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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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I gotta ask Reno...what about the price did you "support"? At 50 mil, did that help or hurt the game? See, I think it hurts the game. It prevents casual players, new players and smaller guilds from participating and heavily favors the hardcore players and larger guilds. Nothing good comes from that imo.


In order to support something, I need to see the positive impact it has...what was there about a 50mil price that you supported exactly?

Although you asked Reno, I figured I'd chime in as well.


I don't have any vested interest in the price being high or low. But, I supported the price for one particular reason:


The members of my guild began playing the game more, giving me more opportunities to do group activities with them.


For what it's worth, half a dozen of the people in my guild have been broke since launch. In almost 3 years time, they never figured out how to have money. Two of them were even in the habit of borrowing money from other players. And yet, when faced with the high prices of guild flagships, they suddenly found within themselves the ability to make money and contribute to the guild bank.


What I experienced was a small group of players coming together, playing more, and discovering they were better at parts of the game than they thought. From my own (admittedly limited) perspective, it had a good effect.


Now, I am fully capable of realizing that not everyone reacts that way. Some were pushed away by the high price. My response to that was to argue ways that a guild could pull together to make that kind of money. I tried to offer up solutions that would potentially result in more players realizing that it may not be the barrier they thought.


If BW drops the price, it won't hurt me in the slightest. And you may be right, it may be what's best for the game. (I'm not an expert in such things)


I just wish that more players saw the high price as an opportunity instead of a barrier.



Edited by Khevar
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Although you asked Reno, I figured I'd chime in as well.


I don't have any vested interest in the price being high or low. But, I supported the price for one particular reason:


The members of my guild began playing the game more, giving me more opportunities to do group activities with them.


For what it's worth, half a dozen of the people in my guild have been broke since launch. In almost 3 years time, they never figured out how to have money. Two of them were even in the habit of borrowing money from other players. And yet, when faced with the high prices of guild flagships, they suddenly found within themselves the ability to make money and contribute to the guild bank.


What I experienced was a small group of players coming together, playing more, and discovering they were better at parts of the game than they thought. From my own (admittedly limited) perspective, it had a good effect.


Now, I am fully capable of realizing that not everyone reacts that way. Some were pushed away by the high price. My response to that was to argue ways that a guild could pull together to make that kind of money. I tried to offer up solutions that would potentially result in more players realizing that it may not be the barrier they thought.


If BW drops the price, it won't hurt me in the slightest. And you may be right, it may be what's best for the game. (I'm not an expert in such things)


I just wish that more players saw the high price as an opportunity instead of a barrier.




That's awesome, I'm really happy for you and your guild. Its amazing what you can accomplish when you don't waste all your energy on negative thoughts and complaints.

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Can I say that I'm still waiting for the OP to pop back in here with the source of the quote in the title? I'm still eager to know who claimed you could a million credits in an hour doing dailies...


nobody, which is why some of the first responses were about saving this as a definition of a straw-man argument.

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Can I say that I'm still waiting for the OP to pop back in here with the source of the quote in the title? I'm still eager to know who claimed you could a million credits in an hour doing dailies...


I can get over a million in an hour doing dailies....it does depend a bit on my gtn sales in the mean time though.

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I enjoy optimistic posts like this, however, some of us are on servers where things sell for less than a fraction of what you state. Traveling to fleet to post some blues and oranges I might get 5k for isn't worth the load screen wait time.


As of August 12th everyone on Shadowlands is in a fire sale mentality. Mass Manips are going for 200k, EEE's 30k, and vial of iso's 70k. And the listings for those three are 13 pages deep, meaning the sellers will recycle multiple times in a day and re-list for considerably less. And as far as the discount hypercrates , the filler in those require methodically listing on gtn for 5-20k repeatedly until you get a buyer.


It takes me an hour to do three daily/weekly sections and they generate less than 500k . The items harvested through gathering skills simply do not sell on the GTN for the trouble they are worth taking them there.

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The items harvested through gathering skills simply do not sell on the GTN for the trouble they are worth taking them there.


The trouble it takes is having one toon stationed on either a ship with both an email and GTN terminal, or one toon stationed on the fleet next to the mail terminal right next to the GTN terminal.


To your point, gathered materials are typically not worth a lot. That said, mission materials such as Underworld Tradiing sell for extremely high prices relative to the cost of the mission you send them on. If you level your UT skill from 0 to 450 on metal and (recently) fabric skills, and sell the mats on the GTN, not only will leveling pay for itself, you will actually make a healthy profit as well.


The other three missions skills can also pay for themselves, but you have to be more selective in what missions you run. UT and Slicing are nothing but cash cows.


Have all your active toons extra companions run missions while you are playing. Takes 2-3 seconds per companion to send them on a mission, and a few seconds at a mail terminal to send the mats to your seller. Log in once a day with your seller to collect all of the goods and GTN sales you made, list new sales, and send cash to your main toons.


There, now you have the secret to infinite money. Admittedly not 1 million an hour, but then no one has ever claimed that anyway.


Credits are easy to make in this game. The only variable is the rate you make them at and the rate you spend them at.

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  • 4 months later...
So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


threes antothor way harves tthe m on lium

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And how many believed this person ? Please tell me.

It's like rumors, in fact : "It might be wrong, but IF it is right, then ... yeah." That's the way how rumors go.

You greatly underestimate the psychology of mass phenomenons.


Well the OP for one... but no, the whole point was that the OP claimed that people were claiming this in all manner of threads about different things that cost money.

But they weren't.


Sure, people were saying that money is easy to get in the game and that running dailies will get you alot of money if you can't get it any other way, but people certainly weren't claiming that you could make a million credits in under an hour like the OP claims several people were saying.


The whole point here isn't that there are some people that believe that this has been stated, but the point is that the OP did a whole rant (and "experiment") about disproving this as some sort of counter argument, when nobody was actually claiming this at all.


It's never been a myth in the first place, it's all in the OP's mind.

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I ran into someone in gen chat a few months ago who swore up and down that a million credits a day was easy.


Maybe that was OP, or maybe it was someone who believed OP, or maybe it was a troll.


One's definition of "easy" may vary I guess.


Achieving that amount while doing dailies for example is perfectly feasible, not to mention relatively easy. It is kinda time consuming however.

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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


Did you also test doing the easiest dailies on multiple characters?

Combining the easy dailies from BH/SX/Oricon on multiple characters can go really fast, quick travel to daily zones helped alot with that. Just run them in a circle and the rush goes really fast, BH doesn't take me 10 minutes to finish.

Keep in mind i don't do the Heroics, only the easy quests, in SX i sometimes even skip the 2 underground quests, i only run all quests once a week for the weekly quest. But if you only do those fast quests where you click a node and kill some trash, i reckon you can get pretty close to one mil if you run it on multiple characters.


I can understand with the test you did you came to 5 hours, since most of those quests you mentioned take way too long to rush through, Czerka is **** because there's always too much people for the amount of adds around n such, Makeb is too much running, same for belsavis.



ok i stand corrected, it'll be closer to 500k in an hour.

I just rushed BH/SX/Oricon with my scoundrel healer, wearing the basic comm set (no augments) and Risha with the 186 weap/offhand and 178 gear from rishi story.

took me about 40 minutes, with the rewards and vendor trash i ended up at 380k.

depending on the character you do dailies with it could be a bit faster so you have time for some extra dailies.

I'll try on my main later, he's augmented and so is companion, i should be a bit faster on that one, so i'll see what i can reach within the hour when rushing through.

Edited by Ifrica
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I ran into someone in gen chat a few months ago who swore up and down that a million credits a day was easy.


Maybe that was OP, or maybe it was someone who believed OP, or maybe it was a troll.


Well they OP was talking about one hour, not a day. I can probably make 1 million credits in a day but it will take a lot more than one hour and for me it's not easy because I can't stomach doing a lot of dailies, but between multiple alts doing certain dailies and gathering mats to sell and using weeklies I am sure I can do 1 million in a day quite easily. I just don't do it cause it bores the tears out of me.

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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


Did you vendor the drops? That is tons of money. I used to do all of the dailies and I made quite a bit, but you have to do it wisely, vendor loot and rewards, and do qued dailies like pvp and gsf.

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So what is the other ways to make lots of credits, other than dailies?

Genuine curiosity here.



When I try, I can make a million credits in a day with 60-90 minutes of effort spread out over the course of the day. (Spread out because of mission/crafting time.) At the moment, I am in "cruise" mode, bringing in an average of 400k per day with about 15 minutes of effort beyond my actual play time.


Essentially I do a crafting round when I log in, stopping for a minute or two on each crafting alt when I first log in, and when I log out for the night.

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I ran into someone in gen chat a few months ago who swore up and down that a million credits a day was easy.


Maybe that was OP, or maybe it was someone who believed OP, or maybe it was a troll.


Well the OP proved that a million credits can be made in a day...

the thread was about "in an hour"... not a day.


a day is easy... but boring.

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