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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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At 1.30pm GMT, most EU Servers are at Very Heavy or Full


at 10am GMT most EU Servers are at Standard or Heavy


At 7am GMT most EU servers are at Light




Thus, HOW can it be stated that 10am - 4pm GMT is the least disruptive time?


NOT for the EU it is not.

Edited by KrazieFox
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Can I please pay in USD or bristish pounds?


1month Subscription

14.99 USD ~ 11.6 EUR

8.99 GBP ~ 10.7 EUR

12.99 EUR = 12.99 EUR


It might be possible to buy game cards in GBP rather than EUR. I know that in other games many players have done just that.

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At 1.30pm GMT, most EU Servers are at Very Heavy or Full


at 10am GMT most EU Servers are at Standard or Heavy


At 7am GMT most EU servers are at Light




Thus, HOW can it be stated that 10am - 4pm GMT is the least disruptive time?


NOT for the EU it is not.


Indeed. At the moment we currently have 17 full servers, 26 very heavy and 13 heavy servers. Seems like a very well populated time to me....

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Its only 1 day a week. You don't have to play every day.


I guess i only feel this way since this is the first MMO i have every played.


I read only a few post on here but a lot of people were complaining because it was the holiday season. After that don' t you guys work or go to school? 10am to 4pm? I can't play during those hours. Did you just want them to wait till after the holiday season for patching?


Not flaming or trolling.. just new to MMOs. I've been pissed off at Call of duty when they decide to patch the game at 10pm on a Friday.

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Its only 1 day a week. You don't have to play every day.


I guess i only feel this way since this is the first MMO i have every played.


I read only a few post on here but a lot of people were complaining because it was the holiday season. After that don' t you guys work or go to school? 10am to 4pm? I can't play during those hours. Did you just want them to wait till after the holiday season for patching?


Not flaming or trolling.. just new to MMOs. I've been pissed off at Call of duty when they decide to patch the game at 10pm on a Friday.


Think about the people who have plans on 5 nights a week (school, work, pta meeting, whatever) and only have 2 nights to play and one of them is tuesday? Not everyone has flexible schedules.

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Its only 1 day a week. You don't have to play every day.


I guess i only feel this way since this is the first MMO i have every played.


I read only a few post on here but a lot of people were complaining because it was the holiday season. After that don' t you guys work or go to school? 10am to 4pm? I can't play during those hours. Did you just want them to wait till after the holiday season for patching?


Not flaming or trolling.. just new to MMOs. I've been pissed off at Call of duty when they decide to patch the game at 10pm on a Friday.


The point is, it's not the quietest time to do maintenance on EU servers. There are other times that are better. Almost every other decent MMO does maintenance on EU servers through the night EU time.


The other issue of course is that 4pm GMT is 6pm in countries that use GMT+2. When the servers came up on the 27th after the extended maintenance, it was 8.30pm. Yes the maintenance overran which is why it was later, but had they done it earlier or at a better time, peak hours would not have been used to carry out maintenance.


You really need to read more of the thread if you want to get a full understanding of the issues.

Edited by Mandrax
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Ok I didn't go through 51 pages to see if this was mentioned in here...


Q: What is your european strategy? Will you keep putting maintenence on day / primetime for europe?


The unfortunate reality of maintenance windows is that someone, somewhere, is always going to be affected.


Our European prime-time - which is when we have our highest PCUs across all servers - has actually not been impacted by our current maintenance windows. It's later in the evening, not during the day.


That said, this week we did overrun, and we know that many EU players were on holiday too, so that wasn't good. We're taking steps to address that.


Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/nty9d/im_stephen_reid_senior_community_manager_for_star/


make that 71 pages lol

Edited by Drintar
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The point is, it's not the quietest time to do maintenance on EU servers. There are other times that are better. Almost every other decent MMO does maintenance on EU servers through the night EU time.


The other issue of course is that 4pm GMT is 6pm in countries that use GMT+2. When the servers came up on the 27th after the extended maintenance, it was 8.30pm. Yes the maintenance overran which is why it was later, but had they done it earlier or at a better time, peak hours would not have been used to carry out maintenance.


You really need to read more of the thread if you want to get a full understanding of the issues.


According to Stephen Reid you are wrong

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I'm still going to wait for an actual official acknowlidgement of the oversight of the maintanence time and it going directly over prime time to 8:30 in the evening in my time zone before subsribing again.


I translate the 'thank you for your patience' 'screw you EU players' considering they knew what was going to happen and I even called them out on it before hand.


So far not impressed by EA's handeling of anything in this game except milking money out of starwars.

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After that don' t you guys work or go to school? 10am to 4pm?


Think this might explain it a bit more for the Americans.




Basically the minority of Europe falls under 10 AM and 4 PM.

For most of the people it's from 11:00 to 17:00 or 12:00 to 18:00.


When you have an extended maintenance which isn't uncommon in a new MMO it cuts into our prime time.

This could all be solved if they either scheduled the maintenance 2-3 hours earlier or simply have separated maintenances.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I'm still going to wait for an actual official acknowlidgement of the oversight of the maintanence time and it going directly over prime time to 8:30 in the evening in my time zone before subsribing again.


I translate the 'thank you for your patience' 'screw you EU players' considering they knew what was going to happen and I even called them out on it before hand.


So far not impressed by EA's handeling of anything in this game except milking money out of starwars.


There was one see my quote two posts above yours.

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There was one see my quote two posts above yours.


Thats a quote of them saying that EU peak time is later in the evening.


And "That said, this week we did overrun, and we know that many EU players were on holiday too, so that wasn't good. We're taking steps to address that. " is like saying "whoops. Oh well happens" not actually saying they didn't think trough the entire situation to begin with.


They actually are not taking any reponsibility of the situation just downplaying it as much as they can and trying to reason why they should not have to say "sorry".

Edited by Sohtaraz
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They actually are not taking any reponsibility of the situation just downplaying it as much as they can and trying to reason why they should not have to say "sorry".


That's what bothers me.

They down play it and avoid taking the blame, even resort to insulting their costumers with arrogant remarks.


Yes when you say sorry because you made such a huge blunder it does make you look incompetent.

But you know what a honest apology and a promise to fix it with in 1 month or so would have made a lot of people happy.

In fact I can appreciate such an answer even with such a mistake, after all I want this game to succeed as a gamer.



But now they look incompetent and arrogant and show that they have no interest to make things being made smooth for the EU countries that have GMT +1,+2,+3.

The next extended maintenance might end up being up to 22:00 and what will we get 'dude the EULA learn2read' because that will be the next answer to avoid taking the blame.


All that because they can't take responsibility.

The desire to make excuses is bigger than the desire to address the problem

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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That's what bothers me.

They down play it and avoid taking the blame, even resort to insulting their costumers with arrogant remarks.


Yes when you say sorry because you made such a huge blunder it does make you look incompetent.

But you know what a honest apology and a promise to fix it with in 1 month or so would have made a lot of people happy.

In fact I can appreciate such an answer even with such a mistake, after all I want this game to succeed as a gamer.



But now they look incompetent and arrogant and show that they have no interest to make things being made smooth for the EU countries that have GMT +1,+2,+3.



All that because they can't take responsibility.


This. I would be a fine with a "sorry" and "do to technical dificulties at this time we can't get eu on a seperate maintanence time" but now its just the "well your a marginal group that is not as important as the rest, were marking you off as a calculated casualtie" is pritty much insultive as you can get as a consumer. No reasons, no sort of explonation other then calculated casulties in peaktimes.

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Thats a quote of them saying that EU peak time is later in the evening.


And "That said, this week we did overrun, and we know that many EU players were on holiday too, so that wasn't good. We're taking steps to address that. " is like saying "whoops. Oh well happens" not actually saying they didn't think trough the entire situation to begin with.


They actually are not taking any reponsibility of the situation just downplaying it as much as they can and trying to reason why they should not have to say "sorry".


I guess it's sematics then because I view him saying "we are taking steps to address that" as saying yeah we know we messed up this week and we're looking into ways to address that mess up. But the remainder of the post is relevant because the majority of these threads are claiming the maintenance is during EU Prime Time. Well it isn't they have fewer players on during the current maintenance window.

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At 1.30pm GMT, most EU Servers are at Very Heavy or Full


at 10am GMT most EU Servers are at Standard or Heavy


At 7am GMT most EU servers are at Light




Thus, HOW can it be stated that 10am - 4pm GMT is the least disruptive time?


NOT for the EU it is not.


I'd also like to call out BioWare on this and stamp it with BS. There's no way regular daytime counts as the least disruptive time.


Sure, it's the least disruptive time for the Merkans. Maybe that's what they meant...

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Best opt is canceling the sub, then see if it will lead to anything. It should, after all, they want our money. So they should do a little extra effort to get it.


I'm not going to cancel my sub over this, and I'm sure the majority of people threatening to do so wouldn't either. But I do hope BioWare sees reason and understands that you cannot simply cater to the American portion of your player base and tell the other half to go beep themselves.

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I'm not going to cancel my sub over this, and I'm sure the majority of people threatening to do so wouldn't either. But I do hope BioWare sees reason and understands that you cannot simply cater to the American portion of your player base and tell the other half to go beep themselves.


I wont cancel either, but at the same time I'm not going to take it lying down, I intend to keep posting in threads like these until the issue is addressed properly.

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I wont cancel either, but at the same time I'm not going to take it lying down, I intend to keep posting in threads like these until the issue is addressed properly.


That I can agree with, and I will also do this until the playing field is leveled :D

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that is not an u.s. game. that is a game that is sold all over the world with subscriptions from people all over the world. and very probably non u.s. subscriptions already eclipsed u.s. subscriptions due to - well duh - the population/market in approx 6 billion population being greater than a measly 300 million population.


break out of your shell. a world outside your dusty midwest state, exists.


I have seen most of this globe dude... I am from the US, but live in the EU... Never lived in the mid-west.


The employees are not all over the world. They are in the US... Fact. This is their job, not their life to adjust their family life so you can be happy. I am sure if they jacked the monthly sub to 50 EUR a month perhaps they can hire some some people for an IT Satellite Office in the EU.


For €20 a month we are getting more than what we pay for... You get about 2 hours at the movies for that price.

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