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SWTOR player average age


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Friend of mine recently told her kid she was born in 1988. Kid's eyes got huge, and in a hushed voice she exclaimed "You were born in the 1900s?!" :D


34 btw : )


Hahaha! :D that's great.


My husband saw the sheet before me and declared that 44 was too old for him. He wasn't interested in a cougar so he'd have to find a younger woman. (Jokingly as he's 5 yrs older than me)


I must have channeled my Sith death glare for he quickly changed his tune and told her to always say mum is 24 and never a day more :p hehehe

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I'm 45 and not ashamed to admit it.

Beta tester and founder.yes I remember the pixel of doom!Quit after 6 months and been back a month or so.

Away a long time but back and loving the game again.

I don't like EA or what they did to Bioware but it's the only SW mmo we have,so yeah.

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So far, including my age of 32 we have an avg of 37,4 :)


Geez, kids really dont play the game :D or at least dont go to forums, I see a lot of "forum heroes" here.


EDIT: ofc I didnt include the guy who said he is 428 yrs old :cool:

Edited by merovejec
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My impression is that the average age of players in MMOs have been on the rise for years now.


We have the "old gummers" like me who have been playing MMOs for almost 20 years and other games for decades. Aging and still playing.


We have the WoW generation which entered MMOs in 2004-2005 on the platform of fast, easy, fun solo leveling followed by rigid and rigorous group content at tend game. Aging and still playing.


My additional impression is that most younger people these days (18-30ish) are tethered to their smart phones and prefer gaming content through said devices while they are moving through their daily routine. [i guess so they can game-on while taking their daily dump. :p ] Aging, and likely find MMOs too "time consuming" or "too much commitment", or "not free, hence won't play".


Me? I'm 62, long ago retired on the prosperity of generous stock options, and long time player of MMOs, and even longer term player of games of all types over the decades. Still play 25mm miniatures in table top conflict campaigns with a small circle of friends.. which takes me all the way back to my 20s in a nostalgic sort of way.

Edited by Andryah
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I think we need a guild called "Refined Gamers" as we just get better with age 😉


I would say we could just call it "Wine," but I can already hear the trolling. Maybe "Fine Wines"? Nah, we'd still get trolled. Maybe "Experienced"? How about "Mature Gamers"? Yikes, no. I've got it: "Original Gamers", then we would be OG.

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