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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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Naah, that wasn't the post he is thinking of. I know which one it is, I just can't find it.


It was just a "this is how much you earn with dailies" type post.

Had nothing to do with guilds or legacy banks or anything like that.


It had how many credits you earned from the missions, how many credits he had earned from loot and how long it took.

I did the credits/minute calculations later in the thread.

Yeah, that's the one. I was just curious about how much money would come from doing the highest one or two credits/hour money-makers on multiple alts over an hour or two, as opposed to going through all the different areas one a single toon.


(I remember being surprised at how low the credits/hour was for Ilum, given the 10k-per-quest rewards and how easy it is to blow through all the enemies there once you're level 55. Ilum's always been one of my go-to moneymakers for Dailies alongside CZ-198.)

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Naah, that wasn't the post he is thinking of. I know which one it is, I just can't find it.


It was just a "this is how much you earn with dailies" type post.

Had nothing to do with guilds or legacy banks or anything like that.


It had how many credits you earned from the missions, how many credits he had earned from loot and how long it took.

I did the credits/minute calculations later in the thread.


This one?

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Naah, that wasn't the post he is thinking of. I know which one it is, I just can't find it.


It was just a "this is how much you earn with dailies" type post.

Had nothing to do with guilds or legacy banks or anything like that.


It had how many credits you earned from the missions, how many credits he had earned from loot and how long it took.

I did the credits/minute calculations later in the thread.

Here's the thread I believe you're talking about:


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I once went 9 hours in a row.



don't look at me like that its summer break!!!


The sad part is that if you spent that much time reading, no one would take an issue. Playing a video game on the other hand, I guess it's akin to laziness.


I played and read for that long in the past; Have no issue or shame admitting it. My social and financial standing is nowhere more dire because of it I assume but to some people, it may as well be I guess. :rolleyes:




Not referring to you BTW, Sangrar. I also meant +5 hours.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I vagly remember someone saying that a guild group could get together and easily get a Million credits for the guild bank (or much more) towards the guild ships in an hour.


Since not only would the dailies go much quicker but 4 of you would be completing the dailies at the same time.


Why would a guild ever consider doing dailies thou...


One TFB run nets 230ish K credits per person and mats worth a million+ if you sell all of them on the GTN.

Edited by aeterno
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Makeb Weekly is an interesting case. Proper selection of which Staged missions to do is essential. My wife and I always choose to do a Stage Heroic in each stage because the Heroics are some of the fastest missions in the chain; the two of us can finish the Heroic before the 10 minutes cooldown on our Quick Travel expires. Knowing how and when to "Cliff Travel" (jump off a cliff to quick travel to the nearest Med Droid, zero repair cost) is essential to a fast run.


But some Makeb missions are incredibly slow: on the Imp side The Dissonance Wave is famously so, but I also have no time for Probes of Perecta or Clear Skies Ahead. Dulfy has estimates for time to complete many of the Makeb Stage Weekly missions, they vary from 5 minutes to 30.


Similarly, the Makeb GSI Heroic is incredibly fast: go to plaza in front of instance, scope the three dishes from the raised platform, enter instance, three quick fights and it's done, The end boss is mostly harmless if you interrupt Artillery every time - easy with two players -- and doubly so if you use your Heroic Moment and accompanying Legacy abilities. The other GSI dailies are also quick and most (including the Heroic) have a Daily and/or Staged mission you can do with them if you like.


No other planet has GSI missions as fast as Makeb's are, so we do the GSI weekly in two days on Makeb, with the accompanying Makeb dailies thrown in on the second day. Very fast, lots of creds and Basics that we cash in for Iso-5. The OP shot his speed run in the foot by doing the GSI missions on Tat. Lots of time on the speeder for those.


TL;DR? Doing the Makeb and GSI weeklies can be painfully slow if you make the wrong choices or do not plan ahead. Doing it as a team with two 180/168 geared DPS toons and their DPS companions (no need to heal if the mobs die before it can hurt you), and making full use of Cliff Travel and Quick travel, it's pretty non-stop, with very few long speeder rides. I have not timed it though.


All that said, I think the Czerka Weekly may be higher yield, especially if you race through the Tactical CZ FPs.


Maybe I can convince my wife to do a timed run of Makeb+GSI and CZ on my 180-geared Sorc in DPS spec and her Smash-spec Jug (Smash seems to be the best Jug spec for dailies).

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Ok, so, looking at this thread we can see that Illum is the best credits-per-minute daily taking 22 minutes earning ~75k.

now, doing that on 4 alts (I'm using that since I have 4 end-level alts) will net you 300.000 credits.

BUT, it will still take you 88 minutes (assuming you have all 4 characters ready to go on Illum and just need to switch).


So there is no way anyone could make 1 million doing dailies in under an hour.


These numbers didn't include weeklies tho, so that could be more, but it's still not enough to make over a million in less than an hour.


But then again, this thread is hardly about if it's possible or not.

It's about the OP claiming that others say it is... which I haven't seen anyone do.



PS. It is noteworthy that having 4 people grouped, doing illum would not only do it faster than 22 minutes (maby 15, there's a limit since you still have to travel), but if they all have 4 alts, that'd be 1.200.000 credits in about an hour. And that doesn't include the weekly.


In other words, a guild doing this would earn 50 mil pretty fast.

But again, that's not the point here.

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Why would a guild ever consider doing dailies thou...


One TFB run nets 230ish K credits per person and mats worth a million+ if you sell all of them on the GTN.


Not everyone raids. Either because they don't want to or they don't have the unlocks.


A good group can probably get through TFB in 2-3 hours.


In that time a a group of 4 could probably get through all or be finishing up the last of the dailies.

Getting over a Million credits each.

if everyone puts everything in the GB, that would be 4 Million. Double that if you use the same 8 people that would run TFB or Quadruple if you would have done a 16man.


Edit: And I know they would all need to split into groups of 4. Just pointing out what that same number of people could accomplish.


Obviously this is all assumptions and I have not personally (yet) done a full daily run like this as part of a group.

Edited by ninjonxb
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A million credits a day in an hour or less a day?


That can be done. More than that, actually.


But I don't think it will be done via dailies.




While you guys are talking TFB, you should be thinking SM S&V, just up to the money mini-boss. Lots of credits on that whole run... if you're good enough to avoid a lot of dying.


Also take 2 groups of 4 or 1 group of 8 to Oricon and see what happens.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I like when threads backfire.


Well, there was this lone dude who said he could get three million credits in three hours or so, while doing dailies...

Each daily area should only take you ~20 minutes to finish.


Anything involving more time isn't worth it. Just run another character through the daily areas if you need the cash.


I've easily made ~3 million credits in a day doing this. I ran the dailies on 3-4 characters. Took me...3 hours I think? Give or take.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Maybe not "one million for one hour" but 500k for 30minutes, lol.... anyone remember that ?


Gross exhagerations about that are common, perhaps simply to imply how much you suck if you don't raise that much or who knows.


But the real question, OP, is why all go through all that trouble to prove that wrong. It's bs most of the time and it doesn't really matter.

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