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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


5+ hours just to make 1.385 million credits.


Thats got to be some boring playtime especially if you start trying to do it back to back.


UGH..... No thanks!

Edited by Quraswren
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The bottom line is you're paying $15 for the game as it is now, not how you would like it to be. When it no longer becomes the game you want to be playing, you should stop paying. Unfortunately some people think coming here and whining about it is the right thing to do.

Not sure I want to call it a bad thing when someone is giving feedback (when it is actual feedback and not rambling "yer TORTanic game sucks, and you suck BioFail!") before things get to the point where they're ready to call it quits.


Letting the devs know what we think so they can use that info in making their future decisions is one of the points of these forums after all.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Not sure I want to call it a bad thing when someone is giving feedback (when it is actual feedback and not rambling "yer TORTanic game sucks, and you suck BioFail!") before things get to the point where they're ready to call it quits.


Letting the devs know what we think so they can use that info in making their future decisions is one of the points of these forums after all.


You're right. Giving feedback is valuable to them, especially when presented in a constructive manner. If nobody ever spoke up, they would not know that things need to change.

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You don't like the movie analogy? How about this:


Imagine that I subscribe to HBO. I pay my $15 a month, and HBO gives me entertainment. What do you think HBO would say if I walked into their headquarters and demanded that they start showing more of the movies that I like? What if I said that I wanted them to have 90% of the movies be new releases, because I paid my subscription and I expect them to make sure that I'm entertained? If I am bored with the movies they are playing, should I continue paying for the service while demanding that my lack of enjoyment is the service's fault for not going out of its way to give me what I want?


Yes, they should try to make an entertaining service. Yes, you pay with the expectation of being entertained. But the fact that you pay does not obligate them to cater to you, or anyone. They should try to make the most entertaining service they can for all of their customers. Your opinion of what is entertaining is just one voice in a vast crowd and any of their plans to entertain you still need to be tempered by the harsh realities of development timelines, resource availability, and budgets. A service that goes out of business isn't entertaining to anyone.



OK so two points. One, in terms of movies/HBO, not really still doesn't work for me. OK so Netflix, you pay a monthly subscription for it. Why do you think they keep constantly going out to obtain new content and titles? To keep you entertained, and thus subscribed. Why? Because if you get bored with it, you'll cancel. This is why you keep getting emails like "New on Netflix! Look what we just got for you!" etc I agree, however, that no, I'm not walking into Netflix and saying HAVE THESE MOVIES OR I CANCEL......that is over the top and I agree that won't work. But I didn't see that as what was being discussed, here. It was someone not entertained grinding credits to get new content. It would rather be like Netflix making me have to scroll through the queue for 5 hours a day to accumulate some sort of Netflix credits, call it popcorn, in order to obtain a new release movie title, lol. Which in essence was at the root of this whole topic, I think.


And on the second point, to have such an attitude towards one's voice as only once voice in a crowd, is not good business. It is widely known in business that one complaint represents a certain number of those with similar thought, who just didn't take the time to voice it. The more that complain, the more that formula multiplies, so it's always good practice to listen. It's why companies have hotlines and these days, twitter and facebook feeds.

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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You're right. Giving feedback is valuable to them, especially when presented in a constructive manner. If nobody ever spoke up, they would not know that things need to change.


The feedback on the recent topics has been sort of chaotic though. You literally need to read the entirety of multiple threads to get the gist of what different people are saying.


Both sides of the argument on flagships alone are divided into several camps, then there's also the overlap camp favoring scaling costs.


Most people in the lower cost camps want it to be anywhere from free to 30 million credits.


Then there's the debate about the exclusivity of conquests(how exclusive should they be, personal conquests exist too).


In providing our feedback, we should probably establish several things.


1. What we expect to get out of guild flagships.

2. What we expect to have to put forward to acquire guild flagships currently(and if exorbitant, why).

3. What level of effort we believe to be reasonable to acquire guild flagships.

4. What level of difficulty we see in acquiring credits(this one might actually be addressable by the player base in many cases)




What we're doing right now is closer to debating than feedback.

Edited by Vandicus
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If you can do Oricon and Belsavis in twenty minutes.


Bonus missions included on Oricon BTW.

Oricon is really fast, only two I find faster are CZ-198 and Black Hole. I can do Oricon around 30 mins on slinger and around 40 mins on Sage and Sawbones. Maybe faster now, but I just do it on slinger for the weekly and yes I do the bonus missions. I am also terrible about having to kill everything.


I can made 10 million in 2 weeks before on my slinger by playing 3 to 4 hours a night just doing dailies. I killed every gold I saw and did all CtS, all the Belsavis daily heroics and Darkness solo. This was back before CZ-198, Oricon or Makeb. Now I will not do that, but I can earn 5 million in less than a week and half when I want something, just refuse to grind too much.


When I really want credits I just do CtS full clear and Darkness solo killing everything. Easy fast and both net decent credits. If I want matts then I do CtS and Oricon as a savanger.


I'm not a complete jerk, if someone is asking for group for CtS I will invite, I just usually wait until I get to miniboss before inviting. :( Sad I know, but I am only doing it for the credits.

Edited by mikebevo
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40 minutes = 150k-200k in credits. All while not doing a single daily. This does not include any mats that are collected nor the junk sold that tends to average another 30-50k in that same time frame. There is a thread about how to earn 18-25 million in a week. Just need to search for it. :D
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40 minutes = 150k-200k in credits. All while not doing a single daily. This does not include any mats that are collected nor the junk sold that tends to average another 30-50k in that same time frame. There is a thread about how to earn 18-25 million in a week. Just need to search for it. :D


Taking a guess its this one.



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Not sure I want to call it a bad thing when someone is giving feedback (when it is actual feedback and not rambling "yer TORTanic game sucks, and you suck BioFail!") before things get to the point where they're ready to call it quits.


Letting the devs know what we think so they can use that info in making their future decisions is one of the points of these forums after all.


That's much better handled by exit surveys and focused discussion that are dev lead and moderated. The stuff we typically see here isn't terribly useful to them.

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Please quote where it was said you could earn one million credits in an hour.

Would like to be enlighten too and most important, for a game, I did not see that the OP had fun doing so either.

Edited by Deewe
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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


nice, why didnt i see this before i have been doing this all wrong, now all i have to do is quit my job, sell my house, divorce my wife and kids, move in to mom's basement and i can have a guild flagship in no time.


after all mom serves the best Totino's pizza rolls while i try and log on with her 56K dial up connection.;)


seriously now, i dont have the time for that, i may get one or two flashpoints or one or two dailies.



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nice, why didnt i see this before i have been doing this all wrong, now all i have to do is quit my job, sell my house, divorce my wife and kids, move in to mom's basement and i can have a guild flagship in no time.


after all mom serves the best Totino's pizza rolls while i try and log on with her 56K dial up connection.;)


seriously now, i dont have the time for that, i may get one or two flashpoints or one or two dailies.




What's with the random period?

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nice, why didnt i see this before i have been doing this all wrong, now all i have to do is quit my job, sell my house, divorce my wife and kids, move in to mom's basement and i can have a guild flagship in no time.


after all mom serves the best Totino's pizza rolls while i try and log on with her 56K dial up connection.;)


seriously now, i dont have the time for that, i may get one or two flashpoints or one or two dailies.




Well, I think the problem might be that you're trying to get a Guild Ship by yourself.

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Please quote where it was said you could earn one million credits in an hour.

stopped reading the rest of the topic pretty much after reading the first page since they were most all like the above... well, it didn't take me much longer than 5 minutes to find the first one... ok, he refers to an ops group, but still...seeing that the last page isn't much different, guess I will skip the 25 pages in between.


Not exactly comparable effort to getting a guild flagship.


8 people form an ops group to run dailies, make 2-5 million per hour. Or you and your guild could have saved money. 25k saved per day per player between the announcement of Guild flashships would have done it.


By comparison, how many hours of work would it take you to make $50 million REAL WORLD dollars for a house in the Hamptons? Not exactly the same order of magnitude as the effort required for 50 million VIRTUAL CREDITS, is it?


Silly hyperbole is silly.

Edited by LeJarC
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The quotes were all over the topics....though I do not agree that it is not possible to earn that much in an hour, of course it is, it is rather speculative and circumstantial to state it is "easy". Sure, it's easy in some cases, depending on how it is done and how many folks are involved.


But I don't think it's easy for the average joe.


So, yes, it has been said many times (and I suspect most of the folks that demanded proof knew that), but that does not mean it is IMPOSSIBLE to earn a million in an hour. It is very much possible IMO.


Just depends on how it is done. So you can add me to the folks that are saying it can be done, only because I have to be fair about it.


However, in the specific way the OP sets it forth, it is not possible. So the OP is not spreading "disinformation" IMO. It is a quite honest and factual account IMO.

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nice, why didnt i see this before i have been doing this all wrong, now all i have to do is quit my job, sell my house, divorce my wife and kids, move in to mom's basement and i can have a guild flagship in no time.


after all mom serves the best Totino's pizza rolls while i try and log on with her 56K dial up connection.;)


seriously now, i dont have the time for that, i may get one or two flashpoints or one or two dailies.




That's nice & self-defeatist, considering there are hundreds at least of individual players who haven't had to quit their jobs, sell their wives, divorce their houses, or eat their kids, or tie their moms up in their basements while growing a beard in their necks to get enough credits to buy a fully decked out ship 2, 3, 4, even 7 times over.


A guild can do it. Pretty easily. Players might not want to do it, but not wanting to do it just means they don't want the ship, not that the price is wrong.


I have no desire to ever again eat a Double Cheeseburger at McDonald's. Does that mean the $1 or whatever they're charging for it is wrong?

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That's nice & self-defeatist, considering there are hundreds at least of individual players who haven't had to quit their jobs, sell their wives, divorce their houses, or eat their kids, or tie their moms up in their basements while growing a beard in their necks to get enough credits to buy a fully decked out ship 2, 3, 4, even 7 times over.


A guild can do it. Pretty easily. Players might not want to do it, but not wanting to do it just means they don't want the ship, not that the price is wrong.


I have no desire to ever again eat a Double Cheeseburger at McDonald's. Does that mean the $1 or whatever they're charging for it is wrong?


Easily.....all things being equal Darth, perhaps one could say it would not take too much effort if everyone worked together. I just find the term "easily" hard to stomach, only because if it was really that easy, what would be the point?


I think the price is set in a way that it is NOT easy on purpose to give it value. And though I am not against the price per say, I would have liked to have seen more EFFORT required in the way of playing the game in combination with credits, so one could say the following.....


Don't like the price? No problem. Get together as a team and do X, once you do you can pay X instead.

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Easily.....all things being equal Darth, perhaps one could say it would not take too much effort if everyone worked together. I just find the term "easily" hard to stomach, only because if it was really that easy, what would be the point?


I think the price is set in a way that it is NOT easy on purpose to give it value. And though I am not against the price per say, I would have liked to have seen more EFFORT required in the way of playing the game in combination with credits, so one could say the following.....


Don't like the price? No problem. Get together as a team and do X, once you do you can pay X instead.


That's probably fair. I don't think 50M is easy to any except the very largest guilds - over 150, maybe more, active, unique members.


But it's definitely closer to "easy" than "impossible".


I would have liked to have seen a mixed method to acquisition. The quest line for the Seeker Droids and Macrobinoculars and others and the addition of KDY to the lore / game had me believing that BioWare might do something like that.


But I also am a realist (and a software development manager) and I understand that, at the end of the day, BioWare could put only so many resources into the project and had to get it done on a schedule, which slipped already. I doubt there's any reasonable way they could have managed to get a mixed acquisition model approved.


So it's credits.


But that means that each guild can decide for themselves how to get the credits. They can do whatever they like, I suppose aside from standing around and chatting, to earn the guild ship. (Though even if they're standing around and chatting, there's nothing stopping them from sending companions out on gathering missions, and even the lowliest level 2 and 3 missions are generating scads of profit due to this patch, but I digress...)


Even PvP players can earn credits. True enough, they don't come at as fast a pace as some other activities. But they don't incur repair bills and I believe they did just have a period that increased their credit rewards, too, didn't they? Plus why would a "pure" PvP guild care about a ship anyway? It's not like they're going to RP on it. It's not like they're going to do the conquests because those are PvE. That stuff is for carebears.


Where was I going with that? Oh. Yeah. 50m, agree, not "easy". But not worth this amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Edited by DarthTHC
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That's probably fair. I don't think 50M is easy to any except the very largest guilds - over 150, maybe more, active, unique members.


But it's definitely closer to "easy" than "impossible".


I would have liked to have seen a mixed method to acquisition. The quest line for the Seeker Droids and Macrobinoculars and others and the addition of KDY to the lore / game had me believing that BioWare might do something like that.


But I also am a realist (and a software development manager) and I understand that, at the end of the day, BioWare could put only so many resources into the project and had to get it done on a schedule, which slipped already. I doubt there's any reasonable way they could have managed to get a mixed acquisition model approved.


So it's credits.


But that means that each guild can decide for themselves how to get the credits. They can do whatever they like, I suppose aside from standing around and chatting, to earn the guild ship. (Though even if they're standing around and chatting, there's nothing stopping them from sending companions out on gathering missions, and even the lowliest level 2 and 3 missions are generating scads of profit due to this patch, but I digress...)


Even PvP players can earn credits. True enough, they don't come at as fast a pace as some other activities. But they don't incur repair bills and I believe they did just have a period that increased their credit rewards, too, didn't they? Plus why would a "pure" PvP guild care about a ship anyway? It's not like they're going to RP on it. It's not like they're going to do the conquests because those are PvP. That stuff is for carebears.


Where was I going with that? Oh. Yeah. 50m, agree, not "easy". But not worth this amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Fair enough. I may not have put what is happening here as you did in the last sentence....I think discourse is healthy and these things have a tendency of working their way out one way or another...I think we are of like mind here.


Yes, most definitely not "impossible". Perhaps "improbable" for few, "likely" for many. But then it has to have value so it is a desired item IMO.


So it can't be free...nor can it be 500 million credits either. It needs to be somewhere around what the metrics state is reasonable for most guilds IMO.

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Well, I think the problem might be that you're trying to get a Guild Ship by yourself.


holy crap you are right!!! If I can just get myself and a few of my guild leaders to donate a mill a week (the guys who I know can handle it and want to help) then in just a few weeks we got enough for a guild ship oh my god how did I not see that!? :eek:

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