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Guild Ship Frameworks and PVP Flagging


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I'm all for OW PvP and making the Commanders challenging, but I think it is a horrible idea to combine these two simply because the game engine will not be able to handle this. If anyone remembers how bad Illum was when the game first came out, this is going to be just as bad. More than 20 people in the area going after the commander will turn the area into a slideshow.
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I 'know' you don't care. That's plainly obvious. You see other people as a source of entertainment and nothing more.
of course i do; its why im choosing to play a multiplayer game.


if the players that i'm competing against aren't enjoying themselves, then i would suggest another means of entertainment. their enjoyment is not my responsibility. if dying in a video game provokes anger in someone, i would suggest they have gross emotional problems and should probably find a different, less competitive hobby. yoga perhaps.

Edited by Pagy
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I'm all for OW PvP and making the Commanders challenging, but I think it is a horrible idea to combine these two simply because the game engine will not be able to handle this. If anyone remembers how bad Illum was when the game first came out, this is going to be just as bad. More than 20 people in the area going after the commander will turn the area into a slideshow.


I hate to break it to you, but engine improvements are made continually through a game's life. The engine is nothing like it was in 2011. The old engine couldn't have handled GSF for starters.

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of course i do; its why im choosing to play a multiplayer game.


If the players that i'm competing against aren't enjoying themselves, then i would suggest another means of entertainment. Their enjoyment is not my responsibility. If dying in a video game provokes anger in someone, i would suggest they have gross emotional problems and should probably find a different, less competitive hobby. Yoga perhaps.


but dude, this isn't a multiplayer game, it's a single player game with multiplayer elements lolololol please tell someone remembers that.

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OW was abandoned because BW removed all the incentives for it back around 1.2. Its not that people don't enjoy it, but without anything to get out of it, it becomes a waste of game time.


Someone just said that they do OW PVP for the satisfaction of 'advancing their faction,' whatever that means. I guess you two PVP fans should sit down and figure out which one of you is right.

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if the players that i'm competing against aren't enjoying themselves, then i would suggest another means of entertainment. their enjoyment is not my responsibility. if dying in a video game provokes anger in someone, i would suggest they have gross emotional problems and should probably find a different, less competitive hobby. yoga perhaps.




Please do not bring logic and common sense to the conversation!

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I 'am' deriding people for seeing people as a source of entertainment. I absolutely think that sort of behavior should be scorned and mocked and derided.

O M G!!!! Are you just trolling us now?


Dude...Chess? Checkers? Poker? Horseshoe? Games throughout history have been against other players, with 1 winning, 1 losing. It's the challenge of playing against thinking humans that players enjoy.


Your fear is what should be scorned and mocked and derided. My God...

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Truth, Crinn beat me in every solo ranked pop we had the other night. But all the fights were well fought and very fun. Much more fun than a mere beatdown of a lesser skilled player.


^^this, its the act of competing is the source of fun, we don't run around killing people because killing people is fun.

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Someone just said that they do OW PVP for the satisfaction of 'advancing their faction,' whatever that means. I guess you two PVP fans should sit down and figure out which one of you is right.


That sounds more like a RP thingy, of which I know little about.

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Someone just said that they do OW PVP for the satisfaction of 'advancing their faction,' whatever that means. I guess you two PVP fans should sit down and figure out which one of you is right.




Maybe multiple people enjoy the same content for different reasons? Some PvPers prefer just WZ's, others just WPvP, some both. For varying reasons, perhaps 8v8 is just too small scale, or perhaps WPvP can easy turn into a zerg fest, or maybe the same few wz's are stale? Or perhaps bolster is in wz's but not WPvP. Just because two people may enjoy PvP doesn't mean we all enjoy the same style of play or for the same reasons. Sweeping generalizations aren't the way to go.

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You see things funny, PvP does not mean I find beating people amusing. Its that I find testing myself against other players a entertaining and reward activity. Losing is not a bad thing, I can enjoy a losing match as much as a winning one, as long as it was a good fight.


Stop demonizing.


You find it amusing to blow up people who'd rather be killing an OP boss. That says a lot.

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O M G!!!! Are you just trolling us now?


Dude...Chess? Checkers? Poker? Horseshoe? Games throughout history have been against other players, with 1 winning, 1 losing. It's the challenge of playing against thinking humans that players enjoy.


Your fear is what should be scorned and mocked and derided. My God...


Actually neither should be scorned, mocked or derided.


And as to the whole emotional problem and people should just 'man up' or go play something else. Both the person who doesn't like to be killed by gank squads and the gank squaders who do it just because, are both emotionally stunted. Not that I care one way or the other about them, I have my own emotional issues as do we all, I'm just willing to admit it. Even though I may be borderline psychopathic I at least understand that there are human beings on the other end of the character on screen and have some sympathy and empathy for them.

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You find it amusing to blow up people who'd rather be killing an OP boss. That says a lot.


Excuse me? Putting words in peoples mouth much?


Also on a PvE server it is impossible to engage in PvP that is not mutually consensual. So what is your problem?

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Someone just said that they do OW PVP for the satisfaction of 'advancing their faction,' whatever that means. I guess you two PVP fans should sit down and figure out which one of you is right.


Because everyone who PVPs must all have *exactly* the same interests, motivations, descriptors for things, etc. Do you seriously believe what you're typing? lol

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I hate to break it to you, but engine improvements are made continually through a game's life. The engine is nothing like it was in 2011. The old engine couldn't have handled GSF for starters.


I will believe that when I see it. 16 man Ops on certain bosses are still horrible. There is no way they can upgrade that current engine to handle 30 to 40 people in a single area without massive lag.

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I will believe that when I see it. 16 man Ops on certain bosses are still horrible. There is no way they can upgrade that current engine to handle 30 to 40 people in a single area without massive lag.


That sounds like your computer dude, I can run 16mans at 35 FPS, and the other week did some OW with about 50 people at 25 FPS, and my computer is optimized for word processing. I suggest upgrading your CPU (not GPU)

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Then why kill people who are plainly there to do something else other than PVP? Other than 'because you can.'
why wouldnt i kill them? they gave me their permission and its a multiplayer game in which they are my enemy.


you are obviously unable to accept any line of thinking other than your own. i see no point in playing the sims, that doesnt mean other people can't see a point in it.

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That sounds like your computer dude, I can run 16mans at 35 FPS, and the other week did some OW with about 50 people at 25 FPS, and my computer is optimized for word processing. I suggest upgrading your CPU (not GPU)


Not my computer. Happens to everyone in the group when the spikes hit. Its all server side.

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Not my computer. Happens to everyone in the group when the spikes hit. Its all server side.


If its server side it would affect my raids too, but it doesn't. Maybe your entire guild has bad computers?


Oh and framerate has nothing at all to do with the servers, which says something about how much you don't know.

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I will believe that when I see it. 16 man Ops on certain bosses are still horrible. There is no way they can upgrade that current engine to handle 30 to 40 people in a single area without massive lag.
i share your concerns; i was in a 20-30 player fight on oricon a couple weeks ago and it was very laggy.


first month of conquests will be a bit rough but it will even out. people will figure out spawns, timers and there will be a lot less conflict over these commanders than people think.

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