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BIO did exactly what they said they'd do


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I'm not sure I understand all the outrage today. This is exactly what they planned to do the whole time. Why wasn't this a big deal before today? They only thing that changed was they actually did it.


The ONLY legitimate gripe I have heard is that people who didn't pre-order at the same time might not be able to get on the same server. Seeing as this is a MMO it is important to keep groups of people together. BIO has always worked with their users before so I assume they may find a solution to this as well.

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The big deal is... do you know what's going on? apart from 5 waves being sent out?


You really don't, there's a gigantic lack of information right now, and seeing BW employees went home after their 9-5 job we won't find out untill tomorrow

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seeing BW employees went home after their 9-5 job we won't find out untill tomorrow


So... you're angry that bioware is staffed by human beings who need to eat and sleep?


Sounds reasonable. There are so many droids in the game, why not have some run the office? :rolleyes:

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The big deal is... do you know what's going on? apart from 5 waves being sent out?


You really don't, there's a gigantic lack of information right now, and seeing BW employees went home after their 9-5 job we won't find out untill tomorrow


I know they are rolling out invites in four waves a day by the date you pre-ordered. Doesn't that about cover it?

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So the 15$ a month only covers the servers being reliably up 9-5? kay


Yeah there's a difference between having wage slaves watching over the servers, and having devs able to carefully monitor traffic and loading while rolling out new servers and adding new waves.


If I had that level of education and I was expected to pull graveyards, I would not be a happy camper.

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People are whiny and self-entitled children. That's just the way it is.


This will all be forgotten within 7 days. I doubt anyone is going to be gritting their teeth and muttering swears under their breath while they're logging in and creating their characters.



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I'm not sure I understand all the outrage today. This is exactly what they planned to do the whole time. Why wasn't this a big deal before today? They only thing that changed was they actually did it.


The ONLY legitimate gripe I have heard is that people who didn't pre-order at the same time might not be able to get on the same server. Seeing as this is a MMO it is important to keep groups of people together. BIO has always worked with their users before so I assume they may find a solution to this as well.



Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. BW stated that you would get early access if you preordered. Later, just recently, they stated that they would cut this in waves. We where not told when we bought the game that some would get access before others. This is just a marketing stunt for stress testing.

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I don't see the big deal. We knew this was how they were going to roll out early access. This allows them to get new servers online overnight between the daily waves of invites to handle the load.


People are just in an "I want it now!" mode.


Heck, I just did my pre-order just a few days ago, so I have no expectations of getting in over the next few days, but that's OK, my three weeks of vacation start on the 16th anyway.

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I'm not sure I understand all the outrage today. This is exactly what they planned to do the whole time. Why wasn't this a big deal before today? They only thing that changed was they actually did it.


The ONLY legitimate gripe I have heard is that people who didn't pre-order at the same time might not be able to get on the same server. Seeing as this is a MMO it is important to keep groups of people together. BIO has always worked with their users before so I assume they may find a solution to this as well.


No - actually the biggest issue is that there are people level 25+ already due to them being able to join empty WarZones, the game ending after 120 seconds and them still getting Exp/Credits/Commendation.


This will not exist when the real population enters the game, and thus these Day 1 players are getting an unfair advantage over the rest of the playerbase.

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The big deal is... do you know what's going on? apart from 5 waves being sent out?


You really don't, there's a gigantic lack of information right now, and seeing BW employees went home after their 9-5 job we won't find out untill tomorrow




I hear the sky is falling, end of the world and such.

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The employees didn't go home. A lot of people invited to early access haven't even come home from work or school. A lot of people are going to be logging on for the first time this evening. There's going to be a crush of logins tonight, that's why they limited the number of people invited today. This has been known for a long time.


I really can't understand the whiners. I didn't get in today either, I also didn't pay for access today. They are letting us in EARLY for FREE and people are mad because they aren't doing it fast enough.



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Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. BW stated that you would get early access if you preordered. Later, just recently, they stated that they would cut this in waves. We where not told when we bought the game that some would get access before others. This is just a marketing stunt for stress testing.


Actually the day of preorder it was stated that EA would go according to preorder. They didn't mention rather it be type of preorder or date of preorder.. But it wasn't just recently they said that, it's been mentioned multiple times over the months.

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Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. BW stated that you would get early access if you preordered. Later, just recently, they stated that they would cut this in waves. We where not told when we bought the game that some would get access before others. This is just a marketing stunt for stress testing.

Dont know about you but when i saw the thing a while back saying the preorder will get up to 5 days of early access i kind of figured that they would do something like this.

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Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. BW stated that you would get early access if you preordered. Later, just recently, they stated that they would cut this in waves. We where not told when we bought the game that some would get access before others. This is just a marketing stunt for stress testing.


Actually... you're wrong, wrong, wrong... wrong? Purchasing the game (and I know this for a fact as I have a friend who pre-ordered immediately) did indeed always inform you (had you bothered to read) that you could get "up to 5 days". Furthermore, we're not even AT the 5 days mark yet. Bioware is letting people in a couple of days prior to that and people STILL complain and act like they're being played. What a bunch of miscreant hobos. Self-entitled miscreant hobos.


The over-reacting that people are doing on these forums is hilarious and entertaining, however. It's made passing the time until I get in that much more bearable. As soon as they let you guys in, you'll be like a bunch of babies that just had bottles shoved in their mouths. Docile and content. Good for you!

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Its a no win scenario for Bioware. Staggering the launch and people complain about not getting in day 1. Invite everyone in on the same day and you would see even more whiners then right now because of queue times and lag.


Today was day 1. Perhaps Bioware had a small launch to make sure they can handle everything smoothly. Perhaps tomorrow we will see the rest of July, August and September preorders get in.

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So the 15$ a month only covers the servers being reliably up 9-5? kay


You have not payed the $15 a month yet, you payed at least $60 for a game that's official release date is the 20th. With " UP TO " 5 days early access. UP TO 5 days is not Will be 5 days.

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I'm not sure I understand all the outrage today. This is exactly what they planned to do the whole time. Why wasn't this a big deal before today? They only thing that changed was they actually did it.


The ONLY legitimate gripe I have heard is that people who didn't pre-order at the same time might not be able to get on the same server. Seeing as this is a MMO it is important to keep groups of people together. BIO has always worked with their users before so I assume they may find a solution to this as well.


You expect too much from this forum.

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So... you're angry that bioware is staffed by human beings who need to eat and sleep?


Sounds reasonable. There are so many droids in the game, why not have some run the office? :rolleyes:


They said more waves would start tomorrow morning.


How is that not enough info for you?

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Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. BW stated that you would get early access if you preordered. Later, just recently, they stated that they would cut this in waves. We where not told when we bought the game that some would get access before others. This is just a marketing stunt for stress testing.


Sorry bro, but you are WRONG WRONG WRONG!



They said YOU MAY get UP TO 5 days of early entry DEPENDING ON WHEN YOU PRE-ORDERED.

This has been in the terms and conditions from DAY 1 of pre-order. If you failed to read it and comprehend it, then that is your bad!

Edited by XOrionX
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No - actually the biggest issue is that there are people level 25+ already due to them being able to join empty WarZones, the game ending after 120 seconds and them still getting Exp/Credits/Commendation.


This will not exist when the real population enters the game, and thus these Day 1 players are getting an unfair advantage over the rest of the playerbase.


someone needs to relax....

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Sorry bro, but you are WRONG WRONG WRONG!



They said YOU MAY get UP TO 5 days of early entry DEPENDING ON WHEN YOU PRE-ORDERED.

This has been in the terms and conditions from DAY 1 of pre-order. If you failed to read it and comprehend it, then that is your bad!


^ This.


This has been known the ENTIRE time.

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