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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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For €20 a month we are getting more than what we pay for... You get about 2 hours at the movies for that price.


20€ month x 1.000.000 subs = 20.000.000€/month ....


YES, they can actually hire a team in every *********** continent

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I have seen most of this globe dude... I am from the US, but live in the EU... Never lived in the mid-west.


The employees are not all over the world. They are in the US... Fact. This is their job, not their life to adjust their family life so you can be happy. I am sure if they jacked the monthly sub to 50 EUR a month perhaps they can hire some some people for an IT Satellite Office in the EU.


For €20 a month we are getting more than what we pay for... You get about 2 hours at the movies for that price.


So... what you're saying is that we should pay more than people in the U.S. and accept crappier service.. because well, they don't want to work at night?


Sorry. I work for a large ISP. What do you think happens when we start telling our customers "no sorry, we're no longer going to do maintenance during the night.. you know, we have families."


I'm sure they'd be VERY understanding. :rolleyes:

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And here we go some more.


Quote from Amber Green (source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108220 )


Hello everyone, we wanted to let you know that we will be performing scheduled maintenance for eight hours on January 4th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET. All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours, but could be extended.


Generally speaking we are aiming to limit our scheduled maintenance period to once a week, on Tuesdays. However, this week we will perform maintenance on Wednesday due to the New Year’s holiday. We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players. We are also aiming to inform players of the precise duration of any weekly maintenance period at least 24 hours before the maintenance begins.


So next week we're not only getting maintenance during the day on tuesday. But also on Wednesday? And it "could be extended".


Sorry, but this is pissing me off now. Not only are we blatantly ignored in this thread (with the exception of one ridiculous reply) but now we get two of these maintenances two days in a row?


And if that maintenance is extended at all - and I really would be surprised if it wasn't.. - I would love to see how 6PM CET is off-peak for the European players. It might not be THE peak, which will probably be around 8PM CET. But it's definitely not one of the quietest times during the day.


I hate to sound this negative, because I truly enjoy the game. But this simply doesn't sit right with me.

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We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players.


Why do you continue to say this? It's not good customer service to just say one thing when everybody knows the opposite is true: america get's it at an off peak time, because they have priority. EU just get shafted.

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This is absolute bollox. Now we have another maintenance window on January 4th where the servers will once again be down until up to 7pm in the EU (GMT +3), even longer if it overruns again. To make matters worse, they have also taken the servers down two hours earlier than last time...


BioWare, sort it out FFS, you are taking the piss now.


We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players.


Guess what, between 5pm and 7pm is NOT off peak, do you think we are all bloody stupid or what?

Edited by Mandrax
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Hello everyone, we wanted to let you know that we will be performing scheduled maintenance for eight hours on January 4th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET. All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours, but could be extended.


Generally speaking we are aiming to limit our scheduled maintenance period to once a week, on Tuesdays. However, this week we will perform maintenance on Wednesday due to the New Year’s holiday. We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players. We are also aiming to inform players of the precise duration of any weekly maintenance period at least 24 hours before the maintenance begins.


For our new players, this weekly maintenance is done in order to make general improvements and to check performance of the game so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience. Quite often (but not always) after a maintenance period there will a patch to download. Please be sure to update your launcher after any maintenance period.


LOAD OF BOLLOCKS! OFF PEAK MY ARSE! that is not off peak its bloody peak time in EU

Edited by Raigon
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Why do you continue to say this? It's not good customer service to just say one thing when everybody knows the opposite is true: america get's it at an off peak time, because they have priority. EU just get shafted.


What the are saying, if we drop political correct crap, is "YOU, EU CUSTOMERS, ARE NOTHING AND WE DON'T CARE".


Worst customer service so far. BW should make public apologies for insulting EU customers with this nonsense (i mean "we are aiming ...." messages).


This is absolute bollox. Now we have another maintenance window on January 4th where the servers will once again be down until up to 7pm in the EU (GMT +3), even longer if it overruns again. To make matters worse, they have also taken the servers down two hours earlier than last time...


BioWare, sort it out FFS, you are taking the piss now.




Guess what, between 5pm and 7pm is NOT off peak, do you think we are all bloody stupid or what?


And in Moscow (Russia) it's GMT+4...

Edited by Alexx_T
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I have seen most of this globe dude... I am from the US, but live in the EU... Never lived in the mid-west.


The employees are not all over the world. They are in the US... Fact. This is their job, not their life to adjust their family life so you can be happy. I am sure if they jacked the monthly sub to 50 EUR a month perhaps they can hire some some people for an IT Satellite Office in the EU.


For €20 a month we are getting more than what we pay for... You get about 2 hours at the movies for that price.


I'm sorry but that just NOT a valid point.


Fact : Other MMO's have European & American Servers. Their maintenance are done in the off peaks of both regions meaning night time on weekdays.


No matter what anybody would claim, 10 AM CET to 17 PM CET is NOT off peak hours.


And no matter how many time that Bioware / EA claims that this is because it's a global service this is simply not true. The European servers are in Ireland. So their maintenance should be done by a team their during the off peak hours aka nighttime.


There is an easy resolve to all of this. Maintenance during nigh time.


To me this just seems like a fatal oversight on Bioware / EA 's account that they did not have a server team ready for the official launch and now both american and european servers are probably being done by the same team in america.


You're paying european customers (who contrary to believe on the other continent) are not a small percentage of you're player base are being getting the short end of the stick and they are not putting up with it. Seeing how these posts just keep growing I sincerely hope that they are already working on this.


Long story short, Bioware / EA made a mistake and they need to get a dedicated European server team up quickly.


Make it happen !

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If we get this kind of crap every single week I may have to evaluate the respect I hold for BioWare. Just read that the January 4th maintenance is in the exact same window, nay, even longer this time. I will not expect BioWare to change this before January is over, but if the first maintenance in February is still in this exact same timeslot I'll be very, very annoyed.


To reiterate what others have said: no frikking way is this off peak for Europeans. It's off peak for Americans, but the European side gets sodomised again. This is not acceptable planning, BioWare, change it.


You have plenty of money, just hire an Ireland-based team of engineers who can work during the night. We pay you just as much as we paid Blizzard, who apparently seem to care more on the customer-side than you do right now. And that realisation is pretty gruesome.


So, again, get this sorted. Being unable to play a whole day during normal work hours is not off peak, and I don't give a tiny rat's arse about the official party line: you're shafting us, and we may not like it very much.

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but if the first maintenance in February is still in this exact same timeslot I'll be very, very annoyed.


Unfortunately, judging by this thread, I doubt they care about if you're annoyed or not.


On a side note, I wonder how did they came to a conclusion that least people play on tuesday?

Because that's day early acces began and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because that's day game officially launched and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because last tuesday during those hours amount of people playing was equal zero?

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When you think that the service can't go to worst... they do.


This is an insult to all europeans customers, if you did want us playing your "excellent" game, you had not sold it in Europe.


Come on boys! You can do it better, in the next manteniance announcement you can say: "We're aiming to your EU arses, rise them and pepare yourself for a a new..."


The only solution is that all of us cancel our accounts to make they change their customer policy towards europe. I'm going to do it inmediatly.


And a last advice to those BW comunity managers, those who only close and move threads to their convenience instead to listen the justified protest of a big mass of customers.

If you want to beat Wow and Blizzard... this is not the way guys

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I guess it's sematics then because I view him saying "we are taking steps to address that" as saying yeah we know we messed up this week and we're looking into ways to address that mess up. But the remainder of the post is relevant because the majority of these threads are claiming the maintenance is during EU Prime Time. Well it isn't they have fewer players on during the current maintenance window.


Drintar, drop the fanboism please.


It is clear that the "lower population" Bioware are claiming is not lower EU population, but lower GLOBAL population. They do that in order to try and avoid doing separate time maintenance for EU, US and maybe Asia/Pacific.

You can argue if we should ask for separate maintenance or not, you can argue what hours would be best, but do not join Bioware in the "insult EU players intelligence by making up lame excuses" bandwagon.


Also... 8 hours maintenance period WEEKLY? Are you running your game on Amigas or something? You should call Trion and learn from them, really!

Edited by Doctorfun
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I earlier mentioned that i canceled my sub, for some reason people dont agree with this...


I just dont see why not, canceling your sub is a great way to provoke a response from BW/EA. When you cancel you simply state that the reason is because of the really bad maintenance hours. And the more people do this, the quicker we should get a response.


Do i wish to quit playing the game? No.

Have i canceled because BW/EA shafts us for about 52 days of gametime? Yes.


I dont expect BW/EA to sort this overnight, but some response in regards to the issue would be nice. Simply saing that they are looking into it, and wil try to find a way to make it more balanced for EU would suffice.

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This is absolutely ridiculous and incompetence of the highest order. Obviously I'm emoing because it's cutting into my play time but who on earth in their right mind doesn't put EU maintenance on a night-cycle.


This might be a subscription ender for me if it carries on like this permanently.


Yeah i agree, incompetence o the highest lvl. We alredy know they ignore EU play times.

They are trying in the goos old US way to make more money this way. $ is everything right.

So again because of greed half the player base gets screwed over.


I alredy heard players on vent angry over this talking if this keeps up they will un sub

for the game.

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Unfortunately, judging by this thread, I doubt they care about if you're annoyed or not.


On a side note, I wonder how did they came to a conclusion that least people play on tuesday?

Because that's day early acces began and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because that's day game officially launched and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because last tuesday during those hours amount of people playing was equal zero?


Good questions actually. I think it's impossible to know yet which time people play the least on since the game has only launched less than 2 weeks ago and we're still in the holiday season. I'm venturing a guess and say BioWare pulled the non-specified number out of their behinds to justify doing the maintenance when they're doing it. It's a baseless justification to avoid having to face the fact that they simply don't care about their European customers enough to get us our own tech squad.


Also, what they're effectively saying is that fewer people are affected by doing the maintenance during the night in America and during the day in Europe, than when they would split up the maintenance, hire a European crew, and do both maintenances during the night. That boggles my mind.


Doing the European maintenance during the European night hours was apparently never an option. The game has been in development for 4+ years and not once someone thought it might be a good idea to have dedicated EU servers ánd a maintenance crew to match. It's not as if they don't have the money, the game's got over a million subscribers and just as many box sales, and that number is likely to increase as the holidays come to an end and people actually have the time to play.


And also, why does it have to be every week? Seriously? I don't want to pay 13 euros a month to play 6 days a week when other games let me play 7 days for the same money.

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Something has to change , not soon, asap with the european customers.

We are loosing 1 day a week while american customers can play with no problems at all.

We deserve the same service.

The account will be canceled if you don't change this situation.

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While I don't like using a childish "if you don't do what I say, I cancel my subscription" statement..


I just cancelled both mine and the missus' account.


Over this? That's a bit drastic and silly. Aren't you working until 4/5/6/7PM anyway?


Regardless this is absolutely astonishing and does need tweaking. It's more when the maintenance runs on for an extra five hours. So 4PM turns into 9PM. That has my worry. But that won't happen often. Perhaps once a month, once every two? Even then it's unfair. North America would break this forum in two if it was the other way around.

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I have my principles really, that's all. I worked for years in customer service for a large ISP. If we do **** like this to our customers, they go to a different service provider.


Wether or not it seems silly, the only way to make a company feel they're making mistakes.. is their wallet. They definitely don't make it apparent they understand the situation in this thread.

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We are just asking for a fair treatment, it is not fair that an american customer get the downtime while he is sleeping and dreaming with Katy Perry or angels... and a european player is eating every week a patch during the day.

Just turn the downtime in europe and america and you will see how mature and understandings are their customers there.

Just as an experiment the next patch time do it this way.

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