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The game is failing, it has only 1 mil players log in every month to play :(


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3 new systems? GSF only, which is a flop due to low participation. The tactical FPs don't even pop on the weekends any longer (except for CZ)...I'm not the only one who is 100% uninterested in them.


Oh look at that Mr. Tux being all negative again, trying to lump his experience which I find very doubtful as the way everyone is experiencing the game.

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I'd blame your server if yours doesn't pop. And we have whole guilds dedicated to GSF. Regardless of how popular it is, or isn't, that doesn't take away from the fact that it's an entirely new feature added this year. Along with Guild Ships. Along with Stronghold Housing. And yes, 4 new Flashpoints to deal with the Forged Alliances storyline.


So, while you may not like it, all of that adds up to a very large amount of new content released this year. And all the while, they're working on a whole new expansion to release before the end of the year.


I realize you really really want people to believe when you say that it's been 'SLOW CONTENT YEAR', but it simply isn't true and saying so in the face of plain reality saying otherwise just makes you look silly.

Blame my server for Bioware's slow pace of content? How do you figure that? We have guilds dedicated to GSF on our server too, but aside from prime time play, queues simply don't pop often. GSH and ships and stuff hasn't released yet...not on my server at least.


What are you pretending I don't like? GSF? I LOVE GSF...but the queues are far too long. The tactical FPs were fun a few times, but there's nothing of value from them, not even Rep.


I realize you want to pretend we had a stellar year for new content, but that isn't the case. No new Ops, nothing but tactical FPs that players can solo, no new traditional FPs, no new class content, no new player skins, no new daily areas, 1 horrible WZ and a brand new space game that nobody asked for (link if you suggest people did).


Given how poorly they've done in 2014, I'm VERY pleased there are 1 million people logging in a month. That gives me hope. The end of 2014 should be better than the start of it. Don't turn my realistic view into a negative when it's meant as a positive.

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Oh look at that Mr. Tux being all negative again, trying to lump his experience which I find very doubtful as the way everyone is experiencing the game.

Oh look at tdmama taking my words out of context. I even said I was pleased...perhaps you should read all of my quote.

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Blame my server for Bioware's slow pace of content? How do you figure that? We have guilds dedicated to GSF on our server too, but aside from prime time play, queues simply don't pop often. GSH and ships and stuff hasn't released yet...not on my server at least.


What are you pretending I don't like? GSF? I LOVE GSF...but the queues are far too long. The tactical FPs were fun a few times, but there's nothing of value from them, not even Rep.


I realize you want to pretend we had a stellar year for new content, but that isn't the case. No new Ops, nothing but tactical FPs that players can solo, no new traditional FPs, no new class content, no new player skins, no new daily areas, 1 horrible WZ and a brand new space game that nobody asked for (link if you suggest people did).


Given how poorly they've done in 2014, I'm VERY pleased there are 1 million people logging in a month. That gives me hope. The end of 2014 should be better than the start of it. Don't turn my realistic view into a negative when it's meant as a positive.


Out of curiosity (and if you don't mind my asking), what server do you play on, TUXs?

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Blame my server for Bioware's slow pace of content? How do you figure that? We have guilds dedicated to GSF on our server too, but aside from prime time play, queues simply don't pop often. GSH and ships and stuff hasn't released yet...not on my server at least.


What are you pretending I don't like? GSF? I LOVE GSF...but the queues are far too long. The tactical FPs were fun a few times, but there's nothing of value from them, not even Rep.


I realize you want to pretend we had a stellar year for new content, but that isn't the case. No new Ops, nothing but tactical FPs that players can solo, no new traditional FPs, no new class content, no new player skins, no new daily areas, 1 horrible WZ and a brand new space game that nobody asked for (link if you suggest people did).


Given how poorly they've done in 2014, I'm VERY pleased there are 1 million people logging in a month. That gives me hope. The end of 2014 should be better than the start of it. Don't turn my realistic view into a negative when it's meant as a positive.


So, we're in agreement that you believe 3 new features, 4 new Flashpoints and a whole new level-increasing expansion means 'SLOW CONTENT YEAR.'


Hey, takes all kinds, I guess. Maybe you're just trolling. Maybe you actually believe that. Either way, do be aware when you say things like that, people tend to wonder at your mindset.

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3 new systems? GSF only, which is a flop due to low participation. The tactical FPs don't even pop on the weekends any longer (except for CZ)...I'm not the only one who is 100% uninterested in them.


Please feel free to show where I took your words out of context? A flop? Low participation? Tfp don't pop? You are not the only one 100% not interested in them? So that's all positive stuff is that what you are saying?

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POT5, which took a hit earlier in the year, but seems to have stabilized.


Ah, I see. Well that's a bummer, though I'm glad things are somewhat better now. Of course, we'd always welcome you on the Harbinger (though I doubt you'd want to switch as I believe you've said that you're pretty tight with your guild). :D

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Blame my server for Bioware's slow pace of content? How do you figure that? We have guilds dedicated to GSF on our server too, but aside from prime time play, queues simply don't pop often. GSH and ships and stuff hasn't released yet...not on my server at least.


What are you pretending I don't like? GSF? I LOVE GSF...but the queues are far too long. The tactical FPs were fun a few times, but there's nothing of value from them, not even Rep.


I realize you want to pretend we had a stellar year for new content, but that isn't the case. No new Ops, nothing but tactical FPs that players can solo, no new traditional FPs, no new class content, no new player skins, no new daily areas, 1 horrible WZ and a brand new space game that nobody asked for (link if you suggest people did).


Given how poorly they've done in 2014, I'm VERY pleased there are 1 million people logging in a month. That gives me hope. The end of 2014 should be better than the start of it. Don't turn my realistic view into a negative when it's meant as a positive.


Oh Trust and Believe my friend. Once people see the profit potential with Guild Conquests and how easy to build points in GSF queues will be popping more often after 2.9 if not constantly

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Is this good? I don't really have that much standard of MMO health when it comes population numbers. I assume its not too bad if EA was actually willing to share the number.


TOR has been considered the number 2 MMO in the west for a while now. The behemoth WoW has something like 6 million right now. I think. Somewhere in there. They've been bleeding subs at the rate of a million per year for the last 5 years or something.

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3 new systems? GSF only, which is a flop due to low participation. The tactical FPs don't even pop on the weekends any longer (except for CZ)...I'm not the only one who is 100% uninterested in them.


you should roll a toon on jung ma. GSF pops all day errday and I could use a good partner.

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Your fears may be unfounded for the most part, since you apparently assume everyone will interpret them as being "limitations".


I very much doubt that.


I will be VERY happy to be wrong about this, as I have indicated many times Darth.


I would also think that my assumptions are quite apparent, as my post is quite clear. However I am fairly sure that I did not exaggerate by saying "everyone", as you have done in a silly and unnecessary attempt to belittle my opinion. I do believe I indicated I fear we may lose folks that return to the game for strongholds when they discover what I see as limitations.


There is likely little need to ridicule an opinion that is unqualified, narrow minded and lacks any real insight or foundation other than personal views. The opinion stands as it is....completely baseless guess based on my own intuition and experience, which means next to nothing. Folks can take it as they will.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Oh, will you two just get a room already! :p


They can have one. In my stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. This just in! New Cartel pack called "The Romance Pack" has everything for your great nights in your stronghold.! Vibrating bed, love seat AND chair along with rose petals, dimming lights and Barry White playing on your very own astromech droid and some exotic twi'lek dancers for all your needs! Come and get them while they last!


*spice not included*

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Thing is, with the new Star Wars films just around the corner, EA sees this game with bright eyes.


I mean, they have a bit more than one year to further polish it and etc etc, for when the films start coming out, chances are a lot of people will come here and give SWTOR a try. If they like it, they'll stay.

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They can have one. In my stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. This just in! New Cartel pack called "The Romance Pack" has everything for your great nights in your stronghold.! Vibrating bed, love seat AND chair along with rose petals, dimming lights and Barry White playing on your very own astromech droid and some exotic twi'lek dancers for all your needs! Come and get them while they last!


*spice not included*


Man, I would totally buy that package for my Sith Warrior! :)

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These numbers are pretty good considering the latest NCSoft earnings call has revealed that Wildstar sold less than 500,000 units on launch.


Personally I HATE NCSoft for cancelling City of Heroes. Never going to buy one of their games again.

And as for the strongholds, from what I have read and seen on youtube, I will pass on it, Correct me if I am wrong ,but it is 98% just decorating and the only "good" thing was the legacy storage. But it is too limited and expensive.

My first experence with Base building was with COH, I had a Hero side and villian side Bases. I was the only member of the super groups, and I spent 8 months + soloing to get the credits to build them, I bought generators,and rooms and storage racks, and 12 teleports for the different zones(plus unlocking each of the zones). They were very functional. and very good looking, I never used any of the decorations . they were a lot of fun to use . From what I have seen of strongholds, I will skip

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Thing is, with the new Star Wars films just around the corner, EA sees this game with bright eyes.


I mean, they have a bit more than one year to further polish it and etc etc, for when the films start coming out, chances are a lot of people will come here and give SWTOR a try. If they like it, they'll stay.


Bingo! Someone get that man a cigar. I can all but promise you that they're heaving money at BW by the bucketload at this point. With Episode VII around the corner, you can count on a huge PR push to attract new customers via the new trilogy.


In fact, I hear that one of the young stars that they picked up is renown for something called 'parkour', which is something I can easily see Jedi and Sith doing in TOR.


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Blame my server for Bioware's slow pace of content? How do you figure that? We have guilds dedicated to GSF on our server too, but aside from prime time play, queues simply don't pop often. GSH and ships and stuff hasn't released yet...not on my server at least.


What are you pretending I don't like? GSF? I LOVE GSF...but the queues are far too long. The tactical FPs were fun a few times, but there's nothing of value from them, not even Rep.


I realize you want to pretend we had a stellar year for new content, but that isn't the case. No new Ops, nothing but tactical FPs that players can solo, no new traditional FPs, no new class content, no new player skins, no new daily areas, 1 horrible WZ and a brand new space game that nobody asked for (link if you suggest people did).


Given how poorly they've done in 2014, I'm VERY pleased there are 1 million people logging in a month. That gives me hope. The end of 2014 should be better than the start of it. Don't turn my realistic view into a negative when it's meant as a positive.


In agreement on this.


That said, you are missing the big news of that video.....Ancient Hyper Gates!! How deluded are these clowns at the top?

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you should roll a toon on jung ma. GSF pops all day errday and I could use a good partner.


Or the Ebon Hawk :D


But I also would like to point out that Content is more than just Operations/Raids and Harder Difficulty. They took this year to implement things people have been asking for since launch (GSF, Housing, Guild Capitol Ships). Now they have implemented these systems they can improve upon it. this game has great hope for the future. And most amazing thing is they are still pushing for the level cap expansion for this year (which many people here doubted they would).


I see great future for SWTOR. And I hope they continue to add systems like GSF and housing (still hoping for Swoop Racing or Pazak).


People only view the mechanics themselves of GSH (its just fluff for decorations) and completely miss the potential social events that can occur


*Build Your Own Dueling Arena for your friends and server members to attend from both factions.


*Have your own Bar/Nightclub for people to gather and RP and interact with at night.


*Create your own shop to sell Items you craft to others.


Not everything in this game has to focus on combat sometimes the moments to relax are just as fun as the action pact aspects. And there will be certainly alot of action with the conquest system coming.


I see great potential with 2.9 alone and can't wait for what they have in store with 3.0

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