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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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One big reason that guilds might not be able to do it is they see the number and all of a sudden imagine themselves being unable to do it. Before they've done the research to figure out how to do it, before they've given it a whole-hearted attempt, they've thrown in the towel.


For those guilds, yes, absolutely, the guild ships are probably unattainable.


Sucks to be them, I guess.


That or they just feel (perhaps rightly so based on how companies respond) that if they cry loud enough it'll be changed.


It's nice to read at least some people in small guilds are doing something positive about the issue and tackling it head on instead of whining about it in the hopes it'll get "fixed".

Edited by hadoken
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They are selfish because they don't want to help pay for guild ship. They want all the benefits without putting in a credit.


Most people here on the forum who said it costs too much said they want it cheaper, not free. Not my fault if you have reading issues.

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They are selfish because they don't want to help pay for guild ship. They want all the benefits without putting in a credit.


Because it is 10 million its too much.

Because if it is 5 million its too much.

Because if it is 1 million its too much.

Because if it is free its just right.


Its not math its human nature. Give someone a dollar they will want 10.


I will describe your problem in two words: assumptions, generalisations

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My guild is a small guild and right now we have 20m in our bank. We do a variety of things to get the credits. So yes a small guild can get it . Will it take time? Yes but who says you have to get it immediately?


We have worked to get the 4 bank tabs and I have no doubt we will achieve the 50m and get the guild ship as well.


Note: We don't do operations and we all have busy lives so we don't play like most people but yet we can achieve this goal as well.


Great to see other guilds actually taking the high road and realizing it is possible.

Ignoring donations or anything random this is what my guild is doing (new page, finally making an official page for this stuff on my guild)


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Good for you. You're fortunate you're in a guild that has that many full time dedicated players. But your guild is a minority. SWTOR is a casual game, always has been...50 mil is an extremely hardcore price.


idk we have enough for a couple of HM raid teams that struggle getting past Corrupter zero, I think we have maybe 20 people on line at our peak times, typically 2/3 that at any given time. We've been around pretty much since launch and enjoy playing with each other, some have left, some came back, rotate in new blood to keep things fresh. We're friendly, but wouldnt' call us "hardcore" slightly above casual maybe. I would probably peg us as average.

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all what i do is doing oricon dailies (and cz dailies if i had a pop with the two flashpoints).


once i'm done with oricon/cz weekly i switch to another character..it's like 70-80k in 20 minutes solo(h2 aswell).


i do this on 12 lvl55 toons, once a week for each toon, every week.


it's like 40 minutes a day, i've 25 millions alone..no crafting, no hypercrates, only thing i spent is legacy gear and some thermal regulators..

Edited by JouerTue
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No other planet has GSI missions as fast as Makeb's are, so we do the GSI weekly in two days on Makeb, with the accompanying Makeb dailies thrown in on the second day. Very fast, lots of creds and Basics that we cash in for Iso-5. The OP shot his speed run in the foot by doing the GSI missions on Tat. Lots of time on the speeder for those.


TL;DR? Doing the Makeb and GSI weeklies can be painfully slow if you make the wrong choices or do not plan ahead. Doing it as a team with two 180/168 geared DPS toons and their DPS companions (no need to heal if the mobs die before it can hurt you), and making full use of Cliff Travel and Quick travel, it's pretty non-stop, with very few long speeder rides. I have not timed it though.


All that said, I think the Czerka Weekly may be higher yield, especially if you race through the Tactical CZ FPs.


Maybe I can convince my wife to do a timed run of Makeb+GSI and CZ on my 180-geared Sorc in DPS spec and her Smash-spec Jug (Smash seems to be the best Jug spec for dailies).


Concerning GSI quests i want to add that except of the H2 Kill someone quests, all this searching and scannig stuff can be done by one player of the group and it will count for the others too, if they are on the same planet and have the quest in their log.

In my guild we run these quests from time to time just for fun or here and there for reputation, while talking via TS and each one of us does a different of these 4 search or scan quests and we meet at the H2. This way the travel and quest time is reduced by 4 and the credit vs time ratio increased.


If i remember right Section X bonus killquests also award around 3-4k extra credits for every person in your group finishing them. So going there in a four man group provides more money and you won't need to wait for people for the H4. Even if you aren't going with your guild, grouping for more than the H4 is more money for everyone and less "killstealing" anyway. But the sad thruth is almost no stranger stays in the group longer or is willing to cooperate for the other quests.


We aren't doing this every day or every time the same quests, so there is more variation and the main activity is not grinding credits, but having a nice chat with your ingame friends, while doing something easy together where everyone, no matter which gear or player skill can participate.

Others drive in circles on the fleet for up to half an hour while waiting for others to come online or a Ops group to form, we go to ilum or some where else and do quests meanwhile. It may be not most the effective way, but money is money nonetheless.

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"Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes"


Did you actually spend 5 1/4 hours playing a video game in a single day? Assuming you were to sleep, say, 6 hours at night, that would leave 18 waking hours; so you would have spent nearly 30% of your waking hours in front of a computer playing a game.


Let that sink in for a moment.



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If you're going to bust myths, you should probably use real ones, rather than pulling them out your butt. ;) I would have said that you can make a million every 2 days since not everyone can play for 5 hours a day. You've demonstrated nicely how easy it is to make money, though, lol.
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"Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes"


Did you actually spend 5 1/4 hours playing a video game in a single day? Assuming you were to sleep, say, 6 hours at night, that would leave 18 waking hours; so you would have spent nearly 30% of your waking hours in front of a computer playing a game.


Let that sink in for a moment.




Umm....I do that frequently, lol.

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"Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes"


Did you actually spend 5 1/4 hours playing a video game in a single day? Assuming you were to sleep, say, 6 hours at night, that would leave 18 waking hours; so you would have spent nearly 30% of your waking hours in front of a computer playing a game.


Let that sink in for a moment.




What is wrong with that?

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Umm....I do that frequently, lol.


What is wrong with that?


As I've said earlier, playing a video game for that long is akin to laziness. Had you guys passed that same amount of time time reading or whatever, you'd be top scholars.


As it is, you probably spend all week without taking a shower and your bedroom or living room smells like a barn.


Stereotypes, how I love thee, let me count the ways... :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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50 mil is not enough for a single player, let alone a guild.


It's seriously not that hard. My guild started a month ago and already made the money with dailies, raffles and other fundraisers. Yeah, we can't decorate that puppy yet, but we can buy it and we're a medium sized guild. A small guild would take a little longer, but it's not the hurdle people are acting like it is.

Edited by errant_knight
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"Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes"


Did you actually spend 5 1/4 hours playing a video game in a single day? Assuming you were to sleep, say, 6 hours at night, that would leave 18 waking hours; so you would have spent nearly 30% of your waking hours in front of a computer playing a game.


Let that sink in for a moment.




Not defending it at all...but...so?


If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes in a day reading a book, noone bats an eye.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes watching TV, most people will simply shrug it off.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes at the zoo, people are happy for them.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes doing almost any other activity, nobody cares.


Why is playing a game any different? I usually only play for about 1-3 hours at a time, but I have been known to spend far longer playing, if I've got nothing else going on at the time. It beats going out and spending money I don't have at the movies or whatnot.

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As I've said earlier, playing a video game for that long is akin to laziness. Had you guys passed that same amount of time time reading or whatever, you'd be top scholars.


As it is, you probably spend all week without taking a shower and your bedroom or living room smells like a barn.


Stereotypes, how I love thee, let me count the ways... :rolleyes:


Now you're just being ridiculous...

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Not defending it at all...but...so?


If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes in a day reading a book, noone bats an eye.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes watching TV, most people will simply shrug it off.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes at the zoo, people are happy for them.

If someone spends 5 hours and 15 minutes doing almost any other activity, nobody cares.


Why is playing a game any different? I usually only play for about 1-3 hours at a time, but I have been known to spend far longer playing, if I've got nothing else going on at the time. It beats going out and spending money I don't have at the movies or whatnot.


Sometimes I spend much longer than that playing, just so I don't have to listen to the old hairy Italian sitting on my couch prattling on about inane things. I can just go 'Uh huh, that's interesting dear. Can you get me some more iced tea?'

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Now you're just being ridiculous...


I was being ironic in my previous statement. That's not my opinion.


That's me mocking those who convey that idea, whenever they shout "BLOODY MURDER!" for someone doing whatever it is they wanna do with their free time.

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I seen it in one of the "Housing is too costly" threads or whatever. I laughed and continued on my way. I am surprised someone actually went and tested it. Lol. What a trooper. (Mean that in a unrelated to Star Wars way, unless he likes troopers then that's exactly how I meant it)


One thing to keep in mind though, is that the OP didn't claim it was said one time by one person.

He said (and I'll quote here so people don't accuse me of making stuff up)

So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?


"certain people" that's plural. "always claim", that's implying that they've done it more than once.


It won't matter if the OP can dig up that one claim that one person did once.

It still won't validate his claim that multiple people have claimed it multiple times.

It will, however, mean that he spent nearly 6 hour disproving what one guy said one time in one thread.

I hope that at least makes him feel like he didn't waste that time.

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I was being ironic in my previous statement. That's not my opinion.


That's me mocking those who convey that idea, whenever they shout "BLOODY MURDER!" for someone doing whatever it is they wanna do with their free time.


I retract my previous statement as you ad put a :rolleyes: instead of a :p

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