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Really, How stupid is it to buff PVE Shadow/Assassin and make them OP for PVP?


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Stealth classes need to be reworked plain and simple. They are way too arrogant and presumptuous in pvp right now.

Give you a small example


I was on my 55 merc in a warzone, mid civil war, my entire team goes off chasing there favorite little stats. Sometimes I could just imagine these people sitting down and crying up a storm if they did not have their stats to compare. Anyways they left me in the mid guarding a operative comes out stun locks me, I use my get out of jail free card, but by then my health is already near zero. I am stuck at close quarters and I died. Then some sob steather on my team gets pissed off because a merc was unable to stand up to the close quarter damage. WELL MAYBE IF SOME A HOLE DID NOT GET RID OF MY BLITZ EQUIVALENT I COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!


My point is things have gotten so easy for stealthers they expect other classes like mercs and commandos to tank them, even though when they come out of stealth we are at the disadvantage. Never mind the stuns. What the hell we have two that work some times, got to love that, and the one only knocks them back.


I had to vent on that point I doubt anything will change as they are always trying to give stealth classes everything, mean while troopers and bounty hunters get the slightest buff its the end of the world.


lol operatives are easy kills for mercs. You should try learning your class abilities a bit more.

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I like how this guy doesn't even mention the usage of stealth scan. xD



somewhere I mentioned the strategy to read up ... Why stating the obvious :rolleyes:

We need to presume some knowledge is acquired pre - reading a post or?


It's like saying a raincoat prevents you from getting wet in the rain . . . hope that didn't come as a shock to anyone as well ... :)

Edited by t-darko
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somewhere I mentioned the strategy to read up ... Why stating the obvious :rolleyes:

We need to presume some knowledge is acquired pre - reading a post or?


It's like saying a raincoat prevents you from getting wet in the rain . . . hope that didn't come as a shock to anyone as well ... :)


Well I figured you could've mentioned just in case the guy who wrote this thread would freak out and lose his mind... you know

he seems... ...kinda dumb

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Earnest is good peeps in a wz. I'm assuming he was the reciepient of a good old fashioned double mez/sap cap from 2 stealthers.


If they timed it right and used their blackouts; one starts the cap. The other simultaneously mez single guard( why I say always leave 2). Not much you can do but put out your pre-typed inc call..you did pre-type it right? Don't break mez right away count about 3 then break and hit attack on capper simultaneously so mezzer cant place you under again. Not sure if I'm right but I don't think just a stun break will place you in "combat" status; and leave you unable to be mezzed again.

The rest is delay, knockback, stunback, interrupt just keep capper from getting it while fending off the other and most likely die till help arrives (it is 2 stealthers after all; near godmode that is against 1without back-up).You did your job and if they get capp anyway and your awesome teamies who did not pick to guard it themselves razz you about it...Well then they are the ones that suck.

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Same applies to you as well my friend:). if you got 5-6 smugglers/operative all attacking how is that any different. Point is you aren't suppose to win 4 vs 1 or 3 vs 1 hell 2 vs 1. If your stuck on Node duty have INC PYLON already typed in chat when they show up/stun you hit enter then engage delay until help arrives.
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In Shadow Realms, this is possible. I saw it several times yesterday.

With the "1" being the Shadow.


Sure, if they come in one at a time, they are undergeared or just extremely bad. In general this isn't a common thing.

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In Shadow Realms, this is possible. I saw it several times yesterday.

With the "1" being the Shadow.


So it is - If you played the game long enough you can't but admire skill, knowing the amount of time spent reading, testing, playing. Far to often there is a yell of a hack or nerf this and that, and far to often it is cries of ignorance, lazyness or just frustration.


The problem is that there have been to many who have cried Wolf with out the Wolf ever have appeared, and the obvious problem then is that it's hard to believe when someone actually have witness a hack or matters of such.

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Sap capping is some BS, but I'm currently leveling a shadow and my god is it fun to do when I'm on him. Lowbies fall for it every damn time, don't even need instant WW. If there is only one person guarding the node, it's almost guaranteed that I'll get it unless it's something like a PT with shoulder rockets.
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