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ok well just had an annoying experience


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well we were in an ops group for sm eyeless right after a run of hm that took like 4 times to take down. So we ask if we can invite replacements for the guys already locked out of sm right, and they tell us we can, I invite a guildy and 2 more guys are on the way. But then 10 minutes later the ops group leader starts saying "ok lets go 1 minute til I pull I aint waiting for sm", despite some objections and one guy who was already close to the door ( but slowed down due to imp trouble), instead of waiting 5 more minutes they started and several members of the group insulted us for standing up for them, saying " they never should have joined an ops group if they were not on planet" and "we waited 30 minutes (my timestamp in chat said 10 minutes) its their fault no excuse".



Now is that right that we should just go fu to the replacements or should a group wait 5 more minutes? they even had the audacity to call the replacements inconsiderate for joining an ops group thats almost full. No one had posed objections when we were inviting replacements, and one guy was just from the last run who had switched characters to do sm on, so again, was it right to screw them all over or not? because really that felt cold seeing them do that, I have seen tons of groups wait for all members to come ( unless they don't respond to chat and are clearly afk) yet these guys kind of let them go to dust, saying it was their fault for joining the group. Any thoughts on this people, I kind of feel bad for my guildy now...

Edited by Sangrar
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The operation leader should have been more clear on how to get replacements, such as going outside into the tunnels and broadcast or tell people in the op to grab friends who are nearby. With that said, 10 minutes wait for people to get there is actually fairly generous. Edited by Oneirophrenia
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That ops leader was in the wrong. If there was a communication breakdown, fine. But to allow the entire group to hurl insults at the person who had replacements on the way? That person was a hat that goes on the rear end, if you know what I mean.


10 minutes is not too long to wait. 30 minutes - with clear communication and proper expectations - is not too long either. You did nothing wrong, and it sucks that your guildy went through all that effort only to be treated like garbage by some jerks who would rather fail than wait for someone to walk in the door. Put all of them on /ignore and never run with them again.

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Perhaps..they thought there were people just waiting by the tunnel elevator...who were just waiting for the ops to fail


so they could rush in..OR anyone can make it down there in just 5 mins say from fleet...I agree with the guy above this


one...forget it.

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I "don't know why but I" couldn't finish reading the thing. What was the matter? They didn't get the group the OP wanted? Or he couldn't solo it and he's mad?


ok short(er) version: they had us get replacements, and one guy switched alts ( who I found out an hour later was the guy who formed the freakin group in the first place) and instead of waiting jsut 5 more minutes ( especially since that one guy was close to to the phase entrance) the tank just said "aggroing in one minute", aggroed and started the fight, and then blamed the replacements for joining the group "when it was almost full" and the guy who formed the group for "switching alts".

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People are very impatient. It's like they have to go back to the fleet and jump around.... lol



I have had the same thing happen and I don't understand it. And yes it is annoying. The only way to avoid it is to the the the lead. And even then you will here whining.


The only exception is and open world WB. Sometimes you have to pull asap because other groups are there looking to steal it away.

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ok short(er) version: they had us get replacements, and one guy switched alts ( who I found out an hour later was the guy who formed the freakin group in the first place) and instead of waiting jsut 5 more minutes ( especially since that one guy was close to to the phase entrance) the tank just said "aggroing in one minute", aggroed and started the fight, and then blamed the replacements for joining the group "when it was almost full" and the guy who formed the group for "switching alts".


I see. Oh well, welcome to the Internetz, I guess. The best thing is just to shrug and move on. There is not much more you can do about it anyway. I mean it's just a game, after all, not like sh** hitting the fan IRL...;)

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I don't believe it's reasonable to expect anyone to wait for a PUG storymode in an event. There are literally dozens of people in the tunnels that would love to join.


Hard Mode I can understand. Not story mode.


Then they shouldn't have agreed to get replacements in the first place. If someone wasn't willing to wait, they should have said so and the group could have grabbed people from outside. But to wait until AFTER someone has switched to an alt and is almost at the door is just rude.

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The operation leader should have been more clear on how to get replacements, such as going outside into the tunnels and broadcast or tell people in the op to grab friends who are nearby. With that said, 10 minutes wait for people to get there is actually fairly generous.


^ This... 10 min is more than enough time for people to get their act together and get there.


Use the Legacy travel to the Outlaws Den, then use Quick Travel back to home base, then use the instant speeder to the tunnels, then use a mount to run through the place, shouldn't take but 3-4 min at most...


From Fleet to Op, I'll bet I could do it in under 2 min if I was pushing... 10 min is more than enough time...

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10 minutes is not too long to wait. 30 minutes - with clear communication and proper expectations - is not too long either.


That is an opinion of course... IMHO, 30 min is insane... what are people doing, cooking dinner?


I have found that people are running around in circles, stopping off to do mail or GTN or other crap... 30 min, you could speeder across Alderan... :)

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That is an opinion of course... IMHO, 30 min is insane... what are people doing, cooking dinner?


I have found that people are running around in circles, stopping off to do mail or GTN or other crap... 30 min, you could speeder across Alderan... :)


Okay, for the SM Eyeless, 30 minutes would be absurd :D But for other operations, sometimes people are still gathering and you set a time to start blah blah.


But since you asked, here are some excuses I have heard for long waits:

  • Waiting for lockout to clear
  • Ninja family dinners (no seriously, someone had to stop and have dinner with guests, had no idea why they were there and he left his mike on the whole time - most boring family ever)
  • Waiting for a hilt to finish crafting


But really, the point is communication. When people agree to wait or not wait, changing your mind at the last second is just rude. If everyone else has agreed to wait for someone, one person running up and aggroing is rude. That's really the part I want to get across.

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So, you invite someone in the ops group, he joins, you wait for him for ten minutes, and he's not there? Of course it's time to start the op! What has he been doing those ten minutes, rakghoul dailies? Everyone else could be doing their own thing, too, but they were waiting for _him_.


When the group's ready and waiting for you, you run to your ship, go to tatooine, shuttle to the Spike and speed to the tunnels. That much is obvious.


Waiting makes sense if you're waiting for a guild tank/heal to relog, or waiting to find a good off-tank on the fleet. When a group's ready and someone's away doing their thing, that's no excuse. Especially if it's Eyeless SM.

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The guy that pulled was being impatient. The OPs leader was probably irresponsible for allowing the situation to escalate to the point where insults where being used. At the end of the day though, PUGs happen. Brush it off, put the people who didn't get along with on ignore and move on to the next group. Drama in a PUG isn't worth raising your blood-pressure.
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I don't believe it's reasonable to expect anyone to wait for a PUG storymode in an event. There are literally dozens of people in the tunnels that would love to join.


Hard Mode I can understand. Not story mode.


I agree with this. OPs leader could have handled it better, but waiting 10 minutes on 1 guy in SM during a short term event is a little much.

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You get jerks in groups sometimes, you just gotta deal.


I had one during the gree event, i was invited to an op i asked if it was both sm and hm was told yes in a whisper by group leader, so i said i was omw. I was going from the base having just got planet side and posted my lfg. Literally about 1 minute later i am geting grief from them for not being able to get there in two seconds. So i tell them i am going as fast as i can.


So i get into the ship, i get to the entrance there is the full spawn of droids, none of the group that could have got there from the instance entrance easily even tries to help me get past, and i die. The second i do i see in chat 'OMG i can't believe were getting messed about by a dps' so i inform them i wiped on the droids outside.


So i get in do the sm, then they all disapear no hm, despite the fact that i had advertised looking for both back to back, and had been told it was, so i whispered the leader who had been the main griefer, told him what i thought of his attitude, then added him to ignore before he could respond.


It's not fair when you get people that grief, lie or mess you about, but it happens from time to time, just block em and move on.

Edited by Rusah
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I agree with this. OPs leader could have handled it better, but waiting 10 minutes on 1 guy in SM during a short term event is a little much.


Then the group should have said they were not willing to wait 10 minutes, instead of waiting 4 minutes and losing all patience. That's just rude, and that behavior is completely inappropriate. If someone is just taking their sweet time, that's also rude and inappropriate. But when both parties agree on waiting a certain amount of time and continue to communicate while waiting, for one side to decide it is suddenly too long to wait just makes the game more horrible for everyone.

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Im gonna side with the Ops group here and say you probably didn't read everything they said.


If someone was on a time schedule, or had other things (IE, Raids) to get to, and they were in the HM group, they shouldn't be forced to wait or drop for some guy to load Into tatooine, and then the Tunnels, just to run the ops.


Especially since you can 4 man/8 man the 8m/16m versions of story mode.


You probably just missed this. And yes, it's unfair and rude to expect 12 people to wait 15 minutes just so you can have a guild mate, instead of just grabbing a random from the tunnels.

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Im gonna side with the Ops group here and say you probably didn't read everything they said.


If someone was on a time schedule, or had other things (IE, Raids) to get to, and they were in the HM group, they shouldn't be forced to wait or drop for some guy to load Into tatooine, and then the Tunnels, just to run the ops.


Especially since you can 4 man/8 man the 8m/16m versions of story mode.


You probably just missed this. And yes, it's unfair and rude to expect 12 people to wait 15 minutes just so you can have a guild mate, instead of just grabbing a random from the tunnels.


Nah the OPs group was impatient is all. Whenever I'm in an OPs I always wait for people to arrive before pulling, it's just polite. As long as they are their way, I don't mind.

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Everybody's computer is not a BEAST. it takes some ppl longer to load than others. Personally I've only run that OP once. I was asked by the OP leader along with 2 other ppl to meet the 2 ppl we were waiting for at the "base camp" & escort them thru the tunnel. We would up waiting about 15 min tops. It wasn't that big a deal....


The cats you were dealing with Op, were just impatient as hell. If he/they didn't want to wait they should have made it known, and invited someone already in the tunnels.

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