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Which planet will you put your primary Stronghold on?


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I've been trying to decide which planet to place my primary Stronghold on. The Dromun Kas/Coruscant options do not allow a starship hook AND require you to be subjected to the general chat of that planets (a horrid design decision by BW)...which is...annoying at the best of times. I do, however, absolutely love the size of the "garage" as a party space. Perfect room for setting up an amazing room for large gatherings (suggestion to BW: Make a disco ball lighting decoration, with on/off mode).


The Tatooine one, which is very realistic, is also quite spread out, and most of the rooms are just round copy-pasta windowless circles. The ship hangar, however, is uber nice, should you have the need/want to display one. As an old SWG player, and mayor of a city on Tatooine, it's hard not to want to go that route. Plus, General Chat on Tatooine is at least typically tolerable, even if it is often just filled with chat about balloon rides.


And then there's Nar Shaddaa. I think Nar Shaddaa has the least number of "useless" or "filler" rooms, particularly since most of the ones I would skip will be given to me "free" for being a subscriber. All of the ones I will need/want to unlock are of a healthy size, even though they are expensive.


Personally, as soon as BW adds a stronghold in a more elder planet, I'll likely make that my main...again, due to the gen chat design decision more than anything. Gen chat on Voss or Hoth, for example, is generally much better.


So, for you, my fellow subscriber, which Stronghold will you consider your main?

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Nar Shadaa, so all my alts can visit. I'll eventually unlock them all, but I have no intention of putting forth effort on making the others pretty. I'll place the convenience items carefully in each SH, and then slap things down wherever they'll fit.
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I'll probably get the Nar Shaddaa one first. If they allow us to have strongholds on other planets in the future, I'd love to move to Voss or Corellia. :) Hoth would be very atmospheric as well. Belsavis is a beautiful planet, but it's also a prison so I'm not sure that'd quite work out. Ha.
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Tatooine for me.


It was either Tat or Nar, so all Alts can easily come and go. And the view from the balcony sealed it for me. I love being able to look out and see the rest of my SH from there.


Plus, Nar Shadaa just feels slimy to me (as a planet) (ok, moon).

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While it seems to be a little daunting to consider filling it up, I'm going with Tatooine as well. Go big or go home, I guess. I'm fairly wealthy in game so that plays a role in deciding.


I'm going for the whole mercenary fortress motif with my Bounty Hunter main. Wanted to get away from people to build up my forces and spread out. NS was my second choice but too many eyes watching there. Eventually, My Smuggler will get that one, Assassin on DK, and Jedi Kinght/Trooper on Coruscant.


All that said, I am going to go slow and get it "right" and not unlock everything all at once.

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Nar Shaddaa. OOC its the one I get for free with extra rooms so make the most of it, but IC its a major trade hub with a great nightlife and is open to anyone doing anything.


Besides, how many other planets do we visit in this game that might actually be nice places to live? Everywhere else seems to have either sucky weather, civil war, or be an armpit in the middle of nowhere.


I'll stick with Space Vegas, thanks.

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I'm getting Nar for free, so I might as well do something with it. I'm thinking of making it more of a black market supply area for my sniper. And it's near lots of casinos to keep Kaliyo happy. :D


But I think I'm mainly going to focus on Dromund Kaas. I love the stronghold, love the weather (not so much gen chat, but I can just turn it off), and it makes the most sense lore-wise for my toons who love the Empire above all else.

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I think Nar Shaddaa will be my primary "utility" stronghold for things like the GTN and banks and Tatooine will be the one I spend the most effort decorating.


I was planning on doing something similar. I managed to get the loading point/landing pad on PTS kitted out with each of the droids, the scrap peddlers and of course Legacy storage/guild storage/cargo hold/GTN/Mailbox, it was just so easy to just plonk stuff there while decorating somewhere else.


Definitely going to main Tat, like the OP I was a long term resident of Tatooine back on SWG and the bottom line of it is.... I want to go home :o

Edited by Forgettableone
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Depends on the characters really.

They all hate Tattooine so I am not interested in that one.


Makes sense for my Jedi and Troopers to be stationed on Courscant. (8 Characters)

Sith and Agents on Dromund Kaas (9 Characters)

Bounter Hunters and Smugglers on Nar Shaddaa (4 Characters)


Ironically the biggest one will have the least amount of characters "living" there.

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Kaas City! I love the rain. I might finish up Nar Shaddaa to make Vette and Gault happy. Tattoine in case my Dewback needs a dust bath. I can't imagine wanting a place on Coruscant, no matter how cheap. I would love a place on Alderaan. Makeb would be nice too, but the earthquake insurance is probably prohibitive.
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I won't be focusing on one, more like assigning each character a "home". I'm unlocking all but Tatooine, but I plan to work on the Nar Shaddaa one first. IMHO it is the best for a large communal housing setup, and it will house the most of my characters. So it is sort of my primary stronghold by default. I'll have all of the convenience/utility items at every stronghold though. Got my oodles of mats all ready to craft 'em!


Coruscant is actually my favorite (beautiful lighting + window views), but it is too small for a bunch of characters, and not many of mine would live there anyway.

Edited by Gwena
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None. I won't even unlock the NS palace. This "expansion" is nothing but a waste of money and resources that would have been better spent on other things.


Ain't you a ray of sunshine?


- - - -


My only Stronghold will most likely be Nar Shaddaa, seeing that I'll try to invest a tidy sum unlocking and decorating Dromund Kaas and Coruscant as my Guild Strongholds. :D


Tatooine will have to wait for a serious while, I reckon.


Even so, I can imagine I'll spend the next following months crafting and unlocking decorations.

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Primary Stronghold ...

  • Tat for my main Sorc, Assassin, Marauder, and Gunslinger
  • DK for my other Sorc, Operative, and Juggernaut
  • Coruscant for my Sage, Knight, and Vanguard
  • Nar Shadaa for my Smuggler, Merc, PT, Shadow, and Sniper (she likes the night life)


It's part personality, part politics, and part opportunity.

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None. I won't even unlock the NS palace. This "expansion" is nothing but a waste of money and resources that would have been better spent on other things.

I hope you remember your words when someone in a group you are in QTs to their Stronghold, gets something they needed from the Legacy Storage or Ships Locker, and then QTs back to where they started.


What are you going to to do instead? Log out, hope you login to the toon that has what you need, go to ship's locker, find what you needed, find a mail box, mail the stuff, logout again, login again, deploy mail droid? That sounds like a waste of time and resources to me.

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None. I won't even unlock the NS palace. This "expansion" is nothing but a waste of money and resources that would have been better spent on other things.
I always wish that people like this could be forced to follow up their rhetoric by being locked out of the thing they're railing against until they publicly admit that maybe it wasn't as bad as they thought it was.
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I always wish that people like this could be forced to follow up their rhetoric by being locked out of the thing they're railing against until they publicly admit that maybe it wasn't as bad as they thought it was.


Hah. That would be great, indeed. :D


OT: I'll probably taking DK as 'private home' for my sith warrior brothers (Mara and Jugg) and NS is going to be my smugglers paradise. With lots of crates, and weapon-racks and ammo and drugs and slaves and rare-animals.

If we ever get to place our alts 'properly' in the strongholds - NS will be my smuggler dealing with my IA and my BH keeping things civilized. Nar Shaddar at it's finest: Smuggling, dealing, supplying, gambling, ... no boundaries, right?


And DK will by ... a Sith Lair. Banners, Propaganda, Guards, ... God, I hope some day we get accolytes, artifacts, ... all that stuff. Keeping it gloomy and awesome. :D


I need to grind more. Too bad that currently is holding on to their credits this badly, too. :p

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