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Hypercrates, ultimate rip off

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Bought two since they were half off and I figured why not, might get one of the cool new mounts.


Like... NO mounts... the pack was so worthless I actually feel unwell. I will never ever buy another one. I will discourage people from buying them. Better value or get lost EA.

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Bought two since they were half off and I figured why not, might get one of the cool new mounts.


Like... NO mounts... the pack was so worthless I actually feel unwell. I will never ever buy another one. I will discourage people from buying them. Better value or get lost EA.

Do you also complain when you lose all your cash while playing a slot machine at a casino? I would hope not.

People really need to grasp the meaning of RNG.


Person 1 buys two Hypercrates and gets nothing of value.

Person 2 buys a single pack and gets a Walker/Rancor or w/e.


That's just how it works. If you can't deal with having bad luck, don't buy things that distribute items randomly. It's really as simple as that. I'm playing (off and on) since release and haven't bought a single Hypercrate and like 5-6 individual packs for the exact same reason.

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Do you also complain when you lose all your cash while playing a slot machine at a casino? I would hope not.

People really need to grasp the meaning of RNG.


Person 1 buys two Hypercrates and gets nothing of value.

Person 2 buys a single pack and gets a Walker/Rancor or w/e.


That's just how it works. If you can't deal with having bad luck, don't buy things that distribute items randomly. It's really as simple as that. I'm playing (off and on) since release and haven't bought a single Hypercrate and like 5-6 individual packs for the exact same reason.


Pretty much...

It can even be worse with Person 1 getting a Rancor every third pack, while Person 2 gets absolutely nada.

If you don't feel like playing a game of chance, but you do want to use Cartel Coins to get something that's in a pack... next time just sell the packs and let someone else play the lottery.

Then use the money to buy whatever you wanted in the first place.


I think on most servers the packs go for 250-400k, so you'd be looking at 6-9.6 million credits (minus the market fee... which is 5% I think? Or 10% at most?)

That'll buy you pretty much any mount, with the exception of the current walkers who all seem to be going for over 10 mill (which should tell you something about their rarity) and handful of other super rares.

And even if you were going for the walker, those millions would bring you pretty close to it.

Edited by Callaron
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but can't we please get a better method? It's a significant amount of money to drop for such a poor result. I don't mind paying for some cool extras, which is what packs and such have been in other games I've played. Paying for social boosts, blue companion gifts and some vendor trash is a bit on the nose though.


I've got friends I want to play swtor with me but they don't like how expensive it is. It's definitely one of the more cash heavy MMO's. I guess I'm just feeling a bit worn thin at finally buckling to a hypercrate... two in fact... and getting a stiff middle finger for my money.

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but can't we please get a better method? It's a significant amount of money to drop for such a poor result. I don't mind paying for some cool extras, which is what packs and such have been in other games I've played. Paying for social boosts, blue companion gifts and some vendor trash is a bit on the nose though.


I've got friends I want to play swtor with me but they don't like how expensive it is. It's definitely one of the more cash heavy MMO's. I guess I'm just feeling a bit worn thin at finally buckling to a hypercrate... two in fact... and getting a stiff middle finger for my money.


Yeah, it sucks... =/

The only reason I've ever bought hyperpacks has been to max my reputation with that faction. I always fully expect I'll get utter crap, and I'm generally right.

Every now and then I get an item that's worth a million on the GTN or something, but never any of the really expensive items.


Of course that's partly because I never buy them unless they are heavily discounted, and everything has already dropped in price because the pack has been around for so long. :p

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I've got friends I want to play swtor with me but they don't like how expensive it is. It's definitely one of the more cash heavy MMO's. I guess I'm just feeling a bit worn thin at finally buckling to a hypercrate... two in fact... and getting a stiff middle finger for my money.

And that's perfectly understandable, I'd be just as pissed as you.

The thing is, people blow a sh*tload of money on Hypercrates, some of them up to several thousand Euro/dollars. And a lot of them don't have your mentality - so that even when they only get the arguably "bad" items, they keep buying Hypercrates over and over again with every new pack.

So from an income-producing point of view, BW will never ever change that particular aspect of the CM.

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Hypercrates are very good for one thing - selling them unopened and then buying your rancor/walker. Still way too expensive, though.


Anyway, I have a hypercrate-related questions. Those starfighter packs are on sale now, right? Do they have cartel market certificates inside? And, if yes, what's the average chance of getting one? (Yeah, yeah, I want some cm decorations. Go figure.)

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Bought two since they were half off and I figured why not, might get one of the cool new mounts.


Like... NO mounts... the pack was so worthless I actually feel unwell. I will never ever buy another one. I will discourage people from buying them. Better value or get lost EA.


It's gambling, and gambling is for people who are bad at math. I've never understood why this business model works, but I guess there's a sucker borne every minute.

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Hypercrates are very good for one thing - selling them unopened and then buying your rancor/walker. Still way too expensive, though.


Anyway, I have a hypercrate-related questions. Those starfighter packs are on sale now, right? Do they have cartel market certificates inside? And, if yes, what's the average chance of getting one? (Yeah, yeah, I want some cm decorations. Go figure.)


Yes the Starfighter packs can drop certificates instead of rep. items. I think I average about 4 or 5 in a hypercrates.

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Yes the Starfighter packs can drop certificates instead of rep. items. I think I average about 4 or 5 in a hypercrates.


Sounds about right. I was going to say you get one every 4th box or so, which more or less matches what you said. (Depending on luck)

I've been hoarding mine for when GSH goes live. :p

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I've been hoarding mine for when GSH goes live. :p


Sounds wise. :) I'm on the fence - I really want some of those cartel certificate decorations, but - I understand they aren't bound, right? Does that mean that I can buy those bartenders and jawas off GTN?

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Sounds wise. :) I'm on the fence - I really want some of those cartel certificate decorations, but - I understand they aren't bound, right? Does that mean that I can buy those bartenders and jawas off GTN?


Hmm, good question... I have no idea about the decorations. Might worth jumping on the test server to check.

The certificates themselves are bound to legacy though.

Maybe Bioware is providing a way for people with too many of these to do something with them then. :D

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I already warned you guys to stay away from these hypercrates. Stop buying them and it will force Bioware to come up with better ideas, like the new kind of crate Bioware released (forgot the name) that provides one guaranteed full armor set, a crystal, and a mount. Edited by undiess
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I already warned you guys to stay away from these hypercrates. Stop buying them and it will force Bioware to come up with better ideas, like the new kind of crate Bioware released (forgot the name) that provides one guaranteed full armor set, a crystal, and a mount.


That'd be Grand Acquisitions Pack, and, yeah, it's pretty good, except that it drops the prices considerably, which... I don't know if it's good for economy/rare stuff, if it turns out in the end there're no more rare crystals/mounts/anything.



Btw, if anybody's been on the PTS - are cartel certificate decorations BoE or BoP? I'm afraid my computer can't handle the download, and I really not sure if I should buy a discounted hypercrate just for the chance of a few certs.

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Yup. Didn't take me long to learn crates and packs were a complete waste of money.


Let others with gambling addictions spend all their money. Or just sell the packs directly on the GTN.


When I spend X amount of dollars, I want to know exactly what I am getting. EA's gambling system will never see me spend more than a couple hundred cartel coins a month. Otherwise I just buy everything I want directly from the GTN.


(and I don't like being forced to buy cartel coins to unlock stuff. PLEX/CREDD system please)

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Btw, if anybody's been on the PTS - are cartel certificate decorations BoE or BoP? I'm afraid my computer can't handle the download, and I really not sure if I should buy a discounted hypercrate just for the chance of a few certs.


Apparently the game doesn't want me to look into this.

I copied a character over to the PTS. Ran my *** to the fleet, and then to certificates vendor. Who told me I didn't have any certs to spend.


So I figured "Bah, apparently you need to have them on you physically to purchase these things. Lame. Ah well, to the cargo bay!"

Once I got to the cargo bay I was greeted by the lovely surprise of two full bays being gone. (Not empty, but completely gone. It dropped me back to 3 bays which I haven't had in years).

Including the one that holds my certificates. /shakes fist at character copy!


Edit: After repeatedly getting jerked around by the character copy tool (my next character that I transfered got downgraded to having 2 cargo bays, woohoo!) I managed to get my certificates on there.

The personnel can indeed be put on the GTN.

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Edit: After repeatedly getting jerked around by the character copy tool (my next character that I transfered got downgraded to having 2 cargo bays, woohoo!) I managed to get my certificates on there.

The personnel can indeed be put on the GTN.


Yay! If you see a girl madly buying autumn trees, that'd be me. Thank you very much. :)


(went and spent my cc on a cool red incendia speeder. At least this way I know what I'm buying, and for how much - no randomness.)

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Yay! If you see a girl madly buying autumn trees, that'd be me. Thank you very much. :)


(went and spent my cc on a cool red incendia speeder. At least this way I know what I'm buying, and for how much - no randomness.)


You're most welcome! Enjoy the trees, and the speeder! (without driving it into those trees that is :D)

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That's one of the most retarded assertions I've seen in quite some time. Good job.


And yet it proves true so often. If you gamble expecting the RNG to work in your favor or that a 10% chance to drop means 10 tries will get you the item, you've got a lot to learn about probability.


The only time gambling isn't stupid is when you can afford to just burn the money you're gambling - or in this case, you don't care if all you get is the most worthless Cartel Items possible. Anything else is setting yourself up for disappointment.

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Person 1 buys two Hypercrates and gets nothing of value.

Person 2 buys a single pack and gets a Walker/Rancor or w/e.


Person 1 = My main Imp toon

Person 2 = My original Jedi.


If I had opened the pack on my imp toon (knowing from experience the terrible RNG it has) i'd have got nothing. So decided to open a crate on my Jedi, one Rancor, Stardrive Stealth, Ajunta Pall masks galore.... among many other lovely items.


RNG is a wonderful thing sometimes, just a shame my main has terrible RNG. I'm sure BioWare are stiffing me somewhere :D

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  • 1 month later...
For some mysteries reason everytime i buy a hypercrate i get 24xcrap, but then when i buy packs 1 by 1 i have much better results. This is probably a coincidence, but it does make me wonder... :rolleyes:


People look for patterns where there are none. I've heard conspiray theorists here argue that whenever a pack is bought from the GTN (so without the timer in place) and is opened it delivers much, much poorer drops than when a pack is bought from the Cartel Market and opened with the timer in place, thus rewarding those who actually spend coins and providing incentive to buy more.


Complete nonsense of course, but it goes to show how people will think based on very little data on RNG.

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but can't we please get a better method? It's a significant amount of money to drop for such a poor result. I don't mind paying for some cool extras, which is what packs and such have been in other games I've played. Paying for social boosts, blue companion gifts and some vendor trash is a bit on the nose though.


I've got friends I want to play swtor with me but they don't like how expensive it is. It's definitely one of the more cash heavy MMO's. I guess I'm just feeling a bit worn thin at finally buckling to a hypercrate... two in fact... and getting a stiff middle finger for my money.


" swtor is one of the most cash-heavy MMOs ". Da fock did I just read. Was gonna lol IRL so hard...


Moving on.


A better method? GTN ( credits, NO CASH ) what you want. :) ( oh and you can GTN crates also btw ;) )


Social boosts? dayum, ppl use those? Blue gifts? Diplomacy and underworld trading, and trasure hunting so you can actually choose which one you want from the fragments.


I'd normally say get out n catch some fresh air but...


Like... NO mounts... the pack was so worthless I actually feel unwell.


If the lack of pixel mounts from a pixel crate of pixeled gamble bags, lemme repeat that, GAMBLE bags, makes you feel unwell, I'd strongly suggest to NOT go out there.


From a guy who opened 3 vertica crates, who didn't get the pixel toys he wanted. Not one cent spent. GTN FTW :D

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People look for patterns where there are none. I've heard conspiray theorists here argue that whenever a pack is bought from the GTN (so without the timer in place) and is opened it delivers much, much poorer drops than when a pack is bought from the Cartel Market and opened with the timer in place, thus rewarding those who actually spend coins and providing incentive to buy more.


Complete nonsense of course, but it goes to show how people will think based on very little data on RNG.


It just shows how stupid and/or paranoid people can be.

As if someone didn't already BUY those packs from the Cartel Market before putting them up on the GTN


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