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Why are all Bounty Hunters lightside?


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For me; Every character I have is ran full Light Side. I will say the Imperial class stories are very good if you run Light Side. You always feel like you are more unique for not being an uncaring, murderous douche-bag every Imp is expected to be. I'm about to start the Inquisitor storyline, and heard decent things about it as full Light


Back to my own Hunter, my Merc, I found the story to be awesome as a Light runner. Very believable, more honor in the way you deal with the world. More professional in your business, only killing what really needed to be. Plus affection with Mako came extremely easy with her as Light, and overall many more companions like you better as a Light side person then Dark across all classes (a few holdouts here and there)



Edited by mastervalkar
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I have two BH's My Merc is a pure darksided thug for hire and will shoot you if you even looked at him badly. I just really wanted to experience the joy of being a bloodthirsty hunter for hire. However, my PT is a honorable light side. He will not back down from a fight but he will not kill innocents or unnecessary targets, only those who need to be killed.
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I play by a strict rule of honor on my Merc. If the bounty says kill... I kill, capture I capture. Mess with me or my companions you accept the risk of bein killed. His was a much more enjoyable experience for me.

This is Ciroso in a nutshell. If he says he's going to do something, he'll do it. Only exceptions he's made is when the person who hired him lied up front. You tell Ciro that you want him to kill your granny, fine. You tell him there's an old Jedi master trying to manipulate kids into loving her cookies, he'll probably let her go and pity on you for not being truthful.

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Like a lot of other people have said, code of professionalism. No problem with killing people, but upping the body count or prolonging the suffering just for the heck of it is for thugs and psychos, and I'm better than that. Sometimes the Dark Side choice is the best one (Alderaan Noble: "I'll double your credits if you kill this man right now." / Me: "Its your money." *BLAM*), but usually the professional choice means going Light Side. Usually.
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a) They want Mako to like them.


b) They're roleplaying a professional bounty hunter / mercenary who only commits violence and murder when they're being paid for it or in self defense, which generally leads to neutral and light side choices.


c) Where the Republic dark side choices are usually about defeating the enemy at all costs, executing prisoners or taking bribes, Imperial dark side choices are mostly of the 'hurrdurr I are Sith, I kick puppies and kittens naow lolz' idiot psycho retard variety that make no real sense to choose unless you're roleplaying The Joker.


d) Some combination of the above.

Edited by OniGanon
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In the case of my Merc, it's blatantly because of an unrequited love for Mako (that she can, of course, never act on.) There have been a few times when I wanted her to do something more vicious for RP purposes (like killing someone who had betrayed them) and in that case, she leaves Mako on the ship and brings HK, who can appreciate the bloodshed that is about to commence. And will be discreet about it so Mako never finds out.


I will make my powertech far more pragmatic, but even if I play his as a consummate professional contract-killer type, he isn't going to be near as DS as my Sith lords are.

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I play by a strict rule of honor on my Merc. If the bounty says kill... I kill, capture I capture. Mess with me or my companions you accept the risk of bein killed. His was a much more enjoyable experience for me.


This is how I'm playing my BH so far. He also will never turn on a client. More credits means nothing to him compared to his honor and reputation. My BH has bounced between dark 1, light 1, and grey a lot.

Edited by Devilzownz
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Honestly the biggest reason I go light side with empire toons is that the dark side options are just silly. They remind me far too much of a horribly made Horror flick or bad guy movie...the light side options are interesting and provoke a more in depth character IMO.


Repub side it's very similar motivations, and i usually end up a mix of light and dark over there. my decisions are made more along the lines of what I perceive my characters personality to be rather then whether Im "dark" or "light"


That and half the time I don't agree with their options for choices...sometimes what I think is actually good or "light" choice they have tagged as dark points, and vice versa. again, more to the characters personality then point driven.

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Honestly the biggest reason I go light side with empire toons is that the dark side options are just silly. They remind me far too much of a horribly made Horror flick or bad guy movie...the light side options are interesting and provoke a more in depth character IMO.


Repub side it's very similar motivations, and i usually end up a mix of light and dark over there. my decisions are made more along the lines of what I perceive my characters personality to be rather then whether Im "dark" or "light"


That and half the time I don't agree with their options for choices...sometimes what I think is actually good or "light" choice they have tagged as dark points, and vice versa. again, more to the characters personality then point driven.

QFT. Most of the DS options are garbage and result in violence or killing for the sake of doing so.

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My bounty hunters more light side but also has alot of dark... If you choose to be mandalorian you sorta have to go light side at the end besides

who ever force chokes me does not get to live and talk about it...

Y it`s all about being an honourable mandalorian, that said I still picked DS where it was needed(because LS was to stupid for that situation) favorite DS choice was

Punching the sht out of that noble on Alderan


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For me; Every character I have is ran full Light Side. I will say the Imperial class stories are very good if you run Light Side. You always feel like you are more unique for not being an uncaring, murderous douche-bag every Imp is expected to be. I'm about to start the Inquisitor storyline, and heard decent things about it as full Light


Back to my own Hunter, my Merc, I found the story to be awesome as a Light runner. Very believable, more honor in the way you deal with the world. More professional in your business, only killing what really needed to be. Plus affection with Mako came extremely easy with her as Light, and overall many more companions like you better as a Light side person then Dark across all classes (a few holdouts here and there)




I have 10 toons in all. 3 are on the PuB side that are; 2 light, 1 dark. The 7 on the IMP side; 6 dark, 1 light, and My only Bounty Hunter is, Pure DARK SIDE of HELL's EVIL! You'd be to if your ship was blown up as it was leaving an Enemy's stronghold and you was left for dead. Only to wake up to find your self very much alive but changed to the point you do not even recognize your self. Because Someone Known as The Benefactor paid for 3/4 of your body to be altered with cybernetic limbs and implants. She only survived just not her ship being practically disintegrated,when no others on board did, but her body as well, was decimated. Because of the Dark Side that flows through out her lineage, is the only reason why she survived the cybernetic fusion process. Then she became something, even darker.


So yes, she Loves dishing out Mr. Mayhem to those that get in her way.

Hell Once she cut open her bounty as he begged for mercy and fed his own viscera to him.

After that, she picked up the nick name Viscera'Cyborga, it stuck.

The rest is history.

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IMHO (I realize some will disagree, that's ok!) the BH story and options are the most skewed towards, well, being a horrible person. They don't have any excuse like "I was forced into this life" or "I have a master ordering me around". They answer to no one and chose, from the very start, to hunt and/or kill people for a living.


So to me, a light leaning BH seems like it would have a lot of appeal, as it is really just a character that isn't a horrible person and has some sense of honor. You can be a tough, typical BH while still tending towards the light side. And while I'm sure an evil BH can be very effective (and fun to play), being darkside is by no means necessary for an "authentic" Bounty Hunter experience. ;)

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This will sound nerdy, but I based my BH's choices off the Mandalorian code which yielded mostly lightside choices. In my opinion a live capture would show ones talent and skills, especially if the target was considered extremely dangerous. You don't have to be a raving madman to be a bounty hunter, Jango Fett and Boba Fett were far from evil despite some of the jobs they took.
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