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TOR vs WildStar


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Dunno about the game. Never got to play it myself.


However, I believe the issue here is a bit more psychological. The OP just feels the need to reiterate he's made the right choice by demeaning whatever game Wildstar is supposedly competing with.


Whatever rocks his cradle I guess.

I'm no mental health expert ... and I don't play one on television. Heck, I didn't even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But none of those shortcomings will stop me from engaging in armchair diagnosis of the OP's mental condition. It's the internet ... it's my privilege ... nay, my right ... nay, my duty!


The whole OP seems drenched in the perfume of desperation and panic over having possibly made a bad choice. Like an ex-girlfriend who keeps "bumping into you" at your favorite haunts to show off her new boyfriend in a tremulous attempt to make you jealous and prove she has worth and value beyond what your myopic vision could perceive. Every attempt to humble-brag the new guy's qualities comes off uncertain and forced: "Did you know that Wildstar 's pet beagle is a rescue ... and he has role markers for all groups? Isn't that great of him? Role markers! Isn't it?!"


What the OP overlooks is that SWTOR has already moved on and sincerely hopes the OP is happy with Wildstar. Because all SWTOR wants is for the OP to be happy. And if Wildstar makes the OP happy, then it's pretty clear that SWTOR never could.

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Thanks for making a list specifically with items where you can prove you are right by giving your opinion.


I tried Wildstar and I couldn't make it past level 20 there. In SWTOR I have 16 level 55s


So for leveling:


Wildstar: 0



Have fun in Wildstar, it's ok to like something else but these types of list are just pointless really.


That's actually fairly impressive to me. When I played the beta for Wildstar I couldn't force myself past level 3.




That's not really an "I really don't like leveling in MMOs thing" so much as a Wildstar only type thing. I've leveled and grinded plenty in other MMOs, even as a full f2p. Something about Wildstar's leveling experience just didn't suit me though.

Edited by Vandicus
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I noted all the "if I am correct" use in the OP:

He's just GUESSING that Wildstar has a feature he likes better than what SWTOR has.

As in, "SWTOR has great looking Bound to Legacy gear, if I am correct." :rolleyes:


Laughable it is. Much biased you are, OP? Shill for Wildstar, you are?

When your SWTOR subscription out it runs, better will the forums be.

Unhappy to have paid for it, your mother is.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Wildstar fail! Done!


NCSOFT ! Anything of NCSOFT after COH shutdown can go fail!

And it did fail :D


So well keep your point system, TOR still rocks in my opnion.

Cause I have fun with it.

And if I am bored I go play something else. Nothing of NCSOFT offcourse.

Cause they just fail!

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Thank you! I was going crazy trying to remember the videogame that Wildstar resembles. That was it ... Ratchet & Clank. Maybe if Ratchet & Clank had a love child with Hello Kitty?

Funny thing is, I LOVE Ratchet & Clank.


I really really wanted to like Wildstar. I spent some time on their forums, read about various classes, decided on a Spellslinger healer and rolled a toon. I think I made it to level 14.


I didn't stop playing because I hated it. I stopped playing simply because I haven't been able to muster up the desire to continue. I can't quite put my finger on it. When I have some game time and sit down, depending on my mood I'll spin up one of the many games I have installed. Sometimes it's TOR, sometimes it's something else.


I just haven't had to desire to double-click on the Wildstar icon.

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i have played both but now i only play swtor :)


for me what was + and - only going to say a few


on the + side

1+ Wildstar housing system is 10 times beter then stronghold you can make what every you can think of! and ofc freeplacement :D

2+ big pvp maps like 40vs40


on the - side

1: they dont have voice over

2: boring pvp maps no huttball :p

3: no space pvp!

4: its not Starwars :D

5: combat was fun for a while after that i got tired of it :S and in big pvp maps is was a mess

6: and the carton style war not for me!

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I couldnt take the post seriously after he said wildstar had better leveling. This must be a joke. WIldstar has the same generic leveling that every other mmo has. Wildstar has some systems and so features better than tor but leveling is definitely not one of them. Have fun with the space gerbils.
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[/snip for brevity]

I didn't stop playing because I hated it. I stopped playing simply because I haven't been able to muster up the desire to continue. I can't quite put my finger on it. When I have some game time and sit down, depending on my mood I'll spin up one of the many games I have installed. Sometimes it's TOR, sometimes it's something else.


I just haven't had to desire to double-click on the Wildstar icon.

I judge any new MMO by a simple standard. Does it hold my attention enough that I will go without any sleep for that first weekend? If I find myself taking breaks to do anything else ... read, watch TV, clip my toenails ... the game is a fail to me. I may still log in now and then, but, in my heart, I know I won't commit to it.


Positive examples: WoW, LOTRO, and SWTOR ... I pulled 40+ hour marathons for each of them when I first started playing.


Negative examples: City of Heroes, DDO, and Age of Conan. I kept trifling with CoH for a while, but I completely bailed on DDO after a few hours. Age of Conan couldn't keep me from watch the NBA Eastern Conference Playoffs when it released ... and I'm not a basketball fan.

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Really? No one is going to address his 0-2 scale?


It isn't even a 0-2 scale and why does TOR get some 0.5's ? just weird really. O and it looks like a banjo kazooie MMO to me :) I'll give him 0.5 for effort.





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Star Wars: The Old Republic has 1 million players each month logging in (from this years gamescon) during a time when people consider it a below par year. WildStar barely reached 500,000 at launch (from NCSoft Earnings Call)


I rest my case


Not forgetting that 1 million has been steady for 9 months now.





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It isn't even a 0-2 scale and why does TOR get some 0.5's ? just weird really. O and it looks like a banjo kazooie MMO to me :) I'll give him 0.5 for effort.






I think he's counting on his fingers after an accident that cost him 6.5 fingers and now the highest he is able to count without taking off his shoes is 3.5.

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Lore: TOR > W*


Crafting: TOR >>> W*


W* crafting is an utterly worthless feature..


Leveling: TOR >>>>> W*


Leveling in W* is boring and phenomenally slow. If ever there was a "kill 10 rats" game, W* is it.


I will credit W* with dynamic combat and some interesting abilities. However, some of the classes are a train wreck from a PVE perspective, and leveling ate away at my soul like alimony payments.

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