would have to design an in game interface that everyone can use. However, I am of the opinion that if they did do this, it would not solve the premade issue in fact I think it would compound it. Also people would abuse it such as swearing and trolling and to be frank I do not want more of that if it were possible.

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No offense, but how hard is it to download Skype?


And half the garbage you hear on Xbox live is truly awful.


yeah. I would only use xbox voice with my friends. as childish as ppl are in MMORPGs, they're a lot worse on xbox...it skews younger.

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Allow to just plug a mic in and talk in a group. Now I'm no computer nerd so I don't see why mmos don't do this (like Xbox you can just plug in and talk) why do we need to go to a 3rd party to speak on a mic anyway?


Because it requires a ridiculous amount of bandwidth. WoW tried it and it was garbage quality voice comms so no one used it. And they can afford to put in good bandwidth for voice.

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It would be a terrible idea. You already have 27k hp noobs who rage and are totally clueless. Why would you want to subject normal people to that? I played a game that had it. Quality was bad and people would play music on it so I always had it turned off. Why people think I want to listen to their crappy music is a great mystery.
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I lol'd


It turns out "bobbafatter" plays on red eclipse, my server or at least that was what he was saying in another thread. There actually aren't that many good premades there tbh, probably about 2 or three decent imp ones (casuality check, clue is in the name though), some long term pvpers on rep side too but not many, likely the same people on different sides or what was left of the old tre pvp community (not much) - most pvpers who used to have good organized 8v8 have either left or play very casually. Most of these "evil premades" you see frequently are clueless pve guilds that are playing together because they are not very good on their own. You hardly ever see q syncing 8 man teams. I see a lot of solo players on there, some of which are pretty capable. But I don't particularly see premades as a problem plaguing this server at all, it's actually a pretty decent community.


These premades certainly don't queue 24 hours a day. Aside from a organized kick ball matches on a Saturday night, where lots of groups queue up in a bid to play each other, not farm pugs. So if this fella is from TRE, now I know this guy is talking complete bollocks, since I queue there solo most of the time (my guild is on a hiatus). Wish I knew what his toon was called then I would know for sure if he is just making excuses for being **** or if he is indeed some pro pvper who has "turned down multiple invitations to pvp guilds". There aren't that many pvp guilds for one thing, not since 8v8 removal.


There are plenty of players on that server that are clueless in regs. Wins are completely possible as a solo q player though since most people are quite receptive to tactics etc, thought you do get matches with people who just want to rambo and not play objectively - never seen a server where that does not happen though. Ranked is almost non existent now compared to TOFN save a few organized 4s, but TOFN community by comparison is toxic, i have toons there too. TRE is a good server, some of the strongest pvpers came from that server, Nostrum etc (it was merged so I guess it figures) but most of those are long gone or play very casually now. The thing that makes TRE such a good server is the community. What remains of the old pvp community is organized but very casual nowadays.


Basically that server (TRE) does not really have a "premade" farming pugs problem, it just has an abundance of players that don't make pvp their main focus, which is understandable given its PVE status and quite a few players that are just not very good. Skill wise in regs though, it's not that different to TOFN. TOFN has an abundance of players where pvp is their main focus but they are just not very good at it, and some very decent ranked teams and players. *******r community though, has to be said - much more hostile to noobies than TRE.

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So, what are the common strategies against the premades? I assume that it boils down to team awareness/casuals knowing each other's style anyway and equipment in the herd of cats team? Or is there some ways people go specifically to hit the talking coordinated group hard?


Not that I can see how a <20,000 hp average character in PvE stuff (the sort I have, lol!) can really contribute much when there is even 4 geared PvP dedicated against him/her....

Edited by DomiSotto
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It turns out "bobbafatter" plays on red eclipse, my server or at least that was what he was saying in another thread. There actually aren't that many good premades there tbh, probably about 2 or three decent imp ones (casuality check, clue is in the name though), some long term pvpers on rep side too but not many, likely the same people on different sides or what was left of the old tre pvp community (not much) - most pvpers who used to have good organized 8v8 have either left or play very casually. Most of these "evil premades" you see frequently are clueless pve guilds that are playing together because they are not very good on their own. You hardly ever see q syncing 8 man teams. I see a lot of solo players on there, some of which are pretty capable. But I don't particularly see premades as a problem plaguing this server at all, it's actually a pretty decent community.


These premades certainly don't queue 24 hours a day. Aside from a organized kick ball matches on a Saturday night, where lots of groups queue up in a bid to play each other, not farm pugs. So if this fella is from TRE, now I know this guy is talking complete bollocks, since I queue there solo most of the time (my guild is on a hiatus). Wish I knew what his toon was called then I would know for sure if he is just making excuses for being **** or if he is indeed some pro pvper who has "turned down multiple invitations to pvp guilds". There aren't that many pvp guilds for one thing, not since 8v8 removal.


There are plenty of players on that server that are clueless in regs. Wins are completely possible as a solo q player though since most people are quite receptive to tactics etc, thought you do get matches with people who just want to rambo and not play objectively - never seen a server where that does not happen though. Ranked is almost non existent now compared to TOFN save a few organized 4s, but TOFN community by comparison is toxic, i have toons there too. TRE is a good server, some of the strongest pvpers came from that server, Nostrum etc (it was merged so I guess it figures) but most of those are long gone or play very casually now. The thing that makes TRE such a good server is the community. What remains of the old pvp community is organized but very casual nowadays.


Basically that server (TRE) does not really have a "premade" farming pugs problem, it just has an abundance of players that don't make pvp their main focus, which is understandable given its PVE status and quite a few players that are just not very good. Skill wise in regs though, it's not that different to TOFN. TOFN has an abundance of players where pvp is their main focus but they are just not very good at it, and some very decent ranked teams and players. *******r community though, has to be said - much more hostile to noobies than TRE.


Dear Baghdad "PloGreen" Bob,


Bobba is a legend. If you haven't heard of Bobba you must be new on the server. If you haven't seen any premades then either you are playing imp side or simply haven't got a clue.


What's you char names? I want to give you a friendly hello when we meet ingame.


Yours sincerely,



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Dear Baghdad "PloGreen" Bob,


Bobba is a legend. If you haven't heard of Bobba you must be new on the server. If you haven't seen any premades then either you are playing imp side or simply haven't got a clue.


What's you char names? I want to give you a friendly hello when we meet ingame.


Yours sincerely,




Never heard of you. I will repeat myself with a bit more detail, since you seem to have problems understanding what I said in the first place.


Been there since it was merged from nightmare lands. I know most of the pvpers there and you are not one of them. If your name is bobbafatter. Strong premades on this server are rare. Imp side - The strongest would be casuality check at the moment and they don't play that much (clue is in the name) = ex Reality Check. There about 3 pvp focused guilds imp side, most of which solo queue from what I have seen and all of them can be beaten in reg warzones, so not sure what the hell you are smoking. Its the same decent players rep and imp and most are casual..


Ditto with rep (the side where I have 8 55s). There are not many premades rep side at all. Lord of the drinks, axari delta or whatever they are called more often than not are solo queing. Most of the rep premades are guilds such as Star Wolves, Firewind, etc - PVE guilds. They are not exclusively pvpers. There is no real Premade problem on this server, there is a player skill problem, especially rep side. A lot of the decent rep players simply are not playing much right now - they are on holiday or they are playing on their imp alts.


My toons - my two mains that are min maxed and I favour the most are sage and sorc. I swap gear between them. I have always played this class since early access, and it remains my favourite. The rest are well geared, sent, guardian, gunslinger, vg etc. I have 9 55s, most of them rep so again you are completely wrong. The only classes I don't have at 55 are shadow (43) and scoundrel (23), simply because I just haven't bothered with them for a great length of time.


I have solo queued all this morning on multiple toons and met precisely 0 premades in the whole time I was playing. Won about 75 percent of the games and managed to communicate with complete randoms and be successful - its not rocket science, communication and awareness - the same principle applies against a premade of 4. The issues you speak of are just widely exagerrated nonsense.


I will play again in min (solo, you see I don't cry about premades), I will be on my sage or sorc - depends which daily I need to do please join a warzone and you might guess which sorc or sage I am. There are not many capable ones on the server, should not be too hard to work it out for you. I share the same gear through both toons - both have a similar name.


That is all I will tell you, see you in the game "Bobbafatter", though I have never heard of bobba. Maybe you are a hero in the pve sense, I don't play pve so I have no idea who you are. What I will say is people that qq about premades in regs tend not to be viewed as legends anyway. Cya in the game.

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Bobba is a legend.


I don`t recall seeing you in pvp, might`ve seen you on the Fleet but with a ripoff name like Bobba it could`ve been anybody.

This PloGreen guy is right in what he claims

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So, what are the common strategies against the premades? I assume that it boils down to team awareness/casuals knowing each other's style anyway and equipment in the herd of cats team? Or is there some ways people go specifically to hit the talking coordinated group hard?


Not that I can see how a <20,000 hp average character in PvE stuff (the sort I have, lol!) can really contribute much when there is even 4 geared PvP dedicated against him/her....


Common strategies are the same as against any pug. If you have 20k hp average it doesn't matter if it's a pug or a premade you are at a huge disadvantage. So your first strategy should making sure you are geared, doesn't take long. Very quick if you are prepared before-hand but if not it will take a little time.


Second thing you should do is keybind. Your abilities should be like muscle memory. This is best done as you level but it's never too late to learn. Bind everything, use shift as a modifier, or ctrl. If you have multiple toons try and make certain skills like cc breaker universal it will make things easier. Never backpedal (there are very few exceptional circumstances where this is ok). Straffe, don't keyboard turn.


Read some class guides. Learn about your class strengths and weaknesses, stats, techniques etc. Ask other players about their class. Most will be helpful if you approach them.


Warzones. These are more about objectives. First thing is working out what the purpose of the warzone is. Read the minimap for one. Some players do not look at where the players and enemies are in relation to the objectives. This mini map is a very useful tool for that reason. If you count your team mates on the map at certain nodes etc and count how many enemies are fighting (by sight)for it you can try come up with strategies to counter them based on numbers. This is tactical awareness.


Awareness in general, very important part of pvp. This can be simply looking out for your node, peeling for your healer, marking the enemy healers. Itis also learning what not to do - examples? Never standing in places where people can get free leaps to you in huttball, 4 or 5 of you chasing one guy in civil while your team mates call for help at another node, not looking at the minimap and all bunching up on one side in voidstar. Think like every player on the team matters, and encourage them when thy do something right. Don't just berate them if they keep making silly mistakes, it's not what you say it's how you say it.


Communication - the most important thing in winning warzones. If you are going to call incs, don't just say inc grass and make sure you call early. Sometimes you just can't and a stealthier will surprise you. Say how many, be specific if they are stealth even. Don't be scared to ask for more support if you are holding a node on your own you are already doing what a lot of people won't. You are already putting your team first.

Mark targets, usually healers. and let ur team mates know. Focus your fire on troublesome dps & healers and don't be afraid to emote taunt a player away from a node if you have a stealther buddy that can cap it. It works sometimes , the ego is a fragile thing.


So that's gearing, key binding, understanding your class, reading a game (awareness), and communication. The basics then. Apologies if you know these already but these are the fundamentals for winning games and anyone can do it. Premades, strong ones have all had to learn these, and I guarantee you the best ones have got all this sorted, it's second nature. This is why strong players group together and make strong premades, they can rely on each other they don't need voice chat to win warzones.


However you still get strong individual players in unranked games, and you can still become one of these. It takes time that's all it takes, some will learn quicker than others. Some will just refuse and blame external factors. Hope that helps a bit, apologies if it doesn't.

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I will play again in min (solo, you see I don't cry about premades), I will be on my sage or sorc - depends which daily I need to do please join a warzone and you might guess which sorc or sage I am. There are not many capable ones on the server, should not be too hard to work it out for you. I share the same gear through both toons - both have a similar name.


I see, you are too chicken to let people know who you are. I understand that perfectly, I would also be pretty embarrased if I had min/maxxed a sorc and then lobbied for the right to play against 27k newly dinged 55s with a premade.


Since you won't let people know your name, I'll just keep calling you Baghdad Bob. See you ...

Edited by Bobbafatter
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I see, you are too chicken to let people know who you are. I understand that perfectly, I would also be pretty embarrased if I had min/maxxed a sorc and then lobbied for the right to play against 27k newly dinged 55s with a premade.


Since you won't let people know your name, I'll just keep calling you Baghdad Bob. See you ...


I have never onced hit 55 on a new toon and not been geared. Maybe its time you start learning to prep for 55 and getting gear?

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I have never onced hit 55 on a new toon and not been geared. Maybe its time you start learning to prep for 55 and getting gear?


Well, even though you seem omnipresent on these forums, I can hardly believe you are filling all the WZs with your alts.


Btw. don't we have a date, or are you all talk ?

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I see, you are too chicken to let people know who you are. I understand that perfectly, I would also be pretty embarrased if I had min/maxxed a sorc and then lobbied for the right to play against 27k newly dinged 55s with a premade.


Since you won't let people know your name, I'll just keep calling you Baghdad Bob. See you ...


Most people know me as jim.


Kind of suspected this all along but I found your pve hero commando earlier. Your lies and claims have been completely exposed.


You are simply a muppet.

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Most people know me as jim.


Kind of suspected this all along but I found your pve hero commando earlier. Your lies and claims have been completely exposed.


You are simply a muppet.


Ooh, what a sight. The legendary Bobbafatter alongside the mighty Baghdad "PloGreen" Bob with his min/maxxed sorcerer bravely attacking 27k PuGgers. Must have been a veritable muppet show. I just wish you would have given me some sign so I could have embraced and remembered this glorious moment better ... :D

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Ooh, what a sight. The legendary Bobbafatter alongside the mighty Baghdad "PloGreen" Bob with his min/maxxed sorcerer bravely attacking 27k PuGgers. Must have been a veritable muppet show. I just wish you would have given me some sign so I could have embraced and remembered this glorious moment better ... :D


So is this turning into a gear complaint as well as a premade complaint? Maybe you really should stick to carebear pve.

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