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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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4x8 hours maintenance during prime playing time is wasted whole playing day per month. Do we get any compensation for this crap ?


Can you please explain how it is prime playing time - are you at home all day long? In which case you are in the minority and it sucks for you.

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Well i have stated this before and i will do so again.


Any company, should schedule maintanence when the least amount of people are affected by it. This in general means at night, when the biggest amount of people are asleep.


It does not matter in which time zone you live (yes americans, there is more then CST. yes europeans there is more then CET). A company that goes global with their service or product should adapt to the different time zones and setup seperate maintanence times.


You do not see UPS/FedEx/Philips do maintanence on all of their servers, all at the same time everywhere in the world. Because this would simply **** over 50% or more of their work force. They all have seperate maintanence times per country or time zone at times when all or most of their workers are at home.


Bioware really should not act any different. But then again, maybe it is not Bioware that makes this call. Maybe it is EA... sigh EA.

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Can you please explain how it is prime playing time - are you at home all day long? In which case you are in the minority and it sucks for you.


It IS prime time, cause they make maintenance at US night time. If it wasnt prime time, they would make maintenance at US daytime. Normal people playing during days and sleep at nights.

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It IS prime time, cause they make maintenance at US night time. If it wasnt prime time, they would make maintenance at US daytime. Normal people playing during days and sleep at nights.


No - work it out. If they made it US day time then it would be EU prime time (9am pst is 5pm GMT).

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Can you please explain how it is prime playing time - are you at home all day long? In which case you are in the minority and it sucks for you.


Labeling him as a minority won't take the idiocy out of scheduling maintenance 'till 18:00 (or even 21:00/22:00 like it was last week) for most Europeans and then calling it "highest quality of service". Once every week.


Simply because the lowest number of players are between 02:00 and 10:00, when you could easily do the maintenance. Even if you extend it to 12:00 it would be ok. Ya know, like they do it for the US.

Edited by Urdnaxela
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Oh, and in case people that are against separate mainanence times didn't notice that - they'll have to make them separate in at least few months.

Even if you're so forgiving that you don't think that time before 8PM matters as peak time, australians do. Because for them this window starts when it ends for europe(in relative time).

And you can't realy expect that after officialy releasing it for them BW will keep on saying that this is off peak hours. They don't say anything now, because they're playing on US anyway, so there is nothing that can be done, now.


But after release in GMT+10, it's impossible to have one maintenance time and keep quality service.

So sooner or later, they'll have to give up and divide those times, so why not do it sooner?

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I live in the UK, something im sure ive implied about 3 times in this thread already.


Assuming there is no over run (bit assumption, but the games maintenance will improve after the first couple of months) then you will be able to get in from 6pm your time. You will have lost 30min assuming you start straight away.


Last extended maintenance ended up with 20:00 for GMT +1 and 21:00 for GMT+2 with still unstable servers.

How is this good service compared to doing the maintance during down time?


In fact why not take the servers down a bit earlier in the US so the EU maintenance will end up earlier.

It's not like you expect the majority of the Americans to play at 2:00.

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Last extended maintenance ended up with 20:00 for GMT +1 and 21:00 for GMT+2 with still unstable servers.

How is this good service compared to doing the maintance during down time?


In fact why not take the servers down a bit earlier in the US so the EU maintenance will end up earlier.

It's not like you expect the majority of the Americans to play at 2:00.


Well the other half of america would be forced to stop at 10pm then...



But, there is a HUGE difference between having an issue with the current maintenance window, and having and issue with the over run.


I have no problems with the window as it will affect the least number of people. I do however think they should have two periods, not all in one go.


My issue is with the over run. They gave themselves 8 hours, which is a huge amount of time, I thought, so that they wouldnt over run. Thus to have a massive over run afterwards is what I think is unacceptable. But the timing of the window itself, is the best of a bad set up (good set up would be more than one slot).

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Well i have stated this before and i will do so again.


Any company, should schedule maintanence when the least amount of people are affected by it. This in general means at night, when the biggest amount of people are asleep.


It does not matter in which time zone you live (yes americans, there is more then CST. yes europeans there is more then CET). A company that goes global with their service or product should adapt to the different time zones and setup seperate maintanence times.


You do not see UPS/FedEx/Philips do maintanence on all of their servers, all at the same time everywhere in the world. Because this would simply **** over 50% or more of their work force. They all have seperate maintanence times per country or time zone at times when all or most of their workers are at home.


Bioware really should not act any different. But then again, maybe it is not Bioware that makes this call. Maybe it is EA... sigh EA.


Well said. We should get EU maintenance at off peak CET time ie 0200 hours CET. Then it really is off peak.

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Last extended maintenance ended up with 20:00 for GMT +1 and 21:00 for GMT+2 with still unstable servers.

How is this good service compared to doing the maintance during down time?


In fact why not take the servers down a bit earlier in the US so the EU maintenance will end up earlier.

It's not like you expect the majority of the Americans to play at 2:00.


Some US fanboy posted:


It's one damn day of maintenance...go outside or watch tv or go play a different game for a few hours...It's not that big of a damn deal geez.


Sure. But since it's one day per week that i pay for, and that sums up to a grand total of 14% of the service time i pay for in one month. So instead of us Europeans paying 15 E/month, we should be paying 12.85 E/month.


While that doesn't sound that much, i'm pretty sure a reduction of 14% in the European income won't feel that nice for them, huh?


Before you come and say "suck it up, it's not prime time"or whatever, consider that more than 75% of the Europeans were unable to access the service they payed for (and they payed more than our American... erm... friends) up until 22:00. Add the infinite ques after that since people tried to log in all at once, evidently.


Highest quality of service, right?

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Well the other half of america would be forced to stop at 10pm then...



But, there is a HUGE difference between having an issue with the current maintenance window, and having and issue with the over run.


I have no problems with the window as it will affect the least number of people. I do however think they should have two periods, not all in one go.


My issue is with the over run. They gave themselves 8 hours, which is a huge amount of time, I thought, so that they wouldn't over run. Thus to have a massive over run afterwards is what I think is unacceptable. But the timing of the window itself, is the best of a bad set up (good set up would be more than one slot).



I'm having an issue with both.


1: This first one is a principle matter, we simply get the lesser service.

They take the US servers down at night/early morning because they know it's convenient.

There is a reason why they do not take them down during the day/early evening.


That's also why they don't take down the servers earlier since it's inconvenient for a part of America, but it's alright to make it inconvenient for the majority of Europe .



2: We all know extended maintenance will happen, and this is no big issue.

How ever with their timing it will cut right into EU prime time while the US can just play during the prime time.


Basically they tell me 'you're a second ranked costumer' but I happen to be one that pays more for a poor service.


I think it's very reasonable to complain and well not paying them for it.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.

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Bioware and some us posters in these thread made me remember this thing: t-shirt, made in China, but sold in USA is by definition of highest possible quality. The same t-shirt sold anywhere outside USA is by definition of low quality.


That comment is related to "highest quality of service" lies.


On subject... point is holiday or not, but EU maintenance time frame should be the same LOCAL time as US local time.

Examples:2:00 AM CST = 2:00 AM CET, 4:00 AM CST = 4:00 AM CET (preferred).






THIS makes sense wont be subbing after this 30 days had enough of BW BS already and i wont be going back to wow as i have never played it :)

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It is also possible that if they did not do all the servers at the same time the European servers would get swamped with people from North America who make alts to just continuing playing and then there would be huge complaints about queue times ( just a thought);)



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Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


You seem to not realize what that time means for europe...

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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


Sounds like the perfect solution. Though I'm sure those US players who think it's fine will suddenly change their minds when they are being affected.

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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


Hehe i would pay for see that, opps i am already paying.:confused:

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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


Please don't give them these ideas.

I'm actually afraid that they would actually do that.

No seriously, I'm actually afraid some one from EA/BW thinks that might be a good idea.

Most people on these forums don't understand what time zones are and I am pretty sure at least half of the American posters can't point out Europe even if it's written on the map.


Just read what you wrote now and ask your self ' what time will it be in Eur oooooh wait'.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Why can't they shift that maintenances - one week 10AM-4PM for US, another week 10AM-4PM for EU. Anyone would have problem with that ? Any reason to not do this like that ? I'm honestly baffled what is stopping that amateurs at Bioware from doing that.
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Sounds like the perfect solution. Though I'm sure those US players who think it's fine will suddenly change their minds when they are being affected.


Of course they will.

I can´t understand one thing, correct me if i am wrong, but in the early access the patching downtimes rotated , so now when the game officially launched why is always at the same hours for us here in europe.

The most fair would be one week for us, the next time for the american customers.

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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


The lady's a genius! This is the perfect solution EA/BW. Although, the forums would probably explode from the QQing...

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