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SW:TOR will experience the first ever overnight ecomonic crash of an MMO.


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not even close. I could level using multiple mission paths in wow. not in swtor


I was under the impression you could level several alternative ways, including KDY facegrinding + other FPs, ground PvP, the old space game, and GSF. Actually, I know for a fact that many people have created toons for GSF that hit level cap without doing traditional questing. Maybe they're just not alternatives you like?

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Depends on what you are looking for. I would level 10 ten characters here before ever doing the same in WoW. WoW doesn't compare IMO.


I have 17 55's. the planetary quests are the same for all imps and all pubs. that is 2 leveling paths. other than wz's fp's and kdy's which are all the same, there is no other path. unless you know of some secret planets.

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I was under the impression you could level several alternative ways, including KDY facegrinding + other FPs, ground PvP, the old space game, and GSF. Actually, I know for a fact that many people have created toons for GSF that hit level cap without doing traditional questing. Maybe they're just not alternatives you like?


thats not a separate story. doing kdy over and over is a way around the leveling path, but hardly any kind of story line.

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Who cares about leveling paths, if you get a choice of conversation in every freakin dialogue in your one story. Because you nkow... in WoW you have different paths, but NO - really - NOT A SINGLE choice in the dialogues. Consider those the "Paths".


As for the crisis that may or may not come: I hope it does. Any financial crisis will lead to suffering and WAR! LET THERE BE WAR IN THE GAME! (It's much preferable to the IRL financial crisises that cause us to bomb and terrorize people - REAL people).


Sometimes, in a game, that what should be most feared in real life is the most desireable outcome.

Also: swtor is no economics-simulation and has no such aspect (it's not eve-online).

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I haven't read all the replies and am only responding to the first post.


1. You said there was no credit sink for months. Except the Kingpin Casino? I spent 5mil, I only had 7. I'm back to over 7 again. Did that quickly.


2. Money leaving the game and not coming back in? Sure, but it's also being constantly generated. I make on average 2-3 mil a week, I don't sell items on the GTN. I run dailies on multiple charachters and do raids. TFB and SV money trash FTW


3. Money is constantly created in this game. It's never ending. Makeb staged weekly takes about 40mins and makes you 400k. Other dailies added like section x, oricon, black hole and CZ make you roughly 600-700k with weeklies, depending on trash loot. Dailies without weekly get you around 400-500k


4. I think your entire argumnet has not taken the constant money creatioin in to it.

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I have 17 55's. the planetary quests are the same for all imps and all pubs. that is 2 leveling paths. other than wz's fp's and kdy's which are all the same, there is no other path. unless you know of some secret planets.


So you are complaining about a video game that gave you enough entertainment to level 17 toons? There is no game that has 17 paths no matter how you look at it. But Swtor does have individual stories that no other mmo can compare too. If you don't like it go back to WoW.

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Not to be to offensive, but your understanding of MMO economics is off. Your post was articulate and well thought out but utterly off-base.


The economy isn't going to crash, and in fact, GSH is needed in order to bring the economy back to its normal standards and reduce credits floating around. A very interesting article I would recommend reading:




The GSH and the pricing for it is absolutely necessary to blow a few billion credits out of the economy. Since its inception, SW:TOR hasn't had a very good money sink in order to help prevent inflation (although prices haven't really fluctuated terribly over the years either). The Nar Shadaa event took a few million credits out of the game but nothing spectacular like what GSH is about to accomplish.


This is absolutely necessary to help prevent inflation in the coming years/patches.


And like it has been pointed out, GSH isn't a necessity: it's a luxury, and completely optional.

Edited by ACGOG
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Well, it will cause deflation as there will be less money... and guess what, deflation is exactly what I want :D

Outfits I'm coming ^^

I wonder about this and I'd love to see the metrics on it.


It seems everyone is running daily missions for credits, generating a crap ton of wealth that never existed previously in game - how much of the 50 million+ will have been existing credits vs. newly generated credits?

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I wonder about this and I'd love to see the metrics on it.


It seems everyone is running daily missions for credits, generating a crap ton of wealth that never existed previously in game - how much of the 50 million+ will have been existing credits vs. newly generated credits?

Now that's a VERY interesting question.


A small sampling of players (my guild) generated NEW credits for the flagship, rather than spending credits they already had. For us at least, our buying power will remain unchanged. Not sure how many other people are in the same boat.

Edited by Khevar
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wow had a lot of other content to do including multiple leveling paths..swtor does not. that is a huge difference

Demonstrably false, you can level the intended way with class missions an planet missions, just planet missions, space missions, warzones, just do flash points etc. Or you can do a mix of all of them. WoW doesn't even have class missions like SWTOR has, just regular area quests so you could argue SWTOR has more variety right there.


I'm incredibly excited for GSH but I'm still not going to blow all my money at once. I'm going ot buy the two capital word apartments for around 3mil, keep doing sailies and crafting to make money while I save up some more to unlock all of Nar Shaddaa. I don't intend to drop below 10mil.

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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I don't intend to drop below 10mil.


That's cool, though I think the vast majority of players doesn't even have 10 million to begin with.


All in all though I think people are overestimating what this expansion will do to the economy. Any deflation of currency will be temporary. I do wonder what will happen with the prices for crafting materials though....

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So, I see you guys learn nothing but neoclassical economics.



Well, valid point, there will be a major credit sink going to set down the level. HOWEVER, many goodies for GS are mats or crafted stuff (not sure if BoP, if so, disregard crafters), so it'll be also a moment that some will thrive.


I think it will balance the game and give wealthy players somewhere to spend on, thus calming the inflationary pressure on the GTN. Won't be a recession, only a deflationary process. There is no thing as a recession when you don't have jobs or capital.

Edited by Socialist
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So, I see you guys learn nothing but neoclassical economics.



Well, valid point, there will be a major credit sink going to set down the level. HOWEVER, many goodies for GS are mats or crafted stuff (not sure if BoP, if so, disregard crafters), so it'll be also a moment that some will thrive.


I think it will balance the game and give wealthy players somewhere to spend on, thus calming the inflationary pressure on the GTN. Won't be a recession, only a deflationary process. There is no thing as a recession when you don't have jobs or capital.

Is it wrong that hear

in my head when I read your posts? :p
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My GM informed the guild that they would never get a silver key if they only put in 500k toward the ship..and this is a huge guild hehe. Needless to say I already dumped a mil in their bank like a fool and decided to bail while I can for that and other reasons. Edited by Darkwords
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My GM informed the guild that they would never get a silver key if they only put in 500k toward the ship..and this is a huge guild hehe. Needless to say I already dumped a mil in their bank like a fool and decided to bail while I can for that and other reasons.


Really? It always amazes me when I hear Guildmaster horror stories... Good for you. We have quite a few lower level players who haven't been able to contribute much... but then again, we didn't contribute to being able to unlock a ship for the few that could... we did it for the guild in general.

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