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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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The problem is, you can't do dailies in a group if you're a DPS who's desperately trying to go to the group queue for those non-tacticals level 55 HM FP's. And if you are in a huge, wealthy, full-of-geared-55's guild that would run those FP's with you, you don't need to run dailies to raise funds.
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The problem is, you can't do dailies in a group if you're a DPS who's desperately trying to go to the group queue for those non-tacticals level 55 HM FP's. And if you are in a huge, wealthy, full-of-geared-55's guild that would run those FP's with you, you don't need to run dailies to raise funds.

Your guild mates won't group up with you for HMFPs?

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- I despise dailies

- i think the only reason people are rich in this game is through GTN manipulation (grats if you have the time.... and can pull it off) and cartel market (real life $$?.....).

- those who obtained over 20 mil from doing dailies over time... man.... i guess having fun is subjective? good for you that you can go through it and come out sane.

- P.S. i play this game like a pvp arcade and im usually broke. Floating around 1 million usually. I thought that the double XP and double reward (coms and credz) was a reasonable rate... and that the double should be the normal. but yeah whatever.

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If one would actually be willing to spen 1-2 hours a day doing dalies to fund... style items, GSH or whatnot.

Wich dailies are the best time/value? (say you have 3 alts that you enjoy playing enough to do stuff like that).


3 alts.

maximum 2 hours.

meaning 40 minutes per character.


What are the most lucrative dailly missions to cram into 30-40 minutes of playtime.


I am well aware how sickenly sad it is to spend free time with doing the hamersterwheel... stupid stuff over and over and over and over... But just for the sake of "is it worth it".


Simple calculation: If you earn 20 bucks an hour working, and CC cred conversion is 1$ : 1000 creds =>

"you can either play - no: WORK - the game for 2 million credits OR work one hour overtime and spend the time difference in game actually enjoying the game". Also the work you do a) makes you valuable for your boss and society and b) earns you a lot more respect than a cool stronghold. :D


But for the sake of game-spirit, lets assume one would want to "earn" the creds in game style.

Edited by chillshock
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holy crap you are right!!! If I can just get myself and a few of my guild leaders to donate a mill a week (the guys who I know can handle it and want to help) then in just a few weeks we got enough for a guild ship oh my god how did I not see that!? :eek:




sounds to melike your problem is that your guild sucks.

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- I despise dailies


Floating around 1 million usually. I thought that the double XP and double reward (coms and credz) was a reasonable rate... and that the double should be the normal. but yeah whatever.




And I still don't think that 50 Mill is anything but a reasonable GOAL for a Guild. (With some being so richt they can get them instantly, wich is ok, I guess.) Even for a Guild with only 8 active players, the guildship doesn't seem to be outside of a 3 month reach. Not at all.

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Here's the data I promised yesterday:


Republic character

Level 55 Shadow tank in 180/186 mixed gear

Nadia Grell in 180 gear


The Black Hole, all quests, heroic, weekly

Credits: 82,040

Time: 13 minutes


CZ-198, no weekly

Credits: 45,506

Time: 12 minutes


Oricon, all quests, heroic, weekly, opened one chest

Credits: 106,738

Time: 27 minutes


Section X, all quests, area quest, no weekly, no heroic

Credits: 60,671

Time: 26 minutes


Total run time: 1 hour, 18 minutes

Total credits: 294,955


This includes quest rewards, credit drops and selling loot, trash items and reputation items to the vendor. Oricon and Section X were not optimal runs as people started waking up, logging in and forcing me to deviate from my usual path. Accounting for gear and my stealthing around avoidable mobs, I think we can safely operate with 200k per hour.


When I was finished with these runs I proceeded to do Ilum dailies. Those were interrupted with Kaon Under Siege (level 50 HM) as I went to help a guilidie get MOAR XP NAO. Resumed my Ilum run, which was messed up because of the interruption, and did five quests (heroic and 4 regular dailies) in 18 minutes. This is usually around 15 minutes. Kaon run messed up my loot and credit count but with quest rewards and 10k from loot drops, Ilum dailies yielded about 60k.


Oricon is the real money maker as it can be completed under 30 minutes and yields a bit under 100k without the weekly. Easy money.

Edited by slafko
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Total run time: 1 hour, 18 minutes

Total credits: 294,955

Haha, ok. Thanks for getting these numbers for us. It confirms my suspicion that I WONT waste my time doing excessive dailies. XD


Oricon is the real money maker as it can be completed under 30 minutes and yields a bit under 100k without the weekly. Easy money.

Hm. wasting the time of two GOOD warzones (you know without steamroll) to do dailies that get me 100k.... HRMPF. MAYBE if I'm desperate some day. But not really, no. As mentioned: I'd rather do 1 hour of overtime, buy some CC and sell the items from the market on the GTN: 1 Hour spent and easy more than a mill credits made.

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But warzones and CM don't get you the achievements. :D To each his own, I guess. :)


The point was to disprove the "1M an hour" theory with hard numbers and get the people that whine how 50M is too much for smaller guilds to redo their math and goals. Four players on four characters running an hour worth of dailies each day should have no problems getting 5M per week. A guild of 10 players can get the required credits and unlock their Guild Ship in five weeks of leisurely farming dailies.

Edited by slafko
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The problem is, you can't do dailies in a group if you're a DPS who's desperately trying to go to the group queue for those non-tacticals level 55 HM FP's. And if you are in a huge, wealthy, full-of-geared-55's guild that would run those FP's with you, you don't need to run dailies to raise funds.


There is a whole lotta room between a guild being willing and able to help a DPS run a few HM FPs and it being so "huge, wealthy, full-of-geared-55's" that it won't need to worry about doing any fund-raising for these ships.


If your guild isn't helping you do the content you want to do, then I would imagine you'd want to look at recruiting more/new members, or even switching guilds before you worry about getting a Flag Ship.


"My guild can't get together the fund for the Ship because we don't help each other out on the content we want to run" is exactly the reason this 'gating' isn't necessarily a bad thing - it will incentivize improving exactly that situation.

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But warzones and CM don't get you the achievements. :D To each his own, I guess. :)

Heh. Oh yeah. Achievements... how could I possibly forget those valuable, rewarding, gameplay and character improving achiements. *SIGH* Not my own, really. I like solo queue pvp and outfitting my character(s) with various looks and styles.

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Anyone else notice that the OP hasn't been back since he posted that he couldn't find the quotes where all them people claimed to get a million in less than an hour?


I guess he's still looking...

But since he claimed it was a common argument by many people, one would think it would be easy to find :rolleyes:

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Haha, ok. Thanks for getting these numbers for us. It confirms my suspicion that I WONT waste my time doing excessive dailies. XD



Hm. wasting the time of two GOOD warzones (you know without steamroll) to do dailies that get me 100k.... HRMPF. MAYBE if I'm desperate some day. But not really, no. As mentioned: I'd rather do 1 hour of overtime, buy some CC and sell the items from the market on the GTN: 1 Hour spent and easy more than a mill credits made.


Umm... but you'd be doing the dailies while you queue... instead of, you know, picking lint out of your navel or whatever you usually do while you wait.

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Umm... but you'd be doing the dailies while you queue... instead of, you know, picking lint out of your navel or whatever you usually do while you wait.


Uhm. On my server the queue usually pops in ~2-4 Minutes. That's not really even enough for the loading screen. XD

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Here's the data I promised yesterday:


Republic character

Level 55 Shadow tank in 180/186 mixed gear

Nadia Grell in 180 gear


The Black Hole, all quests, heroic, weekly

Credits: 82,040

Time: 13 minutes


CZ-198, no weekly

Credits: 45,506

Time: 12 minutes


Oricon, all quests, heroic, weekly, opened one chest

Credits: 106,738

Time: 27 minutes


Section X, all quests, area quest, no weekly, no heroic

Credits: 60,671

Time: 26 minutes


Total run time: 1 hour, 18 minutes

Total credits: 294,955


This includes quest rewards, credit drops and selling loot, trash items and reputation items to the vendor. Oricon and Section X were not optimal runs as people started waking up, logging in and forcing me to deviate from my usual path. Accounting for gear and my stealthing around avoidable mobs, I think we can safely operate with 200k per hour.


When I was finished with these runs I proceeded to do Ilum dailies. Those were interrupted with Kaon Under Siege (level 50 HM) as I went to help a guilidie get MOAR XP NAO. Resumed my Ilum run, which was messed up because of the interruption, and did five quests (heroic and 4 regular dailies) in 18 minutes. This is usually around 15 minutes. Kaon run messed up my loot and credit count but with quest rewards and 10k from loot drops, Ilum dailies yielded about 60k.


Oricon is the real money maker as it can be completed under 30 minutes and yields a bit under 100k without the weekly. Easy money.


So no loot included in that then?

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Anyone else notice that the OP hasn't been back since he posted that he couldn't find the quotes where all them people claimed to get a million in less than an hour?


I guess he's still looking...

But since he claimed it was a common argument by many people, one would think it would be easy to find :rolleyes:

Since I didn't read the in-between pages, I wouldn't know, but apparently you didn't either. If you had you might have noticed the quoted statement I posted couple of pages earlier (which one won't matter since everyone's mind is made up on the subject anyways).


But, like I said, I also didn't read the whole topic so I may have missed earlier quotes from folks claiming that it's possible. (but we all know it isn't, right?) tell ya a secret though.... 1 hour is indeed too short. But, actually it's possible within 2. Just visit Makeb and abuse the hell out of a game mechanic and I promise, you will be 1 mill richer in around 2 hours (depending on luck it may take a little more...).

Edited by LeJarC
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Uhm. On my server the queue usually pops in ~2-4 Minutes. That's not really even enough for the loading screen. XD


Really? 24/7?

Or do you only play during the peak hours of the server?


Still, even with that, you could do the dailies during those minutes waiting.

It'd give you some extra money.


Just sayin'

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Since I didn't read the in-between pages, I wouldn't know, but apparently you didn't either. If you had you might have noticed the quoted statement I posted couple of pages earlier (which one won't matter since everyone's mind is made up on the subject anyways)


Your choice selection of one person's suggestion that a group of EIGHT people could make 2-5 million isn't the OP's 'myth,' nor his claim.


EDIT: You weren't the selective quoter. But my comment regarding your quote of Khevar stands.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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Since I didn't read the in-between pages, I wouldn't know, but apparently you didn't either. If you had you might have noticed the quoted statement I posted couple of pages earlier (which one won't matter since everyone's mind is made up on the subject anyways)


I have read the entire thread.

The OP has posted twice.

Also, your post is pretty meaningless since what you quoted was someone saying that an ops group of 8 people could get 2-5 million an hour.

That might very well be possible, since being in an ops group would mean you just roflstomp the enemies, decreasing the time taken to do the dailies drastically, and they garner 8 times the money.

Using the slafko example of his 1 hour run where he made nearly 300k, that 8 man ops group would make nearly 2.4 million in that time, if not less time.


Besides, what the OP actually posted was that several people claimed this on several occations.

And yet I have only seen one actual quote of someone saying this.

The OP was obviously either using hyperbole to make a point about how long and tedious it is to make a million doing dailies (especially considering he did it in the slowest possible way) or he genuinely believes that many people have said this, and is simply imagining things.


I don't think anyone here has claimed that making a million in an hour doing dailies is possible.

People are just pointing out that nobody said that it was and the OP is either imagining things or trying to make a point using hyperbole.

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Really? 24/7?

Or do you only play during the peak hours of the server?


Still, even with that, you could do the dailies during those minutes waiting.

It'd give you some extra money.


Just sayin'


Well, Tbh, I'm a workin person. So I play in the evening and sometimes on the weekends. Sometimes entering stuff into the GTN during breakfast. So probably not 24/7. I did however have similar queue times all day during my last vacation and on sat/sun there's also always plenty of pvp for devoted "real warzone enthusiasts" like myself.


I do oricon dailies, but sind I pvp with one character... and oricon dailies are... well, quick.

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Well, Tbh, I'm a workin person. So I play in the evening and sometimes on the weekends. Sometimes entering stuff into the GTN during breakfast. So probably not 24/7. I did however have similar queue times all day during my last vacation and on sat/sun there's also always plenty of pvp for devoted "real warzone enthusiasts" like myself.


I do oricon dailies, but sind I pvp with one character... and oricon dailies are... well, quick.


Huh... well all I ever hear is comlaints about how long the PvP queues are. Even on PvP servers.

What server are you playing on?

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- I despise dailies

- i think the only reason people are rich in this game is through GTN manipulation (grats if you have the time.... and can pull it off) and cartel market (real life $$?.....).

- those who obtained over 20 mil from doing dailies over time... man.... i guess having fun is subjective? good for you that you can go through it and come out sane.

- P.S. i play this game like a pvp arcade and im usually broke. Floating around 1 million usually. I thought that the double XP and double reward (coms and credz) was a reasonable rate... and that the double should be the normal. but yeah whatever.


You forgot crafting, which is different from GTN manipulation. It's not nearly as intellectually challenging nor does it carry nearly the same risk of ruin.


Also, I believe I saw someone post a message in the last 24 hours that says a single PvP weekly quest returns 100,000 credits. I know PvP carries zero repair cost and I am under the impression that via PvP commendations one can purchase all the gear and expendables one wants.


So if you've been playing at PvP for a year, and you've done that weekly each week, what did you spend 5.2 million credits on? (And that's just the weekly mission. There must be more credits than that.)


Point is, even if you're a PvP player, you still earn a decidedly non-zero amount of credits. You can get a guild ship if you want one.


Next question though is that if you're a PvP player, why do you give two fu...rbies about a guild ship? You're not going to RP on it. You're not going to use it for conquests which are PvE content. Why do you care? Seriously, what's the draw?


That's like saying a legally blind person gives two fu...rbies about the price of a Lamborghini. Why? They're never going to drive it. Or that a deaf person cares about the cost of an iPod.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Using the slafko example of his 1 hour run where he made nearly 300k, that 8 man ops group would make nearly 2.4 million in that time, if not less time.

You can run dailies in groups of four people. I mean, you can run them in ops groups of 8, sure, but you're losing time regrouping every time a quest takes you to an instanced area.


As for X people making X times as much credits, this isn't the case since the credit drops are divided between members and loot grops trigger the need/greed system. These two factors reduce the amount gained from drops.


I'm thinking the optimal setup for farming dailies would be two people and their two companions. And that's only when they're not ridiculosly overgeared. I prefer "soloing" my dailies. Most people slow me down and mess up my rythm.

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