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It's now official, ranked got spit on! (Season 2 Rewards Released)


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I guess damage control wasn't in the deck of cards, which tells me they're actually fine with these, and really don't care what others think. Glad Alex picked peoples brain with this thread back in April, because it shows how much they listened to this community.


Welcome to TOR PvP folks, where mediocrity drives the short bus.



Edited by Pistols
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I like how they describe Giradda as bounteous. About as bounteous as a 3 year old with a pack of his favourite sweets. I also find it hilarious they deleted the thread where they asked for suggestions.


Absolute *********** joke. It's as if they saw all the threads complaining and decided 'screw it, post the blog and let's have a laugh'.


An intern could have come up with those rewards in an afternoon. Season 3 is going to be deserted. Unless of course they're not going to bother with that either.

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feels like they were too busy working on the next Cartel pack and expansion stuff that when they realized s2 was nearing it's end it was like "oh ****, we forgot to do the rewards. So what can we throw together really really fast."


I'd also suggest that you'll see similar type rewards that are re-skins of these somewhere in the pve line ups soon.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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Time to stop caring guys. Let the game be what it is, a $500 million failure to launch. Personally I unsubbed about 2 weeks ago and these rewards just reinforce my decision.


If you're finding it hard to move on from this game, as is bound to happen (it takes soooo much time and effort to get a toon to 55, not to mention fully min-maxed in brut), I suggest you do what I did and find another game that interests you, and then slowly transition from one to the other. The *******st part about mmo's is that initial "getting to know the game" period, but once you start to get familiar with another game and realize just how terrible SWTOR is, you'll find yourself naturally wanting to play that second game instead of dealing with the awful state of swtor, especially if you're a pvper. At first I hated WildStar, but after playing it more and more I can't wait to get home every day to log in. Remember that feeling?


Breaking up is hard to do. SWTOR has been an amazing and fun experience but it's time to move on. It was fun while it lasted.

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The devs are probably thinking. We put a hat on the cm and pvers wet their pants and throw money at us. We give pvprs stuff for free and they moan. Of course they are going to cater to the gullib.. I mean easier to please group.
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why the hell is the player in the screenshot one of the real players in the solo leaderboard?


( second place mercenary and first place commando i assume : http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/comando-mercenary )


and how do he do to have is arms crossed? Is he a dev?


lol yes kand is a dev hahaha

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I guess damage control wasn't in the deck of cards, which tells me they're actually fine with these, and really don't care what others think. Glad Alex picked peoples brain with this thread back in April, because it shows how much they listened to this community.


Welcome to TOR PvP folks, where mediocrity drives the short bus.




As I said elsewhere, I'm glad I stopped toying with Ranked after week one. As of now I question whether even that effort is worth the holobarge and trophy, but what is blatantly obvious is that they paid almost zero attention to the suggestions that they asked for in their own thread.


Season Three I will get some wins on day one and call it there unless they show prizes that are worth the effort.

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Considering how a lot player got their high ranks the prizes are more than good enough. If you played ranked this season you know that there are a lot players who dont deserve anything at all.


Ranked has a lot of problems but one the biggest are the people who play them and how they exploit it.


It need more players so arranged matches and synch q arent a issue and cross server asap.

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The devs have said its a tiny minority that play ranked. Why would they use their time to make rewards for something that clearly isn't popular.


If you want better rewards you're going to need more players to be taking part in ranked. With the way pvp is now thats never going to happen. So instead of crying about not getting a unique mount you should be asking the devs to improve pvp so that more people are interested in it. That starts with getting new players into regs without turning them off pvp before they even think about ranked.


Just make it so at a certain valor rank around 70 you are moved upto ranked. That way you won't have undergeared players or pvers after relics ruining teams and you won't have full brut premades in regs turning new players off pvp.


If a group is split between vr then just queue them to the highest member. Most pvp mmos split players to pvp rank not lump new and min/max endgamers together.

Edited by Tellenn
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I'm just surprised that people are surprised by this. When bioware asks what you think they should do, they're only asking so they can do the opposite. In all honesty, pvpers are a very small minority in this game, I gave up expecting anything out of them regarding pvp a long time ago. Edited by JaingSkiratapwns
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